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TO DISMAY, DAUNT, APPAL. Dismay is probably changed from the French desmouvoir, signifying to move or pull down the spirit; daunt, changed from the Latin domitus, conquered, signifies to bring down the spirit; appal, compounded of the intensive ap or ad, and palleo to grow pale, signifies to make pale with fear.

The effect of fear on the spirit is strongly expressed by all these terms; but dismay expresses less than daunt, and this than appal. We are dismayed by alarming circumstances; we are daunted by terrifying; we are appalled by horrid circumstances. A severe defeat will dismay so as to lessen the force of resistance;

So flies a herd of beeves, that hear, dismay'd,
The lions roaring through the midnight shade. POPE.
The fiery glare from the eyes of a ferocious beast will
daunt him who was venturing to approach;

Jove got such heroes as my sire, whose soul
No fear could daunt, nor earth, nor hell controul.


degree of fearlessness than boldness: boldness is confident, it forgets the consequences; intrepidity is collected, it sees the danger, and faces it with composure; undauntedness is associated with unconquerable firmness and resolution; it is awed by nothing: the bold man proceeds on his enterprise with spirit and vivacity: the intrepid man calmly advances to the scene of death and destruction; I could not sufficiently wonder at the intrepidity of those diminutive mortals, who durst venture to walk upon my body, without trembling.' SWIFT. The undaunted man keeps his countenance in the season of trial, in the midst of the most terrifying and overwhelming circumstances.

These good qualities may, without great care, degenerate into certain vices to which they are closely allied.

Of the three, boldness is the most questionable in its nature, unless justified by the absolute urgency of the case in maintaining the cause of truth against the lawless and oppressive exercise of power, it is an essential quality, but it may easily degenerate into insolent defiance and contempt of superiors; it may lead to the provoking of resentment and courting of

The sight of an apparition will appal the stoutest persecution. Intrepidity may become rashness if the heart;

Now the last ruin the whole host appals;

Now Greece had trembled in her wooden walls, But wise Ulysses call'd Tydides forth. POPE.

contempt of danger lead to an unnecessary exposure of the life and person. Undauntedness, in the presence of a brutal tyrant, may serve to baffle all his malignant purposes of revenge; but the same spirit may be employed by the hardened villain to preserve himself from detection.


Bold, v. Audacity; fearless signifies without fear (v. To apprehend); intrepid, compounded of in privative and trepidus trembling, marks the total absence of fear; undaunted, of un privative, and daunted, from the Latin domitatus, participle of domitare to impress with fear, signifies unimpressed or unmoved at the prospect of danger.

Boldness is positive; fearlessness is negative; we may therefore be fearless without being bold, or fearless through boldness;

Such unheard of prodigies hang o'er us, As make the boldest tremble. YOUNG. Fearlessness is a temporary state: we may be fearless of danger at this, or at that time; fearless of loss, and the like;

The careful hen

Calls all her chirping family around,

Fed and defended by the fearless cock. THOMSON. Boldness is a characteristic; it is associated with constant fearlessness;

His party, press'd with numbers, soon grew faint,
And would have left their charge an easy prey;
Whilst he alone undaunted at the odds,


Manly, or like a man, is opposed to juvenile or puerile, and of course applied to those who are fitted to act the part of men; I love a manly freedom as much as any of the band of cashierers of kings.' BURKE. Manful, or full of manhood, is opposed to effeminate, and is applicable to particular persons, or persons in particular cases; I opposed his whim manfully, which I think you will approve of.' CUMBERLAND. A premature manliness in young persons is hardly less unseemly than a want of manfulness in one who is called upon to display his courage.


Fearful here signifies full of that which causes fear (v. Alarm); dreadful, full of what causes dread (v. Apprehension); frightful, full of what causes fright (v. Afraid) or apprehension; tremendous, that which causes trembling; terrible, or terrific, causing terror (v. Alarm); horrible, or horrid, causing horror. The application of these terms is easily to be discovered by these definitions: the first two affect Intrepidity and undauntedness denote a still higher the mind more than the senses; all the others affect

Though hopeless to escape, fought well and bravely.


