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Divided by lot according to the number of Done on floor, thrashing-floor, barn-floor, cornfamilies, as commanded by Moses, and per-floor, by a rod, or hoofs of unmuzzled cattle, formed by Joshua at Shiloh.

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Rich, fertile, and well watered, with hills, and valleys, and minerals underneath.


Wilful fire-raising punished by restitution, as also devastations of animals,-landmarks not to be removed,-growing crops might be plucked by the traveller, but not cut with a



cart-wheels or teethed instruments; straw and
grain separated by removing with a fan or
judgment, etc.
fanners; chaff driven by the wind: symbol of


For cattle, green and abundant, refreshed by rain, on house-tops short-lived, soon withered and used as fuel-cast into the oven: emblem of life, of prosperity, of the wicked, etc.

OTHER PRODUCTS OF FIELDS, Beans, bulrushes, flags, flax, gourds, heath, lentiles, mandrakes, mallows, millet, reeds, rushes, rye, tares.


Of grass,-a terrible visitation, as in days of Ahab;-of grain,-caused by inclement seasou,-by drought and wet,-by locusts,-by predatory enemies, often very severe;-hunger or cleanness of teeth, urging to various repulsive elements of food, even during a siege to canni

Assigned to Adam and to man, as the means balism, and producing blackness of skin, ema of sustenance.


nation, fainting, and death: the symbol of spiritual destitution,-instances in the days of Abraham, Isaac, Joseph, of the Judges, of Ploughing, performed by oxen, and in winter, David, Ahab, Elisha, siege of Samaria, of seven -breaking up the clods and fallow ground; the years, foretold by Elisha, during siege of Jerusymbol of reformation, of spiritual industry,salem, after the captivity, in reign of Claudius and of ruin.


Die seeds not to be used, often trodden into the soil by feet of animals; a work of hope; and the emblem of increase and spiritual instruction.




During famine, as in case of Elijah, often promised.


Often experienced to an hundred fold: the gift Granaries of Egypt filled by Joseph, and corn

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the Dove, an emblem of the Spirit of God;the Eagle, distinguished for its powerful pin

Out of the dust of the ground, and named by ions, rapid flight, lofty nest, penetrating eye,



In the necessary food and preservation of every one of them-exemplified at the flood, in Nineveh, etc., represented as teaching and telling of God, honouring Him, crying unto Him, and seeking their meat from Him.


God's scourge, while on behalf of his people,
He makes with them a covenant and peace.



and rapacity, illustrative of persecutors,-the Hawk as a bird of passage and prey,-the Ostrich, as timid and easily driven from its nest, the Owl as the symbol of desolation,— the Partridge illustrative of the persecuted,

the Peacock as admired for its beautiful plumage,-Poultry noted for affection to their young,-Quails as birds of passage, which cross the Arabian desert,-the Raven as a bird of prey, the Sparrow as common and little esteemed, two sold for a farthing,-the Swallow, and Crane as birds of passage, their instinc tive knowledge of the time of their migration employed as a reproof to Israel; and the Vulture, as filthy and rapacious, etc.


Appointed by God, effected by taming them, and exemplified in the killing of the lion by Pursued by means of snares, gins, and nets. Samson, etc.




Each noted for its own characteristic peculi. Often employed for food; Fishing a common arity, Bear for fierceness-Behemoth or Hip- employment, prosecuted by means of hooks, popotamus for great strength-Boar for wast-nets and drags; illustrative of the work of ing,-Coney for its inaccessible abode,-Deer Gospel ministers, and an emblem of the Asfor agility and beauty,-Dog for its filthy and syrians carrying Israel away captive, the predatory habits,-Fox for its smallness and fish-gate, a gate of Jerusalem. cunning, Leopard for its spotted hide, and swift and sudden spring,-Lion for its boldness, power, and terrific voice; an emblem of a mighty ruler, a powerful people, and Satan the adversary; an instrument of judgment in God's hand, as in the case of the disobedient prophet and the emigrants sent to Samaria;-Leviathan, or Crocodile, for its bulk, terrible appearance, and impenetrable scales,-Unicorn for its strength,-Wolf for ite ferocity, etc.

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Birds marking the approach of summer by
their singing;-cage of unclean birds,-nest built
on the branches of trees, in rocks and in places
inaccessible, an emblem of a place of peace;
-Bat, Bittern, and Cormorant, alluded to as
inhabitants off solitary and forsaken places,

The Dragon, probably including several animals under it, represented as being of terrible and poisonous aspect, and frequenting ruined cities, rivers, and marshes; illustrating the malignity of the wicked one, the Frog an object of disgust,-the Horseleech as craving for blood, the Worm as bred in putrifying matter, as also in certain diseases; often alluded to in connection with the grave and illustrative of the punishment of the place of woe, the Serpent described as subtil, fiery, crooked, deadly poisonous, and susceptible of being charmed, illustrative of the cunning of Satan,-the Snail found in damp and shady places, the Viper in many respects similar, and often associated with the serpent.


