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from his river excursion in a state of extreme exhaustion; he had no fever, however, nor pain during the whole of his illness, from the 17th of September, when he reached the Congo, till the 4th of October, when he expired. We insert with pleasure the following testimony of his merits.

'The few survivors of this ill-fated expedition will long cherish the memory of Captain Tuckey, of whom Mr. Fitzmaurice, the master, who succeeded to the command, observes, in reporting his death, “in him the navy has lost an ornament, and its seamen a father." But his benevolence was not confined to the profession of which he was so distinguished a member. A poor black of South Africa, who, in his youth, had been kidnapped by a slave-dealer, was put on board the Congo, while in the Thames, with a view of restoring him to his friends and country, neither of which turned out to be in the neighbourhood of the Zaire, and he was brought back to England. This black was publicly baptized at Deptford church, by the name of Benjamin Peters, having learned to read on the passage out by Captain Tuckey's instructions, of whom he speaks in the strongest terms of gratitude and affection. He was generous to a fault. A near relation has observed, "that a want of sufficient economy, and an incapability of refusal to open his purse to the necessities of others, have been the cause of many of the difficulties which clouded the prospects of his after life;"-that " he knew nothing of the value of money, except as it enabled him to gratify the feelings of a benevolent heart."

In his person Captain Tuckey was tall, and must once have been handsome; but his long residence in India had broken down his constitution, and, at the age of thirty, his hair was gray, and his head nearly bald: his countenance was pleasing, but wore rather a pensive cast; but he was at all times gentle and kind in his manners, cheerful in conversation, and indulgent to every one placed under his command. In him it may fairly be said, the profession has lost an ornament; his country has been deprived of an able, enterprising, and experienced officer; and his widow and children have sustained an irreparable loss.'—Intro. p.lix.lx.

LIEUTENANT HAWKEY had been a fellow prisoner with Captain Tuckey in France, where, under the inhuman system of Buonaparte, he had suffered an imprisonment of eleven years: every prospect of rising in his profession being clouded and lost in a hopeless captivity, limited only by the duration of the war, and aggravated by the cruel reflection, that, after having spent the early and best years of life in the active service of his country, and the middle part of it in a prison, he would have to begin the world anew, if ever the day of liberation should arrive—such was the condition to which a number of gallant officers in the navy and army were reduced by this malignant tyrant.

Lieutenant Hawkey was an excellent draughtsman; he sketched in a bold and artist-like manner; and, to a general knowledge of natural history, he united the talent of painting the minuter sea and land ani

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mals with great spirit and accuracy, and in an exquisite style of colouring. A number of specimens of this kind were found in a small pocketbook, accompanied with some slight memoranda; but his papers, containing descriptions of those sketches and drawings, and other remarks made in the progress up the river, have unfortunately been lost. He proceeded with the captain to the farthest point of the journey, and, though employed in the most active manner, and exposed to the same weather and the same hardships as the rest of the party, he had no complaint whatever when he returned to the vessel on the 17th September; his case was therefore somewhat singular. He continued in good health, and without any complaint till the 3d October, when the ship was at sea; he then expressed a sense of lassitude about his loins, and irritability of stomach; but there was no apparent febrile action; the pulse being about the natural standard, which with him was only 65°, without the body undergoing any increase of temperature. The only symptoms were irritability of stomach, with extreme languor and debility; the next day, however, he was seized with vomiting; on the 6th became insensible, the pulse scarcely perceptible at the wrist, and the extremities cold; and he continued thus till 11 o'clock in the evening, when he expired without a struggle.'-Introd. p. lxi. lxii.

MR. EYRE, the purser, was a young man of a corpulent and bloated habit; he had no illness while in the river; had not been on shore for three weeks, and never exposed himself either to the sun or fatigue during the whole voyage. He was attacked with fever after leaving the river, and, on the third day, breathed his last. His disease appears to have had all the symptoms of the Bulam fever.

