So to be false with her. Queen. No further service, doctor, Until I send for thee. Cor. I humbly take my leave. [Exit. Queen. Weeps she still, say'st thou ? Dost thou think, in time 540 She will not quench; and let instructions enter [The Queen drops a Phial: PISANIO takes it up. That I mean to thee. Tell thy mistress how C. 3 Who Who shall take notice of thee: I'll move the king 564 [Exit PISANIO. Think on my words. -A sly and constant knave; The hand fast to her lord.-I have given him that, Re-enter PISANIO, and Ladies. To taste of too. So, so; -well done, well done: The violets, cowslips, and the primroses, closet:-Fare thee well, Pisanio; Bear to my closet: Think on my words. Pis. And shall do: [Exeunt Queen, and Ladies. But when to my good lord I prove untrue, I'll choke myself: there's all I'll do for you. [Exit, SCENE VII. IMOGEN'S Apartment. Enter IMOGEN. Imo. A father cruel, and a step-dame false; A foolish suitor to a wedded lady, Cij 580 That That hath her husband banish'd;-0, that husband ! My supreme crown of grief! and those repeated Vexations of it! Had I been thief-stolen, 1 As my two brothers, happy! but most miserable Enter PISANIO, and IACHIMO. Pis. Madam, a noble gentleman of Rome, Comes from my lord with letters. You are kindly welcome. lach. All of her, that is out of door, most rich! If she be furnish'd with a mind so rare, She is alone the Arabian bird; and I IMOGEN reads. 1 [Aside. 600 He is one of the noblest note, to whose kindnesses I am most infinitely tied. Reflect upon him accordingly, as you value your trust. So far I read aloud : But even the very middle of my heart Is warm'd by the rest, and takes it thankfully. You are as welcome, worthy sir, as I Have words to bid you; and shall find it so, lach. Thanks, fairest lady. 610 What! are men mad? Hath nature given them eyes To see this vaulted arch, and the rich crop [Aside. 620 Imo. What makes your admiration? lach. It cannot be i' the eye; for apes and mon keys, 'Twixt two such she's, would chatter this way, and Contemn with mows the other: Nor i' the judg ment; For idiots, in this case of favour, would Should make desire vomit emptiness, Imo. What is the matter, trow? lach. The cloyed will (That satiate yet unsatisfy'd desire, That tub both fill'd and running), ravening first Ciij The The lamb, longs after for the garbage.. Thus raps you? Are you well ? lach. Thanks, madam; well:-'Beseech you, sir, [TO PISANIO. Desire my man's abode where I did leave him: He's strange, and peevish. Pis. I was going, sir,... To give him welcome. 640 Imo. Continues well my lord? His health, 'beseech you? Iach. Well, madam. Imo. Is he dispos'd to mirth? I hope, he is. lach. Exceeding pleasant; none a stranger there So merry and so gamesome: he is call'd Imo. When he was here, He did incline to sadness; and oft-times lach. I never saw him sad. There is a Frenchman his companion, one 650 An eminent monsieur, that, it seems, much loves: A Gallian girl at home: he furnaces The thick sighs from him; whiles the jolly Briton (Your lord, I mean) laughs from's free, lungs, cries, O! Can my sides hold, to think, that man who knows What woman is, yea, what she cannot choose For |