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16 ולשמרה: 209 ויצו 210 יהוה 154 אלהים על 13 האדם 117 לאמר 19 מכל 97 עץ 58 הגן 176 אל 211 תאכל: 211 58 הדעת 182 טוב 26 ורע 183 לא 159 תאכל 211 ומעץ ממנו 212 כי 25 ביום 30 אכלך 213 ממנו 212 מות 214 18 תמות: 214 ויאמר 19 יהוה 1:4 אלהים 3 לא 159 טוב 26 היות 215 האדם 117 לבדו 216 אעשה 217 לו 218 עזר 219 19 כנגדו: 220 ויצר 167 יהוה 154 אלהים 3 מן 165 האדמה 115 כל 97 חית 114 השדה 156 ואת 4 כל 97 עוף 93 השמים 5 ויבא 221 אל 47 האדם 117 לראות 222 מה 223 יקרא 29 לו 218 וכל 97 אשר 40 יקרא 29 לו 218 האדם 117 נפש 173

.the 3d pers. masc יצוה for יצו .convers ו .and commanded ויצו 210 .102 to command. Vide rule צוה sing. fut. Kal of

211. eating. Part. Ben. Kal, and on is the 2d pers. sing. masc. fut. Kal of 8 to eat. Rule 143.

212. DD from it. it. Rule 39. ¡ from, with a

prefix. So D

and . Rules 39 and 34. and vide num. 526 and 594.

213. thy eating. O is the part. Ben. Kal. Vide num. 211. is a pron. suffix; vide rule 36.


214. dying. Part. Ben. Kal. Л is the 2d pers. masc. sing. fut.

-does not always import tempo מות .853 .to die. Num מת or מות Kal of

ral death. Vide 1 Sam. xxv. 37. Prov. xix. 18. and Prov. xii. 28. As life may mean either happiness, or animal, spiritual, or eternal life; so death has as many senses directly opposed to these. Its meaning in this place must be collected from the nature of the life, which it would destroy. Man was constituted holy, death implies sin; he was in a state of friendship with God, death implies enmity against him; he enjoyed every production of the earth which tended to his comfort, death implies that the earth should be embittered to him; he enjoyed peace, death implies that his state should be that of a warfare; he enjoyed health, death implies that he should be subjected to diseases; in a word, as without sinning he was to be free from death, that is everlastingly happy, death implies everlasting misery.

16 And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat;

17. But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil thou shalt not eat of it; for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

18 And the Lord God said, it is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.

19 And out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air, and brought them to Adam, to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof.

But the gift of a seed of the woman, who should restore the honour of a broken law, was, at the moment of denouncing this commination, as much on the divine mind as it was afterwards. He is therefore the end or scope of the law for righteousness; and justice can have no claim on those, to whom grace was promised and given in Him before the world began.

215. n being. The infinitive of verbs in Lamed He change inton. Vide rules 103, 140. Of 'n to be. Vide page 29 ante.

216. 17 alone by himself.

a particle, from pref. and 7

pron. suff. Vide rule 39. alone, alone.

217. nwys I will make. It is the first pers. sing. fut. Kal of my to make. Vide num. 116.

218.1 for him.for. him, pron. suffix. 3d pers. masc. Vide rule


219. aid or help. It is also the root, to help.

220.1719 as before him. Jas. 13 before. As a verb, to show oneself. › him. Vide rule 39. 1711 before him. 17114 over against him. 1930 out of his sight. Joshua vi. 5. v. 13. Psal. x. 5.

221. and he brought. 1 convers. ' is the 3d pers. sing. masc. fut. Hiphil of the verb to come. The characteristic ' is omitted. Rule 81.

222. I to see. to. infin. Kal of 8 to see. Vide rule 103. 142.

223. who, which, what, how, wherefore. It is used often after the prefixes. Hence


20 חיה 174 הוא 192 שמו: 224 ויקרא 29 האדם 117 שמות 224 לכל 97 הבהמה 112 ולעוף 93 השמים 5 ולכל 27 חית 114 5 השדה 156 ולאדם 117 לא 159 מצא 225 עזר 219 כנגדו: 220 21 ויפל 226 יהוה 154 אלהים תרדמה 227 על 13 האדם 117 ויישן 228 ויקח 229 אחת 230 מצלעתיו 231 ויסגר 232 בשר 233 22 תחתנה: 234 ויבן 235 יהוה 154 אלהים את 4 הצלע 231 אשר 40 לקח 229 מן 165 האדם 117 לאשה 236 ויבאה 237 23 אל 47 האדם: 117 ויאמר 19 האדם 117 זאת 238 הפעם 239 עצם 240 מעצמי 241 ובשר 242 מבשרי 242 לזאת 238 יקרא 243


the name of it. Vit. Vid. Rule 39. Dv. Vide num. 190. Hence

.שמות .plur שמה

225.3 he found. It is the third pers. masc. sing. pret. Kal, to find.

