Imágenes de páginas

VOL. 2.]

Change of Manners during the last Century.


The foremost of the Indians on arri- that they might set the raft on fire. In ving at the place, stopped till others came this horrible suspense he remained until up to join them, when they set up a hid- night, when, hearing no more of the Ineous yell. Every moment of this time dians, he dived from under the raft, and was improved by Colter, who although swam silently down the river to a considfainting and exhausted, succeeded in erable distance, when he landed and trav gaining the skirting of the cotton-wood elled all night. trees, on the borders of the Fork, through Although happy in having escaped from which he ran, and plunged into the river. the Indians, his situation was still dreadFortunately for him a little below this ful: he was completely naked, under a place there was an island, against the up- burning sun: the soles of his feet were per point of which a raft of drift timber entirely filled with the thorns of the had lodged; he dived under the raft, and, prickly pear; he was hungry, and had after several efforts, got his head above no means of killing game, although he water among the trunks of the trees, cov- saw abundance round him, and was at least ered over with smaller wood to the depth seven days' journey from Lisa's Fort, on of several feet. Scarcely had he secured the Bighorn branch of the Roche Jaune himself, when the Indians arrived on the river. These were circumstances under river, screeching and yelling, as Colter which almost any man but an American expressed it, like so many devils." hunter would have despaired. He arriThey were frequently on the raft during ved at the fort in seven days, having sub-, the day, and were seen through the chinks sisted on a root much esteemed by the Inby Colter, who was congratulating him- dians of the Missouri, now known by natself on his escape, until the idea arose uralists as sporal ea esculenta.

From the Edinburgh Magazine.



The next ceremony was the garter, which the bridegroom's man attempted to pull from her leg, but she dropt it on the floor; it was a white and silver ribband, which was cut in small morsels to every one in company. The bride's mother then came in with a basket of favours belonging to the bridegroom: those and the bride's were the same with the bearings of the families; hers were pink and white, his, blue and gold colour."

HAT the manners of the times I write of may be shewn in a fuller light, I shall give Mr. Barclay's relation of the most memorable things that passed in his father's house from the beginning of the century to the year 14, in which his father died."My brother," says he, " was married in the year four, at the age of twenty-one; few men were unmarried after this time of life. I myself was married by my friends at eighteen, which was thought a proper age. Sir James Stuart's marriage with President Dalrymple's second daughter, brought together a number of people related to both families. At the signing of the eldest Miss Dalrymple's contract the year before, there was an entire hogshead of wine drank that night, and the number of people at Sir James Stuart's was little less. The marriage was in the President's house, with as many of the relations as it would hold. The bride's favours were all sewn on her gown, from top to bottom, and round the neck and sleeves. The moment the ceremony was performed, the whole com- "On the fourth week after the lady's pany ran to her, and pulled off the favours; delivery, she was set on her bed, on a in an instant she was stripped of them all. low footstool, the bed covered with

The company dined and supped together, and had a ball in the evening; the same next day at Sir James Stuart's. On Sunday there went from the President's house to church twenty-three couple all in high dress; Mr. Barclay, then a boy, led the youngest Miss Dalrymple, who was the last of them. They filled the galleries of the church from the King's seat to the wing loft. The feasting continued till they had gone thro' all the friends of the family, with a ball every night.

As the baptism was another public fête, he goes on to describe it thus:


Lord Amherst's Embassy to China.


some neat piece of sewed work, or white finished their supper, the meat was resatin, with three pillows at her back, moved, and in an instant every one fiew covered with the same, she in full dress, to the sweetmeats to pocket them, on with a lappet head-dress, and a fan in her which a scramble ensued, chairs overhand. Having informed her acquain- turned, and every thing on the table, tance what day she is to see company, wrestling and pulling at one another with they all come and pay their respects to the utmost noise and violence. When her, standing or walking a little through all was quiet, they went to the stoups the room, for there are no chairs; they (for there were no bottles for wine,) of drink a glass of wine and eat a piece of which the women had a good share; for, cake, and then give place to others. though it was a disgrace to be seen Towards the end of the week all the drunk, yet it was none to be a little infriends were asked to what was called toxicated in good company. A few the Cummerfealls; this was a supper days after this, the same company were where every gentleman brought a pint of asked to the christening, which was wine, to be drank by him and his wife. always in the church, all in high dress, a The supper was, a ham at the head, and number of them young ladies, who were a pyramid of fowls at the bottom, hens called maiden cimmers; one of them and ducks below, partridges at top; there presented the child to the father. After was an eating posset in the middle of the ceremony, they dined and supped the table, with dried fruits and sweet- together, and the night often concluded meats at the sides. When they had by a ball."