The Ant noted for diligence; Bees for their number and sting; illustrative of enemies numerous and formidable; valuable also for their honey, which is characteristic of Canaan, and often used for food,-the Caterpillar and Locust for their devastations and as a means of divine chastisement, the Canker-worm and Palmer-worm also a divine scourge,-the

Flea on account of its insignificance.-Flies scales and fins;-Clean fowls not formally for their swarms, the Gnat for its proverbial described, but the unclean excepted by name; smallness-Grasshoppers, for their vast num- creeping things, clean in part, described and bers, and individual smallness, the Hornet named, as the locust, beelle, grasshopper, etc., for the severity of its sting, and as an unclean in part described and named, as the instrument of Divine judgment,-Lice one lizard, etc. of the plagues of Egypt,-the Moth for its silent destructiveness the Spider for its frail web; illustrative of the hope of wicked men,



The as for riding and work, persons of rank riding on white asses, wild asses regarded as untameable-the camel used on long desert journeys, the swift dromedary,-the horse which Israel was forbidden to multiply, used especially by warriors in early times, and in drawing the chariots of the great, The war steed, characterized by strength, fleetness, and courage,-Mules employed in riding, horses of various colours, with their riders and chariots, used as prophetic symbols in Zechariah.



Animal food given to Noah, etc., blood forbidden, and fat, animals unclean which had been killed by beasts, or died a natural death; christian law, and conscience, require abstinence from what may be doubtful to ourselves, or offensive to weak brethren.


Cattle an important description of wealth in ancient times, the calf often fatted and killed as a luxury;-Bulls, fierce, bulls of Bashan,the Ox used for agricultural labour, unaccustomed to the yoke, an image of impenitent men under divine chastisement; statutes appointed enforcing equity and mercy, pasture ground very extensive,-dairy produce, Milk, Butter, and Cheese, killing cattle for food frequently exemplified, and very often referred to in Scripture-the Horn frequently employed as an emblem of power, pride, protection, and as a prophetic symbol.


Sheep a common element of ancient wealth, kept for their wool and flesh, prone to wander, are illustrative of mankind going astray from of a scattered people, and of Christ's followers God; symbols of innocence and helplessness, under persecution-Tending the flock performed by the sheepmaster and household, similitude of the rulers and teachers of a nation and of Christ the Shepherd of souls;-Multiplication ANIMALS CLEAN AND UNCLEAN IN THEMSELVES, Wild goats, inhabitants of inaccessible rocks of the flock, a token of the Divine blessingQuadrupeds clean which parted the hoof, and and mountains, the domesticated led in flocks chewed the cud, unclean which did not part by a he-goat-the milk and flesh valuable for the hoof or chew the cud;-Fishes clean which food, and the hair employed in manufactures; bad scales and fins, unclean which had not-emblem of the wicked; symbol of Macedon.



Tents, used in part at least by the Antediluvians, by the Patriarchs, and by Israel in the wilderness,-Materials composing them, cords, cartains and stakes; figuratively applied to the earth, with the curtains of heaven above, and also to the body of man.


Caves resorted to, for shelter, and in seasons of danger; caves mentioned in Scripture, Mak kedah, Adullam, Engedi, etc.


Houses of various forms, palaces, castles and cottages;- Foundation metaphorically applied to the mountains, and to the world at large, illustrative of strength; a name given to Christ and his Apostles;-Materials usually

employed, bricks, stones, timber,-Erection was executed by carpenters, masons, etc.; used as a symbol of the increase of families, and of spiritual edification.


Walls so built as very much to seclude the building,-Courts uncovered, open spaces;-Roof required by the Mosaic law to be flat, and fenced with battlements, usually communicated with the house, and was often resorted to for the purpose of observation, for making public proclamation, and for retirement and prayer,-Peter on housetop,-Pillars employed for strength and ornament, symbolically applied to eminent men,-Door, porch, gate, the passage for entering and departing,-Windows for light,-the Dial for determining the hour,

the various apartments constructed so as to suit the various objects for which they are designed.

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Beds sometimes richly ornamented, but ordinarily couches ranged round the walls of the rooms; used as an emblem of the grave; bottles made of leather or the skins of animals; instanced in Hannah, the Gibeonites, etc., The pitcher used for carrying water, exemplified in the woman of Samaria,-The table used for meals and often used figuratively for the food itself as "providing a table." Seats (domestic) often formed simply of the sleeping couches folded up;-other household stuff consisted of pots, baskets, etc.


Fires for cooking, and during the winter months for warmth; instanced in the hall of the high priest during the trial of Jesus; forbidden to be lighted on the Sabbath day, Fuel of wood, thorns, dried grass, etc,-The Candle or lamp of oil usually kept burning during the night, and often employed as an emblem of domestic prosperity, but "lamp put out," the symbol of domestic adversity; leprosy in houses and law about it.


