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frequently done, more particularly by selecting Sunday as a day for travelling, for taking long journies, which might as well be performed at any other time. This is a direct violation of the fourth commandment, which expressly gives the sabbath as a day of rest to our servants and our cat


"This temporary suspension of labour, this refreshment and relief from incessant toil, is most graciously allowed, even to the brute creation, by the great Governor of the universe, whose mercy extends over all his works. It is the boon of heaven itself; it is a small drop of comfort thrown into their cup of misery; and to wrest from them this only privilege, this sweetest consolation of their wretched existence, is a degree of inhumanity for which there wants a name, and of which few people I am persuaded, if they could be brought to reflect seriously upon it, would ever be guilty." p. 255, 256.

Lecture XI. Matth. xiii.-Nature and use of Parables.

Lecture XII. Matthew xiii. continued.-Parable of the Sower explained.

Lecture XIII. Matth. xiii. continued.-Parable of the Tares explained.

Lecture XIV. Matthew xiv.-History of Herod and Herodias.-Death of John the Baptist.

From the remarks arising from the circumstances connected with the murder of John, we select the following:

"We here see a fatal proof of the extreme barbarities to which that most diabolical sentiment of revenge will drive the natural tenderness even of a female mind; what a close connection there is between crimes of apparently very different complexion; and how frequently the uncontrolled indulgence of what are called the softer affections, lead ultimately to the most violent excesses of the malignant passions. The voluptuary generally piques himself on his benevolence, his humanity, and gentleness of disposition. His claim even to those virtues is at the best very problematical; because, in his pursuit of pleasure, he makes no scruple of sacrificing the peace, the comfort, the happiness of those for whom he pretends the tenderest affection, to


the gratification of his own selfish desires. But however he may preserve his good humour, when he meets with no resistance, the moment he is thwarted and opposed in his flagitious purposes, he has no hesitation in going any lengths to gain his point, and will fight his way to the object he has in view through the heart of the very best friend he has in the world. The same thing we see in a still more striking point of view, in the conduct of Herodias. She was at first only a bold, unprincipled libertine, and might perhaps be admired and celebrated, as many others of that description have been, for her good temper, her sensibility, her generosity to the poor; and with this character she might have gone out of the world, had no such person as John arisen to reprove her and her husband for their profligacy, and to endanger the continuance of her guilty commerce. But no sooner does he rebuke them as they de served, than Herodias shewed that she had other passions to indulge be sides those which had hitherto disgraced her character; and that, when she found it necessary to her pleas sures, she could be as cruel as she had been licentious; could contrive and accomplish the destruction of a great and good man, could feast her eyes with the sight of his mangled head in a charger, could even make her own poor child the instrument of her vengeance, and, as I am inclined to think, a reluctant accomplice in a most atrocious murder.

"Here is a most awful lesson held out, not only to the female sex, but to both sexes, to persons of all ages and conditions, to beware of giving way to any one evil propensity in their nature, however it may be disguised under popular names, however indulgently it may be treated by the world, however it may be authorized by the general practice of mankind; because they here see, that they may not only be led into the grossest extravagancies of that individual passion, but may also be insensibly betrayed into the commission of crimes of the deepest dye, which in their serious moments they always contemplated with the utmost horror." p. 377379.

Lecture XV. Matthew xvii.-The Transfiguration of Christ.


Lecture XVI. Matth. xviii.-Making our brother to offend.-Parable of the Unforgiving Servant.

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In discoursing upon the first subject in this Lecture, the peculiar meaning of the word offend is stated to be a causing any one to fall from his faith, to renounce his belief in Christ by any means whatever; and against every one that makes use either of violence or artifice to terrify or seduce the sincere, and humble, and unsuspicious believer in Christ from his faith and obedience to his divine Master, the severest woes and the heaviest punishments are here denounced.' Vol. ii. p. 33.

