prayers of blessed Martin, thy Confessor and Bishop, that we may be defended against all adversities. Thro. The COMMEM of St. MENNAS. Præsta quæsumus. p. xx. with the Secret and PosTCOMMUNION following in their respective placès. GRAD. Eccles. xliv. Behold a great Prelate, who in his days pleased God. V. There was none found like him in keeping the law of the Most High. Alleluia, Alleluia. V. The blessed man, holy Martin, Bishop of Tours, died: whom the Angels, Archangels, Thrones, Dominations, and Powers received. Alleluia. Ecce Sacerdos magnus, qui in diebus suis placuit Deo. V Non est inventus similis illi; qui conservaret legem Excelsi. Alleluia, Alleluia. V Beatus vir sanctus Martinus, urbis Turonis Episcopus, requievit; quem susceperunt Angeli atque Archangeli. Throni, Dominationes et Virtutes. Alleluia. GOSPEL. Luke xi. 33.36. T that time: Jesus said to his disciples: no man it into a hidden place, nor under a bushel; but in a candlestick, that, they that come in, may see the light. The light of thy body is thy eye. If thy eye be single, thy whole body will be lightsome; but if it be evil, thy body also will be darksome. Take heed therefore, that the light, which is in thee, be not darkness. If then thy whole body be lightsome, having no part of darkness; the whole shall be lightsome, and, as a bright lamp, shall enlighten thee. A lighteth a candle, and putteth OFFERT. Ps. lxxxviii. My truth and my mercy are with him; and in my name shall his power be exalted. SECRET. Grant, O most merciful God, that this saving oblation may free us from all our sins, and defend us. from all adversities. Thro'. COMM. Blessed is the servant whom the Lord, when he cometh, shall find watching. Verily, I say to you, he shall set him over all he hath. POSTCOMM. Præsta. Grant, we beseech thee, O Lord our God, that these sacraments may avail to our salvation, by the intercession of those, on whose feart we have solemnly offered them to thee. Thro". II. VESPERS. all as in the first, p. 466. except that the last Psalm is: Ps. 131. Memento, v. 94. At the MAGNIFICAT. Anth. O blessed Prelate, who with most entire affection loved Christ his King, and feared not the imperial power; O most holy soul, which, though it suffered not by the persecutor's sword, yet lost not the crown of martyrdom. Ant. O beatum Pontificem, qui totis visceribus diligebat Christum Regem, et non formidabat imperii principatum: O sanctissima anima, quam etsi gladius persecutoris non abstulit, palmam tamen martyrii non amisit. Prayer. Collect at Mass, p. 467. Then is made a Commemoration of the following Feast. XII. St. MARTIN, Pope and Martyr. semidouble. VESPERS. The COMMEM. Anth. This saint. V. Thou hast crowned. COMMON, p. xv. Prayer. Deus, qui nos beati, ib. p. xviii. MASS. INTROIT. O ye Priests. With the rest, as in the COMMON, p xviii. except what follows. EPISTLE. 1 Peter iv. 13. D EARLY beloved : If you partake of the sufferings of Christ, rejoice; that, when his glory shall be revealed, you may be transported with joy. If you be reproached for the name of Christ, you shall be happy : for that which is of the honour, glory, and power of God, and that which is his spirit, resteth upon you. But let none of you suffer as a murderer, or a thief, or a railer, or a coveter of other men's things. But if as a christian, let him not be ashamed; but let him glorify God in his name. For the time is come, that judgment should begin at the house of God. And if first with us; what shall be the end of them, that believe not the Gospel of God? And if the righteous man shall scarce be saved; where shall the ungodly, and the sinner appear? Wherefore let them also, who suffer according to the will of God, commend their souls in good deeds to the faithful Creator. GOSPEL. Luke xiv. COMMON, p. xvii. XIII. St. DIDACUS, Conf. semidouble. VESPERS. The COMMEM. Anth. I will compare. V. The Lord loved. COMMON, p. xliii. Prayer. Collect at Mass. MASS. INTROIT. The righteous man. rest. COMMON, p. xlv. except: With the COLLECT. Omnipotens. O Almighty and eternal God, who, by a wonderful providence, makest choice of the weak things of this world to confound the strong; mercifully grant, that, being perfected in all humility, we may be raised by the prayers of thy holy Confessor, blessed Didacus, to the everlasting glory of heaven. Thro'. XIV. The TRANSLATION of St. ERCONWALD, Bishop and Confessor. Double. VESPERS. as p. xxxii. Prayer. Collect at