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VOL. 2.] Time's Telescope for March.-Maundy Thursday, &c.


phe. A shaking was first perceived, and others, belonging to the Lord strong enough to set the bells of the Chamberlain's office, attended by a church a-ringing: it lasted about six party of the yeomen of the guard, disseconds, and was followed by an interval tributed to seventy-five poor women, of ten or twelve seconds, during which and seventy-five, poor men, being as the earth exhibited an undulation simi- many as the king is years old, a quantity lar to the motion of the sea in a calm of salt fish, consisting of salmon, cod, the crisis was then supposed to have and herrings, pieces of very fine beef, passed; but immediately, extraordinary five loaves of bread, and some ale to subterraneous noises were heard, and drink the king's health. At three o'clock electrical discharges infinitely stronger they assembled again, the men on one than atmospheric thunder; the earth was side the chapel, and the women on the agitated with a quickness which cannot other. A procession entered, of those be described, and seemed to boil like engaged in the ceremony, consisting of a water when subjected to the heat of a party of yeomen of the guard, one of very strong fire there was then a per- them carrying a large gold dish on his pendicular rumbling or etrepitus for head, containing 150 bags, with seventyabout three or four seconds, followed by five silver pennies in each, for the poor agitations in an opposite direction from people, which was placed in the royal north to south, and from east to west, closet. They were followed by the for three or four seconds also. This sub-almoner in his robes, with a sash of short but awful period was sufficient to fine linen over his shoulder and crossing overturn the whole city of Caraccas, his waist. He was followed by two with upwards of thirty towns, and the boys, two girls, the secretary,and another Country houses and numerous establish- gentleman, with similar sashes, &c. &c. ments spread over the surface of that all carrying large nosegays. The church delightful province! In an instant, all evening service was then performed, at was destroyed to an extent of 300 miles, the conclusion of which the silver pennies and 80,000 inhabitants ceased to live, were distributed, and woollen cloth, while thousands were dreadfully wound- linen, shoes and stockings, to the men ed! and women; and, according to antient custom, a cup of wine to drink the king's health.'

MAUNDY THURSDAY, MARCH 26. This day is called in Latin dies At Rome, Maundy Thursday is a Mandati, the day of the command, be- day of great parade. The altar of the ing the day on which our Lord washed Capella Paolina is illuminated with more the feet of his disciples, as recorded in than 4000 wax tapers; and the pope the second lesson. This practice was and cardinals come thither in procession, kong kept up in the monasteries. After bringing the sacrament along with them, the ceremony, liberal donations were and leaving it there. Next follows the made to the poor, of clothing and of silver august ceremony of the benediction, and money, and refreshment was given them afterwards the pope washes the feet of to mitigate the severity of the fast. On some pilgrims, and serves them at dinner. the 15th April, 1731 (Maundy Thurs- The second grand ceremony at day), the Archbishop of York washed Moscow takes place on this day at noon. the feet of a certain number of poor when the archbishop washes the feet of persons. James II was the last king the apostles. The priests appeared in who performed this in person. A relic their most gorgeous apparel. Twelve of this custom is still preserved in the monks, designed to represent the twelve donations dispensed at St. James's on apostles, were placed (in the cathedral) this day. in a semicircle before the archbishop.-The following in an account of the The archbishop,performing all and much ceremony on Maundy Thursday, 1814. more than is related of our Saviour in the On this day the annual royal donations 13th chapter of St. John, takes off his were distributed at Whitehall Chapel. robes, girds up his loins with a towel, In the morning, the Sub-almoner, and and proceeds to wash the feet of them all the secretary to the Lord High Almoner, until he comes to the representative of


Time's Telescope.-Good Friday-Easter Eve-Easter Sunday. [VOL Peter, who rises; and the same interlo- always to midnight, sometimes to the cution takes place between him and the cock-crowing, and sometimes to the archbishop, which is said to have taken dawn of Easter day; and the whole of place between our Saviour and that apos- the day and night was employed in retle.'-Clarke's Rus. ligious affairs.


EASTER DAY, or easter bunDAY, 29.

This day commemorates the sufferings Easter is styled by the fathers the of Christ, as a propitiation for our sins. highest of all festivals, the feast of feasts, Holy Friday, or the Friday in Holy the queen of festivals, and Dominica Week, was its more antient and general Gaudii, the joyous Sunday. Masters appellation; the name Good Friday is granted freedom to their slaves at this peculiar to the English church. It was observed as a day of extraordinary de- season, and valuable presents were made


to the poor.

