green; and, indeed, she is now with the doctor at the deanery, and there married. Enter CAIUS. Caius. Vere is Mistress Page? By gar, I am cozened: I ha' married un garçon, a boy; un paysan, by gar, a boy; it is not Anne Page: by gar, I am cozened. Mrs. Page. Why, did you take her in green ? Caius. Ay, by gar, and 'tis a boy by gar, I'll [Exit. raise all Windsor. Ford. This is strange. Who hath got the right Anne? Page. My heart misgives me: here comes Master Fenton. Enter FENTON and ANNE PAGE. How now, Master Fenton ! Anne. Pardon, good father! good my mother, pardon ! 220 Page. Now, mistress, how chance you went not 230 with Master Slender? Mrs. Page. Why went you not with master Fent. You do amaze her: hear the truth of it. 233. amase, bewilder. 240 Which forced marriage would have brought upon her. Ford. Stand not amazed; here is no remedy: In love the heavens themselves do guide the state; Money buys lands, and wives are sold by fate. Fal. I am glad, though you have ta'en a special stand to strike at me, that your arrow hath glanced. Page. Well, what remedy? give thee joy! Fenton, heaven 250 What cannot be eschew'd must be embraced. Fal. When night-dogs run, all sorts of deer are Mrs. Page. Well, I will muse no further. Heaven give you many, many merry days! Ford. Let it be so. Sir John, [Exeunt. DRAMATIS PERSONE ORSINO, Duke of Illyria. SEBASTIAN, brother to Viola. ANTONIO, a sea captain, friend to Sebastian. A Sea Captain, friend to Viola. VALENTINE, } gentlemen attending on the Duke. CURIO, Lords, Priests, Sailors, Officers, Musicians, and other Attendants. SCENE: A city in Illyria, and the sea-coast near it. TIME The time represented is three days, with an interval of three days between the first and second. Day 1. I. 1.-3. " " Interval of three days. 2. I. 4., 5.; II. 1.-3. 3. II. 4., 5; III., IV., V. But there are indications of a different scheme occupying three months (V. 1. 97, 101). Daniel, Trans. N. Shak. Soc 1877-79. |