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mentioned. 8" And the border [of Judah to the "south] compassed from Baalah westward unto "mount Seir, and passed along unto the side of


Την δε

mount Jearim, which is Chesalon, on the north "side, and went down to Beth-shemesh." Here was likewise Ain Shemesh or? On, similar to that in Egypt; called the "fountain of the sun," and situated near to Elah and Midian: and Caen, an Egyptian city. Some of these Cuseans settled on the coast of the Red Sea, somewhat lower; and were the Arab-Egyptians of Ptolemy. Ty de παρα τον Αράβιον κολπον όλην παραλιον κατεχουσιν Αρα βαιγυπτιοι, Ιχθυοφαγοι, εν οις ορειναι ράχεις. The reason of their being called so is obvious: their twofold connection explains it. They inhabited the western coast, as the Casanda of "Diodorus did the eastern. They are represented as a very antient nation; and their chief port upon that sea was "Cous; which the Egyptians, when they long after began to think of commerce, seized upon. This is the nation that preserved that memorable

Jos. 15. v. 10.

9 Μετα το εν τῳ Ελανιτη μυχῳ όριον τε Αραβικε κολτσες Οννη, Moδιανη, κ. τ. λ. Ptol. Geogr. lib. 6.

10 Ptol. Geogr. lib. 4.

"Diodorus Sic. lib. 3. pag. 125.

12 Of Cous, see Abulfeda, Descriptio maris Al Kolzum. Geogr. Vet. vol. 3.

pag. 70.

13 They reached southward from Clysma; at which place the

tradition of the retiring of the Red Sea," and leaving a dry space in the middle which originally alluded to the miraculous passage of the Israelites. All these evidences shew, that the sons of Chus settled in these parts; which might have been at several periods; but particularly when they retired from Egypt. On the other side they extended themselves very far in Arabia felix; where may be found many plain vestigia of them. I have observed that lower Egypt was termed Raab and Reib; and sometimes Aireib, which signifies the land of Reib or Raab. The middle part of the country was styled Æthreib and " Æthrib, which is interpreted "the heart or center of "the triangular country," Cor telluris piriformis : on which account the center nome, as well as stream, had the name of Athribis, and Athribitic. These terms are to be found in Arabia felix. All the country about Mecca and Medina is denomi

children of Israel are supposed to have passed the Red Sea. Κλύσμα δε παλαι και το Ισραηλιτικού φευγοντες της Αιγυπτιες αβροχω το ρείθρον διεπεραιώθησαν ποδι. Excerpta à Philostorgio, lib. 3. cap. 6; apud Euseb. Hist. Eccles. edit. Reading. vol. 3.

14 Ovington in his voyage up the Red Sea takes notice of Gezon in the latitude of 17°; and mentions the kingdom of Casseen towards the entrance of the same sea. Captain Saris calls it Cushin. Purchas, vol. 1. pag. 339.

Is See Bochart of the word Aithrib, Geogr. Sacr. pars prior. lib. 4. cap. 2.



nated after this manner. Constantine Porphyrogennetus acquaints us, that the impious doctrine of Mahomet began in the province of Athribis: Και κατέσχεν ท πονηρα πλανη τε και αίρεσις αυτά τα μέρη της Αιθριβε. In like manner Theophanes in his Chronicle describes the rise of the Mahometan sect at the same place: " Και εκράτησεν ή αίρεσις αυτά τα μέρη της Αιθρίβε, δια πολεμε το εσχατον πρωην μεν κρυπτώς ετη δεκα. And in the Saracenica it is said, that, when the emperor Heraclius after his Persian expedition was passing through Arabia, Mahomet went out to meet him at Athribis. 18 Επανατρεφόμενε τε βασιλέως Ηρακλειο μετα νικης εκ τε των Περσων πολεμέ, και μέλλοντος αυτε διελθειν την Αιθρίβον, απγει προς ὑπαντησιν αυτε ὁ θεόμισης Μωάμεθ. The name Athribis had a meaning; and was well adapted to the part of Egypt, that it was originally given to but between this part of the world and the name that it is mentioned by, there is not the least analogy: which shews that it was adventitious. Whence it was derived, and by whom imported, is, I think, pretty clear. It must have been introduced by the

16 Constant. Porphyr. de Administr. Imp. cap. 14. Εκρατησεν δε ἡ άιρεσις αυτε τα μέρη της Αιθριος. Ibid. cap. 17.

17 Vide Byzant. Hist. vol. 12. pag. 278. It is the Ιαθριππα of Stephanus; called lap in the Excerpta from Chrysococca Syntaxis. Geogr. Vet. vol. 3. pag. 3.