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Frightful convulsions writh'd his tortur'd limbs.

The roaring of a lion is terrible ;

Was this a face to be expos'd


In the most terrible and nimble stroke Of quick, cross lightning? SHAKSPEARE. Thunder and lightning may be tremendous, or convulsions may be tremendous; the glare in the eye of a ferocious beast is terrific; Out of the limb of the murdered monarchy has arisen a vast, tremendous, unformed spectre, in a far more terrific guise than any which ever yet overpowered the imagination of man.' BURKE. The actual spectacle of killing is horrible or horrid;

Deck'd in sad triumph for the mournful field,
O'er her broad shoulders hangs his horrid shield.


In their general application, these terms are often employed promiscuously to characterize whatever produces very strong impressions: hence we may speak of a frightful, dreadful, terrible, or horrid dream; or frightful, dreadful, or terrible tempest; dreadful, terrible, or horrid consequences.

TO APPREHEND, FEAR, DREAD. Apprehend, in French appréhender, Latin apprehendo, compounded of ap and prehendo to lay hold of, in a moral sense signifies to seize with the understanding; fear comes in all probability through the medium of the Latin pavor and vereor, from the Greek picow to feel a shuddering; dread, in Latin territo, comes from the Greek Tapasow to trouble, signifying to fear with exceeding trouble.

These words rise progressively in their import; they mark a sentiment of pain at the prospect of evil: but the sentiment of apprehension is simply that of uneasiness; that of fear is anxiety; that of dread is wretchedness.

We apprehend an unpleasant occurrence; we fear a misfortune; we dread a calamity. What is possible is apprehended; Our natural sense of right and wrong produces an apprehension of merited punishment, when we have committed a crime.' BLAIR.

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What is probable is feared; That which is feared may sometimes be avoided: but that which is regretted to-day may be regretted again to-morrow.' JOHNSON. The symptom or prognostic of an evil is dreaded as if the evil itself were present;

All men think all men mortal but themselves,
Themselves, when some alarming shock of fate
Strikes through their wounded hearts the sudden dread.

Apprehend respects things only; fear and dread relate to persons as well as things: we fear the person who has the power of inflicting pain or disgrace; we dread him who has no less the will than the power.

Fear is a salutary sentiment in society, it binds men together in their several relations and dependencies, and affords the fullest scope for the exercise of the benevolent feelings; it is the sentiment of a child towards its parent or instructor; of a creature to its Creator; it is the companion of love and respect towards men, of adoration in erring and sinful mortals towards their Maker. Dread is altogether an irksome sentiment; with regard to our fellow creatures, it arises out of the abuse of power: we dread the tyrant who delights in punishing and tormenting; his image haunts the breast of the unhappy subject, his shadow awakens terror as the approach of some direful misfortune with regard to our Maker it springs from a consciousness of guilt, and the prospect of a severe and adequate punishment; the wrath of God may justly be dreaded.

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Awe and reverence both denote a strong sentiment of respect, mingled with some emotions of fear; but the former marks the much stronger sentiment of the two: dread is an unmingled sentiment of fear for one's personal security. Awe may be awakened by the help of the senses and understanding; reverence by that of the understanding only; and dread principally by that of the imagination.

