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e. When an example or an extract, particularly if in verse, is begun on a new line, and set in a smaller type, the marks of quotation are by some writers dispensed with. In cases, however, of this kind, perhaps the generality of authors and printers use the inverted commas and the apostrophes, agreeably to the rule; and this usage is recommended, except in works containing numerous quotations, which are well known to be such, as in the present book.


One Quotation within another.

When one quotation is introduced within another, the included one should be preceded by a single inverted comma, and closed by a single apostrophe.


1. When treating of Christian orators, Maury asks the following apposite questions: "What is this you call eloquence? Is it the wretched trade of imitating that criminal, mentioned by a poet in his satires, who 'balanced his crimes before his judges with antithesis'? Is it the puerile secret of forming jejune quibbles; of rounding periods; of tormenting one's self by tedious studies, in order to reduce sacred instruction into a vain amusement?"

2. In describing the vast influence of a perfect orator over the feelings and passions of his audience, Sheridan forcibly says, "Notwithstanding the diversity of minds in such a multitude, by the lightning of eloquence they are melted into one mass; the whole assembly, actuated in one and the same way, become, as it were, but one man, and have but one voice. The universal cry is,' Let us march against Philip; let us fight for our liberties; let us conquer or die!'"



a. Double marks should be used before and after a quotation inserted in that which has been introduced into an extract; as, Channing, the friend of humanity in every condition and under every garb, says, 'When I consider the greater simplicity of their lives, and their greater openness to the spirit of Christianity, I am not sure but that the "golden age" of manners is to begin among those who are now despaired of for their want of refinement.””

b. The marks under consideration may with propriety be omitted in some instances, where several quotations are so much involved one

within another, that the insertion of all the inverted commas and the apostrophes would tend to obscure the meaning of the entire passage;


In the New Testament we have the following words: "Jesus answered the Jews, 'Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?'" But, in quoting from such texts of Scripture as contain citations from other books of the sacred canon, it is usual to present them as they appear in the Common Version, — without any quotation-marks in the body of the passage.

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Extracts composed of Successive Paragraphs.

When an extract is composed of successive paragraphs, each is commenced with inverted commas; but the apostrophes are not used till the quotation finally terminates.


To exemplify this rule, a passage, consisting of more than one paragraph, may be taken from an essay by Godwin:

"No subject is of more importance in the morality of private life, than that of domestic or family life.

"Every man has his ill humors, his fits of peevishness and exacerbation. Is it better that he should spend these upon his fellow-beings, or suffer them to subside of themselves?

"It seems to be one of the most important of the arts of life, that men should not come too near each other, or touch in too many points. Excessive familiarity is the bane of social happiness."


a. When phrases, clauses, or sentences, in an extract, consist of portions not connected in the discourse or book from which they have been taken, each portion should begin and end with quotationmarks, unless several points (....) are inserted to indicate the omission; in which case it will be sufficient to put the marks of quotation at the beginning and the end of the whole extract, if it is contained in one paragraph.

b. In the leading articles of newspapers, and sometimes in books, when particular attention would be drawn to an extract embodied in the text, the inverted commas are placed at the beginning of each line of the quotation; but, except in the more transient class of publications, this mode of exhibiting extracts is now seldom used.

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Show how the Rules and the Remarks (pp. 132-4) apply to the use or omission of quotation-marks in the following sentences: —

The psalmist says again, “I am a stranger with thee and a sojourner, as all my fathers were."

When Fénélon's library was on fire, "God be praised,” said he, "that it is not the dwelling of a poor man!"

I repeat what I said on a former occasion, that "no man can be happy who is destitute of good feelings and generous principles.” "There is but one object," says St. Augustine, "greater than the soul; and that one is its Creator."

Plato, hearing that some asserted he was a very bad man, said, “I shall take care so to live that nobody will believe them."

“Let me make the ballads of a nation,” said Fletcher of Saltoun, “and I care not who makes its laws.”

A minister of some experience remarks, “I have heard more than one sufferer say, ‘I am thankful; God is good to me;' and, when I heard that, I said, 'It is good to be afflicted.'"

“Any man,” it has been well said, "who has a proneness to see a beauty and fitness in all God's works, may find daily food for his mind even in an infant."

The celebrated and ingenious Bishop of Cloyne, in his "Principles of Human Knowledge,” denies, without any ceremony, the existence of every kind of matter whatever.

After Cicero, the literary history of the Romans is written in one line of Tacitus, Gliscente adulatione, magna ingenia deterrebantur ; "As adulation increased, great minds were deterred."

