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judgment intuitively great; qualities essential to a military character, and therefore I repeat, that his loss will be irreparable.

"With respect to General Knox, I can say with truth, there is no man in the United States with whom I have been in habits of greater intimacy, no one whom I have loved more sincerely, nor any for whom I have had a greater friendship. But esteem, love and friendship can have no influence on my mind, when I conceive that the subjugation of our Government and Independence are the subjects aimed at by the enemies of our peace, and when possibly our all is at stake."

He then stated the fact that he had written to General Knox, giving him his reasons for desiring the selection of Pinckney as a General, and his "opinion fully with respect to the relative situation of himself and Colonel Hamilton, not expecting the difficulties which have occurred”—and again expressed his dissatisfaction at the course with regard to the appointment of an AdjutantGeneral. After commenting on the delay in recruiting troops, Washington closed this earnest letter in these


"I have addressed you, sir, with openness and candor, and I hope with respect, requesting to be informed, whether your determination to reverse the order of the three Major-Generals is final, and whether you mean to appoint another Adjutant-General without my concurrence."

This communication clearly indicated Washington's determination to resign his commission should Hamilton not be placed second in command. While waiting the President's answer, he enclosed to the Secretary at War the draft of this letter, "not to be divulged," he enjoined, "unless the result should make it necessary for me to proceed to the final step."

Adams felt that he could no longer trifle with Washington. With the consequences of his own conduct

clearly before him resulting in inevitable disgrace, on the ninth of October, he wrote this characteristic reply:

"Sir, I received yesterday the letter you did me the honor to write on the twenty-fifth of September. You request to be informed whether my determination to reverse the order of the three MajorGenerals is final, and whether I mean to appoint another AdjutantGeneral without your concurrence. I presume, that before this day you have received information from the Secretary of War, that I some time ago signed the three commissions, and dated them on the same day, in hopes, similar to yours, that an amicable adjustment or acquiescence might take place among the gentlemen themselves. But, if these hopes shall be disappointed, and controversies should arise, they will of course be submitted to you as Commander-in-chief, I was determined to confirm that judgment. Because whatever construction may be put upon the resolutions of the ancient Congress, which have been applied to this case, and whether they are at all applicable to it or not, there is no doubt to be made, that, by the present Constitution of the United States, the President has the authority to determine the rank of officers. I have been for some time prepared in my own mind to nominate Mr. Dayton to be Adjutant-General, in case of the refusal of Mr. North. Several others have occurred, and been suggested to me, but none who, in point of science or literature, political and military merit, or energy of character, appears to be equal to him. I have no exclusive attachment to him or any other. If you have any other in contemplation, I pray you to mention him to the Secretary of War, who may fill up his commission immediately in case Mr. North declines. I hope your own health and that Mrs. Washington's are perfect. Mine is very indifferent, and Mrs. Adams's extremely low. Confined to the bed of sickness for two months, her destiny is still very precarious, and mine in consequence of it. With great respect, I have the honor to be, sir, your most obedient and humble servant."

Washington's decision was immediately communicated by him to Hamilton. Knox, on being informed of Hamilton's priority, declined the appointment. Pinckney ac cepted it cheerfully.

He wrote to the Secretary of War:

"It was intimated to me on my arrival, that it had been doubted whether I would accept my appointment, as General Hamilton, who was of inferior rank to me in the last war, was ranked before me in the new arrangement. I declared then, and still declare, it was with the greatest pleasure I saw his name at the head of the list of Major-Generals, and I applauded the discernment which had placed him there. I knew that his talents in war were great, that he had a genius capable of forming an extensive military plan, and a spirit courageous and enterprising, equal to the execution of it." *

The General staff was now completed,† and Hamilton was called into service. The Secretary at War applied to the President for authority to request the attendance of Washington at the seat of government; the object being, in concert with Hamilton and Pinckney, to select persons to fill the military appointments, and to devise a system for raising, sustaining, disciplining, and distributing the army. The necessity of beginning to recruit was specially urged.

Several months after, Hamilton, having the opportunity offered in the transmission of letters received by him, addressed to General Knox, wrote to him thus:

"My judgment tells me, I ought to be silent on a certain subject; but my heart advises otherwise, my heart has always been the master of my judgment. Believe me, I have felt much pain at the idea that any circumstance personal to me should have deprived the public of your services or occasioned to you the smallest dissatisfaction.

"Be persuaded also, that the views of others, not my own, have

* Hamilton's Works, vi. 373.

Burr was in contemplation as Quarter-Master-General, but Pickering writes, "Col. Burr cannot be Q. M. G. It is impossible that Gen. Washington should confide in him, and therefore he cannot be appointed."

To a cavil raised on the expression, that "the views of others, not his own, have given shape to what has taken place," it is sufficient to refer to the facts that Hamilton, in reply to Washington, suggested for himself only the place of "Inspector-General with rank in the line," and that that nomination

given shape to what has taken place, and that there has been a serious struggle between my respect and attachment for you, and the impression of duty. This sounds, I know, like affectation, but it is nevertheless the truth. In a case in which such great public interests were concerned, it seemed to me the part of reason and propriety, not to exercise an opinion of my own, but to leave that of others, who could influence the issue, to take a free course. In saying thus much, my only motive is to preserve, if I may, a claim on your friendly disposition towards me, and to give you some evidence that my regard for you is unabated. Adieu, my dear sir, very much yours."

was proposed by Washington in order that Hamilton should be second in command; that his being placed first in the list of Major-Generals was the act of Washington, whose opinion was fortified by others, the most leading men of the country, and in accordance with the intention of the Senate; and that as long as self-respect permitted, and the question stood in a form to justify it, he was willing to waive the higher rank both to Knox and Pinckney; though not convinced he owed this sacrifice to any sense of public duty.


WHILE this attempt of the President to violate the stipulation under which Washington accepted the chief command alarmed the leading friends of the Administration, the public mind was kept in constant agitation by intelligence from abroad.

On the nineteenth of May, Bonaparte sailed from Toulon with a large fleet and a select army accompanied by his most confidential officers. Intense anxiety pervaded Europe as to the object of this expedition. The prevalent opinion was, that these troops were to be disembarked on the coast of Spain in the vicinity of Malaga; thence to cross to Portugal;-that the Peninsula would be subjugated; and reinforced by the fleets at Cadiz and in the Tagus; that Bonaparte would plant his standard in the Brazils, reduce South America under French domination, and, with her treasures at command, pursue ulterior designs against the United States. In England it was believed, that Ireland was his object, and that this circuitous route had been taken to escape the British navy. But the Insurrection there had been premature. Its chiefs were without talent or system, and England, roused to unanimity by the threat of invasion, confided in her ability to defend herself and to protect her sister kingdom. Conferences meanwhile were slowly progressing at Rastadt,

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