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For authorities on English and French North American colonies, and French West Indies, see Bibliographies to Chapters I and II, and Chapter III of Vol. VII. Reference should also be made to the Bibliography of Chapter XXV of Vol. IV.


Asher, G. M. A bibliographical and historical essay on the Dutch books and pamphlets relating to the New Netherlands and the Dutch West India Company. Amsterdam. 1854-67.

Larned, J. N. Literature of American History. London. 1902.

Mackenna, B. V. Bibliografía Americana. Valparaiso. 1879.

Theal, G. McC. History of South Africa under the Dutch East India Company.
Vol. II. Appendix. Notes on Books. 2nd edn. London. 1897.
Winsor, J. Narrative and critical history of America. Vols. II and VIII.



For an account of the documents relating to Spanish and Portuguese America, reference should be made to the Critical Essays in Winsor's History of America, vol. VIII. A short account of those relating to South Africa will be found in the Preface of Theal's History of South Africa under the Dutch East India Company, vol. 1, 2nd edn., London, 1897. Full lists of the original authorities on Mexican history will be found in notes at the end of Bancroft's History of Mexico, Vols. II and I (part of History of Pacific States of North America).

Calendar of State Papers, Colonial Series, America and West Indies, for the years 1661-97. 8 vols.

Calvo, C. Complete Collection of treaties relating to Latin America. 11 vols. Paris. 1862-9. Vol. x contains a repertory of original and unedited manuscripts.

Fuentes, M. A.

Memorias de los Vireyes (Peru). 6 vols. Lima. 1859. Parliamentary Papers, 1899. The British and American cases in the Venezuela boundary question, with appendices.

1904. The British and Brazilian cases in the British Guiana boundary question, with appendices.

These Papers, many of which are in мs., are deposited in the British Museum under the respective headings of Venezuelan Papers, 1899, and Brazilian Papers, 1904.

Polo, J. T.

Memorias de los Vireyes del Perú. Lima. 1899.

Rawlin, W. Collection of the Laws of Barbados. London. 1699.

Relação dos manuscriptos portuguezes e estrangeiros de interesse para o Brazil existentes no Museu Britannico de Londres. Rio de Janeiro. 1903.

Report of the Lords of the Committee of Council on Trade to Africa, 1789. [For the Slave Trade.]

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Barbot, J. A description of the coasts of North and South Guinea written for the most part in 1682. In Churchill's Voyages. Vol. v. 3rd edn. London.


Barrère, P. Nouvelle Relation de la France Équinoxiale. Paris. 1743. Baskett, J. The Asiento: or contract for allowing to the subjects of Great Britain the liberty of importing negroes into the Spanish America. London. 1713. Blome, R. Description of the Island of Jamaica with the other Isles and Territories in America to which the English are related.... London. 1672.

Present State of His Majesties Isles and Territories in America. London. 1687.

Bosman, W. Description of the coast of Guinea. English translation. 2nd edn. London. 1721.

Brief and perfect journal of the late proceedings and success of the English army in the West Indies. London. 1655.

Brito Freire. Nova Lusitania, historia da guerra Brasilica. Lisbon. 1675. Charlevoix, P. F. X. Histoire de l'Isle Espagnole ou de S. Domingue.... 2 vols. Paris. 1730-1.

Histoire du Paraguay. 3 vols. Paris. 1756.

Da Rocha Pitta, S.

Historia da America Portugueza. Lisbon. 1730. Dampier, Captain W. Voyages. Ed. by J. Masefield. 2 vols. London. 1906. Exquemelin, A. O. De Americaensche Zee Roovers. 1st edn. Amsterdam. 1678. Earliest English edn. London. 1684-5.

For an account of the numerous editions of this work and of additions
to it see J. Winsor's History of America, Boston, 1889, Vol. viii, p.

Gage, T. Survey of the West Indies. London. 1648. 4th edn. 1711.
The Golden Coast: a Description of Guinney. London. 1665.
Hakluyt Society Publications:

Battell, Andrew, Adventures of. Series II, No. vi. London. 1901.
Expeditions into the Valley of the Amazons, 1539, 1540, 1639. London.

Leguat, F. Voyage of. 2 vols. London. 1891.

Johnson, C.

Labat, J. B.

Madrigo, P. de. Description of the Government of Peru. In the East and West Indian Mirror. Series II, vol. xvIII. London. 1906. General History of the Pyrates. London. 1724. Nouveau voyage aux îles de l'Amérique. 6 vols. Paris. 1722. Nouvelle relation de l'Afrique occidentale. 5 vols. Paris. 1728. Ligon, R. History of the Island of Barbados. London. 1657. Linage, V. Norte de la Contratación de las Indias occidentales. Seville. 1672. English translation by Captain John Stevens. London. 1702. Menezes, Luis de. Historia de Portugal restaurado. 2 vols. Lisbon. 1679-98. Nieuhof, J. Voyage in Brazil. Pinkerton's Voyages. Vol. XIV. London. 1808-14.

