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THE Father, GOD, we glorify,


Who made the earth, and sea, and sky; Who gave His Son for man to die : Thee, Father, GOD, we glorify.

All glory to the Son we give,
Who died for us that we might live;
All praise to Thee, Incarnate Son,
Thou perfect GOD and Man in One.

All glory to the Holy Ghost,

Sent down from Heaven at Pentecost;
The promised Comforter and Guide,
Through Whom our souls are sanctified.

Three Persons but One GOD, to Thee
We sing, O mighty mystery!

To Thee alone all glory be,

O Trinity in Unity!


Sundays after Trinity.


ATHER of all, Whose love from Heaven A ransom for our souls has given, Before Thy throne we sinners bend, To us Thy pardoning Love extend.

Eternal Son, Incarnate Word,
Our Prophet, Priest, Redeemer, Lord,
Before Thy throne we sinners bend,-
To us Thy saving Grace extend.

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Almighty Spirit, by Whose breath
Mankind are raised from sin and death,
Before Thy throne we sinners bend,
To us Thy quickening power extend.

Thrice Holy Father, Spirit, Son,
Mysterious Godhead, Three in One,
Before Thy throne we sinners bend,-
Grace, pardon, life to us extend.





HOU, Who art Thy people's Stay,
Lord of hosts, to Thee we pray,

Turn not Thou Thy Face away.

By the Passion of Thy Son,
By the victory He won,
By the work in us begun,

Help us, that when foes assail,
Though we are so weak and frail,
In the fight we may not fail.

Keep Thy Grace alive within,
Whence all holy thoughts begin,
And absolve our souls from sin.

Putting all our trust in Thee,
Blessed Lord, O let us be
From the bonds of sin set free.

So will we for evermore,
When this sinful life is o'er,
Thee, blest Trinity, adore.




OLY JESU! in Thy Name
Thou hast bid Thy people claim

Of the Father's love, to grant
All the good we ask or want:
Trusting in Thy Name alone,
Draw we near the Father's throne.

Son of Man! to Thee is given,
With the Majesty of Heaven
For mankind to mediate :
Sharer Thou of man's estate,
Hear us when to Thee we plead ;
For Thy brethren intercede.

Son of GOD! to Thee of right,
Sharer of Thy Father's might,
Sole, adorable and true,
Empire o'er the world is due:
Hear us when on Thee we call
For Thy blessing, Lord of all!

Praise to Thy eternal Merit,
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.



LORD of mercy and of might,

Of mankind the Life and Light, Everlasting, Infinite,—

JESU, hear and save !

Who, when sin's primeval doom
Gave creation to the tomb,
Didst not scorn a virgin's womb,-
JESU, hear and save!

Great Creator, Saviour mild,
Humbled to a mortal Child,
Captive, beaten, bound, reviled,—
JESU, hear and save!

Throned above celestial things,
Borne aloft on angels' wings,
Lord of lords and King of kings,-
JESU, hear and save!

Soon on earth to come again,
Judge of angels, and of men,
Hear us now, and hear us then,-
JESU, hear and save!


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