DISSERTATION XIX. ON THE FOEDERAL TRANSACTIONS OF OUR RELIGIOUS ANCESTORS IN BRITAIN AND IRELAND T HERE are no monuments of the Church, in our native land, as far as I know, to inform us as to her practice prior to the rife of Antichrift. But, since his begun downfall, the Church of Scotland hath not come behind other Reformed Churches in respect of her Fœderal Transactions. At a time when MARY of Lorrain was violating every tic, and straining every nerve to wreath the iron yoke of Antichristian tyranny in the Church, and abfolute government in the State, upon the neck of this land, the Lord was pleased to stir up a 1 few friends to the civil and religious liberties "WE, perceiving how Sathan, in his members, the antichrists of our time, cruelly do rage, seeking to overthrow and to deftroy the Gospel of Christ and his Congregation, ought, according to our bounded duty, to strive, in our Master's cause, even unto the death, being certain of the victory in him. The which, our duty being well confidered, we do promise, before the Majestie of God, and his Congregation, that we (by his grace) shall, with all diligence, continually apply our whole power, substance, and our very lives, to maintain, set forward, and establish, the most bleffed word of God, and his Congregation; and shall labour, at our poffibility, to have faithful masters, truly and purely to minister Christ's Gofpel and Sacraments to his people: We shall maintain them, nourish them, and defend them, the whole Congregation of Christ, and every member thereof, at our whole powers, and waging of our lives, againft Sathan and all wicked power that doth intend tyranny or trouble against the foresaid Congregation. Unto the which holy word and Congregation we do joyne us; and fo do -forfake 1 1 forfake and renounce the congregation of Sa- God called to witness. A. THE Occafions of the preceding Covenant were, The Danger of Perfecution to which the preachers were exposed, from the bigotry of the Queen Regent: And the unsteadiness of the Reformers. Add to these, the importance of the Reformation itself: "Their country was in a miferable state of oppreffion; the bodies and fouls of the people being holden in bondage."" In the cause which they had embraced (the Reformers rightly judged), they ought to be fervent and strenuous. The Almighty, speaking to their confciences, called upon them to hazard their lives for the deliverance of the nation. Were they to prefer their worldly reft to the glory of God? Or the friendship of the wicked to the salvation of their brethren? And, while they were to receive honour and homage on earth, they expected eternal comfort and joy in heaven *." * Dr STUART'S History of the Reformation, p. 88. THE THE next Federal Transaction runs thus : "AT Perth, the last day of May, the year of God 1559 years, the Congregations of the West Country, with the Congregations of Fyfe, Perth, Dundee, Angus, Mearns, and Montrofe, being conveened in the town of Perth, in the name of Jefu Christ, for forth fetting of his glory, understanding nothing more neceffary for the fame than to keep a conftant amity, unity, and fellowship together, according as they are commaunded by God, are confederat, and become bounden and oblist, in the prefence of God, to concur and affist together, in doing all things required of God in his Scripture that may be to his glory; and, at their whole powers, to destroy and away put all things that doth dishonour to his name; so that God may be trewly and purely worshipped. And, in cafe that any trouble be intended against the faid Congregations, or any part or member thereof, the whole Congregation shall concur, affift, and conveen together, to the defence-of the fame congregation or perfon troubled; and shall not fpare labours, goods, substance, bodies, and lives, in maintaining the liberty of the whole Congregation, and every member thereof, againft whatsoever power that shall intend the faid trouble, for cause of religion, or any other cause depending thereupon, or lay to their charge, under pretence thereof, although it happen to be coloured with any other outward ward cause. In witnessing and testimony of the which, the whole Congregations aforesaid have ordained and appointed the noblemen, and perfons underwritten, to subscribe thir prefents. Arch. Argyle; James Stewart; Glencarne; R. Lord Boid; Wchiltree; Matthew Campbell of Tarmgannar." THE alarms of the Congregation, with respect to Perfecution from the Popish party and the Queen Regent, were but too well founded. The Archbishop of St Andrew's having, in vain, tried the force of address on some of the heads of the Reformation, refolved on feverity; but he was equally unfuccessful. It was determined to pour out a flood of perfecution on the chief of the Reformers, while the Church should exhaust all her thunder: But WALTER MILL, a priest, was the only victim which he dared to facrifice at this time. His Christian heroism on the one hand, and the barbarity of his execution on the other, struck the Reformed with unspeakable horror: By yielding to the light of their confcience, they faw themselves exposed to a cruel death. By conforming to the established faith, they hazarded their salvation *." Subscriptions for mutual defence were taken. The covenant to establish the new form of religion extended from the few to the many. When the lead * STUART. ers |