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38. P. Atanasio Novelle, 2 vols. 8vo. 39. Varchi l'Ercolano, 4to. Fir. 1730. 40. Fontanini Eloquenza Italiana, 4to. Rome, 1736.

41. Vite de Papi, 2 vols. 8vo. ed moderna.

42. Poliriano de conjuratione pactiana. 43. Mattei. Traduzione de Salmi, 6 vols. 8vo. Napoli.

44. Buonerroti la Farcia, &c. Fog. Fir. le Rime, 8vo. fig.

45. 46. Villani Storia di Fir. 2 tomi, 4to.". 47. Verdizotti cento favole, 4to. fig. Ven. 1689.

48. Crealterrezi il Novellino. Fir. 2 vols. 49. Vasari Vite di Pittori, 3 tomi, 4to. car. max, Roma.

50. Allegri. Rime, Amsterdam.

51. Poliziano stanze. Pad. Comino, 1765. 52. Mazzrecchelli Vita di P. Aretine

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25. Bandello, 9 vols. 8vo. Livorno. 26, Boccaccio, 4 vols. 8vo. Livorno. 27. Bottari Lettere pittoriche, 7 vols. 4to. Roma, (raro.)

28. Lanzi Storia pittorica, 3 vols. 8vo. grande.

53. Chiari Comedie, 12 tomi, 8vo.

54. Dolce le Metamorfosi trad. in 8vo. rima 4to. fig.

55. Maffei Opere, 21 vols. 8vo. grande. 56. Parnesso Ital. 96 vols. zatta 12mo. dé Traduttori, 32 vols. 12mo. - degli oatori viventi, 18 vols.

57. 58. 12mo.

59. Fabroni Vite Italorum, 18 vols. 8vo. 60. Tiraboschi Storia della Letteratura Ital. 16 vols. 4to.



16 vols. 8vo. Vita di F. Testi.

63. Borromeo Catalogo de' Novellieri. 64. Arwood Catalogo de Libri clas-sici.



65. Antichità d'Ercolano, 9 vols. Fog.

66. Museo Pio Clementino, 6 vol. Fogl.

67. Bajardi Prodromo delle Antichità d'Ercolano.

68. Dante. Fog. fig. con note del Landini,


69. Petrarca. Prima edizione. 70. T. Livio. Prima edizione. 71. T. Festus, ditto.

E alcuni Codici in carta pecora.


Proposals have been issued for publishing by Subscription, elegantly printed in six volumes octavo, The History of Italian Literature; or

29. Calluzzi Stória de gran. Duchi di Tos-of the State of Letters, the Sciences, and the cana, 5 vols. 4to. gr. fig.

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Arts, among the ancient inhabitants of Etruria, Magna Græcia, Sicily, Rome, and of all Italy; from some ages before the foundation of the city, down to the year 1700; exhibit. ing a general and comprehensive view of the rise, progress, vicissitudes, decline, and re-vival, of poetry, eloquence, philosophy, mathematics, history, jurisprudence, medicine, -music, painting, sculpture, and architecture, in that country, during a period of about 2500 years: with an account of the means which contributed to their Advancement, and of the authors, and causes of their de

cline. Written originally in Italian, in fifteen volumes quarto, by the Abate Jerome Tiraboschi. Translated and abridged from the late Modena edition by the Rev. John Sennett.

The Rev. Jonathan Boucher, M.A. F.R.S. &c. has issued a new and enlarged Prospectus of his intended Supplement to Dr. Johnson's Dictionary; or a Glossary of the Archaisms and Provincialisms of the English Language. To be published by Subscription, and comprised in 2 volumes, 4to. From this Prospectus we give the following ex


A persuasion, which I have long entertained, that a Supplement to Dr. Johnson's Dictionary was a desideratum in English Literature, first induced me to undertake the Work here announced to the Public; and the liberal and very flattering encouragement already given to my first Proposals animate me to proceed in it with renewed spirits.