Mass. MASS. INTROIT. Let thy Priests. COMMON, P. xxxvii. With the rest. Except: COLLECT. Omnipotens. O Almighty and everlasting God, who rejoicest us on this festival of blessed Ercon vald, thy Confessor and Bishop: we humbly implore thy mercy, that as we celebrate with devotion this feast here on earth, we may, by his intercession and merits, @btain the rewards of eternal life. Thro'. SECRET. Be appeased, O Lord, at our humble entreaties; and, by the intercession of blessed Erconwald, thy Confessor and Bishop, while we assist at these sacred mysteries, deliver us from all sin; that being purified by thy grace, we may be cleansed by the mysteries we celebrate. Thro'. POSTCOMM. Præsta. Grant, we beseech thee, O Lord our God, that being purified by these sacred mysteries and assisted by the intercession of blessed Erconwald, thy Confessor and Bishop, we may receive above the full effect of what we have tasted here in these sacred mysteries. Thro'. The second Vespers are, from the LITTLE CHAP. of St. GERTRUDE, with a COMMEM. of St. ERCONWALD. XV. St. GERTRUDE, Virgin. Double. VESPERS. Both as p. xlix. Prayer. Collect at Mass. The COMMEM. of St. ERCONWALD. Anth. The Lord loved. V. The Lord led. COMMON, p. xxxvii. Prayer. Collect at Mass. MASS. INTROIT. Thou lovedst. With the rest. COMMON, P lvi. except: COLLECT. Deus, qui. O God, who didst prepare for thyself an agreeable abode in the heart of blessed Gertrude the Virgin, thro' her merits and intercession graciously cleanse our hearts from all stains, and grant we may enjoy the same happiness with her. Thro`. The second Vespers from the LITTLE CHAPTER are of the following Feast, with a Commemoration of St. GERTRUDE. XVI. St. EDMUND, Confessor and Bishop. Double VESPERS. As at p. xxxii. Prayer. Collect at Mass. The COMMEMORATION of St. GERTRUDE. Anth. Come, O spouse. COMMON, p. li. V. Grace, ib. p. liii. Prayer. Collect at Mass. MASS. IOTROIT. The Lord settled. COMMON, p. xxxiv. With the rest, except: COLLECT. Deus, qui. O God, who didst most bountifully adorn thy Church with the glorious merits of St. Edmund, thy Confessor and Bishop during his life; and rejoicedst it by his miracles; mercifully grant that we thy servants may reform our lives by his example, and be defended from all adversity by his patronage. Thro'. SECRET. We beseech thee, O Lord, by the prayers of blessed Edmund, thy Confessor and Bishop, that the offerings we bring may be pleasing to thee, and avail to our salvation. Thro'. POSTCOMM. Mentes. Strengthen, O Lord, our souls by the sacrament we have received; that as thou hast comforted us by fresh miracles of blessed Edmund, thy Confessor and Bishop, so thou wouldst help us by his suffrages, and enlighten us by his example Thro'. The second Vespers are from the LITTLE CHAP. of the following Feast, with a Commem. of St. EDMUND. XVII. St. HUGH, Confessor and Bishop. Double. VESPERS. as p. xxxii. Prayer. Collect at Mass. The COMMEM. of St. EDMUND. loved. V. The Lord led. p. xxxvii. Anth. The Lord MASS. INTROIT. Let thy priests. COMMON, p. xxxvii. with the rest, except : COLLECT. Deus, qui. O God, who didst adorn blessed Hugh thy Confessor and Bishop, with eminent merits and the gift of evident miracles: grant, we beseech thee, that his example may excite us, and virtues enlighten us. Thro'. SECRET. May blessed Hugh, O Lord, accompany our offerings with his prayers; that, assisted by his merits, we may obtain both grace and glory. Thro'. POSTCOMM Noster. May blessed Hugh, we beseech thee, O Lord, render our homage acceptable to thee: lest our own guilt should hinder in us the effect of these heavenly mysteries. Thro'. The second Vespers are from the LITTLE CHAP. of the following Feast, with a Commemoration of St. HUGH. XVIII. The DEDICATION of the CHURCH of the Apostles. Double. VESPERS. Both as in the COMMON, p. lxvi. The COMMEM. of St. HUGH. Anth The Lord loved. V. The Lord led. p. xxxvii. Prayer. Collect at Mass. MASS. INTROIT. This is an awful place. p. lxvi. The second Vespers are from the LITTLE CHAP. of the following Feast, with a Commem. of the DEDICATION, and of St. PONTIANUS, Pope and Martyr. XIX. St. ELIZABETH, Widow. Double. VESPERS. all as in the ComмON, p. lix. Prayer. Collect at Mass. Then is made à Commem. of the DEDICATION Anth. O how awful. V. Holiness. p. lxix. Prayer. Collect, p. lxvi. And of St. PONTIANUS, Pope and Martyr. Anth. This saint. V. Thou hast crowned. p. xv. Prayer. Infirmitatem, p. xvi. |