Imágenes de páginas

Some thoughts on a bill for a general naturalization, Cooper, 6d

Obfervations on the inhabitants of the town, &c. and of the lake of Ontario, by John Bartram, in his travels from Pensilvania to Onandago, Whifton, Is 6d

The adventures of Peregrine Pickle, by the author of Roderick Random, Wilfon, 10s 6d boards, 12s bound

A treatise on distributive justice, Owen, Is

An introduction to chronology, with a brief account of the several methods proposed for the alteration of the stile, &c. by James Hodgson, F. R. S. Mount, Page, Whitridge, Is 6d

Sermon preach'd before the lord mayor, &c. at St. Paul's, Jan. 30, 1750, by Wilmot, Meadows, 6d

Three original poems, being the posthumous works of Pendavid Bitterzwigg, Esq; with his remarkable will and testament, Carnan, IS

The royal manual, a poem, by Andrew Marvel, Watts, Dod, Is

A brief narrative of the late campaigns in Germany and Flanders, Lion,


Confiderations on the expediency of making, and the manner of conducting the late regulations at Cambridge, Payne, Is

A critical dissertation on 2 Pet. i. 16, 21. in which the force of the apostle's reasoning is shewn, &c. Payne, Bouquet, 6d

Memoirs of the life and adventures of William Parfons, Esq; written by himself, Stamper

The sentiments of a great man upon proposals for the general reduction of intereft to three per Cent, Whitridge, 6d

Curious observations upon the manners, customs, &c. of the several nations of Afia, Africa and America, translated from the French of M. l'Abbe Lambert, Woodfall, ros

A new treatise of British and foreign vegetables, being an improvement on the Materia medica of the celebrated Steph. Fran. Jeoffroy, M. D. Owen, 4s

The right hon. Henry lord viscount Cornbury's letter to the vice-chancellor of Oxford in convocation, with the vice-chancellor's answer, Lion, 6d

A true copy of the poll taken at Oxford, Jan. 31, 1750, Baldwin, 6d The history of a woman of quality, Cooper, 3s

Further confiderations on the reduction of the land-tax, &c. Griffiths, Is 6d

A fermon preach'd before the honourable house of commons, Jan. 30, 1750, by F.Allen, Shuckburgh, 5s A propofal for uniting the kingdoms of Great Britain and Ireland. Millar, IS

Apollonii Pergaei locorum planorum Libri II. restituti a Roberto Simpson, M. D. Nourse

A new system of midwifry, by Brudenell Exton, M. D. Owen, 4s A fupplement to the introduction to the making of latin, by J. Clarke, Cl

The Lilliputian magazine, or the young gentleman and ladies golden library, Carnan, 3d


Memoirs of Edmund Ludlow, commander in chief in Ireland, 1640, Millar, Brown, Ward

Memoirs of the duke of Sully during his refidence at the English court, to which he was sent ambassador from Hen. IV. Dodsley, 5s

Religion, or the libertine repentant,、 by George Alexander Stevens, Reeve, Noble, 6d

An impartial enquiry into the benefits and damages arifing to the nation from the prefent very great use of low-spirited liquors, Trye, 6d

A letter to the right honourable the lady v--fs V--, occafioned by the publication of her memoirs in the adventures of Peregrine Pickle, Owen,


Eternal life consider'd under the notion of an estate, by J. Green, Buckland

Instructions for youth, prudential and moral, by J. Milner, D. D. Waugh, 1s 6d

A genuine account of a man whose hands and legs rotted off at Kingsswinford, in Staffordshire, Griffiths, Is

Observations on Mr, Fielding's enquiry into the causes of the late increase of robbers, &c. by Ben. Sedgly, Newbery, Owen, 6d

Alfred, a masque, by Mr. Mallet, Millar, Is 6d

A plain and familiar account of the Julian and Gregorian stiles, Millar, Is A defence of the old stile, Owen, 6d A parallel between the characters of lady Frail, and the lady of quality in Peregrine Pickle, Griffiths, Is

A naval expofitor by Tho. Riley, Blankley, Millar, Dodsley, Woodfall, Foudrinier, 11. 5s Sheets

A complete system of the blood veffels and nerves, Knapton, 11.

