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Tea and Coffee.


tinued care and industry in obtaining the
best tea, and making drink thereof, very
many noblemen, physicians, merchants,
&c. have ever since sent to him for the
said leaf, and daily resort to his house to
drink the drink thereof.
from 16s. to 50s. a pound."



He sells tea

a collector, and this will derange the the directions of the most knowing merchronology of those writers who are per- chants into those Eastern countries. On petually copying the researches of others, the knowledge of the said Garway's conwithout confirming or correcting them. Amidst the rival contests of the Dutch and the English East-India Companies, the honour of introducing its use into Europe may be claimed by both. Dr. Short conjectures that tea might have been known in England as far back as the reign of James I. for the first fleet set out in 1600; but, had the use of this While the honour of introducing Tea shrub been known, the novelty had been may be disputed between the English chronicled among our dramatic writers, and the Dutch, that of Coffee remains whose works are the annals of our pre- between the English and the French. valent tastes and humours. It is rather Our own Purchas, was a Pilgrim," extraordinary that our East-India Com- and well knew what was " Coffa," which pany should not have discovered the use "they drank as hot as they can endure of this shrub in their early adventures; it; it is as black as soot, and tastes not yet it certainly was not known in England much unlike it; good they say for diso late as in 1641, for in a scarce "Trea- gestion and mirth." tise of Warm Beer," where the title It appears by Le Grand's “ Vie priindicates the author's design to recom- vée des François," that the celebrated mend hot in preference to cold drinks, Thevenot, in 1658, gave coffee after he refers to tea only by quoting the Jesuit dinner; but it was considered as the Maffer's account, that "they of China whim of a traveller; neither the thing do for the most part drink the strained itself, nor its appearance, was inviting: liquor of an herb called Chia, hot." The it was probable attributed, by the gay, word Cha is the Portuguese term for tea to the humour of a vain philosophical retained to this day, which they borrow- traveller. But ten years afterwards a ed from the Japanese; while our inter- Turkish Ambassador at Parisemade the course with the Chinese made us no beverage highly fashionable. The ele doubt adopt their term Theh, now prev- gance of the equipage recommended it alent throughout Europe, with the ex- to the eye, and charmed the women: ception of the Portuguese. The Chi- the brilliant porcelain cups, in which it nese origin is still preserved in the term was poured; the napkins fringed with Bohea, tea which comes from the country gold, and the Turkish slaves on their of Vouhi; and that of Hyson is the name of the most considerable Chinese then concerned in the trade.

knees presenting it to the ladies, seated on the ground on cushions, turned the heads of the Parisian dames. This eleThomas Garway, in Exchange-alley, gant introduction made the exotic beverTobacconist and Coffee-man, was the age a subject of conversation; and, in first who sold and retailed tea, recom- 1672, an Armenian at Paris at the fairmending it for the cure of all disorders. time opened a coffee-house. But the The following shop-bill is more curious custom still prevailed to sell beer and than any historical account we have. wine, and to smoak and mix with indif"Tea in England hath been sold in ferent company in their first imperfect the leaf for six pounds, and sometimes Coffee-houses. A Florentine, one Profor ten pounds the pound weight, and in respect to its former scarceness and of taste in this department, instructed by dearness it hath been only used as a the error of the Armenian, invented a regalia in high treatment and entertain- superior establishment, and introduced ments, and presents made thereof to ices; he embellished his apartment, and princes and grandees till the year 1657. those who had avoided the offensive The said Garway did purchase a quantity coffee-houses, repaired to Procope's; thereof, and first publicly sold the said where literary men, artists, and wits retea in leaf or drink, made according to sorted, to inhale the fresh and fragrant

cope, celebrated in his day as the arbiter

VOL. 2.]



steam. Le Grand says, that this esta- of six or seven inches diameter, was blishment holds a distinguished place in found growing beneath it; which some the literary history of the times. It was persons, strangely enough, imagined must at the coffee-house of Du Laurent that Saurin, La Motte, Danchet, Boindin, Rousseau, &c. met; but the mild steams of the aromatic berry could not mollify the acerbity of so many rivals, and the witty malignity of Rousseau gave birth to those famous couplets on all the coffeedrinkers, which occasioned his misfortune and his banishment.

have been the cause of raising up the stone in that manner. The stone-mason, who has the contract of the work, rather vexed that any should think a feeble mushroom had displaced his strong pavement, had the stone replaced in a secure manner-observing, that it should be safe enough for the future. About a month afterwards (a few days ago,) the Such is the history of the first use of adjoining stone was observed to be discoffee and its houses at Paris. We, how- placed in the same manner as the former : ever, knew the use before even the time on taking up the second stone, to the of Thevenot; for an English Turkish- surprise of many witnesses of the fact, merchant brought a Greek servant in two mushrooms, not quite so large as 1652, who, knowing how to roast and the former, were found growing beneath make it, opened a house to sell it publicly. it. The stones are nearly of the same I have also discovered his hand-bill, in size, each about 24 inches by 21, two which he sets forth, inches in thickness; the latter, having been weighed, is 83 pounds.