"Stop a moment here," said Corinne to Lord Nelvil, as he stood under the portico of the church; "pause before drawing aside the curtain which covers the entrance of the temple."

"To him who lives well," answered the hermit, "every form of life is good; nor can I give any other rule for choice than to remove from all apparent evil.”

A being crowned with all the blessings which men covet and admire, — with youth, health, beauty, rank, genius, and fame,— writes four cantos of melodious verse to prove that he is the most miserable of mortals.

Trench well says, "What a lesson the word 'diligence' contains! How profitable is it for every one of us to be reminded, — as we are reminded when we make ourselves aware of its derivation from diligo, 'to love,' — that the only secret of true industry in our work is love of that work!”

To the man who walks among the flowers which he has tended, — "Each odoriferons leaf,

Each opening blossom, freely breathes abroad
Its gratitude, and thanks him with its sweets.”


Insert the marks of quotation agreeably to some of the directions given


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If, says Sir James Mackintosh, you display the delights of liberality to a miser, he may always shut your mouth by answering, The spendthrift may prefer such pleasures: I love money more. (Rules I., II.)

Johnson's Lives of the English Poets may justly be considered as the noblest specimen of elegant and solid criticism which any age has produced. (Rule I. and Remark d.)

Terrific examples of license and anarchy in Greece and Rome are quoted to prove that man requires to be protected from himself; forgetting the profound wisdom wrapped up in the familiar inquiry, Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? Who shall guard the keepers? (Rule I. and Remark c.)

An eloquent preacher asks, Who would not far prefer our wintry storm, and the hoarse sighings of the east wind, as it sweeps around us, if they will brace the mind to nobler attainments, and the heart to better duties? [The author of this passage quotes the phrase, “the hoarse sighings of the east wind."] (Rules I. and II.)

I ventured to congratulate him on his coming back to his home. Ah, sir! he answered, but to a home how altered! · - my family broken up, my kindred gone, my mother vanished unseen! These feelings about home are deep, I murmured forth, as he came to an embarrassing pause. Very deep, sir, he rejoined, and walked away. (Rule I.)


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What is the soul? was a question once put to Marivaux. — I know nothing of it, he answered, but that it is spiritual and immortal. Well, said his friend, let us ask Fontenelle, and he will tell us what it is. No, cried Marivaux: ask anybody but Fontenelle; for he has too much good sense to know any more about it than we do. (Rule I.)

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D'Alembert congratulated a young man very coldly, who brought him the solution of a problem. I have done this to have a seat in the Academy, said the young man. - Sir, answered D'Alembert, with such motives you will never earn one. Science must be loved for its own sake, and not for the advantage to be derived. No other principle will enable a man to make true progress. (Rule I.)

The following sarcastic rules for behavior are said by Goldsmith to have been drawn up by an indigent philosopher:


1. If you be a rich man, you may enter the room with three loud hems, march deliberately up to the chimney, and turn your back to the fire.

2. If you be a poor man, I would advise you to shrink into the room as fast as you can, and place yourself, as usual, upon a corner of a chair, in a remote corner.

3. If you be young, and live with an old man, I would advise you not to like gravy. I was disinherited myself for liking gravy. (Rule III.)



In addition to the sentential points and marks treated of in the preceding pages, there are other characters, sometimes occurring in English composition, which will now be explained.

I. BRACKETS, or CROTCHETS [], are employed for the same purpose nearly as the marks of parenthesis; but they are usually confined to words, phrases, or sentences, inserted in or appended to a quotation, and not belonging to it; as, "The captain had several men died [who died] in the ship."

Brackets are chiefly intended to give an explanation, to rectify a mistake, or to supply an omission. But they are also sometimes used in dictionaries and in poetry to separate such words as are put, for the saving of room, into lines to which they do not belong; and in psalms and hymns to include verses that may be omitted by a congregation. They are used, besides, in a single form, in printed dramas, to note the entrance or the departure of certain characters; as, "[Exeunt Portia and Nerissa."

The grammatical punctuation of the words or sentences enclosed by brackets, and of the context, when they require such pointing, should be the same as that adopted in respect to the parenthesis, and to the clauses between which it is inserted. (See pp. 99, 100.)

II. A COMMA INVERTED [] is sometimes used instead of a small C, in many proper names beginning with Mac; as, M'Donald, the abbreviation of Macdonald.

This mark seems to be getting out of use; authors and printers now generally preferring the c, either on or above the line, as in McKenzie, Mc Farlane.

The same mark is sometimes annexed to the letter O in proper names; as, O'Neil: but an apostrophe is more frequently used, and is more correct; as, O'Neil.

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