From the Literary Gazette, Nov. 1817.




UR last Number brought the Chi- Deum cole keeps no pace with the Renese Embassy to that condition gem serva among these paltry slaves. which in military movements is called Their superstitious legends are however retrograding, and which in the present gross and absurd enough to obtain a case might be called retro-tracking. zealous belief (for zeal is generally in They had seen Pekin, resisted the plea- proportion to incredibility,) and they sant ceremony of having their heads have many temples: several of these bumped against the ground, shammed Mr. Ellis visited, and we copy what is Abra'm, and were ordered to go home most curious from his narrative respectagain without the joy of viewing the ing them. At Tong-chow celestial presence. Sailing along a canal, with an occasional walk upon its banks, is not the best mode of acquiring information respecting a country; but still where every thing is curious, there is a good deal of amusing information to be picked up even in this way. We shall accordingly proceed with our trayellers to Canton, and note the memorabilia on their way.

"The Miao or Temple, occupied by Lord Macartney, is now the residence of the Koong-yay. I went yesterday morning to a smaller temple, which had nothing remarkable on the outside; in a small apartment on the left of the entrance, there were four figures, two male and two female, all gorgeously drest, the male as warriors; in the hands of one of the females there was a leaf of a plant : Polytheism in the most exter led within the inner and larger hall there sense is the Chinese faith, though it ap- were several figures ranged on each pears that with all their gods there is less side, some with crowns and others with regard paid to religion in this country fillets. The principal objects of adorathan in almost any other at all removed tion were two figures standing in a recess, from barbarism. Priests and people are fronting the entrance of the hall, a male alike indifferent to the worship of supe- and a female, the latter holding the fruit rior intelligences; the former indeed of the water-lily in her band; these perform a few idle ceremonies, but the were still more richly drest than the oth

Ellis's Journal.-Chinese Images and Temples.

At Tien-sing, another small temple, dedicated, as stated, to the God of Fire, was inspected.


A temple to

VOL. 2.] ers. Some bundles of feathers were Devil Star's Chamber." hanging before them, and pots for in- Chung-wang-hai, a full-bearded god cense were placed on the table. The upon a throne, the entrance to whose male figures were short and thick; this presence was guarded by two figures of may therefore be considered the Chinese men in armour, apparently of stone, standard of beauty, man being usually standing near horses ready accoutred, disposed to attribute his notions of per- was the next object of curiosity. At fection to the form under which the Sang-yuen, the god Fo with eight arms, Deity is portrayed." exactly similar to the idols of the Hindoos, occupied a temple, and several colossal figures of warriors were represented as statues of distinguished Man"His igneous godship was a short darins. Another is thus describedfigure seated on a throne, holding a "In the largest Miao, the most redrawn sword in one hand and a serpen- markable object I observed was the motine* ring in the other; two dwarf-like del of a Pagoda or Paou-la, about fourfigures stood near him, each with rings: teen feet high, of thirteen stories; each there were three other figures, less per- story was filled with small gilt figures, fect, on the side of the building. This not ill executed, in wood. The princiMiao was under repair, and the work- pal figures were also wooden, but imitatmen were cooking their victuals in the ing bronze; in general the colossal figvery sanctum. Religion seems to sit ures are baked clay. Notwithstanding very easily on the Chinese. In their the coarseness of the materials, the orfeelings on this head they resemble the naments of the drapery are represented ancient Pagans; the worship of the gods with great fidelity and minuteness; one forms part of civil institutions and daily of these temples was used as a stable, habits, but never deeply influences their and the other as a farm-house.” passions. It would be wrong to attribute the late edicts against the Christians to religious persecution; they arose from an alleged connexion with the malcontents, not, I understand, without foundation."

On the 6th of September, a Mahomedan mosque, of which there are several in the province through which the mission was then passing, was seen: Mr. Ellis thinks that Mahomedans are eligi

ble to all offices in China.

Another temple was visited on the 9th. It was dedicated to

"The Eternal Mother, or principa!Chinese female divinity. The figure of the goddess had a white cloth thrown over it, and a crown on the head; in her hand she held a leaf: there were two attendant figures, of smaller size, in the same shrine; some other figures were placed near the wall on one side."