.is the 3d pers ינפל for יפל .convers ו .and caused to fall ויפל 226

sing. fut. Hiphil, from the root 3 to fall. Being a verb in Pe Nun,

-is the fem. partici נפלת .81 it drops in the future. Vide rules 94 and

ple Benoni. Gen. xv. 12.

nis formative. Rule 189. Gen. xv. 12.

to shut auf in sleefta רום a deeft sleeft. A fem. noun from תרדמה .227

.is the third pers. sing. masc יישן .convers ו .and he slefit ויישן .228 to sleeft. Rule 86. Rather, And caused him to sleeft, in ישן fut. Kal of

Hiph. Vide num, 167. and rule 81..

229. пp" and he took. 1 convers. np for mph. Vide rule 200. 93.

.to take לקח From

230. ns one. A fem. noun for лns. Masc. is 8 one. Num. 486.

.to unite יחד formative. From א

the צלעת .plur צלע .27 in construction to a fem. plur. in n. Vide rule

231.vny of his ribs. D prefix. I suffix. Rule 39. ' is added because

side. "Flesh of my flesh" proves that more than a rib was taken. Vide Exod. xxv. 12. xxvi. 26, 7. xxxvi. 31, &c.

232.0 and he closed up. I convers. ' is the third pers. sing. masc. fut. Kal 3D to shut up.

20 And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field: but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him.

21 And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept; and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof.

22 And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.

23 And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called woman, because she was taken out of man.

233. flesh. As a root, to spread. "Thou hast clothed me with -flesh."

234. nnnn instead of it. nnn instead, from na to descend. Rule 189. And . Vide rule 39.

235. 1" and builded. convers. ¡' for 7 is the 3d pers. masc. sing. fut. Kal of 7 to build. Vide rule 102.

236. nush a woman. for the. nus a female vs, a woman, from

[blocks in formation]

237. 8 and caused her to come. 1 convers. pron. suffix. Vide Rule 39. is the 3d pers. masc. sing. fut. Hiphil of the root to come. Vide num. 221.

238. this. The same as with a n, ni fem. from n this. Num. 306.

239. Dyan turn. 7 emphat. and aya turn, a noun. Or as an adverb, now. The other creatures were not fit to be associated with man, "This turn is bone" &c.

240. Dry a bone. As a root it signifies to be strong.

241. pyyn of my bone. is a prefix. final is my. Vide rule 34, The word by is perhaps for D'xy. The D' is omitted in this manner, thebecause it is in construction before `, vide rules 24, 25, and the of the plural is dropped before, or coalesces with, the suffix. Rule

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.my bones עצמותי Hence .עצמות .plur עצמה .in note 34

242. as of my flesh. D prefix Rule 34. w the integuments. As a root, to spread. Num. 233.

[blocks in formation]

shall be called. It is the 3d pers, masc. sing. fut. Niph. of



24 אשה 236 כי 25 מאיש 236 לקחה 244 זאת: 238 על 13 כן 245 יעזב 246 איש 236 את 4 אביו 247 ואת 4 אמו 249 ודבק 250 לבשר 242 אחד:, 34 ויהיו 252 25 באשתו 251 ויהיו 252 * לבשר שניהם 253 ערומים 254 האדם 117 ואשתו 251 ולא 159 יתבששו: 255

p to call. n is fem. This is therefore an exception from the agreement of a verb with its nominative. Rule 127. Vide num. 67 in note. Or it is here in Kal.

לקחה .244

was taken. Is the 3d pers. sing. fem. pret. Kal, in which it has sometimes the active and sometimes the passive sense. Rule 86. num. 229.

245. therefore. 1 so, as a root to prepare. 1 x in nowise. by because, since. Vide num. 44.

246. ay shall leave. It is the 3d pers. masc. sing. fut. Kal of y to forsake.

247.1 his father. his. Vide rule 39. x is more rarely used than a father, which is its constant form in construction, and in the plural nas, vide rule 23, possibly to distinguish it from DN green fruits. From 8 to acquiesce. Vide num. 432, 669.

* The Samaritan Pent. reads here DD, the Septuag. o dvo, the Vulgate," et erunt duo," &c. The Syriac and Arabic also agree. And vide Mat. xix. 5. Mark x. 8. 1 Cor. vi. 16. and Eph. v. 31. Thus is it a prohibition of polygamy.

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