reaved mother, it is ardently hoped will illustrate this truth. The precious seed now deposited in the silent grave, abideth not alone, but will bring forth much fruit to the praise of the glory of His grace who chose her in the furnace of affliction. For her brethren and sisters her fervent petitions will, we trust, be answered; and all who read will say, "What hath God wrought!" May many be led by it to seek that Jesus who giveth such victory over death and the grave, and such an abundant entrance into his everlasting kingdom; and thus experience the blessedness of the people who have the Lord for their God! " I had long traced in my beloved child the sweet and silent influence of divine grace. Silent, modest, and gentle, she made no profession: but I witnessed her simplicity of character, her meek resignation, her entire submission to the divine appointment. When I was inclined to grieve that my beloved child was deprived of the gratifications of youth, and too often lamented that she could not partake of the active amusements of her brothers and sisters, my sweet and patient child bore all these privations with perfect calmness of mind, finding all her pleasure in sitting by me with her book or work. Since the month of July I painfully observed her constitution sinking, and her strength daily decreasing. In vain was medical aid; the decree was gone forth-her months were numbered; and therefore her disease baffled the power of medicine. My darling found some enjoyment in exercise, and in removing to the house of a friend for some time. Still, a desire to improve her mind, and acquire knowledge, gave her a motive for exertion, notwithstanding the great languor produced by extreme debility. The time drew nigh when I was to surrender the beloved object of my care and most tender anxiety. I marked the progress of disease with much inward conflict; I desired strength to yield her up with resignation to my God and her God: I sought opportunity to lay open to my child the danger she was in, but it often died upon my lips, and my heart shrunk from the disclosure of the solemn truth. My God, thou knewest my weakness: thou didst not leave her to my teaching, but didst sweetly teach her thyself-didst lead her into all truth-and, at the last, thou didst enlarge her heart, and unloose her tongue, to declare all thy praise, and to magnify the exceeding grace of our Lord Jesus Christ: so that the closing scene of my beloved child's life became to me an hour of inward joy and thankfulness: to her dear brothers and sisters, who surrounded her dying bed, a deep, solemn, and edifying sight; such as, I trust, through the divine blessing, may never, never be erased from their minds: and to the friends who witnessed it, a most affecting and deeply interesting scene. In removing from my own house, my darling child had directed several books to be packed up, observing, she should have much time to read to me when in the country; and particularly enjoying the idea that she should spend the Sabbath alone with me, which was always the object of her wishes, having been in the habit of. selecting texts of Scripture for me, during the week, on various subjects. I had B often had occasion to wonder at the rapid progress my child made in scriptural knowledge, doctrinal truths, and the practical influence they should have on her life. Her quick discernment of right and wrong, the maturity of her judgment, the enlargement of her mind, and, above all, that measure of divine wisdom, which only God can impart which, coming from above, is pure, peaceable, gentle, easy to be entreated, and which is without hypocrisy;-all these lovely graces I observed in my sweet child, brightening as she drew towards the close of her earthly career. What hath God wrought! Bless' the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits! How has he perfected His praise out of the mouth of this my child, ordaining her to bring forth fruit, and that her fruit should remain! For by her death she still speaketh. I draw near the closing scene, and nature mourns, while my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour. Very sweet and pleasant wast thou to thy mother, my sainted child, in the days, of thy sojourneying here; and O how precious is thy remembrance, now thou art removed from my desiring eyes! Thy poor, worn-out tabernacle is laid in the cold and silent grave! No more can thy anxious mother watch thy bed, smooth thy pillow, dress thy tender limbs, seck to nourish thy delicate frame, cheer thy drooping spirits, or instil into thy tender mind the sacred principles of divine truth. No; my child is now emancipated from all care, and pain, and sickness, equal to the angels which excel in strength. The Lamb, who, is in the midst of the Paradise of God, has wiped away all her tears, clothed her with the garments of salvation, crowned her with a glorious diadem; he feeds her with the living bread, and gives her to drink of the fountain of life. She shall thirst no more; no more feel weariness or painfulness; but, filled with the divine fulness, she beholds God as he