Angelo. O perjur'd woman! they are both for sworn; In this the madman justly chargeth them. Duke. Why, what an intricate impeach is this ! Dro. of Eph. Sir, he din'd with her there, at the Porcupine. Lesbia. He did, and from my finger snatch'd that ring. Ant. of Eph. "Tis true, my liege, this ring I had of her. Duke. Saw'st thou him enter at the abbey here? Lesbia. As sure, my liege, as I do see your grace. Duke. This is most strange! go, call the abbess [Exit one to the ABBESS. hither. Egeon. Most mighty duke, vouchsafe me speak a word! Haply I see a friend, will save my life, Duke. Speak freely, Syracusan, what thou wilt. And is not that your bondman, Dromio? Ant. of Eph. 'True, reverend hapless man, we are so call'd. Ægeon. I am sure, both of ye remember me. Egeon. Why look you strange on me? you know me well. : Ant. of Eph. I never saw you in my life, till now. Ægeon. Oh, grief hath chang'd me since you saw me last! And careful hours, with time's deforming hand, Have written strange defeatures in my face. Ægeon. Not know my voice? O, time's extremity! Hast thou so crack'd and splitted my poor tongue, In seven short years, that here, my only son Knows not my feeble key of untun'd cares? Though now this grained face of mine be hid, In sap-consuming winter's drizzled snow, And all the conduits of my blood froze up, Yet hath my night of life some memory, My wasting lamp, some fading glimmer left, All these old witnesses-1 cannot errTell me, thou art my son, Antipholis. Ant. of Eph. I never saw my father in my life. Egeon. But seven years since, in Syracusa, boy, Thou know'st we parted-but, perhaps, my son, Thou sham'st t' acknowledge me in misery? Ant. of Eph. The duke, and all that know me in the city, Can witness with me that it is not so. Duke. I tell thee, Syracusan, twenty years, Have I been patron to Antipholis, Enter ABBESS, with ANTIPHOLIS OF SYRACUSE, and DROMIO OF SYRACUSE, from the Priory. Abbess. Most mighty duke, behold a man much wrong'd! Adr. I see two husbands, or my eyes deceive me. But of the two, which is the natural man, O, my dear father! who hath bound him thus ? Abbess. Whoever bound him, I will loose his bonds, And gain a husband by his liberty. Speak, old Ægeon, if thou be'st the man, Egeon. Æmilia! Oh, support thyself, my soul ! Emilia. Thou art Ægeon, then? I do not dreamMy husband! take, take the reviving heart, Spotless and pure as when it first was thine, Which, from the cloister of religious solitude, No voice but thine, could ever have recall'd. Ant. of Syr. If I not interrupt such sacred feel ings, Thus let me bend, and mingle tears of rapture. Ægeon, My dearest boy! This is too much-Oh, curb thy joys a moment, Emilia. By men of Epidamnum, he and I, Ant. of Eph. And he, reserv'd to share the happier hours Of his dear parents; whom, till now, unknown, He greets with nature's best and fondest feelings. Ant. of Syr. Welcome, dearest brother! [They embrace. Both Dro. Welcome, dearest brother! Ant. of Syr. Ne'er may we feel a separation more Duke. Why, here begins the morning story right. These plainly are the parents to these children, Who thus amazingly are met together. Emilia. Most gracious duke! Duke. One moment's pause, and all your griefs shall end. Antipholis, thou cam'st from Corinth first? Ant. of Syr. Not I, my lord; I came from Syra cuse. Duke. Stay, stand apart-I know not which is which. Ant. of Eph. I came from Corinth, my most gra- Dro. of Eph. And I with him, mous warrior, Duke Minaphon, your most renowned uncle. By Dromio, but I think he brought it not. Ant. of Syr. This purse of ducats I receiv'd for you, And Dromio, my man, did bring them me, Dro. of Eph. You see, brother, these wise folks can't blame us in these matters. Dro. of Syr. Really, brother, I think not. Ant. of Eph. These ducats pawn I for my father here. Ant. of Syr. It shall not be--I will procure his life, To make some small amends for leaving him, Alone, and friendless. Adr. Which of you two did dine with me to-day? Ant. of Syr. I, gentle mistress. Adr. Are you not my husband? Ant. of Eph. No; I say nay to that. Ant. of Syr. And so do I-yet she did call me so; And this fair gentlewoman, her sister here, Luc. Should I find thee Worthy, and constant, as my mind suggests, Abbess. Renowned duke, vouchsafe to take the pains To go with us into the abbey here, The duke, my husband, and my children both, Duke. With all my heart, I'll gossip at this feast, And be a cheerful witness of the blessings, |