Imágenes de páginas

to have life in himself; and he hath given him power to execute judgment, because he is the son of man. Wonder not at this; for the hour cometh, when all that are in their graves, shall hear the voice of the Son of God, and shall come forth, they that have done good, to the resurrection of life: and they that have done evil, to the resurrection of damnation.

SECRET. Look favourably, O Lord, we beseech thee, on the sacrifice which we offer thee for the souls of thy servants; that as thou vouchsafedst them the merits of Christian faith, thou may'st grant them also the reward of it. Thro'.

POSTCOMM. Animabus. Grant, we beseech thee O Lord, that the humble prayers which we address to thee on behalf of the souls of thy servants, men, and women, may be profitable to them, that thou may'st deliver them from all their sins, and make them partakers of thy redemption. Thro'.

III. St. WINIFRID, Virgin and Martyr. A Double. VESPERS. All as in the Common, p. xlix. Prayer. Collect at Mass,

MASS. INTROIT. Sinners. Common, p. liii. &c. except:

COLLECT. Exaudi nos. Hear us, O God our Saviour, that as we rejoice on this festival of blessed Winifrid, thy Virgin and Martyr, so we may find ourselves affected with real devotion towards her. Thro'.

SECRET. Mercifully look down, O Lord on the offerings we make: and by the intercession of blessed Winifrid thy Virgin and Martyr, loosen the bond of our sins. Thro'.

POSTCOMM. Placeant. May the performance of our duty, O Lord, be pleasing to thee; so that the sacred mysteries we have received, may, by the intercession of blessed Winifrid, thy Virgin and Martyr, procure us thy grace here, and the joys of eternal happiness hereafter Thro'.

The second Vespers from the LITTLE CHAPTER are of the following Feast. With a Commemoration of St. WINIFRID. Anth. Come, O spouse. Common, p. li. V. Grace, ib. p. liii. Prayer. Collect at Mass.


I. VESPERS. All as in the Common, p. xxxii. Prayer. Collect at Mass.

The COMMEM. of ALL SAINTS. Anth. O how glorious. V. the saints, above, p. 461. Prayer. Collect at Mass. p. 459.


V. Let the righteous exult in the sight of God. R. And let them be delighted in gladness.

Anth. For to them.

V. Exultent justi in conspectu Dei. R. et delectentur in lætitia.

Prayer. Collect at Mass.

MASS. INTROIT. The Lord settled.

With the rest.

COMMON, p. xxxiv. except: COLLECT. Ecclesiam. Preserve thy Church, O Lord, under the continual protection of holy Charles, thy Confessor and Bishop; that as he was eminent for the discharge of his pastoral duty, so his prayers may make us zealous in the love of thy holy name. Thro.'

Here, and at the Secret and POSTCOмM. is made a Commem. of ALL SAINTS, as on the Feast, p. 459, &c.

Of SS. VITALIS, &c. Præsta.

GRANT, we beseech thee, O Lord, that we who keep the solemnity of thy holy Martyrs Vitalis and Agricola, may be helped by their prayers. Thro'.

SECRET of the same. Be appeased COMMON, p. xxxii. POSTCOмM. of the same. Hæc nos communio, p. xxxii.

II. VESPERS. All as p. xxxvii. With a Commem. of ALL SAINTS. Anth. O how glorious. V. The saints, p. 461. Prayer. Collect at Mass, p. 459.


VESPERS. all as on the Feast, p. 456 with a Commemoration of the FOUR CROWNED MARTYRS. Anth. For to them. V. Rejoice. COMMON, P. XXV. Prayer. Collect at Mass.

MASS. all as on the Feast above, p. 459. With a Commem. of the FOUR CROWNED MARTYRS.

COLLECT. Præsta. Grant, we beseech thee, O Almighty God, that as we have been informed of the constancy of the glorious Martyrs in the profession of thy faith, so we may experience their kindness in recommending us to thy mercy. Thro'.

SECRET of the same. May thy plentiful blessing, O Lord, descend upon our offerings, which, by the intercession of thy Martyrs, may render them well pleasing to thee, and make them the sacrament of our redemption. Thro'.

POSTCOMM. Cælestibus. Being refreshed with these heavenly and joyful mysteries, we humbly beseech thee, O Lord, that we may enjoy their protection, in whose triumphs we glory. Thro'.

The second Vespers are from the LITTLE CHAP. of the following Feast, with a Commemoration of ALL SAINTS. Anth. O how glorious. V. The saints, p. 461. Prayer. Omnipotens, p. 459. Of St. THEODORUS, Martyr. Anth. This saint. V. Thou hast crowned. Common, p. xv. Prayer. Collect at Mass.

IX. The DEDICATION of the CHURCH of our
SAVIOUR. Double.

VESPERS. all as in the COMMON, p. Ixiv. MASS. INTROIT. This is an awful place, &c. p. Ixvi. With a Commem. of St. THEODORUS.