Oldmixon, J. British Empire in America. London. 1708. Later edn. 1741. Olivares, M. de. Historia de la Compañia de Jesus en Chile, 1593-1736. Vol. VII of the Historiadores de Chile. Santiago. 1874.

Pinkerton, J. Voyages and Travels. Vol. XIV: South America. Vol. XVI: Africa. London. 1813-14.

Ponce de Leon, F. Descripcion del reyno de Chile. Madrid. 1644 [?]. Relation de ce qui s'est passée, dans les isles et Terre Ferme de l'Amérique pendant la dernière guerre avec l'Angleterre, et depuis en exécution du traité de Breda.... Paris. 1671.


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Relation du Voyage de la mer du Sud aux côtes du Chily et du Pérou fait pendant les années 1712, 13 et 1714. Paris. 1716. English translation. London. Rogers Woodes. Cruising Voyage round the world, 1708-11. London. 1712. Santa Teresa, G. G. Istoria delle guerre del regno del Brasile. 2 parts. Roma. 1698.

Sloane, Sir H. Voyage to...Barbados, Nieves, St Christopher's and Jamaica. 2 vols. London. 1725.

The present state of the Sugar Plantations considered; but more especially that of the Island of Barbados. London. 1713.

View of the English acquisitions in Guinea, A. London [?].

Wafer, L.


Warren, G.

Wood, W. 1716.


New Voyages and Description of the Isthmus of America. London.
Edited by G. P. Winship. Cleveland. 1903.


An impartial description of Surinam. London.
Occasional papers on the Asiento and the affairs of Jamaica. London.



Bandinel, J. Some accounts of the Trade in Slaves from Africa as connected with Europe and America. London. 1842.


Vol. III: West Africa.

Johnston, Sir H. H. Colonization of Africa. Cambridge.
Lucas, C. P. Historical Geography of the British Colonies.
2nd edn. Oxford. 1900. Vol. IV: South and East Africa.
ford. 1897.

Melliss, J. C. St Helena. London. 1875.

2 parts. Ox

Meredith, H. An account of the Gold Coast of Africa, with a brief history of the African Company. London. 1812.

Theal, G. McC. History of South Africa under the Dutch East India Company. 2 vols. London. 1897.

The Portuguese in South Africa. Cape Town. 1897.

Trotter, A. F. Old Cape Colony from 1652 to 1806. Westminster. 1903.


Beauchamp, A. de. Histoire du Brésil, 1500-1810.

3 vols. Paris. 1815.

Handelmann, H. Geschichte von Brasilien. Berlin. 1860.

Henderson, J. History of the Brazil. London. 1821.

Jornal do Instituto Historico e Geographico Brazileiro. Rio de Janeiro. 1839-. Koenig, F. Duguay Trouin. Tours. 1886.

Lucio d'Azevedo, J. Os Jesuitas no Grão Pará, 1653-1760. Lisbon. 1901. Moraes, A. J. de M. Brasil historico, e a corographia historica do Imperio do Brasil. Rio de Janeiro. 1866-7.

Netscher, P. M.

Les Hollandais au Brésil. The Hague. Rodrigues, J. C. 1904.


Religiões acatholicas no Brazil, 1500-1900. Rio de Janeiro.

Septenville, Baron E. de. Brésil sous la domination Portugaise. Paris. 1872. Southey, R. History of Brazil. 3 parts. London. 1810-19.

Varnhagen, F. A. de (Baron de Porto Seguro). Historia das Lutas com os Hollandezes no Brazil desde 1624 à 1654. Lisbon. 1872.

Historia geral do Brazil. 2 vols. Rio de Janeiro. 1877.

C. M. H. V.


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Coudreau, H. A. La France Équinoxiale. 2 vols. Paris. 1886-7. Dalton, H. G. History of British Guiana. 2 vols. London. 1855. Edmundson, G. The Dutch in western Guiana. Eng. Hist. Rev. 1901, 640.

The Dutch on the Amazon and Negro in the seventeenth century. Eng. Hist. Rev. 1903, 642; 1904, 1.

Essai historique sur la Colonie de Surinam avec l'histoire de la nation JuivePortugaise et Allemande y établie. Paramaribo. 1788.

Hartsinck, J. Beschryving van Guiana of de Wilde Kust in Suid America. 2 vols. Amsterdam. 1770.

Lucas, C. P. Historical Geography of the British Colonies. Vol. 11: West Indies. 2nd edn. Oxford. 1905.

Palgrave, W. G. Dutch Guiana. London. 1876.

Rodway, J. History of British Guiana from 1688. 3 vols. Georgetown. 1891-4. and Watt, T. Chronological History of the discovery and settlement of Guiana, 1493-1688. Georgetown. 1888.


An Account of the European Settlements in America. Revised by Edmund Burke.

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Borde, P. G. L. Histoire de l'île de la Trinidad, 1498-1797. 2 parts. Paris.


Breen, H. H. St Lucia. London. 1844.

Bridges, G. W.

Burney, J.