Sublime, sacred, and solemn objects awaken awe; they cause the beholder to stop and consider whether he is worthy to approach them any nearer; they rivet his mind and body to a spot, and make him cautious, lest by his presence he should contaminate that which is hallowed; It were endless to enumerate all the passages, both in the sacred and profane writers, which establish the general sentiment of mankind concerning the inseparable union of a sacred and reverential awe with our ideas of the Divinity.' BURKE. Exalted and noble objects produce reverence; they lead to every outward mark of obeisance and humiliation which it is possible for a man to express; If the voice of universal

nature, the experience of all ages, the light of reason, and the immediate evidence of my senses, cannot awake me to a dependance upon my God, a reverence for his religion, and an humble opinion of myself, what a lost creature am I.' CU BERLAND. Terrific objects excite dread; they cause a shuddering of the animal frame, and a revulsion of the mind which is attended with nothing but pain;

To Phoebus next my trembling steps be led,

Full of religious doubts and awful dread. DRYDen. When the creature places himself in the presence of the Creator; when he contemplates the immeasurable distance which separates himself, a frail and finite mortal, from his infinitely perfect Maker; he approaches with awe: even the sanctuary where he is accustomed thus to bow before the Almighty acquires the power of awakening the same emotions in his mind. Age, wisdom, and virtue, when combined in one person, are never approached without reverence; the possessor has a dignity in himself that checks the haughtiness of the arrogant, that silences the petulance of pride and self-conceit, that stills the noise and giddy mirth of the young, and communicates to all around a sobriety of mien and aspect. A grievous offender is seldom without dread; his guilty conscience pictures every thing as the instrument of vengeance, and every person as denouncing his merited


The solemn stillness of the tomb will inspire awe, even in the breast of him who has no dread of death. Children should be early taught to have a reverence for the Bible as a book, in distinction from all other books.


Afraid is changed from afeared, signifying in a state of fear; fearful, as the words of which it is compounded imply, signifies full of fear; timorous and timid come from the Latin timor fear, timidus fearful, and timeo to fear.

The first denotes a temporary state, the three last a habit of the mind.

Afraid may be used either in a physical or moral application, either as it relates to ourselves only or to others; fearful and timorous are only applied physically and personally; timid is mostly used in a moral



It is the character of the fearful or timorous person to be afraid of what he imagines would hurt himself; it is not necessary for the prospect of danger to exist in order to awaken fear in such a disposition; To be always afraid of losing life is, indeed, scarcely to enjoy a life that can deserve the care of preservation.' JOHNSON. It is the characteristic of the timid person to be afraid of offending or meeting with something painful from others; such a disposition is prevented from following the dictates of its own mind; He

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TO FRIGHTEN, INTIMIDATE. Between frighten and intimidate there is the same difference as between fright (v. Alarm) and fear (v. To apprehend); the danger that is near or before the eyes frightens; that which is seen at a distance intimidates: hence females are oftener frightened, and men are oftener intimidated: noises will frighten; threats may intimidate: we may run away when we are frightened; we waver in our resolution when we are intimidated: we fear immediate bodily harm when we are frightened; we fear harm to our property as well as our persons when we are intimidated: frighten, therefore, is always applied to animals, but intimidate never;

And perch, a horror! on his sacred crown,
If that such profanation were permitted
Of the by-standers, who with reverend care
Fright them away. CUMBERLand.

Cortes, unwilling to employ force, endeavoured alternately to sooth and intimidate Montezuma.' Ro



Formidable is applied to that which is apt to excite fear (v. To apprehend); dreadful (v. To apprehend) to what is calculated to excite dread; terrible (v. Alarm) to that which excites terror; and shocking from to shake is applied to that which violently shakes or agitates (v. To agitate). The formidable acts neither suddenly nor violently; 'France continued not only powerful but formidable to the hour of the ruin of the monarchy.' BURKE. The dreadful may act violently, but not suddenly: thus the appearance of an army may be formidable; that of a field of battle is dreadful;

Think, timely think, on the last dreadful day.


The terrible and shocking act both suddenly and violently; but the former acts both on the senses and the imagination, the latter on the moral feelings only: thus

the glare of a tyger's eye is terrible; the unexpected news of a friend's death is shocking; When men are arrived at thinking of their very dissolution with pleasure, how few things are there that can be terrible to them.' STEELE. Nothing could be more shocking to a generous nobility, than the entrusting to mercenary hands the defence of those territories which had been acquired or preserved by the blood of their ancestors. ROBERTSON.


