Imágenes de páginas

At nothing can be more. I'll to my Book ;
For yet, ere supper time, must I perform
Much business appertaining.


SCENE II. Another Part of the Island.

Sc. I


Enter STEPHANO and TRINCULO; CALIBAN following with a Bottle.

STE. Tell not me: when the butt is out, we will drink
water; not a drop before. Therefore bear up,1 and
board 'em.-Servant-monster, drink to me.

TRIN. Servant-monster? The folly of this Island! They
say, there 's but five upon this Isle: we are three of them;
if th' other two be brain'd like us, the State totters.
STE. Drink, servant-monster, when I bid thee; thy eyes
are almost set in thy head.

[ocr errors]

TRIN. Where should they be set else? He were a brave
monster indeed, if they were set in his tail.
STE. My man-monster hath drowned his tongue in sack.
For my part, the sea cannot drown me: I swam, ere
I could recover the shore, five-and-thirty leagues, off
and on, by this light!-Thou shalt be my lieutenant,
monster, or my standard.2

TRIN. Your lieutenant, if you list; he's no standard.
STE. We'll not run, Monsieur Monster.

TRIN. Nor go neither: but you'll lie, like dogs, and yet
say nothing neither.

STE. Moon-calf, speak once in thy life, if thou be'st a
good moon-calf.

CAL. How does thy Honour? Let me lick thy shoe.
I'll not serve him: he is not valiant.


TRIN. Thou liest, most ignorant monster: I am in case to justle a constable. Why, thou deboshed fish, thou, was there ever man a coward that hath drunk so much sack as I to-day? Wilt thou tell a monstrous lie, being but half a fish and half a monster?

CAL. Lo, how he mocks me! Wilt thou let him, my Lord ? TRIN. Lord, quoth he!-That a monster should be such a natural!

CAL. Lo, lo, again! Bite him to death, I pr'ythee.


1 up helm.

2 ensign.

Sc. II

ACT III STE. Trinculo, keep a good tongue in your head: if you prove a mutineer-the next tree. The poor monster's my subject, and he shall not suffer don. CAL. I thank my noble Lord. Wilt thou be pleas'd To hearken once again to the suit I made to thee? STE. Marry will I: kneel, and repeat it; I will stand, and so shall Trinculo.


Enter ARIEL, invisible. lon tot ma

CAL. As I told thee before, I am subject to a Tyrant; a
Sorcerer, that by his cunning hath cheated me of the

ARI. Thou liest.

CAL. [to TRIN.] Thou liest, thou jesting monkey, thou :
I would, my valiant master would destroy thee?
I do not lie.

STE. Trinculo, if you trouble him any more in's tale, by
this hand, I will supplant some of your teeth.

[blocks in formation]

CAL. Thou shalt be Lord of it, and I'll serve thee.

STE. How now shall this be compassed?

Canst thou

bring me to the party?

CAL. Yea, yea, my Lord: I'll yield him thee asleep,

Where thou may'st knock a nail into his head.


ARI. Thou liest : thou canst not.

Thou scurvy patch !2

CAL. What a pied1 ninny 's this?

I do beseech thy Greatness, give him blows,

And take his bottle from him. When that 's gone,
He shall drink nought but brine; for I'll not shew him
Where the quick freshes are.

STE. Trinculo, run into no further danger: interrupt
the monster one word further, and, by this hand, I'll
turn my mercy out of doors, and make a stock-fish 4 of


1 particoloured. 2 jester. 3 springs. 4 a thing well beaten.



TRIN. Why, what did I ? I did nothing. I'll go ACT III

further off.

STE. Didst thou not say, he lied ?

ARI. Thou liest.

STE. Do I so? take thou that. [strikes him.] As you
like this, give me the lie another time.

TRIN. I did not give thee the lie. Out o' your wits,
and hearing too? A pox o' your bottle! this can sack
and drinking do. A murrain on your monster, and
the Devil take your fingers.

CAL. Ha, ha, ha!


STE. Now, forward with your tale. Pr'ythee stand
further off.

CAL. Beat him enough: after a little time

I'll beat him too.