The various modes of making our brother to offend are considered, among which our attention is engaged by the following:

"A bad example, though it operates fatally, operates comparatively within a small circumference. It extends only to those who are near enough to observe it, and fall within the reach of the poisonous infection that it spreads around it; but the contagion of a licentious publication, especially if it be (as it too frequently is) in a popular and captivating shape, knows no bounds; it flies to the remotest corners of the earth; it pene trates the obscure and retired habitations of simplicity and innocence; it makes its way into the cottage of the peasant, into the hut of the shep herd, and the shop of the mechanic; it falls into the hands of all ages, ranks, and conditions; but it is peculiarly fatal to the unsuspecting and unguarded minds of the youth of both sexes, and to them its breath is poison and its touch is death.'

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"What then have they to answer for, who are every day obtruding these publications on the world, in a thousand different shapes and forms; in history, in biography, in poems, in novels, in dramatic. pieces; in all which the prevailing feature is universal philanthropy and indiscriminate benevolence; under the protection of which the hero of the piece has the privilege of committing whatever ir regularities be thinks fit; and while he is violating the most sacred obligations, insinuating the most licentious sentiments, and ridiculing every thing that looks like religion, he is nevertheless held up as a model of virtue; and though he may perhaps

be charged with a few little venial foibles, and pardonable infirmities, (as they are called) yet we are assured that he has notwithstanding the very best heart in the world. Thus it is that the principles of our youth are insensibly, and almost unavoidably corrupted; and instead of being inspired, as they ought to be, even upon the stage, with a just detestation of vice, they are furnished with apologies for it, which they never forget, and are even taught to consider it as a necessary part of an accomplished character.

"And as if we had not enough of this disgusting nonsense and abominable profligacy in our own country, and in our own language, we are every day importing fresh samples of them from abroad, are ingrafting foreign immorality on our own native stock, and introducing characters on the stage or into the closet, which are calculated to recommend the most licentious principles, and favour irregularities and attachments that deserve the severest reprehension and punishment." Vol ii. p. 41-43.

Lecture XVII, Matth. xix.-The Means of attaining Eternal Life.Difficulty of a Rich Man entering into the Kingdom of Heaven.

Lecture XVIII. Matthew xxii.→ Parable of the Marriage Feast.-Insidious Questions put to Christ.-Two great Commandments.

Lecture XIX. Matth. xxiv.-Our Lord's Prediction of the Siege and Destruction of Jerusalem.

Lecture XX. Matth. xxiv. xxv.— Further Remarks on the same Prophecy.-Parables of the Ten Virgins and of the Talents.-Day of Judg.

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INDIA forwards ENGLAND, in the
Year 1797.


(Concluded from page 285.)

OR the journey from BAGDAD to CONSTANTINOPLE Mr. Jackson assumes a new habit, of which he gives the following account: "My Tatar* dress being ready, as well as the trappings of my horse, I began to prepare for my departure from BAGDAD. Though I was to travel under the title of consul, yet it was necessary to wear the Tatar dress, to avoid being insulted by the populace, as is always the case when they discover an European, whom they call Fringui. I had also my head shaved, which I found to be of great service, as it kept me cool, and was more convenient to me in wearing the Tatar dress." p. 105, 106.

"My dress consisted of a yellow cap, about a foot high, broad at top, and almost flat, but becoming gradually narrower till it fitted the head. The lower part of the cap was covered all round with black lambskin about four inches deep, the inside lined and quilted, and in the upper part stuffed with wool extremely tight. Being thus calculated to resist any weapon, it it an excellent safeguard to the head. This cap, which, being very heavy, feels unpleasant at first, is called a culpack, and is only worn by the Tatars. My other articles of apparel were a brown cloth coat trimmed with a broad black silk binding, wrapped quite round the body, with short wide sleeves, and hanging down to the calf of the leg; blue Turkish trousers, trimmed with black silk binding, made very wide, but buttoning tight round the small of the leg; and strong red boots to pull over the trousers as high as the calf of the leg. The under dress Ja Turkish gown, with long sleeves, buttoning close round the wrist, and a shirt without a collar. Turks of all descriptions have the neck entirely bare. The Tatars wear drawers; but I wore a pair of strong leather

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breeches under my trousers, which I found of very great service. A cumberband about six yards long was tied very tightly round my waist, and in this I hung a brace of pistols, beside having a large Turkish abre fastened round my middle with a belt. My European clothes, and whatever I had packed up in wax cloth; shirts, had not immediate occasion for, I stockings, and other necessaries that

I should have occasion for on the journey, I had put into a leather pouch, which was fastened behind the saddle." (With this description is a plate.) p. 107-109.