It is observed that religion seems to be on the decline, as all these buildings, the temples, are going to ruin.

Near Kei-kho-chin, at the junction of the river Wun-kho with the canal, the boats offer up sacrifices at the Loongwang-Miao or Temple of the Dragon King; the first at which Mr. Ellis, as he strangely expresses himself, saw "the business* of religion going on." The boatmen burnt some incense before the idol, and prostrated themselves, while the priests struck upon the gong, and received a few copper coins for their trouble. Dragons surrounded the idol.

But not to detain our readers longer among the temples than is necessary to afford a tolerable idea of them, we shall conclude with the description of only one other, namely, that of Ning-niang, which may be taken as a sample of the most perfect and celebrated.

"It was, as usual, divided into courts, four in number, the two inner appropriated to the priests. The first contained two square pavilions, with richly decorated roofs; on the several pinnacles were small figures of animals; the frieze looked like green enamel, and had a The very pleasing effect; the tiles were of

The next which was inspected was said to be dedicated to Kwae-sing, and bore the extraordinary name of


Serpentine, we suppose, means here formed of a serpent, and not waving.

• In another place he talks of the "professional craft" of the priesthood.

384 Ellis's Journal.—Chinese Images and Temples-Population. [vol. 2 bright yellow. In these pavilions were also common, and of fruits the mee tree, large slabs of black marble placed up- bearing a sort of small cherry, and the right on pedestals, on which were in- wild-fig climbing up the walls like ivy. scriptions. Galleries on each side con- To these we may add the tallow tree, tained the usual figures of civil and mili- which resembles a maple, and is beautitary Mandarins. At the very extreme ful in its foliage and berries in their difof this court was a colossal statue of the ferent stages, some with the outward dragon king. Having passed through husk still green, some brown, and others, the first court, we entered that contain- freed of the covering, of a pure white, ing the divinity, representing the Empe- and the size of a large pea, called by the ror's mother, to whom the Miao is dedi- Chinese "Skin-oil-fruit," from which cated; she was seated with two attend- the tallow is obtained by compression in ants standing near her, a yellow robe a mill, and sold in large cakes: the was thrown round the body, and on her camphor tree, evergreen and handsome: head was a crown or large bonnet: the the varnish tree, cultivated as plantations, figure was richly gilt. The cross-beams not higher than a young fruit tree, leaves of the ceiling were decorated with golden laurel-shaped, of a light green and dowdragons on a bright blue ground. Round ny feel, but producing sores if bruised; the roofs of the temple were ornaments the varnish from this tree is extracted by resembling spears and tridents. A lus- slitting the bark and the wax bush, tre, composed of horn lanterns and which resembles the thorn, and bears a strings of coloured glass beads, hung crop of wax deposited upon its branches from the centre: two large horn lan- by a tribe of insects. Of pasture land terns were on each side of the altar, with very little was seen; cows and buffaloes polished metal skreens near them, used were feeding on grass very closely grazed. as reflectors to increase the brilliancy The population of China Mr. Ellis when the whole are lighted. Every thinks much overrated in European statepart of the roof was richly carved and ments. Their own writers do not pregilt, and surrounded by a frieze varie- tend to more than 200 millions, and this gated with green, red, and black deco- is probably a great exaggeration. The rations. In the open area of the court, finances are dreadfully deranged; but a metal vessel, shaped not unlike a ta or the lower orders, in the opinion of the pagoda, was placed, where incense is writer, whose acquaintance with Persia, kept burning; the gongs, drums, and Turkey, and the parts of India not Britother instruments belonging to the tem- ish, renders him a competent judge of the ple, corresponded to the superiority of fact, are comparatively more comfortable the rest of the edifice. We found the than the natives of these countries. priests very well disposed to do the honours, and they were perfectly satisfied with an offering of a dollar."

A statue of Confucius in another temple gave the legislator with African features!

