Imágenes de páginas


Addams, Jane, quoted, 202, 237, 286, | Carlyle, quoted, 84, 185, 187, 235.

324, 408; referred to, 314.
Adulteration, 251, 364.
Alcohol, causes of its use, 194; its
value to man, 196; evils of its use,
198; the attitude of the individual
towards, 203; our attitude toward
its use by others, 205.
Altruism, definition of, 124; justifi-
cation of for society, 124; for the
individual, 125; problems con-
cerning, 128; obstacles in the way
of, 181; reconciliation with egoism,
134; concrete claims of, 233.
Anarchism, 401.

Animals, morality of, 10, 16; duties
toward, 232.
Arbitration, 320.
Aristotle, quoted, 168.

Arnold, Benedict, case of, 310.
Arnold, Matthew, quoted, 3, 130,
183, 259, 284, 296, 306, 435; re-
ferred to, 241, 265, 268.
Art, its value, 259; its dangers for
morality, 267; should it be cen-
sored, 271; nude in, 273.
Asceticism, 104, 120.
Athletics, competitive, are they
desirable? 188.

Aurelius, Marcus, quoted, 97, 154,
292; referred to, 301.
Auto-suggestion, 280.

[blocks in formation]

Browning, quoted, 117.

Bryce, James, quoted, 325.

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291; his theory of morality ex-
amined, 85.

Carver, T. N., quoted, 154.
Castiglione, quoted, 414.
Categorical theory of morality, 148,


Character, definition of, 96; good-
ness of, 96.

Chastity, reasons for, 211; necessary
safeguards of, 217.

Chesterton, G. K., quoted, 256; re-
ferred to, 301.
Children, medical inspection of,
346; employment of, 371; play-
grounds for, 437.

Chivalry, its justification, 94.
Christ, quoted, 97, 119, 290.
Christian Science, 88, 277.
Cicero, quoted, 215.
City manager plan, 340.
Civil service laws, 331.
Commission government, 334.
Compensation, workmen's, 374.
Competition, evils of, 380, 404; ad-
vantages of, 407.

Competitors, duties toward, 368.
Conscience, its origin, 39; definition
of, 42; value of, 45; the individual-
izing of, 50; disagreements of,
63; unsatisfactory as a basis for
morality, 64; perverted forms of,
103; awakening of social, 374.
Conscientiousness, its value, 45;
its dangers, 57; its inadequacy,
63; evils that may go with, 105,


Conservation of natural resources,
421, 438.

Bureau of Municipal Research, 329. Conservatism, vs. radicalism, 54;

[blocks in formation]

Expediency vs. morality, 158.

Fanaticism, 103.
Free trade, 426.
Friendship, 230.

Corruption in politics, 251, 323; | Eugenics, 226, 442.
forces making for it, 324; its evils,
326; legislative checks to, 330;
under socialism, 395.
Courtesy in business, 365.
Court-procedure, delays in, 358.
Crime, its causes, 357; its convic-
tion, 358; its treatment, 359.
Cudworth, quoted, 145.
Culture, definition of, 259; criticism
of, 260; value of, 260; most impor-
tant aspects of, 262; dangers in,

Custom-morality, 20; its tenacity,
50; forces making against, 52;
dangers of, 57.

Dante, quoted, 48, 119.

Gambling, 242.

Gerould, K. F., quoted, 238, 246,


God, is the source of duty his will?

Goethe, quoted, 129, 130; referred
to, 160.

Good Government Association, 329.
Goodness, intrinsic, 73; extrinsic,
77; of conduct, 80; of character,

Darwin, quoted, 157; referred to, Good Will, Kant's theory of, 98; in-

[blocks in formation]

Education, important aspects of,
262; state provision of, 418, 440;
religious, 440.
Egoism vs. altruism, 134.
Eliot, George, quoted, 94, 98, 124,


Emerson, quoted, 4, 48, 94, 182,
230, 231, 235, 259, 265, 274.
Employees, duties toward, 369; in-
juries incurred by, 373.
End, does it justify the means? 88.
Endæmonistic theory, 88.
Environment, the bettering of, 435.
Epictetus, quoted, 97, 154.

Epicureanism, 118.

attaining, 416.

adequacy of that theory, 100.

Hadley, A. T., quoted, 377.
Happiness, the end of morality, 80;
does morality always make for?
167; its attainability, 288, 297.
Hay, John, quoted, 251.
Health, its importance, 179; possi-
bility of increasing, 182; certifi-
cates for marriage, 444.
Hours of work, 370.
Housing conditions, 352.
Huxley, T. H., quoted, 156.
Hypnotism, its moral value, 278.

Idleness, is it ever justified? 185;
remedies for, 351.
Individualism, 403.
Industrial Workers of the World, 89,
90, 411.

Inequality, contemporary forms of,
414; remedies for, 416.
Inheritance, right of, 424.
Immigration, 428.

Interest on investment, 422.
International relations, 251, 307, 319,

Intuitional theory of morality, its
meaning, 61; its inadequacy, 63;
its plausibility, 66.

Equality, ideal of, 414; methods of Investment, ethics of, 422, 426.

Investors, duties to, 366.

James, William, quoted, 137, 158,
269, 285, 318; referred to, 183,

Jefferies, Richard, quoted, 434.
Jesuits, 89, 90.

Jesus. See Christ.

Journalism, ethics of, 254.
Justice, its justification, 91.

