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maketh intercession for him with groans that cannot be uttered: but at all times the language of his heart is this, "Thou brightness of the eternal glory, unto thee is my mouth, though without a voice, and my silence speaketh unto thee." And this is true prayer, and this alone. But · his heart is ever lifted up to God, at all times and in all places. In this he is never hindered, much less interrupted by any person or thing. In retirement, or company, in leisure, business, or conversation, his heart is ever with the Lord. Whether he lie down or rise up, God is in all his thoughts; he walks with God continually, having the loving eye of his mind still fixéd upon him, and every where seeing him that is invisible.

9. And while he thus always exercises his love to God, by praying without ceasing, rejoicing evermore, and in every thing giving thanks, this commandment is written in his heart, that he who loveth God, loves his brother also. And he accordingly loves his neighbour as himself; he loves every man as his own soul. His heart is full of love to all mankind, to every child of the Father of the Spirits of all flesh. That a man is not personally known to him, is no bar to his love: no, nor that he is known to be such as he approves not, that he repays hatred for his good-will. For he loves his enemies, yea, and the enemies of God: the evil and the unthankful. And if it be not in his power to do good to them that hate him, yet he ceases not to pray for

them, though they continue to spurn his love, and still despitefully use him, and persecute him.

10. For he is pure in heart. The love of God has purified his heart from all revengeful passions, from envy, malice, and wrath, from every unkind temper or malign affection. It hath cleansed him from pride and haughtiness of spirit, whereof alone cometh contention. And he hath now put on bowels of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, long suffering; so that he forbears and forgives, if he had a quarrel against any; even as God in Christ hath forgiven him. And indeed all possible ground for contention, on his part, is utterly cut off. For none can take from him what he desires; seeing he loves not the world nor any of the things of the world; being now crucified to the world, and the world crucified to him; being dead to all that is in the world, both to the "lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye, and the pride of life. For all his desire is unto God and to the remembrance of his name."

11. Agreeably to this his own desire, is the one design of his life, namely, not to do his own will, but the will of him that sent him. His one intention at all times and in all things, is, not to please himself, but him whom his soul loveth. He has a single eye. And because his eye is single, his whole body is full of light. Indeed where the loving eye of the soul is continually fixed upon God, there can be no darkness at all,

but the whole is light; as when the bright shining of a candle doth enlighten the house. God then reigns alone. All that is in the soul is holiness to the Lord. There is not a motion in his heart, but is according to his will. Every thought that arises points to him, and is in obedience to the law of Christ.

12. And the tree is known by its fruits. For as he loves God, so he keeps his commandments; not only some, or most of them, but all, from the least to the greatest. He is not content to keep the whole law, and offend in one point; but has in all points, a conscience void of offence towards God and towards man. Whatever God has forbidden, he avoids; whatever God hath enjoined, he doth; and that whether it be little or great, hard or easy, joyous or grievous to the Arsh. He runs the way of God's commandments, now he hath set his heart at liberty. It is his glory so to do; it is his daily crown of rejoicing, to do the will of God on earth as it is done in heaven; knowing it is the highest privilege of the angels of God, of those that excel in strength, to fulfil his commandments, and hearken to the voice of his word.

13. All the commandments of God he accordingly keeps, and that with all his might. For his obedience is in proportion to his love, the source from whence it flows. And, therefore, loving God with all his heart, he serves him with all his strength. He continually presents

his soul and body, a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God; entirely and without reserve devoting himself, all he has, and all he is, to his glory. All the talents he has received, he constantly employs, according to his master's. will; every power and faculty of his soul, every member of his body. Once he yielded them unto sin and the devil, as instruments of righte ousness but now, being alive from the dead, he yields them all, as instruments of righteousness unto God.

14. By consequence, whatsoever he doth, it is all to the glory of God. In all his employments of every kind, he not only aims at this (which is implied in having a single eye) but actually attains it. His business and refreshments, as well as his prayers, all serve this great end. Whether he sit in his house or walk by the way, whether he lie down or rise up, he is promoting in all he speaks or does, the one business of his life: whether he put on his apparel, or labour, or eat and drink, or divert himself from too wasting labour, it all tends to advance the glory of God, by peace and good will among men. His one invariable rule is this, Whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.

15. Nor do the customs of the world at all hinder his running the race that is set before him. He knows, that vice does not lose its na ture, though it becomes ever so fashionable

and remembers, that every man is to give an account of himself to God. He cannot, therefore, follow even a multitude to do evil. He cannot fare sump uously every day, or make provision for the flesh thereof. He cannot lay up treasure upon earth, no more than he can take fire into his bosom. He cannot adorn himself (on any pretence) with gold or costly apparel-he cannot join in, or countenance any diversion, which has the least tendency to vice of any kind. He cannot speak evil of his neighbour, no more than he can lie, either for God or man. He cannot utter an unkind word of any one; for love keeps the door of his lips. He cannot speak idle words: no corrupt communication ever comes out of his mouth, as is all that which is not good, to the use of edifying, not fit to minister grace to the hearers. But whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are justly of good report, he thinks, and speaks, and acts, adorning the pel of our Lord Jesus Christ in all things.


16. Lastly, as he has time, he does good unto all men; unto neighbours and strangers, friends and enemies. And that in every possible kind; not only to their bodies, by feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, visiting those that are sick or in prison; but much more does he labour to do good to their souls, as of the ability which God giveth; to awaken those that sleep in death: to bring those who are awakened to the atoning blood, that being justified by faith, they may

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