Erected for security, for convenience in merchandise, and often from personal ambition,

-names given to them from that of the builder, from the object of the erection, or from some circumstance connected with the erection. Different kinds of cities specified, namely, Royal, Treasure, Commercial, Chariot, Fenced Cities, the walls of great strength, and provided at intervals with watch-towers and battlements; gales sometimes constructed of brass, iron, etc., being places of concourse, spaces around them used for merchandise, and for judicial proceedings, often alluded to as the resort of the idle,Streets and thoroughfares usually narrow in the east,-Watchmen employed to guard during the night; elders of the people appointed by Moses to act as magistrates; instanced in the history of Ruth.


Jerusalem, often called the holy city, so named from being specially the place of God's presence, the scene of his worship, and the convocations of his people Israel.


Erected by good men to mark special manifes tations of God's favour, as by Jacob at Beth-el, Moses at Sinai, Joshua at Gilgal, etc.


As the result of God's displeasure; often the subjects of prophecy, and often described as in the case of Babylon, Damascus, Nineveh, etc. Rebuilding of a city once in ruins is illus. trated in the case of Jerusalem after the Babylonish captivity.

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Founded on gradations of rank, the common soldiers being the mass of the army, and the officers in command, consisting of various grades, distinguished in different armies as, captains of thousands, captains of hundreds,

captains of fifties, captains of the host, cap- they heard the evil report of the spies,-by tains of the guard, centurions, etc.


Moab when they saw the numbers of Israel,by the kings of the Amorites when they heard of the wonders which God had wrought for the tribes, by the Roman guards at the sepulchre of Jesus,-promise made to Israel that their enemies would be panic struck before them, which was often fulfilled in their

Infantry, Cavalry largely employed in foreign
armies, but forbidden by Moses to Israel, lest
they should traffic with Egypt, those who
fought in chariots, pioneers, etc.;-the Com-history.
missariat provided sometimes by voluntary
contribution, and sometimes by compulsory


Employed in mustering the people and in directing them while under arms, commanded by Moses, used by Joshua at the siege of Jericho by Gideon,-by Nehemiah, etc.



Usually worn by soldiers in battle, used symbolically to denote the weapons by which the Christian may meet and successfully repel his spiritual foes, the defensive consisting of the helmet, for the head, the shield fastened on the left arm, and used in parrying off the strokes of enemies, the symbol of divine protection,-the coat of mail fitted to the body to protect it greaves, fitted round the legs to protect them, the offensive Often displayed in the troops, often in indiv- consisting of the bow and arrow, the characteridual heroes, as in those who attached them-istic weapons of the Jews and foreign nations; selves to David, and in heroines, as instanced image of terrible evil inflicted by man, as also in Deborah,Challenges to deeds of valour of divine judgments, the dagger, durts, or made by Caleb, calling to the assault of Kirjavelin, the spear, the sling, used by shepherds jath-sepher, by Jonathan to attack the in defending their flocks, as well as in war,Philistines,-by Goliah to meet himself, etc. illustrative of casting or expelling a people out of their own land, and the sword the most deadly of all the ancient weapons; the symbol of divine punishment and of human


Evinced by Israel in the wilderness, when persecution.



Formed out of the dust-fearfully and wonderfully made symbol of the Church, in its sympathetic unity; has an interest in Christ's salvation; grows in stature, and possesses senses, appetites, and organs.


Flash the name often given to the whole corporeal person, or to corrupted human nature, used to signify what is external, denotes humanity generally. Bone, name and index of blood relationship, often alluded to as the seat of pain, often applied to the dead body, as bones of Joseph. Joints said to be loosened in fear. Skin black, expressive of severe disease, bones cleaving to it denoting emaciation


Hair its natural covering, often standing for the person or life itself, a natural symbol of chief or governor-bowed in token of reverence to God and respect to man-covered with dust a mark of mourning-hoary, a mark of age and venerable appearance-baldness a token of contempt, anointed for refreshment, token of disease, grief, and reproach-tossed in one hair not falling to the ground denoting perfect safety. Beard usually worn among the Jews,-Forehead, a spot on it marking public or official rank-Face bowed down in obeisance-falling on it the result of sudden or overpowering sensation-To set the face denoting steady purpose-check, to smite on it an act of haughty contempt ear the organ of hearing, to give ear denoting attention-bad characteristics of the ear denoted by the epithets, uncircumcised, stopped, not inclined-earrings, a common ornament. Eye the organ of sight, and the source of tears; sometimes Are often alluded to and frequently employed dimmed by age or sorrow; occasionally painted ty the inspired writers. by women, exemplified in Jezebel, an evil eye

ners hardened, a symbol of obstinacy-blood often used to express murder as "the pollution of blood." Flesh and blood an expression for humanity.


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