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Birdsall Print, Yazoo City, Miss.

1. The members of the Council, clerical and lay, shall, on the day appointed, assemble at the Church designated as the place of meeting, immediately before the hour for the opening service, and shall enter the Church in regular procession.

2. The Council shall be opened on the first day with services under the Bishop's ordering and a celebration of the Holy Communion. The Bishop, if he be so minded, will deliver a charge or address at this service, or else there shall be a sermon by a preacher previously appointed. On each succeeding day the session shall be opened with morning prayer.

3. When the President takes the chair no member shall continue standing, or shall afterwards stand up except to address the chair.

4. When the President shall have taken the chair the roll of members shall be called, and the minutes of the preceding day read; but both or either may be dispensed with by a majority of the Council, to be decided without debate.

5. No member shall absent himself from the session of the Council unless he have leave, or be unable to attend.

6. At the opening of the session, the President shall appoint the following regular Committees: 1st. On the Credentials of Lay Delegates. 2nd. On the admission of New Parishes and Missions. 3rd. On the State of the Church. 4th. On the Constitution and Canons. 5th. On Finance. 6th. On Diocesan Schools. 7th. On Unfinished Business. 8th. On Elections.

7. When any member is about to speak or deliver any matter to the Council, he shall, with due respect, address himself to the President, confining himself strictly to the point in debate.

8. No member shall be permitted to speak more than once on the same subject; except the member making the motion, who shall be permitted to close the discussion. All speakers shall be limited to five minutes.

9. While the President is putting any question the members shall continue in their seats and shall not hold any private discourse.

10. Every member who shall be in the Council when any question is put shall, on division, be counted, unless he be personally interested in the discussion.

11. All resolutions shall be reduced to writing, presented to the Secretary, and by him read to the Council; and no motion shall be considered as before the Council unless seconded.

12. When a question is under consideration, no motion shall be received unless it be to lay it on the table, to postpone it for a certain

time, to postpone it indefinitely, to commit it, amend it or divide it —and motions for any of these purposes shall have precedence in the order herein named. The motion to lay on the table or to adjourn shall be decided without debate. The motion to adjourn shall always be in roder.

13. If the question under debate contain several distinct propositions the same question shall be divided at the request of any member, and a vote taken separately, except that a motion to strike out and insert be indivisible.

14. All questions of order shall be decided by the chair without debate, but any member may appeal from such decision; and on such appeal no member shall speak more than once without leave of the Council. No member shall speak more than twice on the same subject without leave of the Council.

15. All amendments shall be considered in the order in which

they are moved. When a proposed amendment is under consideration a motion to amend the same may be made; no after amendment to such an amendment shall be in order. But when an amendment to an amendment is under consideration, a substitute for the whole matter may be received.

16. No proposition on a subject different from that under consideration shall be received under color of a substitute; and a question once decided shall not be reconsidered without the consent of two-thirds of the members present, nor without a motion being made by one of the majority on the prior decision.

17. On the requisition of any two members the yeas and nays shall be called and entered on the Journal; and five members may demand a vote by order.

18. The report of all committees shall be in writing and shall be received, of course, and without motion, unless recommitted by a vote of the Council. All reports recommending or requiring any action or expression of opinion by the Council shall be accompanied by a resolution for the action of the Council thereon. Reports of committees appointed to sit during recess shall be in order at any time.

19. All committees shall be appointed by the President, unless otherwise ordered by the Council.

20. When the Council is about to rise every member shall keep his seat until the President leaves his chair; and before final adjournment the minutes of the session about to close shall be read and approved.


None of these rules shall be suspended or changed without the assent of two-thirds of the members present.

1. The opening service being ended and the President having taken the chair, the Secretary of the last Council (or the acting Secretary) shall call the roll of the clergy from the list certified by the Bishop, and a quorum being present, the chair shall appoint a committee of three clergymen on the Credentials of Lay Delegates.

2. The committee, after investigation, shall report a roll of Lay Delegates, which shall be called by the acting Secretary, and a constitutional quorum of both orders being present (viz. five clergymen and Lay Delegates from five Parishes, Art. IV.) the President shall declare the Council ready for business. The subsequent order of business shall be

as follows:


The election of a Secretary and Treasurer of the Council for the ensuing year.

4. The adoption of Rules of Order and the reading of the same, by the Secretary.

5. The reading of the Bishop's Address and Journal, unless it shall have been read at the opening of the service.

6. The appointment of the regular committees, as provided for in rule 6.

7. The reading of the reports of committees appointed to meet during recess.

8. The reading of reports of Standing Committee.

9. The reading of reports of Diocesan Officers, as follows: (1) The Treasurer of the Council; (2) The Treasurer of the Diocese; (3) The Trustees of the Episcopal Fund and Church Property; (4) The Registrar; (5) Any other Diocesan Officers.

10. Reading the reports of the Regular Committees.


Reading the reports of Special Committees.

12. The election of Diocesan Officers, as follows: (1) Members of the Standing Committees; (2) Treasurer of the Diocese; (3) Registrar; (4) Trustees of the Episcopal Fund and Church Property; (5) Trustees of All Saints Episcopal College; (6) Missionary Committee; (7) Deputies to the General Convention; (8) Trustees of the University of the South; (9) Any other Diocesan Officers necessary to be elected.

13. Nominations by the Bishop of the Chancellor, the Examining Chaplains, the Preacher at the next Council, and the Alternate.


Designation of time and place for holding the next Council. 15. General motions and resolutions.

16. Reading the minutes of the last day's proceedings before adjournment.

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