by J. R. for N. L. and are to be fold at his Shoppe under St. Dunston's Church in Fleetftreet, 1605. (Quarto.) The Tragedy of Hamlet Prince of Denmarke. By William Shakespeare. Newly imprinted and enlarged to almost as much againe as it was, according to the true and perfect Coppy. At London; printed for John Smethwicke, and are to be fold at his Shoppe in St. Dunfton's Churchyeard in Fleetftreet. Under the Diall, 1611. (Quarto.) The Tragedy of Othello, the Moore of Venice. As it hath beene diverfe times acted at the Globe, and at the Black-Friers, by his Majefties Servants. Written by William Shakespeare. London, Printed by N. O. for Thomas Walkley, and are to be fold at his Shop, at the Eagle and Child in Brittan's Burse, 1622. (Quarto.) EDITIONS of middle Authority. HE Works of Mr. William Shakespeare, &c. The TH The Merry Wives of Windfor. With the Humours of Sir John Falstaffe; as "alfo the fwaggering Vaine of Ancient Pistoll, and Corporal Nym. Written by William Shake-fpeare, newly corrected. London: Printed by T. H. for R. Meighen, and are to be fold at his Shop, next to the Middle Temple Gate, and in St. Dunstan's Churchyard in Fleetstreet, 1630. (Quarto.) The excellent Hiftory of the Merchant of Venice. With the extream Cruelty of Shylock the Jew; and the obtaining of Portia by the Choice of three Caskets. As it hath been fundry times publikely acted by the King's Majefties Servants at the Globe. Written by W. Shakespeare. Newly corrected, augmented, and amended. London: printed by R. Young for John Smethwicke, and are to be fold at his Shop in St. Dunftans Churchyard in Fleet-ftreet, under the Dyall, 1637. (Quarto.) Lore's Love's Labour's Loft. A wittie and pleafant Comedie ; as it was acted by his Majefties Servants at the BlackFriers and the Globe. Written by William Shakespeare. London: Printed by W. S. for John Smethwicke, and are to be fold at his Shop in Saint Dunftones Churchyard under the Diall, 1631. (Quarto.) A witty and pleasant Comedie called, The Taming of the Shrew. As it was acted by his Majefties Servants, at the Blacke-Friers and the Globe. Written by Will. Shakespeare. London: Printed by W. S. for John Smeth wicke, and are to be fold at his Shop in St. Dunstones Churchyard under the Diall, 1631. (Quarto.) The Life and Death of King Richard the Second. With new Additions of the Parliament Scene, and the Depofing of King Richard. As it hath beene acted by the King's Majefties Servants, at the Globe. By William Shakespeare. London, Printed by John Norton, 1634, (Quarto.) The Hiftorie of Henry the Fourth: With the Battel at Shrewsbury, betweene the King, and Lord Henry Percy, furnamed Henry Hotspur of the North. With the humorous Conceits of Sir John Falstaffe. Newly corrected, by William Shake-fpeare. London, Printed by John Norton, and are to be fold by Hugh Perry, at his Shop next to Ivie-bridge in the Strand, 1639. (Quarto.) The Tragedie of King Richard the Third. Contayning his treacherous Plots against his Brother Clarence: The pittifull Murder of his innocent Nephewes : his tyrannical Ufurpation with the whole Course of his detefted Life, and most deserved Death. As it hath been lately acted by the King's Majefties Servants. Newly augmented. By William Shakespeare. London, Printed by Thomas Purfoot, and are to be fold by Mathew Law, dwelling in Pauls Churchyard at the Signe of the Foxe, neere St. Auftine's Gate, 1624. (Quarto.) The Same. Printed by John Norton, and are to be. fold by Mathew Law, &c. 1629. (Quarto.) The Same. Printed by John Norton, 1634. (Quarto.) M. William M. William Shakespeare, his true Chronicle Hiftory of the Life and Death of King Lear and his three DaughWith the Unfortunat Life of Edgar, Sonne and Heire to the Earle of Glocefter, and his fullen affumed humour of Tom of Bedlam. As it was plaid before the King's Majefty at Whit-ball upon S. Stephens night, in Christmas Hollidaies. By his Majefties Servants, playing ufually at the Globe on the Bank-fide. London, Printed by Jane Bell, and are to be fold at the Eaft-end of Chrift-church, 1655. (Quarto.) " The most excellent and Lamentable Tragedie of Romeo and Juliet. As it hath been fundry times publikely acted by the Kings Majefties Servants at the Globe. Written by W. Shake-fpeare. Newly corrected, augmented, and amended. London, printed by R. Young for John Smethwicke, and are to be fold at his Shop in St. Dunstans Churchyard in Fleetstreet, under the Dyall, 1637. (Quarto.) The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. Newly imprinted and inlarged, according to the true and perfect Copy last printed. By William Shakespeare. London, printed by R. Younge for John Smethwicke, &c. 1637. (Quarto.) The Tragedy of Othello, the Moore of Venice. As it hath beene diverse times acted at the Globe, and at the Black-Friers, by his Majefties Servants. Written by William Shakespeare. London, printed by A. M. for: Richard Hawkins, and are to be fold at his Shoppe in Chancery-Lane, neere Serjeants-Inne, 1630. (Quarto.) T EDITIONS of no Authority. HE Works of Mr. William Shakespear, in Six Volumes, adorn'd with Cuts. Revis'd and corrected, with an Account of the Life and Writings of the Author, by N. Rowe Efq;. London, printed for Jacob Tonfon within Grays Inn Gate, next Grays-Inn Lane, 1709. (OFavo.). The The Works of Shakespear, in Six Volumes. Collated and corrected by the former Editions, by Mr. POPE. London, printed for Jacob Tonfon in the Strand, 1725. (Quarto.) The fame. (in 12mo.) 1728. FINI S. ERRATU M. In the Title of the above Table, inftead of Collected by the EDITOR, read, Collated by &c. |