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Is founding abroad

TheLanguage of Mercy-Salvationthro'Blood,


Thrice happy are they
Who hear and obey,

And share in the Bieffings of thisGospel-Day.


The People who know
The Saviour below,

With burning Affection to worship him glow.

6. The People are bleft

Who lean on his Breast,

And have a rich Foretaste of his promis'd Reft. 7 This Bleffing is mine Through Favour divine:

But, O my Redeemer, the Glory be thine!

8 The Work is of Grace;

Thine, thine be the Praise!

And mine to adore thee and tell of thy Ways.


1 COME, ye Sinners, poor and wretched, God's free Bounty glorify!

True Belief, and true Repentance,
Ev'ry Grace that brings us nigh,
Without Money, without Money, &c.
Come to Jefus Christ, and buy.

2 Let not Conscience make you linger,
Nor of Fitness fondly dream;
All the Fitnefs he requireth.

Is, to feel our Want of him: This he gives you, this he gives you, &c, 'Tis the Spirit's rifing Beam. 3 Come, ye weary, heavy laden, Loft and ruin'd by the Fall; If you tarry 'till you're better, You will never come at all.

Not the Righteous, not the Righteous, &c.
Sinners Jefus came to call.

View him grov'ling in the Garden;
Lo! your Maker proftrate lies;
On the bloody Tree behold him;
Hear him cry, before he dies,
It is finish'd; it is finish'd; &c.
Sinner, will not this fuffice?
5 Lo! th' Incarnate God afcended,
Pleads the Merit of his Blood:
Venture on him, venture wholly ;
Let no other Truft intrude:
None but Jefus, none but Jefus, &c.
Can do helpless Sinners good.
6 Saints and Angels join'd in Concert,
Sing the Praises of the Lamb;
While the blifsful Seats of Heaven
Sweetly echo with his Name.
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Sinners here may fing the fame.


ZION, arife, thy Garments shake,

Of thy dear Saviour's Worth partake;


Oh! call his Bleffings down!
Thy Wants are great-but Jefus dy'd,
He loves to fee them well fupply'd,
He makes thy Cafe his own.
2 Strangers in Heart we lately were,
Till our Redeemer brought us near
By his attracting Pow'r;
Break out all ye in Songs aloud,
Who feel Redemption through his Blood,
And our High-Prieft adore.

3 O Jefus, Lord, we humbly pray,
Be gracious to thy Church to-day,
Thy faving Health impart!
The Dew of Heav'n on us diftil,
With Love each empty Veffel fill,
And cheer the drooping Heart!

[blocks in formation]

I WELCOME, welcome, bleffed Servant, Meffenger of Jefu's Grace!

O how beautiful the Feet of

Him that brings good News of Peace.
All hail, Herald! all hail, Herald ! &c.
Prieft of God, thy People's Joy!
2 Saviour, bless his Meffage to us,
Give us Hearts to hear the Sound
Of Redemption, dearly purchas'd
By thy Death and precious Wounds.
O reveal it! O reveal it! &c.
To our poor and helpless Souls!

3 Give Reward of Grace and Glory
To thy faithful Labourer dear;
Let the Incenfe of our Hearts be
Offer'd up in Faith and Pray'r.

Blefs, O bless him; blefs, O bless him ;&c.
Now, henceforth for evermore.

[blocks in formation]

I BLOW ye the Trumpet, blow
The gladly-folemn Sound;

Let all the Nations know

To Earth's remotest Bound,
The Year of Jubilee is come;
Return, ye fanfom'd Sinners, home!
2 Extol the Lamb of God,

The great-atoning Lamb!
Redemption in his Blood,

Throughout the World proclaim: The Year of Jubilee is come; Return, ye rantom'd Sinners, home!

3 Ye who have fold for Nought
Your Heritage above;

Shall have it back unbought
The Gift of Jefu's Love:
The Year of Jubilee is come;
Return, ye ranfom'd Sinners, home!

4 Ye Slaves of Sin and Hell,
Your Liberty receive;

And fafe in Jefus dwell
And bleft in Jefus live":


The Year of Jubilee is come;
Return, ye raniom'd Sinners, home!
5 The Gofpel-Trumpet hear,
The News of heav'nly Grace,
Ye happy Souls, draw near,
Behold your Saviour's Face:
The Year of Jubilee is come;
Return to your eternal Home.


ILET every mortal Ear attend,
and every Heart rejoice;

The Trumpet of the Gospel founds
with an inviting Voice.

2 Ho! all ye wre.ched ftarving Souls,
that feed upon the Wind,
And vainly strive with earthly Toys
to fill an empty Mind:

3 Eternal Wisdom has prepar'd
a Soul-reviving Feast,

And bids your longing Appetites
the rich Provision taste.

4 Ho! ye that pant for living Streams,
and pine away and die;

Here you may quench your raging Thirst,
with Streams that never dry:

5 Rivers of Love and Mercy here,
in a rich Ocean join;
Salvation in Abundance flows,
like Floods of Milk and Wine.

6 The

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