"The vertue of the coffee-drink, first publiquely made and sold in England, by Pasqua Rosee, in St. Michael's Alley, Cornhill, at the sign of his own head."

For about twenty years after the introduction of coffee in England, we find a continued series of invectives against its adoption, both in medicinal and domestic views. The use of coffee, indeed, seems to have excited more notice, and to have had a greater influence on the manners of the people, than that of tea.

In "The Women's Petition against Coffee," 1674, they complained that "it made men as unfruitful as the deserts whence that unhappy berry is said to be brought that the offspring of our mighty ancestors would dwindle into a succession of apes and pigmies; and, on a domestic message, a husband would stop by the way to drink a couple of cups of coffee." It was now sold in convenient penny-worths; for in another poem in praise of a coffee-house, for the variety of information obtained there it is called "a penny university."


To the Editor of the Monthly Magazine. SIR,-A few weeks ago, one of the large flag-stones, in the new pavement of the town of Basingstoke, was observed to have risen about an inch and a half above its proper situation: on taking up the stone, a large mushroom,

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However surprising and incredible this account may appear, the matter of fact is most certain: the stone mason, his workmen, and many others, can attest its truth. The writer of this article has seen one of the mushrooms, and one of the stones continues in its displaced state. It is proposed to the consideration of philosophers and naturalists to account for this wonderful property of mushrooms.

JOSEPH JEFFERSON. Basingstoke; Aug. 6, 1817.


The antients absurdly believed that the sucking-fish had the power of arresting the progress of a ship in its fastest sailing, by adhering to its bottom :

The sucking-fish beneath, with secret chains,
Clung to the keel, the swiftest ship detains.
The seamen run confused, no labour spared,
Let fly the sheets, and hoist the top-mast yard.

The master bids them give her all the sails,
To court the winds,and catch the coming gales.
But, though the canvass bellies with the blast,

And boisterous winds bend down the cracking


The bark stands firmly rooted in the sea,
And will, unmoved, nor winds nor waves obey;
Still, as when calms have flatted all the plain,
And infant waves scarce wrinkle on the main.
No ship in harbour moored so careless rides,
When ruffling waters tell the flowing tides.

148 Varieties, Critical,&c.-Carriage without Horses-Rutland Cavern. [VOL. 2

[blocks in formation]

to this country, a rich treasure of the most
brilliant gems, rare fossils, and numerous
minerals, forming the most splendid nat-
ural grotto in the world. Philosophers,
mineralogists, and the public, may now
avail themselves of a visit to this treasure
-this grand lesson and lecture on sci-
ence; capacious as a city, and extending
many miles, with pillars, arches, and
bridges of every denomination and order
-Nature the great architect. The lakes,
fish-ponds, fountains and rivulets of the
most delicate rock water. The laby-
rinths, arcades, walls, roofs, and floors,
embellished with the most glittering
crystals, and the ores of silver, lead, cop-
per, and zinc, in every combination :-

Here, ranging through her vaulted ways,
On nature's alchymy you gaze:
See how she forms the gem, the ore,
And all her magazines explore.