An occafional prologue and epilogue to Othello, as it was acted the first night at the Theatre Royal in Drury-Lane, by persons of diftinction for their diversion; written by Chriftopher Smart. A. M. Carnan, 6d

The present taxes compar'd to the payments made to the public, within the memory of man, in a letter to a member of parlament by a country farmer Marshal, Is.

The valuation of annuities, and leases certain for a fingle life, by W. Lee, Efq. Shuckburg is 6d


The confequence of laying an additional duty on fpirituous Liquors didly confidered, by a by-stander, Whitridge, 6d

A letter from the reverend Mr Whiston to the right reverend the Ld. bishop of London, relating to the Alteration of our ftile. Griffiths.

A second letter to the reverend Mr George Whitefield, occafion'd by his remarks on a Pamphlet entituled the Enthusiasm of Methodists and Papists compared, Cooper, Is 6d

An essay on the Venereal Gleet, by Sam. Chapman, Owen, Is

An ode on the powers of poetry, to his grace the duke of Dorfet, Cooper,


The philosphical principles of natural and revealed religion, by Ramsey, Longman, &c. IsS,

Summers voyage to the Gulph of Venice, Loyd, Is

Some confiderations on the cafe stated between the public and the S. S. company, Woodfall, 6d

Reasons for encouraging foreigners Howard loyal Mifcellany, by Du Pont, 3s

The judicious midwife, or answer to wit at St J-s's, Merryman, 6d The patriot display'd, an oration read before the Anti-Gallicans, Johnfon, Sheepey, 6d

Battam's collection of scarce and valuable receipts in Cookery, &c

A phifical rhapsody, Robinfon, Is An Exposition on the uncertainties in the practice of physick, Tonfon, Draper, Roberts, Is

The cure of the miliary fever, Say, 6d.

Visions in verse, Dodsley and Cooper, Is 6d

Bentley's fermon, in Crispin street Spittle fields, Keith, 6d Remarks on it, Noon, 6d


Modern fine lady, Dodsley, Cooper,

A Letter from S-fhre to a Gen-St George the martyr, Southwark,

tleman in town concerning a faction, Cooper, 6d

A fmall collection of valuable tracts on the Herring fishery, Griffiths, Is 6d A modern character introduc'd in the scenes of Vanburgh's Ælop. Stamper,


Impartial enquiry into the power and efficacy of Major's snuff, Owen, 6d Reflections on conversation, ditto

2s 6d

Bulfinch, a collection of Songs, Vol. 2. Stamper is 6d

A view of the proceedings of the church of Scotland, Owen, 6d

The expediency of a general naturalization of foreign protestants, Owen, 4d


A fermon preach'd at Long-Ditton, Surry, at the funeral of Jof. Clarke, A. M. Jan. 4. 1750, by R. Woodefon, A. M. Innys, 6d

Webber's fermon at Lambeth Chapel, at confecration of bp of Bristol, Dec. 23, 1750, Fletcher, Rivington,


Jones's fermon on the common prayer, Owen, 6d.

Holland's two fermons, preached at Nottingham to a society of proteftant diffenters, Noon, Waugh, 1S.

Mulfo's fermon, at Sunbury, Jan. 6 laft, Whiston, White, 6d

Howard's 30th of Jan. fermon, at

Hodges, Dodsley, Withers, Cooper. Cowper's fermon at York, Dec. 30, Hildyard, Knapton, Longman, Cooper, 6d.

A fermon preached before the Free Mafons, at the parish church of St John's in Gloucester, by a brother, Owen, Clarke, is