In their dealings the copper Tchen is the only coin in circulation, the precious metals being received according to the weight and fineness as an article of barter rather than as a circulating medium. Dollars have only a fixed value as repDragging along at the average rate of resenting a certain quantity of silver, and about twenty-five miles a day, the travel- the tael, or ounce of silver, is an imaginlers could only observe a few of the cus- ary coin for keeping accounts; its value toms, and little of the arts, as they are is 6s.8d. ster. During the Ming dynasty, cultivated by the Chinese. On the it is stated that paper was in circulation. banks of the rivers and canals which Their music is of the most miserable formed their route, (the Peiho, Euho, kind, noise being the substitute for melo Yellow, and Yan-y-tse rivers, the Po- dy. Yet the attraction at an evening wang Lake an inland sea, the Shan-kho, place of entertainment consisted of a &c. river) they noticed the cultivation band of blind musicians. The principal of millet, tobacco, cotton-plant, buck- played on a complicated instrument conwheat, hemp, and a small species of bean. sisting of a box about two feet long and Willows and poplars prevailed; but one broad, with two bridges, over which oaks, shaddock, and orange trees were were stretched some strings, while others

VOL. 2.] Chinese Visiting Vehicles-Boat Sacrifices-Warlike Implements. 385

passed underneath: it had two circular which are also appropriated to propiapertures about the middle, and the per- tiate "the evil spirit." former used two small rods in touching One of the polite ceremonies of Chithe strings. It seemed the simplest form na consists in wearing a cap of the same of the harpsichord, and with a guitar and description with that of a superior. fiddle made tolerable harmony. Thus, though the authorities of YangAmong their other customs we may choo-foo had put on their winter caps notice the wheeling of women in wheel- before the Embassy arrived in their probarrows, as a visiting conveyance. In vince, they immediately resumed their one instance Mr. Ellis saw two well- summer caps when they found that dressed, one on each side of the wheel; Kwang (a Chinchae!!) still wore his. in another there was also a boy in the The time of cap-changing in every district machine. The women, except the poor- is regulated by the chief person; at Pekin est, are all painted, and instead of roses the Emperor is "the glass of fashion" and lilies they lay a strong carnation all to regulate this momentous affair. over their faces, which imparts to their Of the military we have in this volangular-shaped but sparkling eyes still ume various notices. The Chinese had greater brilliancy. The beggars were heard of the fame of Wellington, whom numerous and importunate to their coun- they seem to consider a great General, trymen, but luckily scorned to ask alms not only on account of his exploits, but of such persons as our Embassy. They because his name is so easy of pronungo about with a bell or a horn, and a ciation to them. Wee-Ling-Tong is basket; and establishing themselves in a accordingly a hero in China, as he is all shop, they ring the one or blow the other, till the basket is filled. An English thorough-paced pauper going to the parish for relief, could not act with more perfect assurance.

We have already noticed one of the sacrifices offered by the boatmen : these frequently occurred during the transport of the Embassy. On one occasion

over the rest of the globe, and were he not a foreigner, might be promoted to divine honours, as the Mandarin Quangfoot-zee, to whose auspices the suppres sion of the late rebellion is attributed, has been by the Emperor.

It would require such another as the British Warrior to make any thing of the soldiers of China. In the northern parts "A cock was killed early in the they seem to be an undisciplined rabblemorning, and the bows of the boat "Of all arms, matchlocks, bows and sprinkled with the blood; it was after- arrows, swords, shields, and quilted wards roasted, and spread with other breast-plates. Their bow is shaped like eatables, consisting of boiled pork, salad the Persian bow, that is, not a continuand pickles, upon the forecastle, before a ed arch; but, unlike the latter, it resheet of coloured paper: a pot of sham- quires little strength to draw them; shoo (a spirit distilled from rice,) with their arrows are deeply feathered, more two small cups, and a pair of chop-sticks, than three feet long, with a pointed blade were placed near the provisions. The at the end not barbed. Chinese matchson of the master of the boat officiated locks (continues Mr. Ellis) are the worst aз priest, and the ceremony consisted in I have ever seen; originally of ill conthrowing two cups of the liquor and a struction, they are kept in such bad orlittle of the provisions overboard; some der, that they must become perfectly gilt paper was then burnt, and two strings useless. The swords are short and of crackers discharged; the remainder well-shaped, being slightly curved, and of the provisions were carried away to do not seem bad weapons. The bowfeast upon. While this ceremony was string rests against the thumb, and for carrying on, on the forecastle, the wo- that purpose a broad ring of bone or men on board were burning paper and in- some hard substance is worn to protect cense before the idol that always stands in the skin.”

a shrine in the aftermost part of the boat.” The public executioners sometimes The autumnal full moon was wor- acted as a police, and kept off the popushipped with similar offerings, part of lace with long whips: these wore co3B ATHENEUM. Vol. 2.

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