The third and most magnificent cereOn this night, in St. Peter's at Rome, 'the hundred lamps that burn over the mony of all those performed at Moscow, is that of The Resurrection,' which is tomb of the apostle are extinguished,and celebrated two hours after midnight, on a stupendous cross of light appears sus- the morning of Easter Sunday. We pended from the dome, between the al- hastened to the CATHEDRAL (observes tar and the nave, shedding over the whole Dr. Clarke), which was filled with a edifice a soft lustre delightful to the eye prodigious assembly of all ranks and sexes, and highly favourable to picturesque bearing lighted wax tapers, to be afterrepresentations. This exhibition is wards heaped as vows on the different supposed to have originated in the sub- shrines. The walls, ceilings, and every lime imagination of Michael Angelo, and who beholds it will acknowledge part of this building, are covered by the that it is not unworthy of the inventor. pictures of saints and martyrs. In the moment of our arrival the doors were The magnitude of the cross hanging as shut: and on the outside appeared if self-supported, and like a meteor PLATO, the archbishop, preceded by streaming in the air; the blaze that it banners and torches, and followed by all pours fourth; the mixture of light and his train of priests, with crucifixes and shade cast on the pillars, arches, statues censers, who were making three times, and altars; the crowd of spectators in procession, the tour of the cathedral; placed in all the different attitudes of chaunting with loud voices, and glittering curiosity, wonder and devotion; the in sumptuous vestments, covered with processions with their banners and crosses gliding successively in silence along the gold, silver, and precious stones. The snow had not melted so rapidly in the nave and kneeling around the altar; the Kremlin as in the streets of the city; penitents of all nations and dresses col- and this magnificent procession was lected in groupes near the confessionals therefore constrained to move upon of their respective languages; a cardinal planks over the deep mud which surroundOccasionally advancing through the crowd, ed the cathedral. After completing the and, as he kneels, humbly bending his third circuit, they all halted opposite the head to the pavement; in fine, the pontiff' great doors, which were shut; and the himself, without pomp or pageantry, prostrate before the altar, offering up his archbishop, with a censer, scattered in

adorations in silence, form a scene singularly striking by a happy mixture of tranquillity and animation, of darkness and light, of simplicity and majesty. Eustace's Tour in Italy.

cense against the doors, and over the priests. Suddenly those doors were opened, and the effect was beyond description grand. The immense throng of spectators within, bearing innumerable tapers, formed two lines, through which the archbishop entered, advancing Particular mortifications were enjoined with his train to a throne near the centre. to the earliest Christians on this day. The profusion of lights in all parts of the From the third century, the fast was cathedral, and, among others, of the enindispensable and rigid, being protracted ormous chandelier which hung from the


VOL. 2.]

Illustration of Saints' Days, obscure Ceremonies, &c.


centre, the richness of the dresses, and bishop, descending into the body of the

the vastness of the assembly, filled us with astonishment. Having joined the suite of the archbishop, we accompanied the procession, and passed even to the throne, on which the police officers permitted us to stand, among the priests, near an embroidered stool of satin placed for the archbishop. The loud chorus, which burst forth at the entrance to the church, continued as the procession moved towards the throne, and after the archbishop had taken his seat.

church, concluded the whole ceremony by crawling round the pavement on his hands and knees, kissing the consecrated pictures, whether on the pillars, the walls, the altars, or the tombs; the priests and all the people imitating his example. Sepulchres were opened, and the mummied bodies of incorruptible saints exhibited, all of which underwent the same general kissing.'


Soon after, the archbishop descended, Every day in this week was formerly and went all round the cathedral; first observed as a religious festival, sermons offering incense to the priest, and then to being preached and the sacrament the people as he passed along. When administered. In many places, servants he had returned to his seat, the priests, were permitted to rest from their usual two by two, performed the same cere- employments, that they might constantly mony, beginning with the archbishop, attend public worship. During fifteen who rose and made obeisance with a days, of which the paschal solemnity lighted taper in his hand. From the consisted, the courts of justice were shut, moment the church doors were opened, and all public games, shows and amusethe spectators continued bowing their ments, were prohibited: it is unnecessary heads and crossing themselves; insomuch, to observe, that this practice has long that some of the people seemed really ceased, and that the Easter week is exhausted by the constant motion of the usually devoted to relaxation and amusehead and hands.