Ta time when the European dominions are just recovering from the ravages of war, and the inhabitants of the Continent gathering the product of the vintage or cultivating their desolated plains, in all the security and tranquility of peace; how melancholy is the reflection, to think that this rising scene of felicity, may be speedily frustrated by the artifices of one prince, and the filken thread of fociety rudely untwisted by the ambition of another? through these artifices, excited by this ambition, France, in the year 1741, kindled up the embers of dissention between the courts of Petersburgh and Sweden, only as a preparatory step towards that general Conflagration that foon afterwards burst out, in every territory from the borders of the Po to the most distant banks of the Danube. Sweden then found herself abandoned to the resentment of the Muscovite, and France is now encouraging a more formidable enemy to clip the wings of the Russian Eagle: this is the Prussian monarch, who has taken an opportunity of irritating the Russian ministry; and though a method for adjusting the differences subsisting between the two courts, has been undertaken by the mediatorial offices

of the courts of Vienna and London, it seems to be attended with no salutary consequences: M. Wahzendorff the late Prussian minister at ' Petersburgh, attributes the declaration made to him, on his departure from that court, as the fole act of the Ruffian chancellor; but the court of Petersburgh insists upon theauthenticity of that declaration, as the act of the whole ministry: both courts appear satisfied with the conduct of their respective ministers; both are making the neceffary preparations, in cafe of hoftilities, and the troops of the two powers are in full march to their respective frontiers: his Prussian majesty is contracting new alliances, and several foreign generals are making interest to get into his service: the Czarina is formidable enough to oppose such an antagonist with her own force; but, if assistance is necessary, the court of Vienna is obliged, by the treaty concluded on the 20th of March 1746, to furnish her with a fuccour of 30,000 men within 3 months from the day of the requifition. The Russians were also apprehenfive of a disturbance from the Swedes, and are not less suspicious of an infult from the Turks and Tartars: however, they are vigilant in every defenfible precaution, having the fleet at Cronstadt


Cronstadt in readiness to put to sea with a great number of transport ships on the Duna; and having affembled a confiderable body of troops along the Ukraine and in the conquered provinces; the command of the latter being provifionally given to general Lieven, it being currently reported that field marshal count Lacy was actually dead at Riga. The court of Petersburgh, in pursuance of their ecclefiaftical system, not to fuffer in the empire any fect whose opinions may affect the doctrines of the Greek church, or create theological difputes, has ordered the Herenhutters, or Moravians, to depart the country immediately; and an edict has also been published, prohibiting the importation of books printed abroad: but it is now reported that the election of a duke of Courland will be deferred, till the troubles in the north are appeased.


The court of Stockholm has equipped a fleet at Carelscroon, confifting of twenty ships of the line and twelve frigates; but all the appearance of a commotion with the Ruffians, seems extinguished in the death of his Swedish majesty, who died lately at Stockholm, in the 75th year of his age, and is fucceeded by Adolphus Frederic, duke of Holstein, bishop of Lubeck, who, by the treaty of Abo, concluded between the courts of Petersburg and Stockholm on the 4th of July, 1743, was appointed prince successor to the Swedish crown. This prince is uncle to Charles Peter Ulric, the reigning duke of Holstein Gottorp, and apparent fuccessor to the imperial throne of all the Ruffia's: he is indebted for his Investiture with the Swedish diadem to the czarina, and, if gratitude was the most prevalent principle in the bosom of monarchs, her imperial majesty could expect nothing but the most durable amity with the sovereign of Sweden: but as this prince, on the 28th of July, 1744, married the princess Louisa Ulrica, fifter to his Pruffian majesty, it is uncertain how far this tie of affinity may engage him in the interest of that monarch; especially if count Teffin is continued to preside at the head of the Swedish cabinet, and the court shou'd be still retained in the fubfidiary servitude of France.


His Danish majesty still perfifts in the pacific sentiments of his predeceffor, and has given a favourable attention to the negociation of the baron de Fleming, the Swedish minister; who was dispatched to Copenhagen to corroborate the union between the two courts, and to contract a marriage between the prince royal Gustavus of Sweden with the princess royal of Denmark, the provifions of which are fettled, and it is assured that the Swedish ambassador is ordered to make the demand of that princess in form. The Danish monarch, ever affiduous to the promotion of commerce, and the prosperity of his subjects, has ordered four men of war, and fix frigates, to be equipped with all possible diligence, in which 600 regular troops are to be embarked, with the view of establishing a new settlement on the coast of Africa: he has also published an edict, prohibiting the importation portation of any kind of rasped wood for dying, under the penalty of 100 rix dollars, and confifcation.