is, and is made like unto him. Blessed be the Lord, who hath done for us great things, whereof we rejoice! My heart, yields this darling object of its tender affection to her dear Saviour. Desiring to record his goodness and mercy, I would note down the last words of my sainted child. Some nights previous to that which terminated her short course here below, my darling awoke, and turning to me, said, "Was not that a quiet sleep, mamma? Praise God, from whom all blessings flow, Praise him all creatures here below," &c. Again she said, "Mamma, I have a great deal to say to you, but. am not able; but I love to hear you talk." Many sweet words came. from her, expressive of patient resignation and perfect calmness of spirit; often desiring me not to grieve, and reminding me I had many other children: spoke gratefully and affectionately of the attention and love she met from her brothers and sisters, and other friends; often particularizing them to me. At one time she threw her arms round my neck, and, sobbing, said, "O, my dear mamma, I hope I shall not grow up and be unkind to you." Many such sweet expressions of grateful love and tender affection called forth my tears, which she always endeavoured to suppress. In the morning of that last sad day, she opened her eyes, and looking earnestly at me, she said, 66 As also, "Jesus sought me when a stranger, "Safe folded in my Saviour's arms, ; 1 I kissed my darling, and rejoiced in this testimony. When I asked her, did she not love Jesus more than her mamma? she was at first silent: when I repeated the question, she replied, " I hope, when God is going to take me, he will enable me to do so." And O how wonderfully and graciously was her desire fulfilled! the Lord mercifully disengaging her young heart from every earthly tie. I again asked my child what gave death a sting? She replied, "Sin." What, then, my darling, takes away the sting?" Immediately she answered, "The blood of Christ." Her breathing towards evening became most painful; no word of impatience escaped her lips; her countenance was serene, and a sweet smile when she spoke to About nine o'clock she turned to me, and said, " Dear mamma, take me in your arms, and lay me in the arms of Jesus." I replied, "O my beloved child, you are safe in your Saviour's arms; you do not fear death."-" O no," she replied, me. " Safe folded in my Saviour's arms," &c. : When I observed she would soon be before the throne of God, she added, "Yes, mamma, and he will wipe away all tears from my eyes, and "I shall sing the song of grace, I know, I know his grace is sufficient for me." She then desired to be raised up in her bed, and, calling for all her brothers and sisters, she took a solemn and affecting farewell of them, kissing each affectionately, and thanking them for their attention during her illness. And distressing as every exertion must have been to her weak frame and nearly exhausted ed breath, she stooped to embrace the youngest child. Observing her sister cry, she said, 'Why do you cry? don't you know I am going to God?" When her aunt observed, "You are a happy child;" she replied, "How can I be but happy, when I am going to God? Good bye, aunt; won't you stay with mamma? Give my love to aunt G-." She then looked at me, and said, " Mamma dear, be sure to tell John I remembered him, and be sure to tell Edward I remembered him." Then sweetly turning to me, she said, " And now good bye, dear mamma; kiss me." I stooped to kiss her dear lips; she clasped her arms round me, and pouring out her little heart in prayer, she said, "God Almighty bless you, my dear mamma, and all my brothers and sisters, and aunts and uncles; my cousins, the Newenhams; Mrs. S.; and a great many friends whom I cannot name now: and O grant that I may meet them all before the throne of God; and that they may all know 1 * me. Jesus Christ, whom to know is life eternal, life eternal!" and her arms dropped for a time. "And now, mamma, raise me up again," she sweetly said; and, with a heavenly smile on her countenance, she softly whispered to me, to remind her little brothers and sisters of what she used to say to them about speaking truth. She then told me all she wished to have done, always adding, "That is, if you please, mamma." She said, "There are a few papers in my writingdesk, which perhaps you would like to keep for yourself, mamma, to remember me ;" and she smiled, as if it were a trivial thing to give She observed that her Prayer-book she would not wish any one to have but me; "Because you know, mamma--" This I knew she alluded to as having been her beloved father's; I had given it to her as a remembrance. She told me where I should find some money she had laid by for a pair of shoes for a poor boy. After some other little bequests, she lay back; and, putting up her weak and trembling hands, she said, "Now come, Lord Jesus, come quickly." She then asked me to go to prayer, when, all kneeling round the bed, I offered up an earnest prayer that her spirit might be dismissed that Jesus would carry her in his arms, and take her to his bosom she joined