The age of Elizabeth, is the boundary beyond which Dr. Johnson has seldom gone. His references are, in general, restricted to the works of Sidney, Spenser, Hooker, Bacon, Shakspeare, Milton, Cowley, Dryden, Swift, Addison, Pope, and their contemporaries. Some archaiological words, however, are admitted by him, when " they are found in authors who are not obsolete; or when they have any force or beauty, that may deserve revival." Governed by this principle, I have extended his plan, and endeavoured to supply his deficiences; and hence my references are, chiefly, to Robert of Gloucester, Peter Langtoft, Chaucer, Piers Plowman, Gower, Gavin Douglas, Henry son, Dunbar, Lyndesay, Allan Ramsay, and Burns, among our poets: to the ancient writers in Divinity, History, Medicine, and Law; and also to the Statutes and other public Records. I have drawn still more copiously from "the Well of English undefiled," the common speech of our peasantry. It was the object of Dr. Johnson to furnish his countrymen with a Dictionary of the English Language, only, as spoken and written by the best speakers, and best modern authors. It is the object of this SUPPLEMENT to enable those who consult it, to read, and to relish, our ancient British classics; to exhibit a full historical view of our speech as it was formerly spoken; and thus to shew that, in language as in politics, "to innovate is not always to reform *."

The several Glossaries of Cotgrave, Minshew, Spelman, Skinner, Junius, and Bailey, which alone have any title to the claim of Archaiological, though of great merit, yet

leave numberless words in our old chroni

clers, and bards, still unexplained. Wicliffe's Translation of the Scriptures, venerable as it is on account of its subject, its age, and its author, is, notwithstanding its Glossary, locked up in an unknown tongue. * Burke.

The Glossaries of Ruddiman, Urry, and Tyrwhitt, all of them the productions of men of learning and great abilities, yet are limited to the illustration of single works. Those annexed to several of the Scottish provincial poets, to some compositions in the dialects of different districts in the North of England, and to the Exmoor Dialogues, (published some years ago as specimens of the West Country dialect), are of very inferior value: from which censure, however, I feel much pleasure in having it in my power to except the Glossaries annexed to "Wyntownis' Cronykil," and to "The Complaynt of Scotland."

I offer my Work to the Public as supplemental to other Dictionaries and other Glossaries: yet, anxious to relieve the dryness of verbal discussions, I have, in humble imitation of my great Prototype, attempted occasionally to "intersperse with verdure and flowers the dusty deserts of barren philology." I trust it will not be said, that, "ornari res ipsa negat." The explanation of a single vocable has often led me into historical investigations respecting the names of persons or places, municipal regulations, legal terms, religious ceremonies, popular customs, buildings, diet, dress, employments, sports and amusements, of our ancestors. Literary remarks and criticisms on obscure and difficult passages in our ancient poets and historians, and on the Greek and Roman classics, are likewise incidentally introduced; and not a few on the Scriptures themselves. Indeed, many of the words in the English

translation of the Bible cannot be well understood without the aid of an Archaíological Lexicographer.

In all Languages, the diversity of sense in which words are used renders perfect accuracy of definition peculiarly difficult. A reader, who is contented to take the definition of a term given to him by a Dictionary, which does not at the same time produce the authority on which such definition is founded, must give up his judgment entirely to the judgment of the compiler of his dictionary. This is to be avoided only by tracing the rise and progress of the word in question. Hence, it has been one of my most constant purposes to consideration, through all their doublings pursue the several words that fall under my and disguises in other languages, whether of Celtic or Gothic origin. Sometimes they are found, little concealed, in the Welsh, Irish, Gaelic, or Armoric; sometimes more disguised in the Italian, French, or Spanish; or in the Latin, Greek, or Hebrew; and, sometimes, taking a different direction, I have traced them to the Saxon, German, Danish, Swedish, and Islandic. Nor are the instances few in which I have experienced the fate of Voyages of Discovery; and my researches undertaking of such extent and variety, I have ended in disappointment. Yet, in an may surely, without shame, be content with Dr. Johnson, "to leave some obscurities to happier industry, or future information.”



FOR JUNE, 1802.

LIAM SHEPHERD, 4to. Embel-
lished with a beautiful Vignette, on


these books I have selected whatever appeared to be relevant to my subject; and I have also introduced into my narrative such extracts from the writings of Poggio as tend to illustrate not only his own character, but also that of the times in which he lived." Pref. p. 2, 3.

