Imágenes de páginas


Wuttke, Jahrbuch der deutschen Universitäten II. Winterhalbjahr.
Biedermann, C., Die deutsche Philosophie u. ihr Einfluss auf die politischen u.
Socialen Verhältnisse d. Gegenw. 2 Vols. 8vo.

Hormayer, Jos., Freiherr v. die goldne Chronik von Hohenschwangan, der Burg der Welfen, der Hohenstauffen u. d Scheyren. With many plates. 4to. Munich.

Nork, F., Etymologisch symbolisch mythologisches Realworterbuch.

Raumer, K. von, Geschichte der Pädagogik vom Wieder aufblühen Klassischer Studien bis auf neuere Zeit.

Schaffarik, Slawische Alterthümer-deutsch von H. Wuttke und von Aehrenfeld. 2 Vols. 8vo.

Decker, C., von, Militairische Geschichte der 30-jahrigen Krieges. Freiburg. Dietrich, Dr. F. E. C., Altnordisches Lesebuch aus d. Skandinavisches poesie u. prosa bis zum 14ten. Jahrhundert, zusammen gestellt und mit übersichtlicher Grammatik u. einem Glossar versehen. 8vo. Thomas Thyrnau, von der Verfasserinn von Godwie Castle u. St. Roche. 3 Vols. 8vo.








American in Paris. By Jules Janin.
Illustrated by Eugène Lami. Lon-
don, 1843, 327.

Ancient Philosophy, History of, 61, 331.
Anselm von Canterbury. Dargestellt

von G. F. Franck. (Life and Cha-
racter of Anselm of Canterbury. By
G. F. Franck). Tubingen, 1842, 13.
Anselm's birth and early history, 14
-16; his works on "Truth," "Free
Will," &c., 16; doctrines relating to
Speculative Theology, 16-22; The
Norman Domination, 23-24; An-
selm appointed Archbishop of Can-
terbury, 26; Contests of William
Rufus with Anselm and Pope Urban
II., 26-29; Anselm's visit to Lyons
and Rome, 29; The Council of Bari,
30; Disputes of Henry I. with Anselm
and Pope Paschal II., 30-33; An-
selm's second visit to Rome, 31; his
return to England, 33; his death, 34.
Atlante Linguistico d'Europa. (A Lan-

guage Atlas of Europe.) By B.
Biondelli. Vol. i. Milano, 1841,


Babzac (H. de), Un Ménage de Gar-
çon en Province. (A Provincial Ba-
chelor's Household), 369.
Barère (B.) Mémoires de. (Memoirs
of B. Barère.) Publiés par M. M.
Hippolyte Carnot et David. (D'An-
gers.) Vols. i. and ii., 191.
Bio et Moschus; ex recognitione, &c.
[See Theocritus.]

Biondelli, Atlante Linguistico d'Europa.
(A Language Atlas of Europe), 516.

Briefe aus London. (Letters from Lon-
don.) Von Dr. Woldemar Seyffarth.
2 vols. Altenburg, 1842, 225.
Briefe aus Paris. Von Karl Gutzkow.
(Letters from Paris, by Charles
Gutzkow.) Leipzig, 1842, 316;
French Orators, 319-322; Character
of Louis Philippe, 322-324; Visits
to George Sand and M. Thiers, 324
-326; Opinion of Rachel, 327.


Caricature Engravings:-1. Die Rus-
sische Grenzsperre. (The Russian
Frontier Cordon.) 2. Der Deutsche
Michel. (The German Michael.)
Berlin, 1842, 234.

Carnot et David.

(D'Angers.) Mé
moires de B. Barère, 191.
Charles (Philarète.) Criticisms on En-
glish Writers of Romance. (Pub-
lished in the Revue des Deux Mon-
des), 1.
Chateaubriand, 4.

Clouds of Aristophanes (The.) With
notes, critical and explanatory. By
T. Mitchell, A. M. London, 331.
Consuelo. Par George Sand. (Madame
Dudevant.) Paris, 1842, 414. The
story described, 414-427.
Correspondence (Foreign), 251, 531;
Frankfort, 251; Stockholm, 255;
Paris, 531.

Cours d'Etudes Historiques. (Lectures
on the Study of History.) By P. C. F.
Daunou. Vols. i. and ii. Paris, 1842,

Cours de Philosophie, Par V. Cousin.
Paris, 1840-41, 331.