MR. CHRISTIAN SMITH, professor of botany, the son of a respectable landholder near Drammen in Norway, was born in October 1785; he studied botany under Professor Hornemann, and more particularly that branch of the science of which his native mountains afforded such ample stores the mosses and lichens. Brought up to the profession of physic, and appointed physician to the great hospital at Copenhagen, he could not resist the temptation of accompanying his friends Hornemann and Wormskiold on a botanical tour into the mountains of Norway, in which he particularly distinguished himself. In 1812 he made a second excursion across the mountains of Tellemarck and Hallingdut, ascertained their heights, examined their productions, and in short traversed those solitary regions not only as a botanist but as a natural philosopher. He published a narrative of his observations, which, to use the words of his friend Von Buch, 'must always be considered as one of the most curious and instructive documents of physical geography.' In a third scientific expedition, on which he was engaged by the Patriotic Society of Norway, he extended his travels into remote regions' untrod even by the hunters of the rein-deer. Here he assembled the scattered peasantry,

peasantry, explained to them the characters and the valuable properties of the lichens which covered their mountains, instructed them how to convert their mosses into bread pleasant to the taste, nourishing, and wholesome, and prevailed on them to adopt it instead of the miserable bark bread, which affords but little nourishment, and that little at the expense of health.'

After this he came to England, traversed its northern mountains and those of Scotland, visited North and South Wales, and scoured the mountains of Ireland. On his return to London, in 1814, he met, at the house of Sir Joseph Banks, the celebrated geologist Baron Von Buch, whose habits and feelings being congenial with his own, they soon formed an intimacy, and projected a voyage to Madeira and the Canaries. In this expedition Professor Smith was enraptured with the luxuriance of the vegetable world, which far surpassed any idea he could have possibly formed of it from the languid and stunted vegetation of his northern climate. He returned to England in December 1815; and when the expedition to explore the Zaire was mentioned to him by Sir Joseph Banks, he most readily and unconditionally accepted the offer of the appointment of botanist from a pure love of science, and the hope of being useful to mankind. The zeal and qualifications of Professor Smith are apparent from his journal, though it seems this interesting document had undergone no revision, but was found, as we before mentioned, as originally written, in a small pocket memorandum-book. He was first taken ill on returning with Captain Tuckey to the vessels, and pertinaciously refused all nutriment and medicine, except cold water. On the 21st of September, four days after they reached the ship, he became delirious, and died on the following day.

MR. CRANCH, collector of subjects in natural history, was one of those extraordinary self-taught characters, to whom particular branches of science and literature are sometimes more indebted, than to the efforts of those who have had the advantage of a regular education. He was born at Exeter, in the year 1785, of humble but respectable parents; having lost his father at eight years of age, he was turned over to an avaricious uncle, who scarcely allowed him a common education, and, at fourteen, put him out as an apprentice to learn the art and mystery of shoe-making.' In this situation every moment that could be stolen from his labour was either devoted to the few books which he had been able to collect, or to the study of natural history, and particularly that branch of it which relates to entomology. At the expiration of his apprenticeship he repaired to London. That great mart of human knowledge inspired him with higher objects, and better hopes than those of advancement in the art of shoe-making.

On his return to his native spot his circumstances were favourably improved by marriage. Every thing was now left to his jour neymen, while he was sedulously and successfully employed in col lecting objects of natural history. The ardour with which he prosecuted his inquiries is thus described:

'No difficulties nor dangers impeded his researches: he climbed the most rugged precipices-he was frequently lowered down by the peasants from the summits of the tallest cliffs-he waded through rapid streams-he explored the beds of the muddiest rivers-he sought the deepest recesses. He frequently wandered for whole weeks from home, and often ventured out to sea for several days together entirely alone in the smallest skiffs of the fishermen. No inclemency of weather, no vicissitudes of "storms and sunshine," ever prevented his fatiguing pursuits; the discovery of a new insect amply repaid the most painful exertions. Several papers in the "Weekly Entertainer," a little work which accompanies one of the most popular of the western newspapers, were written by him; and by these, and his collection of subjects in natural history, he gradually became better known, and his talents duly appreciated by the most able naturalists.'-Introd. p. lxxiv.