All these terms are derived from the very same source (v. Agitation), and designate a general state of agitation: trembling is not only the most familiar but also the most indefinite term of the three; trepidation and tremor are species of trembling. Trembling expresses any degree of involuntary shaking of the frame, from the affection either of the body or the mind; cold, nervous affections, fear, and the like, are the ordinary causes of trembling;



And with unmanly tremblings shook the car. POPE. Tremor is a slight degree of trembling, which arises only from a mental affection; when the spirits are agitated, the mind is thrown into a tremor by any trifling incident; Laughter is a vent of any sudden joy that strikes upon the mind, which, being too volatile and strong, breaks out in this tremor of the voice." STEELE. Trepidation is more violent than either of the two, and springs from the defective state of the mind, it shows itself in the action, or the different movements of the body; those who have not the requisite composure of mind to command themselves on all occasions are apt to do what is required of them with trepidation; The ferocious insolence of Cromwell, the rugged brutality of Harrison, and the general trepidation of fear and wickedness (in the rebel parliament), would make a picture of unexampled variety.' JOHNSON. Trembling is either an occasional or an habitual infirmity; there is no one who may not be sometimes seized with a trembling, and there are those who, from a lasting disease or from old age, are never rid of it: tremor is but occasional, and consequently depends rather on the nature of the occasion; no one who has a proper degree of modesty can make his first appearance in public without feeling a tremor: trepidation may be either occasional or habitual, but oftener the latter, since it arises rather from the weakness of the mind than the strength of the cause.

Trembling and tremulous are applied as epithets, either to persons or things: a trembling voice evinces trepidation of mind, a tremulous voice evinces a tremor of mind: notes in music are sometimes trembling; the motion of the leaves of trees is tremulous;

And rend the trembling unresisting prey. POPE.
As thus th' effulgence tremulous I drank,
With cherish'd gaze. TномSON.


Agitation, in Latin agitatio, from agito, signifies the state of being agitated; emotion, in Latin emotio, from emotus, participle of emoveo, compounded of e, out of, and moveo to move, signifies the state of being moved out of rest or put in motion; trepidation, in Latin trepidatio, from trepido to tremble, compounded of tremo and pede, to tremble with the feet, signifies the condition of trembling in all one's limbs from head to foot; tremor, v. Trembling.

Agitation refers either to the body or mind, emotion to the mind only; tremor mostly, and trepidation only, to the body.

Agitation of mind is a vehement struggle between contending feelings; emotion is the awakening but one feeling; which in the latter case is not so vehement as in the former. Distressing circumstances produce agitation; The seventh book affects the imagination like the ocean in a calm, and fills the mind. of the reader without producing in it any thing like tumult or agitation.' ADDISON (On Milton). Affecting and interesting circumstances produce emotions; The description of Adam and Eve as they first appeared to Satan, is exquisitely drawn, and sufficient to make the fallen angel gaze upon them with all those emotions of envy in which he is represented.' ADDISON (On Milton).

Agitations have but one character, namely, that of violence emotions vary with the object that awakens them; they are emotions either of pain or pleasure, of tenderness or anger; they are either gentle or strong, faint or vivid.

With regard to the body, agitation is more than trepidation, and the latter more than tremor: the two former attract the notice of the bystander; the latter is scarcely visible.

Agitations of the mind sometimes give rise to distions of terror or horror will throw the body into a torted and extravagant agitations of the body; emotrepidation; or any public misfortune may produce a trepidation among a number of persons; His first action of note was in the battle of Lepanto, where the success of that great day, in such trepidation of the state, made every man meritorious.' WOTTON. tions of fear will cause a tremor to run through the whole frame; He fell into such a universal tremor of all his joints, that when going his legs trembled under him.' HERVEY.



Actuate, from the Latin actum an action, implies to call into action; impel, in Latin impello, is compounded of in towards, and pello to drive, signifying to drive towards an object; induce, in Latin induco, is compounded of in and duco, signifying to lead towards an object.

