Imágenes de páginas






Balzac, J. L. Guez, sieur de. Euvres. 2 vols. Paris. 1665.
Boileau-Despréaux, N. Œuvres. Paris. 1666; 1701; etc.

Bolingbroke, H. St John, Viscount. Miscellaneous Works. 4 vols. Edinburgh.


Bossuet, J. B., Bishop of Meaux. Euvres. Venice. 1736. Ed. Abbé Guillaume. Paris. 10 vols. 1885.

Bourdaloue, L. Euvres. 16 vols. Paris. 1707-34.

Chesterfield, P. D. Stanhope, 4th Earl of. Letters. Edd. C. Strachey and A. Calthrop. London. 2 vols. 1901.

Letters to his godson. Ed. Earl of Carnarvon. Oxford. 1890. Chiabrera, G. Collected works. 3 vols. Rome. 1718. Milan. 1807 etc. Corneille, P. Euvres. 12 vols. (Les Grands Écrivains de la France.) Ed.

C. Marty-Laveaux. 1862-8.

Théâtre de Corneille. Ed. Félix Hémon. 4 vols. 1887.

Corneille's edition of his works published in 1660 contains an Examen to each play and the three Discours du poème dramatique, de la tragédie, des trois unités.

The dates of Corneille's chief plays are as follows: Mélite, 1629; Médée, 1635; le Cid, 1636 or 1637; Horace, 1640; Cinna, 1640; Polyeucte, 1643; Pompée, 1643-4; le Menteur, 1643-4; Suite du Menteur, 1644; Rodogune, 1644-5; Théodore, 1645; Edipe, 1659; Psyché (with Molière and Quinault), 1671; Suréna, 1674.

Descartes, R. Euvres complètes. 11 vols.

1824-6. Paris. Ed. V. Cousin. Euvres. Edd. C. Adam and P. Tannery. (In progress.) Correspondence. 2 vols. Paris. 1897-8.

The first complete edn. of Descartes' Works was published in Latin, Amsterdam, 1650; in French, Paris, 1701.

Diderot, D. Œuvres complètes. Edd. J. Assézat and M. Tourneux. 20 vols.


Paris. 1875-7.

Gay, John. Collected Poems. 2 vols. London. 1720.

Fables. London. 1727. Second series, 1738.

Poetical works. Ed. I. Underhill. 2 vols. London. 1893.

La Bruyère, J. de. Euvres complètes. Ed. G. Servois. (Les G. É. de la 3 vols. Paris. 1865-78.

776 French 17th century literature and European influence

La Fontaine, J. de. Contes et Nouvelles. Paris. 1665, 1666, 1671, 1674. Fables choisies. Paris. 1668, 1671, 1678, 1692.

Les Amours de Psyché. Paris. 1669.

Euvres complètes. Ed. H. Regnier. (Les G. É. de la F.) 11 vols. Paris.

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1862-9. Maynard, F. de. Molière, J. B. P. de. la F.) 13 vols.

Euvres poétiques. Ed. F. Garrisson. 3 vols. Paris. 1885-6.
Euvres. Ed. E. Despois and P. Mesnard. (Les G. É. de
Paris. 1873-1900.

Eng. trans. H. Van Laun. 6 vols. Edinburgh. 1875 ff.
The Plays of Molière, in French, with an English translation and Notes.
By A. R. Waller. 8 vols. Edinburgh. 1907.

The dates of Molière's chief plays are as follows: L'Étourdi, 1655; Les Pré-
cieuses Ridicules, 1659; Sganarelle, 1660; L'École des Maris, 1661; Les
Fâcheux, 1661; L'École des Femmes, 1662; La Critique de L'École des
Femmes, 1663; La Princesse d'Élide, 1664; Tartuffe, 1664; Le Misan-
thrope, 1666; Le Médecin Malgré Lui, 1666; Georges Dandin, 1668;
L'Avare, 1668; Monsieur de Pourceaugnac, 1669; Le Bourgeois Gentil-
homme, 1670; Les Fourberies de Scapin, 1671; Les Femmes Savantes,
1672; Le Malade Imaginaire, 1673.

Montaigne, Michel, Seigneur de. Essais. Books I and II. Bordeaux. 1580. Book III was added in 1588. Edd. Mlle de Gournay (Montaigne's fille d'alliance) and P. de Brach, 1595; Naiglon, 1802; R. Dezeimeris and H. Barckhausen, 1870 (text, 1580); H. Motheau and D. Jouaust, 7 vols. 1886 (text, 1588); E. Courbet and Ch. Royer, 5 vols. 1872 ff. (text, 1595). [An edition is in preparation organised by the municipality of Bordeaux.] English translation, by J. Florio. 1603, 1613, 1632. Ed. A. R. Waller. 6 vols. 1897. Pascal, B. Euvres. Ed. P. Faugère. (Les G. É. de la F.) Pensées. Ed. P. Faugère. 2 vols. 2nd edn. 1897. K. Paul. London. 1885.

