The Providence Selection of Hymns: Supplementary to Dr. Watts. Embracing Various Subjects, and Including a Great Variety of Metres. Particularly Designed for Christian WorshipMiller and Hutchens, no. 1, Market square (second story), 1820 - 252 páginas |
Otras ediciones - Ver todas
The Providence Selection of Hymns: Supplementary to Dr. Watts. Embracing ... Isaac Watts,Library,School of Theology Sin vista previa disponible - 2015 |
The Providence Selection of Hymns: Supplementary to Dr. Watts. Embracing ... Isaac Watts,Library,School of Theology Sin vista previa disponible - 2018 |
The Providence Selection of Hymns: Supplementary to Dr. Watts. Embracing ... Isaac Watts,Library,School of Theology Sin vista previa disponible - 2013 |
Términos y frases comunes
adore Almighty angels behold bless blest bliss blood brigs cheerful Christ Common Metre crown dear death divine dread earth endless eternal ev'ry everlasting Everlasting Song faith Farewell Father FATHER divine fear finish'd foes give glad glorious glory gospel gracious grief guilt Hail Hallelujah hand happy Hark hast hath hear heart heart of stone heav'n heav'nly hell herald angels sing holy hope humble Hymn Jehovah Jesus join King Lamb let thy live Lord mortal mourn night o'er pain peace pow'r pray Prayer proclaim Psalm rapturous song redeeming love reign rejoice rise sacred saints salvation Saviour schr seraphs Shepherd shine sing sinners sins skies Sloop smiling song sorrow soul sound sov'reign spirit sweet tears thee thine thou art thy command thy grace thy love thy mercies thy name thy praise thy throne thy word Tune voice wait ye saints
Pasajes populares
Página 138 - THE Lord my pasture shall prepare, And feed me with a shepherd's care ; His presence shall my wants supply, And guard me with a watchful eye ; My noonday walks he shall attend, And all my midnight hours defend.
Página 106 - What though, in solemn silence, all Move round the dark terrestrial ball ; What though no real voice nor sound Amid their radiant orbs be found; In reason's ear they all rejoice, And utter forth a glorious voice, For ever singing as they shine, The hand that made us is divine.
Página 112 - With all-engaging charms ; Hark ! how he calls the tender lambs, And folds them in his arms ! 2
Página 227 - LOVE divine, all love excelling, Joy of heaven, to earth come down, Fix in us Thy humble dwelling, All Thy faithful mercies crown ! Jesus, Thou art all compassion, Pure, unbounded love, Thou art ! Visit us with Thy salvation, Enter every trembling heart.
Página 168 - Glory to the new-born KINO. Amen Christmas. Hymn 48. (SECOND TuNE). X "Glory to GOD in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men." HARK I the herald angels sing Glory to the new-born KING, Peace on earth, and mercy mild, GOD and sinners reconciled.
Página 223 - Ye chosen seed of Israel's race, Ye ransomed from the fall, Hail him who saves you by his grace, And crown him Lord of all. 3 Sinners, whose love can ne'er forget The wormwood and the gall; Go. spread your trophies at his feet, And crown him Lord of all.
Página 54 - So shall my walk be close with God, Calm and serene my frame ; So purer light shall mark the road, That leads me to the Lamb.
Página 75 - DISMISS us with thy blessing, Lord, Help us to feed upon thy word ; All that has been amiss forgive, And let thy truth within us live. .2. Though we are guilty, thou art good ; Wash all our works in Jesus' blood ; Give every burdened soul release, And bid us all depart in peace.
Página 62 - Give to the winds thy fears; hope, and be undismayed; God hears thy sighs, and counts thy tears, God shall lift up thy head. Through waves and clouds and storms he gently clears thy way; wait thou his time, so shall this night soon end in joyous day.
Página 107 - GLORY to thee, my God, this night, For all the blessings of the light ; Keep me, O keep me, King of Kings, Beneath thine own Almighty wings. 2 Forgive me, Lord, for thy dear Son, The ill that I this day have done ; That with the world, myself, and thee, I, ere I sleep, at peace may be.