COLLECT of St. THEODORUS. Deus, qui.

O GOD, who comfortest and protectest us by the glorious confession of blessed Theodorus, thy Martyr; grant we may be strengthened by his example, and assisted by his prayers. Thro'.

SECRET of the same. Receive, O Lord, the prayers of thy faithful people together with their offerings, and grant, by the intercession of blessed Theodorus, thy Martyr, that we, by these acts of piety and devotion, may arrive at the glory of heaven. Thro'.

POSTCOMM. of the same. Præsta nobis. Grant us, we beseech thee, O Lord, by the intercession of blessed Theodorus, thy Martyr, to receive, with a pure mind, what we have taken with our mouths. Thro'.

In the second Vespers is made a Commemoration of the following Feast.

X. St. ANDREW AVELLINE, Conf. semidouble. VESPERS. The COMMEM. Anth. I will compare. V. The Lord loved. COMMON, p. xliii. Prayer. Collect at Mass.

Of SS. TRYPHON, RESPICIUS, and NYMPHA, Martyrs. Anth. For to them. V. Rejoice. COMMON, p. xxv. Prayer. Collect at Mass.

MASS. INTROIT. The mouth of the righteous man. With the rest. COMMON, p. xliii. except:

COLLECT. Deus, qui. O God, who didst dispose the heart of blessed Andrew, thy Confessor, by the difficult vow of every day advancing in virtue, to ascend by wonderful steps to thee: grant, by his merits and intercession, that we may be so far partakers of the same grace, as to make a continual progress towards perfection, and be happily brought to an eminent degree of glory. Thro'.


COLLECT. Fac nos. Grant, O Lord, we beseech thee, that we may always follow the example of thy holy Martyrs Tryphon, Respicius, and Nympha, and by their prayers daily experience their protection. Thro'.

SECRET. We bring thee, O Lord, the offerings of our devotion; and may they be acceptable to thee in honour of thy saints, and, by thy mercy, available to our salvation. Thro'.

POSTCOMM. Præsta nons. Grant, we beseech thee, O Lord, by the intercession of thy holy Martyrs Tryphon, Respicius, and Nympha, that what we have taken with our mouths, we may receive with a pure soul. Thro'.

XI. St. MARTIN, Bishop and Confessor. Double. I. VESPERS. The PSALMS as p. 69. Eccept the last, which is: Ps 116. Laudate Dominum omnes, p. 90.


THE disciplear of Ant.

blessed Martin said to him; Why, Father, dost thou leave us, or to


IXERUNT discipuli ad beatum Martinum: Cur nos, Pater deseris, aut cui nos desolatos

whom dost thou bequeath us orphans? For ravenous wolves will attack thy flock. Anth. Lord, if I am still necessary for thy people, I refuse not the labour; thy will be done.

Anth. O wonderful man, neither overcome by labour nor to be overcome by death; who neither feared to die, nor refused to live. Anth. With his eyes and hands constantly lifted up to heaven, he never withdrew his invincible spirit from prayer. Alleluia.

Anth. Martin is received with joy into Abraham's bosom; Martin here poor and inconsiderable, enters heaven rich, and is honoured with celestial hymns.

relinquis? Invadent enim gregem tuum lupi rapaces.

Ant. Domine, si adhuc populo tuo sum necessarius, non recuso laborem: fiat voluntas tua.

Ant. Ovirum ineffabilem, nec labore victum, nec morte vincendum; qui nec mori timuit, nec vivere recusavit.

Ant Oculis ac manibus in cœlum semper inteatus, invictum ab oratione spiritum non relaxabat. Alleluia.

Ant. Martinus Abrahæ

sinu lætus excipitur; Martinus hic pauper et modicus, cœlum dives ingreditur, hymnis cælestibus hono


The LITTLE CHAP. HYMN, and V. as p. xxxiii. &c. At the MAGNIFICAT.

Anth. O blessed man, Ant. O beatum virum, whose soul enjoyeth paradise; where the Angels rejoice, the Archangels are glad, the Choir of saints proclaim him, and a troop of Virgins invite him, saying: remain with us for


cujus anima paradisum possidet; unde exultant Angeli, lætantur Archangeli, Chorus sanctorum proclamat, turba Virginum invitat : mane nobiscum in


Prayer. Collect at Mass..

Then is made a Commemoration of St. ANDREW. Anth. This man. V. The Lord led. COMMON, p. xlv. Prayer. Collect as above, p. 459. And of St. MENNAS, Martyr. Anth. This saint. V. Thou hast crowned. CoмMON, P. XV. Prayer. Præsta quæsumus, ib. p. xx. MASS. INTROIT. The Lord settled. With the rest. COMMON, p xxxi. Except what follows:

COLLECT. Deus, qui. O God, who seest we rely on no strength of our own; mercifully grant, by the

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