Paris. 1886 sqq. Eng. trans. by C.

Racan, H. de B., Marquis de. Œuvres complètes. Ed. T. de Latour. 2 vols. London. 1857.

Racine, J.

Euvres. 2 vols. Paris. 1675-6 etc.

Euvres complètes. Ed. P. Mesnard. (Les G. É. de la F.) 8 vols. Paris. 1865-73.

Euvres. Ed. Anatole France. 5 vols. Paris. 1874, 1875.
Théâtre choisi. Ed. Petit de Julleville. Paris. 1888.

The dates of Racine's plays are as follows: La Thébaïde, 1664; Alexandre le
Grand, 1665; Andromaque, 1667; Les Plaideurs, 1668; Britannicus, 1669;
Bérénice, 1670; Bajazet, 1672; Mithridate, 1673; Iphigénie, 1675; Phè-
dre, 1677; Esther, 1689; Athalie, 1691.

Ronsard, P. de. Euvres complètes. Ed. P. Blanchemain. 8 vols. Paris.


Euvres. Ed. C. Marty-Laveaux. 6 vols. Paris. 1887-93.
Rotrou, J. de. Euvres. Ed. Viollet-le-Duc. 5 vols. Paris. 1820-3.
Théâtre choisi de R. Ed. F. Hémon.
Rousseau, J. J. Euvres complètes. 5 vols.
Saint-Évremond, C. M. de S.-D., Seigneur de.

Paris. 1883.

Œuvres mêlées. Ed. C. Giraud.

3 vols. 1865. [A critical edition is greatly needed.]

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Eng. trans. by J. Ozell. With Life etc. by Pope. 2 vols. London. 1715. Voltaire, F. Arouet de. Euvres complètes. 70 vols. Kehl. 1785-9.

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6 vols.


Addison, J.
Works. Ed. T. Tickell. London. 4 vols.
Works. Ed. H. G. Bohn and R. Hurd. London.
Bolingbroke, H. St John, Viscount. Philosophical Works. Ed. D. Mallet. 5 vols.


Cadalso, José de. Works. 3 vols. Madrid. 1818.
Chesterfield, P. D. Stanhope, 4th Earl of. Letters.

1845-53. New edn. 5 vols. London. 1892.

Ed. by Lord Mahon.

5 vols.

Filicaya, V. da. Works. Florence. 1864.
Fleming, P. Geistliche u. weltliche Poemata. Jena. 1651.
Lateinische Gedichte. Ed. J. M. Lappenberg. Stuttgart. 1863.

Deutsche Gedichte. 2 vols. Ed. J. M. Lappenberg. Stuttgart.


Garth, Sir Samuel. The Dispensary.


London. 1699; and many later

Gellert, C. F. Sämmtliche Werke. 10 vols. Leipzig. 1769-74 and 1867.
Gottsched, J. C. Deutsche Schaubühne. 6 vols. Leipzig. 1741-5.

Gedichte. Ed. J. J. Schwabe. 2 vols. Leipzig. 1751.

Gryphius, Andreas. Lyrische Gedichte. Ed. J. Tittmann. Leipzig. 1880.
Guidi, C. A. Poesie. Verona. 1726.

Heinsius, Daniel. Opera. Leyden. 1673.

La Bruyère, J. de. First edn. Paris. 1688. See also edn. 1694.
Leibniz, G. W. Freiherr von. Opera Omnia.

Geneva. 6 vols. 1768.

15 vols.

Lessing, G. E. Sämmtliche Schriften. Edd. Lachmann and Muncker.
Stuttgart and Leipzig. 1886 ff.

Dramatic works. Eng. trans. 2 vols. London. 1879.
Laocoon. Eng. trans. by Sir R. Phillimore. London. 1874.
Maffei, F. S., Marchese di. Collected works. 21 vols. Venice. 1790.
Opitz, Martin. Deutsche Poemata. Danzig. 1641.

Opera Poetica. Amsterdam. 1646.

Pope, A. Works. Ed. W. Elwin and W. J. Courthope.

10 vols.


Poetical works. (Globe edn.) Ed. A. W. Ward. London. Prior, Matthew. Miscellaneous Works. Copied for press by A. Drift.

London. 1740.

Poetical Works.

Aldine edn. 2 vols. London (1835).

1869 sqq.

2nd edn.

Ed. A. R. Waller. Cambridge Eng. Classics. Cambridge. 1907. Swift, Dean. Works. Ed. Sir Walter Scott. 19 vols. Edinburgh. 1824. New Edn.