HE author informs us in his preface that, from a perusal of Mr. Roscoe's celebrated Life of Lorenzo In this work are eleven chapters de Medici, in which is noticed the and 487 pages. services rendered to the cause of Li- Chap. 1. Poggio, the son of Gucterature by Poggio Bracciolini, he cio Bracciolini, was born in the year was led to imagine that the history of 1380, at Terranuova, a small town Poggio must contain a rich fund of situated in the territory of the reinformation respecting the revival of public of Florence, not far from letters. Having noticed, that he found Arezzo...... From his father, Pogthe Life of Poggio written by L. En- gio inherited no advantages of rank fant very erroneous, and that written or fortune. Guccio Bracciolini, who by Recanati, "though scrupulously exercised the office of notary, was accurate, too concise to be generally once indeed possessed of considerable interesting, and totally destitute of property; but being either by his those minute particularities which own imprudence, or by misfortune, alone can give a clear and correct involved in difficulties, he had reidea of individual character,"--the course to the destructive assistance of author says, "I was persuaded that an usurer, by whose rapacious artithe labours" of Recanati by no means fices his ruin was speedily comsuperseded any further attempts to pleted, and he was compelled to fly elucidate the history of Poggio. I from the pursuit of his creditors. therefore undertook the task of giving a detailed account of the life and writings of that eminent reviver of literature; and being convinced, from a perusal of his epistolary correspon dence, that his connections with the most accomplished scholars of his age, would impose upon his biographer the duty of giving some account of his learned contemporaries, whilst his situation in the Roman chancery, in some degree implicated him in the political changes which, in his days, distracted Italy, I carefully examined such books as were likely to illustrate the literary, civil, and ecclesiastical history of the period of which I had to treat. From VOL. I.

"But whatever might be the disadvantages under which Poggio laboured, in consequence of the embarrassed state of his father's fortune, in a literary point of view, the circumstances of his birth were singularly propitious. At the close of the fourteenth century, the writings of Petracca and Boccacio were read with avidity, and the labours of those eminent revivers of letters had excited throughout Italy the emulation of the learned. The day-star had now pierced through the gloom of mental night, and the dawn of literature was gradually increasing in brilliancy. The city of Florence was, at this early period, distinguished by the zeal with

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which its principal inhabitants cultivated and patronized the liberal arts. It was consequently the favourite resort of the ablest scholars of the time; some of whom were induced by the offer of considerable salaries, to undertake the task of public instruction. In this celebrated school, Poggio applied himself to the study of the Latin tongue, under the direction of Giovanni Malpaghino, more commonly known by the appellation of John of Ravenna. p. 3-5.

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"The troubled state of the eastern empire, compelled many learned Greeks to quit their native country, and fly into Italy. These accomplished emigrants diffused, through out the districts in which they took refuge, the knowledge of the Grecian language, of that language which, as Mr. Gibbon happily says, gives a 'soul to the objects of sense, and a body to the abstractions of philosophy. Fixing their residence in the Italian universities, they were hailed as the dispensers of science, and the oracles of wisdom. Their lectures were assiduously attended, and their instructions were imbibed with all the ardour of enthusiasm. In the lists of these illustrious professors, the name of Manuel CrysoToras holds a distinguished rank.... .... Under the direction of CrysoJoras, at Florence, Poggio applied himself with assiduity to the cultivation of Grecian literature. It is impossible at this remote period accurately to trace the progress of his advancement in knowledge; but the display of literary acquirements which procured him so much honour in his maturer years, affords ample testimony of the enlightened and successful industry with which he prosecuted his studies in the Tuscan university.

largely into the history of the cele brated ecclesiastical feud, whic hi commonly distinguished by the name of the Schism of the West, as no fewer than six of Poggio's patrons were implicated in its progress and consequences.

Upon noticing a peace concluded between the Milanese and Florentines, on the basis of mutual restitution, the author remarks, "when will a sufficient number of instances have been recorded by the pen of history, of nations harassing each other by the outrages of war; and after years of havock and bloodshed, when exhausted by exertions beyond their natural strength, agreeing to forget the original subject of dispute, and mutually to resume the station which they occupied at the commencement of the contest? Were subjects wise,' what would be their reflections, when their rulers, after the most lavish waste of blood, coolly sit down and propose to each other the status quo ante bellum? Happy would it be, could the status quo be extended to the widow and the orphan-to the thousands, and tens of thousands, who, in consequence of the hardships and accidents of war, are doomed to languish out the remnant of their lives in torment and decrepitude." p. 17.

The forces of the duke of Milan had made an incursion even to the gates of Florence. Ruin and desolation attended their progress, and a great number of inhabitants were made captives. "The following letter, addressed on a similar occasion by Poggio to the chancellor of Sienna, is at once a document of the misery to which the small states of Italy were at this time exposed, in consequence of the wasteful irruptions of their enemies, and a record of the benevolent dispositions of the writer's heart.