One is actuated by motives, impelled by passions, and induced by reason or inclination.

Whatever actuates is the result of reflection: it is a steady and fixed principle: whatever impels is momentary and vehement, and often precludes reflection: whatever induces is not vehement, though often momentary.

We seldom repent of the thing to which we are actuated; as the principle, whether good or bad, is not liable to change; It is observed by Cicero, that men of the greatest and the most shining parts are most actuated by ambition.' ADDISON. We may frequently be impelled to measures which cause serious repent

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TO EXCITE, INCITE, PROVOKE. Excite, v. To awaken; incite, v. To encourage; provoke, v. To aggravate.

To excite is said more particularly of the inward feelings; incite is said of the external actions; provoke is said of both.

A person's passions are excited; he is incited by any particular passion to a course of conduct; a particular feeling is provoked, or he is provoked by some feeling to a particular step. Wit and conversation excite mirth;

Can then the sons of Greece (the sage rejoin'd) Excite compassion in Achilles' mind? POPE. Men are incited by a lust for gain to fraudulent practices;


To her the God: Great Hector's soul incite
To dare the boldest Greek to single fight,
Till Greece provok'd from all her numbers show
A warrior worthy to be Hector's foe. POPE.


Men are provoked by the opposition of others to intemperate language and intemperate measures; Among the other torments which this passion produces, we may usually observe, that none are greater mourners than jealous men, when the person who provoked their jealousy is taken from them.' ADDISON. To excite is very frequently used in a physical acceptation; incite always, and provoke mostly, in a moral application. We speak of exciting hunger, thirst, or perspiration; of inciting to noble actions; of provoking impertinence, provoking scorn or resentment.

When excite and provoke are applied to similar objects, the former designates a much stronger action than the latter. A thing may excite a smile, but it provokes laughter; it may excite displeasure, but it provokes anger; it may excite joy or sorrow, but it provokes to madness.


Press, in Latin pressus, participle of premo, which probably comes from the Greek Bápnua; squeeze, in Saxon quisan, Latin quasso, Hebrew w to press together; pinch is but a variation from pin, spine; gripe, from the German greifen, signifies to seize, like the word grapple or grasp, the Latin rapio, the Greek ypit to fish or catch, and the Hebrew to catch.

The forcible action of one body on another is included in all these terms. In the word press this is the only idea; the rest differ in the circumstances. We may press with the foot, the hand, the whole body, or any particular limb; one squeezes commonly with the hand; one pinches either with the fingers, or an instrument constructed in a similar form; one gripes with teeth, claws, or any instrument that can gain a hold of the object. Inanimate as well as animate objects press or pinch; but to squeeze and gripe are more properly the actions of animate objects; the former is always said of persons, the latter of animals; stones press that on which they rest their weight; a door which shuts of itself may pinch the fingers; one squeezes the hand of a friend; lobsters and many other shell-fish gripe whatever comes within their claws.

In the figurative application they have a similar distinction; we press a person by importunity, or by some coercive measure; All these women (the thirty wives of Orodes) pressed hard upon the old king, each soliciting for a son of her own. PRIDEAUX. An extortioner squeezes in order to get that which is given with reluctance or difficulty; Ventidius receiving great sums from Herod to promote his interest, and at the same time greater to hinder it, squeezed each of them to the utmost, and served neither.' PRIDEAUX. A miser pinches himself by contracting his subsistence;

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Better dispos'd to clothe the tatter'd wretch,
Who shrinks beneath the blast, to feed the poor
Pinch'd with afflictive want. SOMERVille.

A covetous person gripes all that comes within his possession; How can he be envied for his felicity who is conscious that a very short time will give him up to the gripe of poverty.' JOHNSON.

TO RUB, CHAFE, FRET, GALL. To rub, through the medium of the northern languages, comes from the Hebrew D17. It is the generic

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