Cousin (V.) Introduction à l'histoire
de Philosophie. (Introduction to
the History of Philosophy), 61.


Cousin (V.) Nouveaux Fragments Phi-
losophiques. (New Philosophical
Fragments), 61.

Cours de Philosophie, 331.
Crimes Célèbres. (Celebrated Crimes.)
Par Alexandre Dumas. Paris, 1841.
36; M. Dumas: characteristics of his
genius, 36; general arrangement of
the work, 37; History of Giovanna,
Queen of Naples, 37-45; of Cesar
Borgia, 45-50; of the Marchioness
de Brinvilliers, 51-53; of the Mar-
chioness de Ganges, 53-58; of Ur-
bain Grandier, 58.


Daunou (P. C. F.), Cours d'Etudes His-
toriques. (Lectures on the Study of
History.) Vols. i. ii., 500.
Dembowsky, Deux ans en Espagne et
en Portugal. [See Deux ans en Es-

Deutsche Dichter des Gegenwart. (Ger-
man Poets of the Present Time.) By
Augustus Nodnagel. Darmstadt,
1842, 523.

Deutschen und Franzosen, nach dem
Geiste ihre Sprachen und Sprach-
wörter. (The Germans and French
according to the spirit of their lan-
guage and proverbs.) By J. Venedey,
Heidelberg, 1842, 524.

Deux ans en Espagne et en Portugal pen-
dant la Guerre Civile. (1838-40.)
(Two Years in Spain and Portugal
during the Civil War.) Par le Baron
Charles Dembowsky. Paris, 1841,

Dieffenbach (J.F.), Ueber das Schielen

und die Heilung desselben durch die
Operation. (On Squinting, and the
manner of its cure by Operation),224.
Dumas (Alexandre), Crimes Célèbres.
(Celebrated Crimes), 36.

Excursions sur les
Bords du Rhin. (Excursions on the
Shores of the Rhine), 105.


Excursions sur les Bords du Rhin. (Ex-
cursions on the shores of the Rhine.)
Par Alexander Dumas. Paris, 1842,
105; description of the Field of Wa-
terloo, 108-116; the author's first
and last sight of Napoleon, 108-112;
dialogue in a German Diligence,
118; Kotzebue and Sand, 122; the
hereditary executioner of Heidelberg,


Foreign Correspondence, 251, 531;
Frankfort, 251; Stockholm, 255;
Paris, 531.

Forschhammer (P. W.), Topographie
von Athen, 505.

Forti (Franceso) Libri due delle Isti-
tuzioni Civili, accomodate all 'uso
del Foro, opera postuma. (Two
books of Civil Institutes adapted to
the use of the Bar), 397.

Francis I. His Court, 129; Events in
his Life, 131-135; his death, 145.
Franck (G. F.), Anselm von Canter-
bury. Dargestellt von. (Life and
Character of Anselm of Canterbury),


French Criticism of English Writers,


Gedichte (Poems), Von Heinrich Ritter
von Levitschnigg. Vienna, 1842,


Genin (F.), Lettres de Marguerite
d'Angoulême, Sœur de François I.
Reine de Navarre. Publiées d'après
les manuscrits de la Bibliothéque du
Roi. (Letters of Margaret of An-
gouleme, sister of Francis L., Queen
of Navarre. Published from the
MSS. in the Royal Library), 125.
German Tales and Novels, 517-523.
Gervinus (G. G.), Geschichte der Poet→

ischen National Literatur der Deut-
schen. (History of the Poetic Na-
tional Literature of the Germans),

Geschichte der Ilchane; das ist, der
Mongolen in Persien. (History of the
Mongolians in Persia.) By Hammer
Purgstall. Vol. i. Darmstadt, 1842,


Geschichte der Philosophie. (History of
Philosophy.) Von Dr. Heinrich
Ritter. Hamburg, 1838-1841, 1842,
61 (No. 59), 331 (No. 60), source
of modern civilization, 61, 62, &c.;
works of Dr. Ritter and Tennemann
compared, 64; doctrines of the earlier
Greek Philosophers, 64-92; Thales,
64; Pythagoras, 66; Heraclitus, 80;
Anaximenes, 84; Diogenes, 84;
Anaximander, 85; Anaxagoras, 87;
Archelaus, 92; Philosophers of the
Eleatic School 332-338; Atomists,
338-341; Sophists, 341-348; Phi-
losophy of Socrates, 348-368; Xeno-



phon, his Memorabilia, 350
(See Notes), 359, &c. The Clouds of
Aristophanes, 364–367.
Geschichte der Poetischen National Lite-
ratur der Deutschen. (History of the
poetic National Literature of the
Germans.) By G. G. Gervinus. 5
vols. Leipzig, 1840-42. 158; pro-
scription of the Gottingen Profes-
sors, 158-159; the two Grimms,
159; peculiar merit of the work,
159, 160.