The ranger of the forest of *** Baron Charles Von Drais has made some highly satisfactory trials of his new-invented travelling machine, without horses. On the 12th of July he went from Manheim to the Relay-house at Schwezingen and back again, which is a distance calculated at four hours post The Rutland Cavern, as an object of travelling (an hour being about 2 miles general curiosity, and the terrific granEnglish) within one hour. Since then deur of the immense natural cavities, far he has, with the same machine, gone exceeds the wildest pictures of romance, over in about an hour the steep moun- or the fearful scenes of enchantment, and tainous road from Grusbach to Baden, gives a most interesting and perfectly which takes two hours by the post. The new subject for the mind. From the leading principle of the invention is ta- finest terrace, commanding all the beauken from the art of skating, and consists ties of Matlock, you can enter the rock in the simple idea, of impelling by the by a dry, roomy, and even mountainous help of the feet, a seat fixed upon wheels. archway, perfectly safe and pleasant for The machine that the inventor has had the most timid female. The external made consists of a seat on only two surface of the Heights of Abraham two-feet wheels running one behind the abounds in rare botanical plants, and other, that it may be used in the foot from the Serpentine and Moon Battery paths. To preserve the equilibrium, the Waiks. shaded by fine and lofty cedars, traveller has before him a little board with the most sublime scenery is taken, rich a cushion nailed to it, on which he rests and romantic as the imagination can conhis arms, and before which is the small ceive. The pure air of this delightful pole which he holds in his hand to steer his course with. This machine, which may be used with great advantage for expresses, and for other purposes, even for considerable journeys, does not weigh 50 pounds, and may be made strong, handsome, provided with pockets, &c. for 4 Carolines (41. sterling) at the very utmost.-Lit. Gaz.

From La Belle Assemblee.

The discovery and opening of this tremendous cemetary of nature, has given

region, and the extraordinary instances and facts of the lengthened periods of existence of its inhabitants, proclaim this to be really the seat of health and beauty.

A mineralogical survey of this wonder of nature, and of these kingdoms, has been lately made by the first mineralogist and geologist of the age, Mr. Mawe; and his report confirms the reputation of the Rutland Cavern being the most valuable classical mineral discovery known.

The principal objects of general observation within the Cavern, are the rocky mountain archway, imbedding marine shells; the druses, or grottos; fish-ponds; Ossian's hall; an arcade to the hall of

VOL. 2.] Fine Arts-Canova's Cupid—Subject of an Italian Tragedy.


Enchantment, in the Castle of Otranto, portunity, did what she had not firmness of indescribable grandeur; the den of enough to refuse to do, and promised to lions; a grand cave, with the extraordi- bestow her hand on a man for whom she nary distant glimmering of daylight; a felt no affection. Grief, however, soon fine arcade to Jacob's Well and Foun- undermined her health, and by way of tain; the waters of life; the ascent by amusement she was sent into the mounone hundred steps to the ancient mine, tains to the olive harvest. Her mother worked by the Romans; other fish- also went to see some relations in the ponds, with fish living in perpetual dark- country, and an elder sister only was ness; the dark and gloomy cave of black left at home.

stone; the enemy of miners; the den Anna nevertheless grew worse-nay of wolves and bears; a romantic bridge: she was so ill that her friends, alarmed a fine rocky scene. These recesses lead for her life, sent her back to her mother's to the most fantastic, grotesque, and house. Giuseppe had meanwhile rewhimsical distribution of rocks, imbed- turned, and the report of Anna's intendding the most rare and delicate fossils, ed compulsory marriage soon reached grottos, and druses, that defy all attempts his ears, On the following Sunday he at description or relation.

From the Literary Panorama.

met her sister at mass, and with the urgency yet with the resignation of despair, he implored her to procure him a last interview with his beloved. They This far-famed specimen of art, which agreed that he should find Anna in the has been lately seen and admired by the garden in the evening by moon-light, rank and fashion of the metropolis, was while the only guardian domestic, an old not originally intended for the God of sailor, was at the public-house. Love, but merely the statue of Prince At the appointed time Giuseppe was Libomorski, a beautiful Polish youth, in the garden, and there he found his who, with his mother visited Rome about Anna. Weak, melancholy and silent, twenty-six years ago. Canova lavished she went up to him with faultering steps all the powers of his art to execute a per- but in vain he questioned her-in vain fect resemblance; but maternal fondness he endeavoured to draw from her the acblinded the Princess Libomorski: "it knowledgment that she still loved him, was not handsome enough for her son." and acted by compulsion-not a word The artist felt himself hurt by her partiality, changed the statue into a Cupid, and immediately found another purchaser,