Kant, quoted, 99, 125; his theory
of the Good Will, 98; its inade-
quacy, 100, 105; his solitariness,
130; his categorical imperative,

Kelly, Edmond, quoted, 439.
Kidd, quoted, 17.
Knowledge, importance of, 263.

Laissez-faire, 403.

[blocks in formation]

La Rochefoucauld, quoted, 231, 284. Optimism and pessimism, 75.

Law. See Legislation.
Lawlessness, 411.

Lecky, W. E. H., quoted, 236, 252.
Le Gallienne, quoted, 296.
Legislation, dangers of too much,
403; necessity of much, 408; lim-
its of, 410; necessity of obedience
to, 410.

Liberty, the ideal of, 399; of utter-
ance, 400.

Lord, H. G., quoted, 117; referred
to, 167.

Luxury, ethics of, 236.
Lynching, 359, 412.

Maeterlinck, quoted, 175, 291.
Marriage, factors in an ideal, 221;
best age for, 221; trial, 225; neces-
sity of uniform laws concerning,
227; duties of, 229; duty of some
to refrain from, 443; certificates,

Maternity benefits, 445.

McNamara brothers, 89, 90, 413.
Mill, J. S., quoted, 125, 136, 143, 155,
162, 244, 290, 400, 403, 405, 406;
referred to, 95.
Monopoly in business, 368, 379; evils

of, 363; advantages of, 380.
Morality, definition of, 30, 80, 164;

its basis, 73; need of, 112, 164; is|

Organization of impulses, 164.
"Ought," the, its nature, 150.

Pater, Walter, referred to, 118, 268.
Patriotism, its meaning, 306; how it
should be directed, 307.
Paulsen, F., quoted, 96, 157; referred
to, 95.

Peace, methods of ensuring, 317.
Pearson, Karl, quoted, 265.
Perry, R. B., quoted, 317.
Personal morality, origin of, 9; causes
producing, 11; its problems, 111;
definition of, 10, 111; need of, 112;
factors complicating its problems,

Plato, quoted, 80, 94, 141, 142, 164,

167; referred to, 272, 414.
Pleasure, contrasted with happiness,
87; contrasted with pleasures, 87;
do men always seek? 136.
Pleasures, are they incommensur-
able? 139; are some worthier than
others? 141.

Politics, corruption in, 251, 323;
forces working for it, 824; its
evils, 326; the citizen's duty in,
328; legislative reforms in, 330.
Poverty, causes of, 348.
Praise and blame, their justification,


Preferential Voting, 335.
Primaries, direct, 334.
Profits, regulation of, 365, 386.
Profit-sharing, 384.

Prohibition of alcoholic liquors, 205.
Proportional representation, 336.
Prostitution, 213, 353.
Protection, 426.
Puritanism, 104, 118.

Race-problems, 429.
Race-suicide, 444.

Radicalism, forces making for, 52;
conflict with conservatism, 54.
Recall, 340.

Recreation, necessity of, 438.
Referendum, 341.

Regulus, case of, 126, 137.
Relativity of morality, 144.
Religion and morality, 162.
Representation at large, 338.
Responsibility, 108; grades of, 108-


Reward and punishment, 107.
Right and wrong (see Morality), def-
inition of, 105.
Rights, natural, 401.

Ross, E. A., quoted, 33, 58, 363.
Ruskin, quoted, 68, 265.

Saleeby, C. W., quoted, 247.
Saloon, substitutes for, 208, 441.
Santayana, G., quoted, 45, 74, 96,
112, 219; referred to, 145.
Segregation of prostitutes, 356; of
those unfit for marriage, 445.
Self-control, possibilities of increas-
ing, 276; a mechanism of, 280.
Self-indulgence, 119.

Selfishness, definition of, 127; of the
rich, 131, 237; in money-making,

Self-realization theory, 157.
Separation of national and local is-
sues, 337.

Sex-problem, 202, 210, 270, 314.
Shakespeare, quoted, 59, 175, 208,
Short-ballot, 332.

Simple life, the, 184, 238.
Single-tax, 424.

Smoking, is it wrong? 192.
Socialism, advantages of, 389; dan-
gers in, 392; its prevention of un-
earned incomes, 423.

Social morality, origin of, 16; causes
producing, 18; its problems, 123,

Spencer, Herbert, quoted, 85, 139
403, 404.

Spinoza, quoted, 183.
Stage. See Theater.

Stephen, Leslie, quoted, 137.
Sterilization of the unfit, 445.
Stevenson, Robert Louis, quoted,
118, 223, 230, 246, 284, 293, 301,
410; referred to, 172, 185.
Stock manipulation, 367, 391; stock-
watering, 366.
Strikes, 382.

Suffrage, woman's, 432.
Suffragettes, 89, 90, 411, 430.
Suggestion, its value for morality, 278.

Taste, importance of sound, 266.
Taxation of unearned increment, 419;
of inheritance, 424.

Teleological theory of morality, 88.
Theater, ethics of, 272.
Thinking, importance of accurate,

Tolstoy, quoted, 187, 237, 301, 401;
referred to, 119, 186, 196.
Town-planning, 435.
Trade-unions, 381.
Treason, is it permissible? 309.
Trusts, problem of the, 379.
Truthfulness, necessity of, 244; al-
lowable exceptions to, 247; in
what directions are our standards
low? 250; professional standards
of, 252; in journalism, 254.

Unearned incomes, 418; unearned
increment, 419.

Unemployment, voluntary, 185; in-
voluntary, 349.

Sickness, duty of the State toward, Vaccination, compulsory, 345.


Value, definition of, 74.

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