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the price of their eternal redemption from sin and suffering. And, in order to give full efficacy to his oblation, "he is gone into heaven, now to appear in the presence of God for us." Behold, then, thẹ Lamb of God who taketh away the sin of the world!" He is at the right-hand of the Father, pleading his merits in behalf of every repentant sinner, and procuring for him, by his powerful intercession, pardon and endless life.

Regard him in his Prophetic character. He is possessed of infinite wisdom, to instruct his people in all the deep things of God. He, being in the bosom of the Father, declares his counsels, and makes his will known to men":-" Art thou sensible, O inquiring soul! of thy ignorance with respect to heavenly things? Then know, for thy comfort, that all the knowledge which is necessary for thy peace and establishment may be obtained from Christ, who teacheth to profit*.

Consider his Kingly office. This he sustains for the good of his Church. Jesus, as King of Zion, rules in righteousness and mercy. It is true, "he will break the rebellious and unrelenting offender with a rod of iron, and dash him in pieces like a potter's vessel';" but he will shew the utmost compassion to the penitent; "he will not break the bruised reed, nor quench the smoking flax";" he will not scatter and destroy, but "feed his flock like a shepherd; he will gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom, and gently lead those that are with young"."

2. His behaviour towards those who sought his

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aid when on earth affords a full warrant to encou rage the application of sinners who call upon his name. No sooner did the tale of sorrow reach his ear, than his benevolent soul was moved with compassion, and his hand was stretched out for the relief of the sufferer. Thus he gave sight to the blind, unstopped the ears of the deaf, loosed the tongues of the dumb, caused the stammerer to speak plainly, made the lame to walk, healed the sick, delivered those who were possessed of devils, and raised the dead to life again.

Nor was any application, when properly made, ever rejected; nor any blessing denied to the humble and patient suppliant ;-as the relief granted and the cures performed by Christ amply testify


Christ is the Sovereign Physician of the soul; and He is still as much disposed to heal its disorders, as he was, in the days of his flesh, to cure men of their bodily maladies. Indeed, "He hath ascended on high, and led captive the powers of darkness, and received gifts for the rebellious, that the Lord God might dwell among them." "Him hath God exalted with his right-hand to be a Prince and a Saviour, for to give repentance to Israel, and forgiveness of sins P.' Now that Christ is triumphing in his kingdom of glory, he has largesses to bestow, and blessings to confer, not only on his friends, but even upon the stoutest of his enemies also, if they will but relent, and desist from their opposition to his righteous government. The blessings of his salvation shall be withheld from none but those who obstinately reject them, through

nn Mat. xv. 22-31. Mark v. 1-20. ib. 25-34. ib. 35-43. Mark x. 46-52. ib. iii. 1-6. ib. ii. 3—13. John xi. 1—47. John iv. 46-54. ib. vi.1-15. ° Ps. lxviii. 18.

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PActs v.31.

an infatuated love of iniquity; whom he will finally thus address" Behold, ye despisers! and wonder, and perish"."

But upon every man, however enormous his past transgressions may have been, who is humbled before him, and solicits his favour, he will pour out, yea, lavish, the benedictions of his grace. There is no benefit, which he shed his blood to purchase, that he will refuse to those who sincerely seek him. He will grant pardon for all their offences; he will vest them with his robe of righteousness, in which they shall appear complete before God; he will assure them of their adoption into the family of heaven, and their special interest in his redemption. The grace of Jesus will be vouchsafed, to enable them to overcome temptation, and to make a pleasing progress in knowledge and goodness. From the suggestions of His Spirit they shall derive comfort in affliction, and by His all powerful aid be emboldened and animated to press forward, amidst every difficulty and peril, till they arrive at heaven, to enjoy a state of indescribable happiness, secure and permanent as the eternal existence and power of God can render it.

From this view of our Lord's conduct towards those who seek his salvation, you, O contrite souls! may derive abundant encouragement. If he declares that he will reject none who approach him in faith, what ground have you for supposing that he will not listen with an attentive ear to your sorrows, relieve your distress, and give you,, the peace which passeth all understanding?" Make but trial of his love; and an experience of his readiness to save will force you to acknowledge, "Thou, Lord, hast never failed them that seek thee'.

9 Acts xiii. 41.

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3. A fresh source of encouragement is opened from the promises made by Christ to the penitent. To remove any doubts which our unbelief may excite, Christ grants us the strongest assurances of his willingness to save. "Come unto me, all ye that' labour and are heavy laden! and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me: for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls." To embolden the most desperate sinners to approach him with confidence, he avows; "Him that cometh unto me I will in no wise cast out:" and, as if he felt anxious that they should comply with his invitation, he affirms, "The Spirit and the Bride say, Come! And let him that heareth, say,Come. And let him that is athirst come: and whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely"."

4. Myriads in heaven are now realizing the truth of Christ's promises, to the fulfilment of which they ascribe their unchanging and perfect bliss. Once they were sinners, like ourselves; but they repented, and believed the Gospel, and are now, in consequence thereof, reaping the blessed fruits of their Saviour's death. "These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. Therefore are they before the throne of God, and serve him day and night in his temple: and He that sitteth on the throne shall dwell among them. They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more; neither shall the sun light on them, nor any heat. For the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them, and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters: and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes

Mat. xi. 28-30. "Rev. xxii. 17.

'John vi. 37. unib. vii. 14-17.

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5. Multitudes in the Church militant can also bear testimony to the faithfulness of Christ in ful filling his promises to the penitent. Millions can affirm that they never implored His grace in vain. The moment they first applied to him, he heard their cry, and granted them relief: and from that time to the present hour, he has prevented them with his goodness; yea, he has even anticipated their wishes, by comforting them in their tribulations, extricating them from difficulties and dangers, delivering them from the temptations of Satan, counselling them in perplexing circumstances, instructing them in the knowledge of his religion, and animating them with his promised assistance in every trial and emergency. Thus they have been enabled to continue stedfast to this day; and now they go forth continually in the strength of their Saviour, "conquering and to conquer:" and, after they have finished their course, they shall ascend to his glorious kingdom, where they will experience, through endless ages, fresh proofs of his unchangeable love.

6. Come, then, O disconsolate, oppressed soul! and roll thy burthen of guilt and fear and sorrow upon thy redeeming Lord; for he careth for thee'. Are all the countless instances of his compassion to repentant sinners in heaven and earth to be of no avail, in scattering your doubts, and urging you to make trial of his goodness? Will you be held any longer in captivity by the Law, or in bondage by Satan, when Christ offers, yea, invites your acceptance of, the sweetest, the most delightful freedom? Shall doubt and unbelief, then, deprive you for another hour of the benefits of Christ's salvation?. Is it not desirable to be absolved from all your offences, * Psalm lv. 22. x ▾ John viii. 36. Rom. viii. 21.

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