The election of a king of the Romans, the principal affair in agitation among the imperial princes, is still undecided. The French ministers, at the several courts of the empire, have made a declaration, that his most christian majesty will not interfere in this election, unless obliged thereto in quality of guarantee of the treaty of Weftphalia. His Pruffian majesty is still so averse from exalting the arch-duke Joseph to that dignity, that he has acquainted the marquifs de la Puebla with his intentions to oppose it; alledging, for his motives, the obstacles which the empress had raised againft putting into execution several stipulations of the treaty of Dresden; fuch as the guarantying Silefia by the empire, and the regulation of a future commerce: he complained of the steps taken by his Britannic majesty, whom he called the cadet of the electoral college, as illegal, and prohibited by the golden bull: he added, that to carry things to fuch a length, as to elect a king of the Romans, against the opinion and advice of fome of the most ancient houses of the empire, was to sacrifice the rights, and fuffer the op

The court of Vienna feems alarmed at the motions of a confiderable body of Ottoman troops on the confines of Hungary, where an imperial army is order'd to assemble: the court is also consulting the most expedient measures in cafe of a war, by ordering four large magazines of provifions to be erected in Hungary, three in Bohemia, three in Italy, two in Moravia, and two in Austria.

oppreffion of the Germanic body, which wou'd be abjectness, rather than complaisance. This makes it evident, that his Pruffian majefty is highly affronted, that the British court in the measures which it has taken to bring about the above election, have neglected him, so as not to follicit his vote, nor even to consult him on that occafion: he has also sent a long letter to the elector of Mentz, containing his reasons for oppofing the election of a king of the Romans at this juncture, which his electoral highness has communicated to their imperial majesties, whose sentiments in regard to this affair are still the same as were lately set forth in their memorials; their intentions are to leave the decifions of the electoral college free; and to take no other steps, in this respect, than such as may be judged necessary by that august body, and conformable to the fundamental principles adopted by its principal members. The decease of the late emperor Charles VI. gave France an opportunity of promoting the elector of Bavaria to the imperial On the demise of his Swedish mathrone, which occafioned the late war in Germany: the horrors of thatjesty, his brother prince William fuc

war were too recent in the memory of his Britannic majesty, and some other princes of the empire, who saw the dangers that must attend another interregnum, and therefore exerted their interest to prevent it by the election of a king of the Romans: they have so far fucceeded as to obtain a majority in the electoral college, which is proved, by an eminent civilian, from the bulla aurea, and eight instances of election of kings of the Romans, sufficient to decide it; and that an urgent exigency has, and ought to preponderate against any delays on account of a minority: however, if the Austrian prince shou'd be elected without the concurrence of his Prussian majesty, it would be equally consistent with the imperial conftitution, as the election of a duke of Bavaria to the empire, on the 24th of January, 1742, when, through the corruption of France, and the artifices of his Prussian majesty the queen of Hungary was divested of her right in the electoral college by the suspension of the vote of the electorate of Bohemia.

It is reported, that M. Ammon, chamberlain to the king of Pruffia, has fucceeded in the commiffion he went to execute at the court of Verfailles, by which that court is to furnish his Prussian majesty, in case of need, with a contingent of 30,000 foot and 10,000 horse. At the fame time another report is current, that the elector of Cologne has retracted his engagements with the maritime powers, and renounces the subsidies which they had engaged to pay him by the late treaty; looking on himself to be free from all engagements in this respect, in the fame manner as if that treaty had never been made.

ceeds to the landgraviate of HeffeCaffel, whose son is married to the princess Mary, fourth daughter of his Britannic majesty; by whose assistance it may be naturally expected, that the house of Hesse will succeed in its favourite view, by attaining the honour of a tenth electorate.


The pope and conclave of cardinals have applied to his Sardinian majesty, to confent that the ceremonial to be observed with their eminences may be definitively settled; and, in consequence, to order his ambassadors and minifters at foreign courts to yield the cardinals precedency wherever they meet totether: but his majesty being informed that the same application had been made to the other catholic powers, answer'd his holirefs, that he could not come to any resolution about an affair of this nature, since it equally concerned the other Roman catholic courts; and therefore he wou'd wait for their verdict on his claim of the



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