Glossen und Randzeichungen zu Texten
aus unserer Zeit. (Texts of the Times
with notes and illustrations.) Four
lectures delivered in Konigsberg by
Ludwig Walesrode. 4th edition.
Konigsberg, 1842. 239.

Goethe, 299-300; his grief at the death
of Schiller, 314.

Grund (Francis J.), Das Untersuchun-
gsrecht. (the Right of Search.) Leip-
zig, 1842, 223.

Gutzkow (Karl), Briefe aus Paris.
(Letters from Paris), 316.


Hahn-Hahn (Countess), Reisebriefe.
(A Traveller's Letters.) 2 vols. 381.
Heyd (Ludwig), Ulrich Herzog zu
Würtemberg. (Ulric, duke of Wur-
temberg. A contribution to the his-
tory of Wurtemberg and the German
Empire during the period of the Re-
formation.) 2 vols. 237.
History of Ancient Philosophy. By Dr.
Heinrich Ritter. Translated from
the German, by Alexander J. W. Mo-
rison, B. A. 3 vols. Oxford, 1838
-40. 61.

History of the Church of Russia. By A.
N. Mouravieff, Chamberlain to his
Imperial Majesty, and under Procu-
rator to the most Holy Governing
Synod. St. Petersburg, 1838. Trans-
lated by the Rev. R. B. Blackmore,
chaplain in Cronstadt to the Russian
Company, and B. A. of Merton Col-
lege, Oxford, 1842, 241.
History of Greece. By the Rt. Rev. C.
Thirlwall, D. D., Lord Bishop of St.
David's. 4th vol. London, 331.
History of the Literature of Ancient
Greece. By K. O. Müller. Published
by the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge
Society, 1840, 331.
Hoffmeister (Karl), Schiller's Leben,
Geistesentwickelung und Werke im
Zusammenhang. (Schiller's life,


mind-development and works in con-
nexion), 281.

Hofwyl, Letters from, on the educa-
tional institutions of Dr. Fellenberg.
By a Parent, 1842, 506.

Holthaus (P. D.), Wanderungen durch
Europa und das Morgenland. (Wan-
derings through Europe and the
East), 226.

Huegel (Charles, Baron von), Kaschmir
und das Reich der Siek. (Kashmir
and the empire of the Sieks.) Vol.
iii. 227.


Introduction à l'Histoire de la Philosophie.
Par V. Cousin, Pair de France, mem-
bre de l'Institut, &c. (Introduction
to the history of Philosophy.) Paris,
1839, 61.

Istituzione Civili, Libri due delle, ac-
commodate all' uso del Foro, opera
postuma di Francesco Forti. (Two
books of Civil Institutes, adapted to
the use of the Bar.) Firenze, presso
l'editore G. P. Vieusseux, 1840. 397;
life of Forti and analysis of his work.
399-404; political opinions of Ci-
cero and Dante, 404-408; Macchia-
velli's Il Principe, 408-410; politi-
cal assassination, 410-412.


Janin (Jules), the American in Paris,
illustrated by Eugene Lami, 327.



Kaschmir und das Reich der Siek. (Kash-
mir and the empire of the Sieks.) By
Charles Baron von Huegel. Vol. iii.
Stuttgart, 1841, 227.
Klopstock's Sämmtliche Werke. Ergän-
zungen durch Biographie Briefwech
sel und verschiedene Beiträge.
bände. (Klopstock's collected works:
supplements of biography, corres-
pondence, and miscellaneous contri-
butions. 3 vols.) Von Hermann
Schmidlin. Stuttgard, 1839-1841,
439; estimate of the merits of Klop-
stock, 439-444; scriptural subjects
for epic poems, 444-450; the Mes-
siah described, 450-454; critical re-
marks on the Messiah and other
works of Klopstock, 461-463; ac-
count of Klopstock's funeral, 463-


Krebs (Dr. J. P.). Carl Sigonius, 515.