could he elicit mute, pale and motionless, she stood like a beauteous statue before him. At length he clasped the adored object in an ardent embrace, during which he buried a poniard ́in her heart. She fell without a groan-tle A recent traveller relates that a fa- murderer hastily fled over the wall of vourite dramatic piece in the towns of the garden. The sister, alarmed at the Genoese territory is founded on the Anna's protracted absence, went out following tragic story:into the garden, where she found her A few years since there lived at Port lifeless in her blood, and with the assistMaurice, near Oneglia, two lovers, named ance of the old sailor, who had returned Anna and Giuseppe, the children of too late, carried her into the house. widows in good circumstances, the for- The wretched assassin, impelled by mer eighteen, and the latter twenty savage frenzy, after strolling about all years of age. The parents had given night, again scaled the wall of the garden, their consent to their union, and the where he no longer found bis Anna butwedding day was soon to be fixed, when, only her blood, which he was busily eduring a short absence of Giuseppe, pro- ployed in wiping up with his handker bably brought about by art contriv- chief, when the mother, ignorant of what ance, an intriguing friend of the family had happened, returned early in the prevailed upon the mother of the bride morning from the villegiatura, accomto give her daughter to a more wealthy panied by the friend who was the cause lover. Anna, overcome by maternal im- of the catastrophe, and unlocking the


Antipathies-Parisian Speculations-Obscure Ceremonies, &c. [voL. 2

gate, entered the garden. The frantic for variety and splendid colours, are not Giuseppe ran to meet her, and holding to be matched in any other city of the bloody handkerchief close to her Europe.-1bid.

face, wildly cried: Conosci tu quel san- ·


gue? (Do you know that blood?) The NEW COFFEE-HOUSE IN SPECULAmother rushed with a fearful presentiment into the house, where the first object that met her view was the corpse of her murdered child. The maniac again fled to the caverns of the neighbouring


THE Parisians have it now in contemplation to form a new establishment in the Rue de Richelieu, and which is to be termed the Coffee-House of Olympus. Its entrance is to be by subterraneous passages, where arriving at the borThe corpse was decorated after the ders of a lake, an old Charon, in his Italian fashion, crowned with a garland boat, will await them, and for a trifling of myrtle, and deposited the night berecompense, will row the passengers fore the funeral in an open coffin in the over to the other side. That obscure church before the high altar. Here a race of mortals who drink nothing but person was placed to watch it by the beer, and have the detestable habit of light of consecrated tapers. About mid- smoking, will be allowed to enter only night the assassin suddenly forced his dark grottos, where they will be served way into the church; the affrighted by men dressed in black and red who watchman ran off, but stopped at a will be made to resemble those who dwell distance to observe his motions, and be- on the shores of Phlégéthon. A Proheld the unfortunate Giuseppe covering the remains of her whom he had murdered from affection with a thousand kisses and burning tears, after which with the rapidity of lightning, he dispatched himself by several pistol-shots, and fell lifeless upon the corpse of his beloved victim. The unhappy mother went raving mad. During her insanity she frequently exclaimed Conosci tu quel sangue? and soon sunk into a premature grave.-New Mon. Mag. Sept. 1817.

serpina, with her head encircled by narcissus', will receive on her throne of ebony the offerings of the faithful. The happy ones of this world will be conducted by Fortune into the enchanting groves of Idalia; where ices and cooling liquors will be poured out for them by a swarm of Hebes and Ganymedes, and the bar will be ornamented by a chariot drawn by doves, in which will be placed a Venus adorned with every grace and charm, who will condescend to receive the incense of gold from the hands of

ANTIPATHY OF THE ROMANS TO PER- mortals. The gracious Polyhymnia


The Roman women, and even those of the lower classes, cannot bear any perfumes, not excepting the smell of flowers. This antipathy is carried so far, that every foreigner is disposed to consider it as affectation. At Naples it is equally prevalent. The smell of musk is most disliked, and a stranger, when his clothes are scented with it in so slight a degree as to be imperceptible to himself, is often shunned in company like one infected with the plague. At Florence and Genoa, on the contrary, strong perfumes are considered agreeable, as are also flowers, great quantities of which are daily brought to market, and employed by the feinale peasants to adorn their bosoms and hair. In the environs of Rome scarcely any but scentless flowers are eultivated-chiefly ranunculuses, which,

will preside over the music room, and
the agile Terpsichore over the ball-room;
in a word, all the Gods of ancient fable
will be put under contribution: an au-
thor of the Boulevards will undertake
the part of Apollo, and the manager of
this concern will do his best to represent
Plutus!-La Belle As.


ALL SAINTS. (Nov. 1.)
In the early ages of Christianity the
word saint was applied to all believers,
as is evident in the use of it by St. Paul
and St. Luke; but the term was after-
wards restricted to such as excelled in
Christian virtues. In the Romish church,
holy persons, canonized by the Pope, are
called saints, and are invoked and sup-
plicated by the professors of that religion.

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