18 Saracenica, incerti auctoris, opera Sylburgii. 1595. pag. 58. See also Cedren. Compend. Historiar. pag. 422.

Cuseans, called Gasanda and Cassanite: those sons of Chus, who came from Egypt, and settled upon that side of the Red Sea; and carried with them these memorials of their history and nation. Mahomet was his self of their race, though perhaps mixed with other families. To obtain favour with. the Jews, he affected to be descended from Ishmael, the son of Abraham; the great ancestor of all the Israelites. But even as he gives out his genealogy, though the traces may be faint and obscure, we may still perceive that he was of Cusean race, as all the Arabians were. According to their accounts, there was one Zenarus, who was a descendant of Ishmael; and he had two sons, Mundarus and Rab: of which, Mundarus is said to have been the father of Cousarus and Caisus. 19 Ζηνάρος γαρ ὁ τε Ισμαηλ απόγονος πάτηρ αυτων αναγο ρεύεται παντων. Ουτος ουν γεννα ύιους δυο, Μενδαρον και Ῥαβειαν· ὁ δὲ Μενδαρος τίκτει Κουσαρον, και Καϊσον, και Θυμιμην, και 21 Ασανδον, και άλλες τινας ομωνυμες


19 Constantinus Porph. de adm. imp. cap. 14. weg uns yɛveαλoyiaç Te Mexμer. Cyrillus calls him Nilapos: Theophanes, Cedrenus, and the author of the Saracenica read Νηζαρος and Νιζαρος.

20 Theophanes has a un; which probably means Teman, the name both of a person and a place. Both Ishmael and Esau had a son of that name.

21 Ασανδον may possibly be a mistake for Γασανδον; and not the name of a man, but of a nation; the same that is mentioned by Diodorus, Ptolemy and Agatharchides..


(ανώνυμες) δι και την Μαδιανίτην ερημον κληρωσαμένοι εκτηνοτροφούν, εν σκηναίς κατοικέντες. The sons of Ishmael are well known from the Mosaic history; not one of which is to be found in this list, that is given by the Arabians. It seems to be an odd and perplexed account of countries, mixed with that of the people, who inhabited them: which confusion has arisen from the Greek writers not understanding the histories, to which they had recourse. Hence Cyrill in his Chronicle tells us, that one of the sons of Nizarus was Arabia. And in the Saracenica we are informed, that Mahomet had a sonin-law called Elim; and his two grandchildren were Cushan and Casan. I take Aravdos in Constantine Porphyrogennetus to be an omission for Γασανδος : and if μ, the reading of Theophanes be right, the meaning of all these histories at bottom will be

22 In the Catechesis et Saracenismi Anathematizatio, where every thing relating to Mahomet is solemnly cursed, among other abominations these are specified: Αναθεματίζω Αλειμ τον επι θυγατρι γαμβρον του Μωαμεδο και Χασάνην και Κουσενην της ὑιως αυτ8. pag. 77. Casan and Cushan were not Mahomet's sons, but the nation, he was his self descended from. He might be descended in part from Ishmael; but he was likewise of the family of Chus ; a Cuscan. Νιζαρος γεννα ύιες δυο Μυνδαρον και Αραβίαν. Cyrilli Chron. I think, it is plain from hence, that the Greek historians have been guilty of a great misapplication of terms: and that the names Caisus, Cusharus, Cushan, Rabeia, Arabia, &c. could never have been the names of particular men; but of provinces and countries, as well as of the tribes, who possessed them,

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