Dr. Leach was so well pleased with the accuracy and intelligence of this self-educated and zealous naturalist, that he engaged him to collect insects, and particularly marine productions, for the British Museum. This was the height of his ambition,'He immediately discharged his journeymen, and converted his manufactury of boots and shoes into apartments for the reception and preservation of such objects of natural history as his daily excursions might procure. He kept up a continual communication with the fishermen of Plymouth, and constantly received from them baskets filled with the rubbish they dredged from the bottom of the sea; and this he examined with diligence and attention, preserving all the new objects that he discovered, and making descriptions of them. He visited occasionally` the Brixham, Plymouth, and Falmouth fishermen, and made excursions with them. He very often left Kingsbridge in an open boat, and remained absent for a long time together, during which he dredged, when the tide was full, and examined the shores when it was out. night he slept in his boat, which he drew on shore; and, when the weather was too stormy for marine excursions, he would leave his boat and proceed to examine the country and woods for insects, birds,' &c.—Introd. p. lxxv. lxxvi.


When the expedition to the Zaire was in agitation, Mr. Cranch was thus employed in the collection of subjects of natural history for the British Museum; and was recommended by Dr. Leach to Sir Joseph Banks, as particularly fitted for the situation of collector on this voyage of discovery. Mr. Cranch was taken ill between Cooloo and Inga; was carried back on the shoulders of the natives to the former place, from thence in a hammock to the foot of the first cataract, where he was put into a canoe, and on the


tenth day reached the ship. On the third day after this he died, and was buried at Embomma, by permission of the king, in his own burying ground. He was of that order of dissenters,' says Mr. Fitzmaurice, who are called Methodists; and, if I may judge from external appearances, he was an affectionate husband and father, a sincere friend, a pious, honest, and good man.' He died in the thirty-first year of his age.

MR. TUDOR was a young man who had served his apprenticeship to a surgeon in Liverpool, and was recommended by Mr. Brookes the anatomist, and approved by Sir Everard Home, as a person well qualified to fill the situation of comparative anatomist. The unfortunate circumstances of the expedition afforded him but few materials to work upon, and little opportunity to exercise his skill on those few. He was the youngest of the party, and the first who was attacked with fever on the march over the hills, being seized on the 15th of August, three days after they set out. On the 22d he reached the Congo sloop in one of the double boats, in a state of great debility, anxiety, and impatience, and, on the evening of the 29th, he expired without pain.

MR. EDWARD GALWEY was second son to the banker of that name in Mallow. He had been educated with a view to one of the learned professions; but by the advice of his friends he was prevailed on to take a seat in his father's office. It was soon found, however, that the dull routine of a banker's counting-house was but little congenial with his inclinations, and he escaped from it whenever he could, to indulge his zeal for scientific pursuits. He thus acquired a practical knowledge of botany, made himself conversant with all the new discoveries in chemistry, and these, with geology, became his favourite studies. He was soon compelled, however, to withdraw from his retired and studious pursuits to seek for health in the South of Europe, having greatly suffered from the alarming symptoms of a confirmed consumption; from which he is said to have completely recovered by a tempestuous and protracted passage to Lisbon, in the year 1813. Here he seized the opportunity of gratifying his ardent zeal for research, by availing himself of the facility which his uniform of a yeomanry officer gave him to explore various parts of the Peninsula. In this journey he acquired such a taste for foreign travel, that on his return to Ireland his friends quickly perceived an opportunity only was wanting to set him forth again. That opportunity soon occurred in the ill-fated expedition before us. Captain Tuckey had been one of his early friends, and to him he immediately applied to be taken on board as a volunteer. In vain was he told that he would be exposed to privations and hardships of every kind; he pleaded the example of Sir

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