Stand further. Come, proceed.

CAL. Why, as I told thee, 'tis a custom with him

I' the afternoon to sleep: there thou may'st brain him,
Having first seiz'd his books; or with a log

Sc. II

Batter his skull, or paunch him with a stake,
Or cut his weazand with thy knife. Remember


First to possess his books; for without them
He's but a sot,1 as I am, nor hath not
One Spirit to command: they all do hate him
As rootedly as I. Burn but his books :

He has brave utensils (for so he calls them)
Which, when he has a house, he'll deck 't withal.

And that most deeply to consider, is

The beauty of his daughter: he himself

Calls her a non-pareil. I never saw a woman,

But only Sycorax, my dam, and she ;

But she as far surpasseth Sycorax

As great'st does least.


Is it so brave a lass?

CAL. Ay, Lord; she will become thy bed, I warrant,

And bring thee forth brave brood.


STE. Monster, I will kill this man: his daughter and I
will be King and Queen (save our Graces!): and
Trinculo and thyself shall be Viceroys. Dost thou like
the plot, Trinculo ?

1 fool.

Sc. II

TRIN. Excellent.

STE. Give me thy hand: I am sorry I beat thee; but, while thou liv'st, keep a good tongue in thy head.

CAL. Within this half hour will he be asleep :


Wilt thou destroy him then?


Ay, on mine honour.

ARI. This will I tell my master.

CAL. Thou mak'st me merry: I am full of pleasure;

Let us be jocund. Will you troll the catch and fas
You taught me but while-ere?

STE. At thy request, monster, I will do reason any


Come on, Trinculo, let us sing.


Flout 'em, and scout 'em; and scout 'em, and flout 'em,
Thought is free.

CAL. That's not the tune.


[ARIEL plays the tune on a tabor and pipe.

STE. What is this same?

TRIN. This is the tune of our catch, played by the picture of No-body.

STE. If thou be'st a man, shew thyself in thy likeness: if thou be'st a devil, take 't as thou list.

TRIN. O, forgive me my sins!

STE. He that dies, pays all debts: I defy thee. Mercy upon us!

CAL. Art thou afeard?

STE. No, monster, not I.

CAL. Be not afeard; the Isle is full of noises,


Sounds, and sweet airs, that give delight, and hurt not.

Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments

Will hum about mine ears; and sometimes voices,

That, if I then had wak'd after long sleep,

Will make me sleep again: and then, in dreaming,
The clouds, methought, would open, and shew riches
Ready to drop upon me; that, when I wak'd,

I cry'd to dream again.


STE. This will prove a brave kingdom to me, where I

shall have my music for nothing.

CAL. When Prospero is destroy'd.

STE. That shall be by-and-by: I remember the story.

CAL. The sound is going away: let's follow it, and after, ACT III

do our work.

STE. Lead, monster: we'll follow. I would I could see this taborer: he lays it on!1

TRIN. [to CALIBAN.] Wilt come? I'll follow Stephano.


Sc. II


SCENE III. Another Part of the Island.

ADRIAN, FRANCISCO, and others.

GON. By 'r lakin, I can go no further, Sir;

My old bones ache: here's a maze trod indeed
Through forth-rights and meanders. By your patience,

I needs must rest me.


Old Lord, I cannot blame thee,

Who am myself attach'd with weariness,
To the dulling of my spirits: sit down, and rest.
Even here I will put off my hope, and keep it
No longer for my flatterer: he is drown'd,
Whom thus we stray to find; and the Sea mocks
Our frustrate search on land. Well, let him go.

ANT. I am right glad that he's so out of hope.


[blocks in formation]

For, now they are oppress'd with travel, they
Will not, nor cannot, use such vigilance,

As when they are fresh.

SEB. [aside.]

I say, to-night: no more.

Solemn and strange music; and PROSPERO on the top (invisible). Enter several strange Shapes, bringing in a Banquet, and dance about it with gentle actions of salutations, and inviting the King, etc., to eat, they depart.

ALON. What harmony is this? my good friends, hark !

1 is good at his game.

2 by our Ladykin.

3 straight paths.

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