Beljame, A. Le public et les hommes de lettres en Angleterre, 16601744. Paris. 1881. (Dryden, Addison, Pope.)

Life. By W. J. Courthope. London. 1884.


Life and Works of. By G. A. Aitken. Oxford. 1892.

778 French 17th century literature and European influence



- Brunetière, F. Grande Encyclopédie. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. Bolingbroke. Brosch, M. fort. 1883.

In Revue des Deux Mondes, 1 June, 1889, and in La
(In progress.) Vol. VII. Paris, s. a.

In Portraits littéraires. Vol. 1. Paris. 1836.
Bolingbroke u. d. Whigs u. Tories s. Zeit. Frank-

Collins, J. Churton. Bolingbroke, a historical study; and Voltaire in England. London.

Bossuet. Rébelliau, A.

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Bossuet historien du protestantisme. 2nd edn. Paris.

La Société française au xvir siècle d'après les sermons de 1875.

In La Grande Encyclopédie.

Picot, É. Bibliographie Cornélienne. Paris. 1876. [Gives full details of all Corneille's separate works.]

Saint-Beuve. In Nouveaux Lundis. Vol. VII. Paris. 1867.


- Brunetière, F. Études critiques sur l'histoire de la littérature française. 3rd and 4th ser. Paris. 1894.

Diderot. Morley, J. Diderot and the Encyclopaedists. London. 1878 ff. Diderot. Paris. 1880.

Scherer, E.

Danzel, T. W.

Gottsched, J. C.
La Bruyère. Sainte-Beuve, C. A.
1870), x.

Gottsched und seine Zeit. 1848.

Nouveaux Lundis. Vols. 1 (3rd edn. Paris.

La Fontaine. Taíne, H. La Fontaine et ses fables. 14th edn. Paris. 1898.

Sainte-Beuve. In Portraits littéraires. Vol. I. Paris. 1836. Leibniz. - Guhrauer, G. E. Leibnitz. Eine Biographie. New edn. 2 vols. in 1. Breslau. 1846.

Fischer, Kuno. Leibniz. Vol. II of Gesch. der neueren Philosophie. 3rd edn. Heidelberg. 1889-.

Russell, B. Critical exposition of the philosophy of Leibnitz. Cambridge. 1900.

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

- Chatfield-Taylor, H. C. Molière. A bibliography. London. 1907. Houssaye, A. Les Comédiens de Molière. Paris. 1879. Lacroix, P. Collection Moliéresque. Paris. 1867-75. Trollope, H. M. The Life of Molière. London. 1905. Montaigne. Sainte-Beuve's Causeries du Lundi, Iv and Ix, Paris, 3rd edn. 1869; Nouveaux Lundis, II and vi, Paris, 1870 (3rd edn.) and 1866; Vauvenargues, Dialogue vi, Montaigne et Charron; E. Galy and L. Lapeyre, Montaigne chez lui, Périgueux, 1861; A. Grün, La Vie publique de Montaigne, 1855; Landor's Imaginary Conversations, ed. Crump, Vol. iv, 1891; P. Bonnefon, Montaigne L'homme et l'œuvre, 1893; J. F. Payen, Documents inédits, 1847, 1850, 1855, 1856; M. Prior, Dialogues of the Dead, ed. A. R. Waller, 1907.

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Pascal and other sermons. London. 1895.

Leslie Stephen. Life. (English Men of Letters.) London. 1880 sqq. See also Beljame under Addison.

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Beyle, M. H. Racine et Shakespeare. Paris. 1822 and 1854. Brunetière, F. Études critiques, 1re sér. and Hist. et Litt. Vol. II. Paris.


Taine, H. Nouveaux Essais de critique et d'histoire. Paris. 1865.
Morley, J. Rousseau. 1873 etc.

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Texte, J. Rousseau et les origines du cosmopolitisme littéraire. 1895. Eng. trans. by J. W. Matthews. 1899.

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remond and Ninon. -[A study by Mary C. Rowsell is in preparation.] Collins, J. Churton. Swift. A biographical and critical study. 1893. aik, Sir Henry. Life. London. 1882.

slie Stephen. Life. (English Men of Letters.) London. 1882. -Sainte-Beuve, C. A. Causeries du Lundi, XII.

See Collins, J. Churton, under Bolingbroke. orley, J. Voltaire. London. 1872 etc.

wing should also be consulted:

aguet, Dix-huitième siècle : études litt. 10th edn. Paris. 1892.
septième siècle: études litt.
siècle: essais litt. 4th edn.
études litt. et dram. 4th edn. Paris.


10th edn. Paris. 1892. Du 16 au 18 1890. Les grands maîtres du 17° siècle : 1888.

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