Imágenes de páginas


Malcolm J. McLeod, D.D.

A Comfortable Faith

Cloth, net $1.00.

Under Mr. McLeod's gifted hand the most commonplace religious truth glitters with new fire. Few men have equalled his gift of expression and illustration. He argues by picture and convinces with his array of facts. In this volume the central theme is the Christian assurance of heart in the midst of life and why he has it and the kind of Christian a man ought to be with this gospel to believe in.

The Culture of Simplicity

3d Edition. Cloth, net, $1.00.

"The first suspicion of imitation is quickly
dispelled. The book stands on its own merits.
More vivacious, more practical for the Ameri-
can reader than Charles Wagner's 'The Sim-
ple Life.' It explains more clearly how the life
may be lived, and reaches the root of things
in the Gospel of Christ."-Congregationalist.

Earthly Discords and
How to Heal Them

3d Edition. Cloth, net, 75c.

"This book is written in a clever, fascinating style, and is a masterpiece in every way. The book is rich in pithy quotations, apt and striking literary references, and convincing biographical illustrations, and deserves to be widely circulated and frequently perused."Canadian Churchman.

Heavenly Harmonies for Earthly Living

6th Edition. Cloth, net, 50c.

"Mr. McLeod is admirable in his selection of comparisons, prolific in presentation of interesting, telling points, modern and intelligent in his combining of today's scientific knowledge with the eternal truth on which all sound preaching is based."-From Editorial in New York American.


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