Biron. Worthies, away; the scene begins to cloud. Arm. For mine own part, I breathe free breath. I have seen the day of wrong through the little hole of discretion,' and I will right myself like a soldier. King. How fares your majesty? [Exeunt Worthies. Prin. Boyet, prepare; I will away to-night. For all your fair endeavors, and entreat, Out of a new-sad soul, that you vouchsafe, King. The extreme parts of time extremely form All causes to the purpose of his speed; And often, at his very loose, decides That which long process could not arbitrate. The holy suit which fain it would convince; From what it purposed; since, to wail friends lost, As to rejoice at friends but newly found. Prin. I understand you not; my griefs are double. Biron. Honest, plain words best pierce the ear of grief; And by these badges understand the king. 1 Armado probably means to say, in his affected style, that "he had discovered he was wronged." "One may see day at a little hole,” is a proverb. 2 Loose may mean at the moment of his parting; i. e. of his getting loose or away from us. 3 i. e. which it fain would succeed in obtaining. For your fair sakes have we neglected time, Played foul play with our oaths; your beauty, ladies, To those that make us both,-fair ladies, you; Prin. We have received your letters, full of love; Dum. Our letters, madam, showed much more than We did not quote them so. King. Now, at the latest minute of the hour, Grant us your loves. Prin. A time methinks too short 1 Thus in Decker's Satiromastix: "You shall swear not to bombast out a new play with the old linings of jests." 2 Regard. To make a world-without-end bargain in. Change not your offer made in heat of blood; Come challenge, challenge me by these deserts. For the remembrance of my father's death. King. If this, or more than this, I would deny, Hence ever, then, my heart is in thy breast. Biron. And what to me, my love? and what to me? Ros. You must be purged too; your sins are rank ; You are attaint with faults and perjury; Therefore, if you my favor mean to get, A twelvemonth shall you spend, and never rest, But seek the weary beds of people sick. Dum. But what to me, my love? but what to me? Kath. A wife!—A beard, fair health, and honesty; With threefold love I wish you all these three. 1 Clothing. Dum. O, shall I say, I thank you, gentle wife? Kath. Not so, my lord.-A twelvemonth and a day I'll mark no words that smooth-faced wooers say. Come when the king doth to my lady come; Then, if I have much love, I'll give you some. Dum. I'll serve thee true and faithfully till then. Kath. Yet swear not, lest you be forsworn again. Long. What says Maria? Mar. Ros. Oft have 1 heard of you, my lord Birón, your wit. To weed this wormwood from your fruitful brain, To enforce the pained impotent to smile. Biron. To move wild laughter in the throat of death? It cannot be; it is impossible. Mirth cannot move a soul in agony. Ros. Why, that's the way to choke a gibing spirit, Of him that hears it, never in the tongue Deafed with the clamors of their own dear1 befall, groans, Well, befall what will I'll jest a twelvemonth in an hospital. Prin. Ay, sweet my lord; and so I take my leave. [To the King. King. No, madam; we will bring you on your way. Biron. Our wooing doth not end like an old play; Jack hath not Jill: these ladies' courtesy Might well have made our sport a comedy. King. Come, sir, it wants a twelvemonth and a day, And then 'twill end. Biron. That's too long for a play. Enter ARMADO. Arm. Sweet majesty, vouchsafe me;— Dum. The worthy knight of Troy. Arm. I will kiss thy royal finger and take leave. I am a votary; I have vowed to Jaquenetta to hold the plough for her sweet love three years. But, most esteemed greatness, will you hear the dialogue that the two learned men have compiled, in praise of the owl and the cuckoo? it should have followed in the end of our show. King. Call them forth quickly; we will do so. Enter HOLOFERNES, Nathaniel, Moth, Costard, and others. This side is Hiems, winter; this Ver, the spring; the one maintained by the owl, the other by the cuckoo. Ver, begin. 1 Dear; used by ancient writers to express pain, solicitude, &c. |