I had now leisure to examine the 'At Moscow, after the grand ceredresses and figures of the priests, which mony of the Resurrection is completed, were certainly the most striking I ever riot and debauchery instantly break loose; saw. Their long dark hair, without no meetings take place, of any kind, powder, fell down in ringlets, or straight without repeating the expressions of and thick, over their robes and shoulders. peace and joy, Christos voscress! Christ Their dark thick beards, also, entirely is risen! to which the answer always is covered their breasts. On the heads of the same, Vo istiney voscress! He is the archbishop and bishops were bigh risen indeed! On Easter Monday becaps, covered with gems, and adorned gins the presentation of the Paschal eggs: by miniature paintings, set in jewels, of lovers to their mistresses, relatives to the Crucifixion, the Virgin, and the each other, servants to their masters, all Saints. Their robes of various coloured bring ornamented eggs. Every offering, satin were of the most costly embroidery; at this season, is called a Paschal egg. and even on these were miniature pictures The meanest pauper in the street, preset with precious stones. After two senting an egg, and repeating the words hours had been spent in various ceremo- Christos voscress, may demand a salute nies, the archbishop advanced, holding even of the empress. All business is forth a cross, which all the people crowd- laid aside; the upper ranks are engaged ed to embrace, squeezing each other in visiting, balls, dinners, suppers, masnearly to suffocation. As soon, however, querades; while boors fill the air with as their eagerness had been somewhat their songs, or roll drunk about the satisfied, he retired to the sacristy; where, streets. Servants appear in new and putting on a plain purple robe, he again tawdry liveries, and carriages in the most advanced, exclaiming three times in a sumptuous parade.'— Clarke. very loud voice, Christ is risen!

We have already noticed the strange custom of Heaving practised on this day The arch- in the north of England. The follow

The most remarkable part of the solemnity now followed.



Varieties. Vestige of Feudal Times-Evening Hours.

(VOL. 2. ing extract, from a letter sent to Mr. best apparel, and several of them under BRAND, the antiquarian, by a respectable twenty. I wished to see all the ceremogentleman, in the year 1799, thus speaks ny, and seated myself accordingly. The of the custom. I was sitting alone last fair group then lifted me from the ground, Easter Tuesday, at breakfast, at the Tal- turned the chair about, and I had the bot, in Shrewsbury, when I was surpris- felicity of a salute from each. I told them, ed by the entrance of all the female ser- I supposed there was a fine due upon the vants of the house, handing in an arm- occasion, and was answered in the affirmchair, lined with white, and decorated ative, and, having satisfied the damsels, with ribbons and favours of different co- they withdrew to heave others. At this lours. On asking what they wanted, their time I had never heard of such a custom; answer was, "they came to heave me: but, on inquiry, I found that on Easter it was the custom of the place on that Monday, between nine and twelve, the morning, and they hoped I would take a men heave the women in the same man. seat in their chair." It was impossible ner as on the Tuesday, between the same not to comply with a request very modest- hours, the women heave the men.'-See ly made, and to a set of nymphs in their Popular Antiquities, 4to. ed.





From the Literary Gazette, Nov. 22, 1817.

to know how to act under the circumstances we have noticed. Thornton is,

AVERY singular trial in the King's it seems, a muscular stout man, Ashford Bench has this week excited con- the appellant a slender and weakly boy; siderable and deserved attention. It is otherwise, for aught stated to the contrawhat is called "An Appeal of Murder," ry, it does not appear that the Court brought by the nearest of kin to Mary would have held itself justified in preAshford, against Abraham Thornton, venting the intolerable reproach of having who was tried for that offence and ac- this battle actually waged to decide the Indeed Lord Ellenborough quitted in May last. This sort of action cause!

with great deference to the eminent judge, we hold that in such an event the law itself would be guilty of the foulest murder.


From the Monthly Magazine, Oct. 1817.

is a civil suit, founded on the barbarous declared that if Thornton killed the ap precedent of dark, ignorant and feudal pellant under the sanction of the law, it times! when single combat, and walking would not be murder :-murder in him over burning ploughshares, and dipping it might not strictly and morally be: but, the flesh in boiling oil, were resorted to as the tests of guilt and innocence; when wicked force had these means of disguising its atrocities, and credulous superstition was taught to expect a miracle, and special interposition of the Divinity in every quarrel which human cunanig or folly chose to put upon a criterion so monstrous. It is scarcely possible to believe that in the nineteenth century we should have so lamentable an exhibition as we learn from the preface, the production of very early years; but, as we of the absurdity of our legal system, as the revival of this obsolete and impious gather from the perusal, such a work as later years would have no reason to dis practice affords. Yet so it is: to our avow. In an address" to the Genius of

Evening Hours; a Collection of Origi

nal Poems. 1817

To our poetical readers we have to recommend this small volume. It is,

reproach be it spoken, the accused threw down his gauntlet in the Court of King's Poesy, there is a current of feeling which Bench, and challenged the brother of the proves the author to be intimately acquainmurdered girl to prove him guilty by sin- ted with the subject on which he writes. gle combat!! The case is to be further One line struck us as peculiarly happy, proceeded in this day, as it required six in which night is styled the hourdays' consideration of the Bench and Bar

"When the world With its own hum has lulled itself to sleep."