"When he had attained a competent knowledge of the Latin and Greek languages, Poggio quitted Flo- I could have wished that our rence and went to Rome, where his correspondence had commenced on literary reputation introduced him. other grounds than the calamity of to the notice of Boniface IX. who a man for whom I have great retook him into his service, and pro- gard, and who has been taken capmoted him to the office of writer of tive, together with his wife and chitthe apostolic letters." p. 6-8. Thisdren, whilst he was engaged in the the author supposes took place in 'cultivation of my estate. I am informed that he and one of his sons are now languishing in the prisons of Sienna. Another of his children, a boy of about five years of age, is missing, and it is not known whe


At the time of Poggio's admission into the pontifical chancery, Italy was convulsed by war and faction.

The author likewise enters pretty

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ther he is dead or alive. What can exceed the misery of this lament*able destiny? I wish these distresses might fall upon the heads of their original authors: but, alas! the ⚫ wretched rustics pay the forfeit of ⚫ the crimes of others. When I reflect on the situation of those on whose behalf I now intercede with you, my writing is interrupted by my tears. For I cannot help contemplating, in the eye of imagination, the woe-worn aspect of the fa'ther-the pallid countenance of the 'mother-the exquisite grief of the unhappy son. They have lost every thing except their life, which is bereft of all its comforts. For the fa'ther, the captors demand, by way ' of ransom, ten, for the son, forty 'florins. These sums it is impossible 'for them to raise, as they have been 'deprived of their all by the rapacity of the soldiers, and if they do not 'meet with assistance from the well 'disposed, they must end their days in captivity. I take the liberty of 'earnestly pressing this case upon 'your consideration; and I entreat you to use your utmost exertions to redeem these unfortunate people on the lowest terms possible. If you have any regard for my entreaties, or if you feel that affection which is 'due from one friend to another, I beseech you, with all possible im'portunity, to undertake the care of 'this wretched family, and save them 'from the misery of perishing in prison. This you may effect by exerting your interest to get their ransom fixed at a low rate. Whatever must be paid on this account, must 'be advanced by me. I trust my 'friend Pietro will, if it be necessary, assist you in this affair. I must request you to give me an answer, informing me what you can do, or rather what you have done to serve me in this matter. I say what you ' have done, for I know you are able, and I trust you are willing to assist 'me. But I must hasten to close my letter, lest the misery of these unhappy people should be prolonged by my delay'." p. 19-22.


This chapter contains accounts of the factions and wars of Italy as well as the conduct and characters of the popes during the schism, concluding with the appointment of a general Council by Pope John XXII. at the instance of the Emperor Sigismund, to meet at the city of Constance.

Chap. II. Poggio attended Pope John to Constance, in the quality of secretary; but as the pontiff fled from the council, his houshold was dispersed, and Poggio remained sometime at Constance. Having a good deal of leisure, he employed his vacant hours in studying the Hebrew language, under the direction of a Jew, who had been converted to the Christian faith.

The first act of the council of Constance was the trial of Pope John, who was charged with the most atrocious vices incident to the vilest corruption of human nature, which the council declared to have been proved against him, for which they degraded him from his dignity,and deprived him of his liberty. It was by this council John Huss, the celebrated Bohemian reformer, was examined and condemned; and, notwithstanding the safe conduct he procured from the emperor, was imprisoned, cruelly treated, and afterwards burnt. He came to the council for the purpose of defending his sentiments, depending upon the authority of the protection he obtained; and though "Sigismund had given positive orders for his release from confinement, these orders were disobeyed: and when the emperor arrived at Constance, sufficient reasons were alledged by the pope, to induce him to pardon this act of resistance to his authority, and resign the too credulous prisoner to the jurisdiction of an ecclesiastical tribunal.” p. 56.

The conduct of the council towards the pope is contrasted with their behaviour to the venerable John Huss; and his martyrdom is noticed as follows:

"In the mildness of the sentence passed by the council upon the delinquent Pontiff, the members of that assembly seem to have exhausted their stock of leniency. Their mercy was reserved for dignified offenders; and it appears by their subsequent conduct, that however tender and gentle they might be in punishing immorality of practice, the unrelenting fury of their vengeance was excited by errors in matters of opinion. The process against John Huss was expedited with all the ardour of ecclesiastical zeal. The unfortunate reformer was at various times brought in chains before a tribunal, on which his enemies sat in quality of judges; and surrounded by a military guard,

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