fervently, adding, "Amen, Amen;" repeating the words after me, "An abundant entrance into thy kingdom of glory." She then frequently cried out, "O come, Lord Jesus, why tarry?" Often asking the hour, she began to fear she was to outlive the night; and looking to her brother, she said, "Charles, are people long stopping?" meaning that she wished to stop breathing. Then, looking towards me several times, "Mamma, I am praying for faith and patience." Seeing her fall back, and as I then thought about to draw the last labouring breath, I put up my hands and my heart to God, blessing him that my child was his, and not mine. She opened her eyes, and with the most lovely smile, she said, "Ah, mamma, I am yours yet." Her breathing being extremely difficult, she began to be eager for her dismissal. I observed to her, that God's time was the best; that his will should be hers; that patience should have her perfect work. She lay, meekly resigned; then expressed a wish her brothers should leave her for a time. Turning to me, she said, "The reason, mamma, I wished the boys to go away was, because I feared I should grow impatient, and I could not pray when they were all about me." She frequently urged all to go to bed, saying, she feared she should stop till morning; "and then," she added, "I shall make you all cry again." At about twelve o'clock a most painful and agonizing scene commenced: inward convulsive pangs seized my suffering, afflicted child: her mind wandered, and she called out that she was burning inside: her face became convulsed, her eyes fixed; she talked rapidly; and after a most bitter conflict, she triumphed over the enemy of souls, crying out every moment, "Yes, I am in Christ's arms, and I am now in mamma's arms, and we are both in Christ's arms-and I am going to God's throne." When we prayed for her dismissal, she evidenced the clear-ness of her reason, by joining in every word. Then naming all around her bed, she fixed her dear expiring eyes, beaming with tenderness, on me: " I am in mamma's soft arms; now I am laying my head on mamma's breast: now I see Christ; there he is!" pointing her little hands upwards. "See that Star, mamma; you know it is in the Bible. Now I am coming to Christ; and we shall all be with Christ, and before Christ's throne, from Deane to William" (naming the eldest and youngest of the family). With these words, "I am going to God's throne," her tongue faltered, her eyes closed, the conflict ceased, her happy spirit was dismissed from the suffering body, and she (as she herself said she would) entered into eternal rest. According to her own desire, she was laid down from her mother's arms in the arms of Jesus. Go, gentle spirit, to the bosom of thy God: sweet and pleasant as thou wast to me, most joyfully do I resign thee to thy Saviour, who redeemed thee with the most precious price of his blood; to him who loved thee, and washed thee from every spot and stain of corruption; to thy heavenly Father, who drew thee to himself, who early tried in the furnace of affliction, and brought you forth as gold; to that eternal Spirit, who sanctified you, adorned you with so many graces, and made you meet for the inheritance of the saints in light. Glory be to the eternal Three in One, who saved, sanctified, justified, and has finally glorified my sainted child! Blessed be his name, that I have now treasured up in glory the dearest objects of my affections! True, my heart desired their continuance here yet a little longer: but who shall stay his hand, or say to him, "What doest thou?" Shall not the Judge of the whole earth do right?" Can I not sing of mercy, as well as of judgment? Did he not draw nigh unto my soul in the day of my trouble, and with that voice which calmed the winds and waves, say "Peace, be still," to my poor, torn, and afflicted heart? Did I not hear him say, "Am I not still thy redeeming God? am I not also the God of thy seed?" And now, Lord, what wait I for? Truly, I wait for thy salvation, O Lord, and in thy word do I trust. O let me see thy grace poured out upon my much-loved children! Lord, requite them sevenfold into their bosoms, for their tender love towards my sainted child, their sweet sister, and for their fond and dutiful attention towards me, their afflicted mother! O let the prayer of my departed child be answered in their behalf; and may we be indeed a family united in Christ Jesus our Lord; that we may finally meet around the throne of God and of the Lamb! The papers to which my beloved child alluded, and a copy of which I send you, are indeed a precious legacy to me, and a sweet testimony of the grace of God largely bestowed on her: her pocketbook was found full of appropriate texts of Scripture. As her meditations* and prayers show evidently the sweet frame of her mind, her views of sin, and of the atonement which is in Christ Jesus, I shall here transcribe them; not with a view, I hope, to exalt my child, who has now obtained that honour which cometh from God; but to show forth the power and excellency of the religion of Jesus: its efficacy These will be inserted in our next Number. |