Kugler, Karl Frederick Schinkel: eine
Characteristik seiner Künstlerischen
Wirksamkeit, 503.


Letters from Hofwyl, on the Educa-
tional Institutions of Dr. Fellenberg.
By a Parent. London. 1842, 506.
Lettres de Marguerite d'Angoulême, Sœur
de François premier, Reine de Na-
varre. Publiées d'après les Manus-
crits de la Bibliothéque du Roi. (Let-
ters of Margaret of Angoulême,
Sister of Francis I., Queen of Na-
varre. Published from the MS.S. in
the Royal Library). Par F. Genin.
Paris. 1841, 125. Description of
the Letters, 125, 126; her tales, 127;
Erasmus's opinion of Margaret of
Navarre, 127; history of her Life, 127
-147; the Poet, Marot, 129, 136;
the Miroir de l'Ame Pécheresse, 140;
her poems, 143; poem of Marot, in
praise of Margaret (translated), 148.
List of the Principal New Works pub-
lished on the Continent, 266-280;

Levitschnigg Heinrich, Ritter von. Ge-

dichte. (Poems.) 499.
Literary Notices (Miscellaneous), 262
-265; 534-544.


Mabinogion, Parts I. to IV. (Welsh
Tales). London, 1839-42, 240.
Macchiavelli, 408-410.
Marot, the Poet, 129, 136, 148.
Mayer (Dr. Karl August), Neapel und

die Neapolitaner (Naples and the
Neapolitans), 150.

Mémoires de B. Barère (Memoirs of
B. Barère). Publiées par M. M. Car-
not, Membre de la Chambre des
Deputées et David (d'Angers)

Membre de l'Institut. Vols. i. and
ii. Paris. 1842. 191; Barère unjustly
traduced, 192-194; incidents in his
Life, 194, 195; his opinions of Ro-
bespierre, 195, 196; visit of David,
the painter, to Barère, 196.
Ménage de Garçon en Province (A Pro-
vincial Bachelor's Household). By
H. de Balzac. Paris, 1842. 369.
Milford (John), Norway and her Lap-

landers in 1841; with a few hints to the
Salmon Fisher. London. 1841, 231.
Miscellaneous Literary Notices, 262-
265; 534-544.

Mitchell (T.) A. M., The Clouds of

Aristophanes. With Notes and An-
notations, 331.

Montenegro, King of Saxony's Travels
in, 429.

Moritz, von Anhalt-Dessau. (Fürst).
Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des sie-
benjährigen Krieges. (Prince Mau-
rice of Anhalt-Dessau. A Contri-
bution to the History of the Seven
Years' War). Berlin. 1842, 235.
Morrison (Alex. J. W.) B. A., History
of Ancient Philosophy by Dr. H.
Ritter. Translated from the Ger-
man by, 61. [See Geschichte der

Moschus, Bio et Theocritus, ex recog-
nitione, &c., 161. [See Theocritus.]
Mouravieff, History of the Church of
Russia. Translated by the Rev. R.
W. Blackmore, Chaplain in Crons-
tadt to the Russian Company, &c.,


Müller, History of the Literature of

Ancient Greece. Published by the
Diffusion of Knowledge Society, 331.
Musset (Alfred de), Scènes de la Vie
Publique et Privée des Animaux. Le
Merle Blanc. (Scenes in the Public
and Private Life of Animals. The
White Thrush), 435.


Neapel und die Neapolitaner. (Naples
and the Neapolitans; or, Letters from
Naples home.) By Dr. Karl August
Mayer. 2 vols. Oldenburg. 1842, 150.
Friar Rocco, a street-preacher, 150;
Neapolitan poets, 152; education
public and private, 152-155; the
book-trade, 155, 156; the law, and
legal books, 156; works on philo-
logy, 156, 157.

Newspaper Literature of America:-
New York Herald, Journal of Com-
merce, American, Courier and In-
quirer, Evening Post, Atlas.-Boston
Daily Advertiser, Atlas.-Washing-
ton Intelligencer, Globe.-Louisville
Gazette, 1842, 197; depravity of the
United States' newspaper press, 197,
198, &c.; New York Herald and
editor, 198-202; Mr. Tyler, 203;
Courier and Inquirer, 204; Presi
dential patronage of the New York
Herald, 205, 206; mal-administration
of justice, 207, 208, &c.; libels on
two judges of New York, 207; case
of two murderers, 208--211; election
of President, or constitutional test,

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