At DIABEKIR "the author caught some locusts of an extraordinary size, and very thick in proportion to their length. They have no wings, move slowly, and are easily taken. I soon found it necessary to be careful that for I am perthey did not bite me, suaded that they could easily have bitten my finger to the bone. I tried quill, which it bit through instantly. one with a twig about as thick as a

I then dissected one, and on examining one of its grinders, found it nearly as large as a human tooth, and so hard, that I was not able to make

any impression on it with my penknife. The grinders were nearly the colour of mahogany.

"Finding that we were not molested by flies or other insects, and ascribing this circumstance to the excessive heat of the sun at this season, I made an experiment on one of these large locusts, by exposing it to the sun, which actually killed it in less than an hour. I also found that flies, when exposed in the middle of the day, fell down almost instantly; and that all kinds of insects must either get into some shade, or inevitably perish.", p. 139, 140.

In a description of DIABEKIR, the Author writes:

which there are great numbers. They "I visited the manufactories, of manufacture copper, iron, wool, cotton, silk, and several other staples. the weavers are numerous. People Some of their wool is very fine, and of the same trade usually live toge

ther; thus, one street contains no

thing but weavers; another street,
Their leather is very good, and they
shoemakers; another, smiths, &c.
I had
work it exceedingly well.
cases made for my pistols, which were
executed very neatly. Here are a

great many dyers, and the waters of the TIGRIS are said to be peculiarly, adapted to the purposes of that trade.

"In some branches these people are equal, if not superior, to many Europeans; but the weavers are very inferior to the English; and the cloth they make, whether of woollen, cotton, or silk, is always very narrow. They entertain a very high opinion of the British manufactures, and the very name of an Englishman is sufficient to gain the greatest respect.

"People of all descriptions seem here to enjoy much liberty. The various sects of Christians have their chapels and churches, and each follows his own mode of worship without molestation." p. 161-163.

Facing page 179 is a plate, representing a portable spinning machine, used at KESSERECK and GERMILLY in ARMENIA, by which one man spins two threads, twists the two threads he has spun before, and turns the wheel at the same time.

Among some of the manners and customs noticed, we think the following merits attention.

"At one o'clock we arrived at the encampment of HASSAN CHILLABY; for here also the inhabitants, having quitted the town, which was about two miles distant, had encamped on a hill.

"I now found that we could not proceed farther without a very strong guard.

"The people belonging to the tent wherein we rested were very attentive, and I was fortunate in cultivating the friendship of the women, who took some pains to provide such food and refreshment as they thought I should like best. I had also a favourable opportunity of observing their manners and customs.

"The whole of the cattle belonging to these encampments are driven every morning into such of the val lies as contain the greatest plenty of water and vegetation, where they are watched all day by two or three persons employed for that purpose, and in the evening are brought back again. The tents are always pitched in a circle, and the cattle remain all night in the centre.

The people rise at dawn of day, and the first employment of the wo men is to milk their cows and goats, which are immediately sent off again

to pasture. The women then put the milk into a sort of bottle made of a goat's skin, every part of which is sewed up except the neck; but when they are churning, the neck is tied with a string close and tight enough to prevent the milk running out. They then fix three strong sticks in the ground, in a form something like what we often use in raising weights, only on a smaller scale. From these they suspend the goat's skin tied by each end, and continue shaking it backward and forward till it becomes butter; and they easily know when it is ready by the noise it makes. They then empty the skins into a large vessel, skim off the butter, put hot water into the skin to clean it, and hang it up to dry.

"Besides this employment, they have also to bake bread every morning for the day's consumption; for all this work is performed by the women. The bread is baked on large iron plates, as in many parts of EUROPE; but should any of the women happen to lie longer than usual in the morning, so as not to be able to get their work done before the sun becomes hot, they not only have to work in the sun, but are heartily laughed at by better housewives." p. 187-189.