Annals of Jamaica. 2 vols. London. 1827-8. History of the Buccaneers of America. London. 1816. Davey, R. Cuba: past and present. London. 1898.

Davis, N. D. Cavaliers and Roundheads in Barbados. Georgetown, British Guiana. 1887.

Edwards, Bryan. Historical Survey of St Domingo. London. 1801.

British Colonies in the West Indies. 5th edn. 5 vols. London. 1819. Fiske, A. R. The West Indies. (Story of the Nations.) New York. 1899. Humboldt, Baron F. H. A. von. Essai politique sur l'île de Cuba. Paris. 1826. Lefroy, Sir J. H. Memorials of the Discovery and Early Settlement of the

Bermudas or Somers Islands, 1511-1687. 2 vols. London. 1877-9. Long, E. History of Jamaica. 3 vols. London. 1774.

Lucas, C. P. Historical Geography of British Colonies. Vol. II: West Indies. Oxford. 1905.

2nd edn.

Markham, C. R. Sea Fathers. London. 1884.

Norman, C. B. Corsairs of France. London. 1887.

Oliver, V. L.

History of Antigua from 1635. 3 vols.

London. 1894-9.

Poyer, J. History of Barbados, 1605-1801. London. 1808.
Rodway, J.

The West Indies and the Spanish Main. (Story of the Nations.)

Russell, W. C. William Dampier. (English Men of Action.) London. 1889. Schomburgk, Sir R. H. History of Barbados. London. 1848.

Southey, T. Chronological History of the West Indies, 3 vols. London. 1827. Thornbury, W. Buccaneers. London. 1858.

Woodcock, H. I. History of Tobago. Ayr. 1867.

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Alegre, F. J. Historia de la Compañia de Jesus en Nueva España (1566-1765). Mexico. 1841-2.

Arana, D. B. Historia general de Chile. 16 vols.

Santiago. 1884-1902.

Bancroft, H. H. History of the Pacific States of North America. 84 vols. San Francisco. 1881-90. [Vols. IV-IX contain the History of Mexico.] History of the Mexican people. San Francisco. 1887.

Bernard, M. Establishment of Spanish Rule in America. New York. 1898. Burney, J. Chronological History of Discovery in the South Sea. London. 1803-16.

Buenos Ayres. 1870.

Deberle, A. Histoire de l'Amérique du sud. 3rd edn. Paris. 1897.
Dominguez, L. Historia Argentina, 1482-1900. 4th edn.
Fancourt, C. St J. History of Yucatan (to 1700). London. 1854.
Gibbs, A. R. British Honduras, from 1670. London. 1883.
Gothein, E. Jesuitenstaat in Paraguay. Leipzig. 1883.
Hale, S. Story of Mexico. (Story of the Nations.) New York.


Hall, B. Extracts from a Journal written on the coasts of Chile, Peru and Mexico, 1820-2. 2 vols. 3rd edn. Edinburgh. 1824.

Henderson, J. History of the Brazil. London. 1820.

Humboldt, Baron F. H. A. von. Voyage aux régions équinoxiales du nouveau continent, 1799-1804. 29 vols. Paris. 1807-17.

Political Essay on the kingdom of New Spain. (From the above. Eng. transl. by J. Black.) London. 1811. 3rd edn. 1822.

Juarros, D. Statistical and commercial history of Guatemala. Eng. transl. by J. Baily. London. 1823.

Lorente, Sebastian. Historia del Peru, 1598-1700. Paris. 1870. 1700-1821. Lima. 1871.

Mackenna, B. V. Historia de la Ciudad de Santiago, 1541 à 1868. Valparaiso. 1869.

The Inquisition as it was in South America. Eng. transl. by J. W. Duffy. London. 1869.

Markham, Sir C. R. History of Peru. Chicago. 1892.

Mendiburu, General. Historico-Biographical Dictionary of Peru. First part. 6 vols. Lima. 1874-85.

Molina, G. I. Geographical and Civil History of Chili. Eng. transl. 2 vols.

London. 1809.

Raynal, G. T. F. Histoire philosophique et politique des établissements et du commerce des Européens dans les deux Indes. 10 vols. Geneva. 1780. Eng. transl. by J. O. Justamond. 8 vols. London. 1783.

Root, J. W. Spain and its Colonies. London.


Washburn, C. A. History of Paraguay. Boston. 1871.

Watson, R. G. Spanish and Portuguese South America during the Colonial period. 2 vols. London. 1884.

Wilcocke, S. H. History of the Viceroyalty of Buenos Ayres. London. 1807.


Beer, L. The Commercial Policy of England towards the American Colonies. (University of Columbia Studies in History, Economics etc.) New York. 1893.

Bonnassieux, P. Les Grandes Compagnies de Commerce. Paris. 1892.
Cawston, G. and Keane, A. H. The Early Chartered Companies. London.
Cunningham, W. Growth of English Industry and Commerce.
bridge. 1905.

Egerton, H. E. History of Colonial Policy. London. 1898.


4th edn.


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