VOL. 2.]

Varieties: Critical, Literary, and Historical,

"Some tell me it is foolishness to weep,

For days imprisoned with the ages sped,
Or heave the sigh to think my pleasures fled,
And that how short the time ere I must sleep
In a cold charnel-house where worms do creep,
And trail with slimy fold across the dead;
Yet who would not for a companion steep


The following sonnet is no bad specimen of Antwerp, moved by the wretched sitof the writer's turn of thought, and of uation of the many insane persons, all his versification, which is remarkably shut up together in one and the same flowing, and free from faults. It fur- building, obtained from the government nishes also an excellent answer to that permission to have them conveyed to the wretched coldness of remonstrance, which village of Gheel, where they were disimagines it can stay our tears, by telling tributed among the inhabitants, who reus of their fruitlessness. ceived an ample recompence for their trouble. This village was chosen upon mature deliberation. Being surrounded on every side by an extensive heath, the situation of the place made the superintendence of the patients very easy, and two or three professional persons were sufficient to take care of this assemblage of idiots and maniacs who were permitted freedom of exercise, and were called back by a bell to their lodgings every noon and evening. Wholesome diet, pure fresh air, constant exercise, and the apparent liberty of their mode of life, all together had such a happy effect that a great part of those first sent recovered in the course of a year. We shall feel obliged to any of our Brussels' readers for further inquiry and information upon this interesting subject.

In ever-burning tears his aching head,
Were he to pace some church-yard, and a tomb
In the mute eloquence of sculpture told
Where was the friend he should no more behold!
And shall I see the ever fatal plume

Wave o'er the sepulchre of former years,
Nor consecrate their memory with my tears?"

We feel equally certain that the subjoined extract will fully justify our warmth of praise.

MORNING-A Fragment.

—“ Aurora, daughter of the dawn,

With rosy lustre streak'd the dewy lawn."
"Twas morn-and from the East the sun had shed
His glowing beams, and ting'd the mountains red;
The dancing mists in swift succession flew,
Chas'd by the early breeze that softly blew
Along the swelling hills ;-the yellow beam
Smil'd on the forest, sparkled on the stream,
And gaily laughing at the conquer'd night,
Display'd on every spire the grateful light.
The pearly drops, that bent the blooming thorn,
Started from slumber with the opening morn,
And from the green leaves dropping, spread around
Delightful fragrance on the daisied ground;
While oft, responsive to the woodman's stroke,
The clear-ton'd echoes of the hills awoke...
The cheerful lark, high mounting, hail'd the day,
And carol'd in mid air his matin lay:
Seeking his scatter'd flocks, and whistling loud,
The sturdy shepherd call'd his bleating crowd:
With frequent pause he stopp'd-and gazing high-
Admir'd the orient beauties of the sky;
And, stedfast viewing, breath'd the silent prayer-
When an his toils were past t' inhabit there."


From the London Literary Gazette.


At St. Petersburgh, there are every winter during Lent several masquerades, there called Ridottos, which are always numerously attended; but differ far from ours, that there is no dancing. The company stroll in their disguise through the crowd in the saloon, see, hear, and talk. They then go to the adjoining apartments, and call for what refreshments they please. Each party takes a table for itself, and generally one of the company treats the others, and pays for those who accompany him.

It happened, that there was a party of seven persons, in one of these rooms, who ordered a supper and wine at ten silver roubles per head. One of the waiter. The party were very merry, the company, as usual, gave the orders to and seemed to enjoy the supper.

If implicit credit can be given to the following statement, it is highly deserving of attention at the present moment, when When the dishes and bottles were so many plans are in agitation respecting empty, the guests one after another rose that melancholy affliction of the human from table, and went into the saloon. mind. In the Netherlands there is a vil- There were already five gone; and two lage called Gheel, four-fifths of the in- still remained sitting, apparently in earhabitants of which are out of their mind, nest conversation. Will not the people but who however enjoy their liberty. soon pay? thought the landlord; and This singular fact requires an explanation. ordered the waiter to have a watchful About half a century ago the magistrates eye on the last, that he might not slip

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