In the course of the journey the author had an opportunity of witnessing the agility of his conductors. He says, "they would sometimes draw out of the ranks half a dozen on each side, and throw blunted spears, at which exercise these men are wonderfully dexterous, being able to pick up spears from the ground without quitting their horses. They have also a particular method of avoiding their opponents spears by hanging down on the opposite side of the horse, and thus exposing only one foot, yet al the same time going on full gallop. But though the men are at this exercise so much superior to Europeans, I was even more entertained by observing the motions of the horses, some of which were beautiful white Arabians. The horseman makes very little use of the reins on these occa sions, and the horse is governed by the motions of the rider's body. If the latter lean towards the right or left, the horse will turn to that side, and if the motion be quick will gallop full speed. If the rider lean forward, the horse gallops straight on; and if the man raise his body upright, the

horse, though at that time on full speed, will stop in a moment, without the rider touching the bridle." p. 196, 197.

Amasia is considered by our Author to be a very pleasant situation, and he has given the representation of it in a plate.

"For nearly a mile above the town was a deep valley, in which were many gardens and orchards. There was also a fine stream of water running from the mountains that we had come over, on which were several mills.

"AMASIA is a very extensive and populous town, nearly as large as TOCAT, and is surrounded by many lofty rugged mountains. The faces of these mountains have nearly half a mile of almost perpendicular height; and in one of these are several places cut in the solid rock, similar to a Hindoo pagoda, and which can only be approached by little narrow passes cut through the rock." p. 211, 212. The method of watering this town deserves notice.

"The town is well watered, particularly the lower parts, by means of large wheels near thirty feet in diameter. These are turned by the stream, having a great many large buckets fastened to them. As the wheel turns round, these buckets empty themselves into troughs fixed within a few feet as high as the wheel. By this method they are enabled to keep up a continual stream of water, which is conveyed by pipes from the troughs to the hummums, fountains, &c." p. 212, 213.

A custom among the Grecian women is thus noticed. "At a village called BENLEE, we stopt half an hour at a Greek's house to refresh. The master of the house had two very beautiful daughters. The Greeks in general have handsome features; but these particularly attracted my attention. They, as well as the peasantry in general, had a very ridiculous custom of tying all their treasure round their necks; and I have actually seen some wear three or four hundred Venetian sequins perforated and fastened round their necks with silk strings. This custom, however, is confined to the unmarried part of the sex, wives having no ornament whatever on that part of their persons." p. 247, 248.

The author also notices the method used here of separating the corn from

the straw, and observed the same to be adopted in all countries where the rains are periodical. "They make a ring about forty yards round, sometimes of clay, and sometimes paved. They then bring their corn from the field, and throw it in a heap in the middle of the ring. They have a sledge too, which is sometimes drawn by bullocks, sometimes by horses, and some of these have pieces of iron driven into the bottom, to cut the straw as it goes round, though in others I have seen flint stones fastened to the bottom. Upon the sledge is a heavy weight. Beside the person who drives the cattle, another is employed with a fork in tossing the straw from the ring, if the grain is extracted, and taking fresh from the heap in the middle. In this manner they are enabled to continue till they have extracted the whole of their corn, without being in any danger of having it spoiled by rain. This is much quicker, and easier too, than our mode of thrashing in ENGLAND." p. 249, 250.

The Author thinks the same method might be adopted in England, under covered buildings, much to the advantage of agriculture.

The last mechanical object which engaged the Author's attention is of some importance, and thus noticed. "On the river DANUBE, below PESTE, are many floating corn-mills, which are admirably adapted for the purpose. The vessels on which the mills are built are always kept afloat and at anchor in the middle of the stream; the wheel is turned by the current, and I am of opinion, that mills built on a similar construction might be made serviceable on the river THAMES, without obstructing the navigation; for we have too many instances of flour and bread advancing in price, on account of the mills in the neighbourhood not being able to raise a sufficient supply, particularly in dry seasons." p. 275, 276.

LXXXVI. TRAVELS through Sweden, Finland, and Lapland, to the North Cape, in the Years 1798 and 1799. By JOSEPH ASCERBI. In Trvo Volumes. Illustrated with Seventeen elegant Engravings. 4to.

HE first volume contains thirty T chapters, to which is prefixed a portrait of the author, engraved by

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