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Biographical Portraits.-Rt. Hon. Henry Erskine.


It was the good fortune, (for in the rather for their use than their beauty. families of the great and rich, it is good And unquestionably they often enabled fortune so far as intellectual cultivation is him to state a fine argument, or a nice concerned,) of the brothers we have distinction, not only in a more striking named to be the younger branches of their and pleasing way, but actually with greatnoble house. Their education was com- er precision than could have been attainmitted to a tutor every way worthy of ed by the severer forms of reasoning. that charge, James Buchanan, of Glasgow. In this extraordinary talent, as well From this able tuition, the three broth- as the charming facility of hii eloquence, ers were transferred to the University of and the constant radiance of good bumour St. Andrew, thence to Glasgow, and fi- and gaiety which encircled his manner in nally, to complete the course of study, to debate, he had no rival in his own times, the capital of Scotland. and has yet had no successor. That part of eloquence is now mute,-that honour in abeyance.

Henry Erskine was called to the Scottish bar in the year 1768, when in his 22d year. From that era, till the year The character of Mr. Erskine's elo1812, when he retired from practice, he quence bore a strong resemblance to that was one of the brightest ornaments of his of his Noble Brother, (Lord Erskine) profession-classical, witty, luminous, but being much less diffusive, it was betand eloquent. In the course of his le- ter calculated to leave a forcible impres gal career he held for several years the sion: he had the art of concentrating his appointment of Dean of the Faculty of ideas, and presenting them at once in so Advocates, from which, party politics luminous and irresistible a form, as to then running very high in Scotland, he render his hearers masters of the view he was driven by the ascendancy of that took of his subject; which, however dry party to which he was opposed. He or complex in its nature, never failed to was also twice appointed Lord Advo- become entertaiping and instructive in cate, namely, under the Rockingham Ad- his hands; for, to professional knowledge ministration in 1782, and the Grenville of the highest order, he united a most exand Fox Administration in 1806. Du- tensive acquaintance with history, literaring the latter, he represented the Dunbar ture, and science and a thorough conand Dumfries district of Boroughs in Par- versancy with human life, and moral and liament, and the writer of this article can political philosophy. The writer of this state, from a perfect recollection of the article has witnessed, with pleasure and fact, that he produced a strong impres- astonishment, the widely different emosion upon the House, by the speeches tions excited by the amazing powers of which he delivered. It is seldom that his oratory; fervid and affecting in the the oratory of the bar can bear transplant- extremest degree, when the occasion calling to the senate, but in this instance the ed for it; and no less powerful in oppoeffect was equal, and what was wont to convince in the one place, did not fail to carry great weight with it in the other.

site circumstances, by the potency of wit and the brilliancy of comic humour, which constantly excited shouts of laughIn his long and splendid career at the ter throughout the precincts of the court, bar, Mr. Erskine was distinguished not the mirthful glee even extended itself only by the peculiar brilliancy of his wit, to the ermined sages, who found too much and the gracefulness, ease and vivacity of amusement in the scene to check the fasis eloquence, but by the still rarer power cinating actor of it. He assisted the of keeping those seducing qualities in great powers of his understanding by an perfect subordination to his judgment. indefatigable industry, not commonly By their assistance he could not only annexed to extraordinary genius; and make the most repulsive subjects agreea- he kept his mind open for the admission ble, but the most abstruse, easy and in- of knowledge by the most unaffected telligible. In his profession, indeed, all modesty of deportment. The harmony his wit was argument,, and each of his of his periods, and the accuracy of his delightful illustrations a material step in expressions, in his most unpremeditated his reasoning. To himself it seemed speeches, were not among the least of his always as if they were recommended oratorical accomplishments. In the most

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Biography of Henry Erskine, the Scotch Orator.


rapid of his flights, when his tongue could by distress ;-in no situation of his life scarce keep pace with his thoughts, he was he ashamed or afraid of discharging never failed to seize the choicest words in his duty, but constant to the God whom the treasury of our language. The apt, he worshipped he evinced his confidence beautiful, and varied images which con- in the faith he professed, by his actions; stantly decorated his judicial addresses, to his friends he was faithful, to his enesuggested themselves instantaneously, mies generous, ever ready to sacrifice his and appeared, like the soldiers of Cadmus, little private interests and pleasures to in complete armour and array to support what he conceived to be the public welthe cause of their creator, the most re- fare, or to the domestic felicity of those markable feature of whose eloquence around him. In the words of an eloquent was, that it never made him swerve by writer he was " a man to choose for a one hair-breadth from the minuter details superior, to trust as a friend, and to love most befitting his purpose; for, with as a brother :" the arcency of his efforts matchless skill, he rendered the most daz- to promote the happinsss of his fellowzling oratory subservient to the uses of creatures was a prominent feature in his consummate special pleading, so that his character; his very faults had their origin prudence and sagacity as an advocate, in the ́excessive confidence of too liberal were as decisive as his speeches were splen- a spirit, the uncircumscribed beneficence did. Mr. Erskine's attainments,, as we of too warm a heart. It has been rehave before observed, were not confined marked of a distinguished actor, that he to a mere acquaintance with his profes- was less to be envied whilst receiving the sional duties; he was an elegant classical meed of universal applause than at the scholar, and an able mathematician; and head of his own table: the observation he also possessed many minor accom- may justly be applied to Mr. E. In no plishments in great perfection. His sphere was the lustre of his talents more knowledge of music was correct, and his conspicuous, while the unaffected grace execution on the violincello most pleas- and suavity of his manners, the benevoing. In all the various relations of pri- lent smile that illumined his intelligent vate life Mr. E.'s character was truly es- countenance in the exercise of the hospitimable, and the just appreciation of its talities of the social board, rendered invirtues extended far beyond the circle of deed a meeting at his house a feast of his own family and friends; and it is a reason and a flow of soul." In person, well-authenticated fact, that a writer (or, Mr. E. was above the middle size, well as we should say, attorney) in a distant proportioned but slender; his features part of Scotland, representing to an op- were all character, and most strikingly pressed and needy tacksman, who had expressive of the rare qualities of his applied to him for advice, the futility of mind. In early life his carriage was reentering into a lawsuit with a wealthy markably gracelul--dignified and impresneighbour, having himself no means of sive as occasion required it; in manner defending his cause received for answer, he was gentle, playful, and unassuming, "Ye dinna ken what ye say, Maister, and so persuasive was his address that he there's nae a puir man in Scotland need never failed to attract attention, and by want a friend or feur an enemy while the spell of irresistible fascination to fix Harry Erskine lives !" How much and enchain it. His voice was powerful honor does that simple sentence convey and melodious, his enunciation uncomto the generous and benevolent object of monly accurate and distinct, and there it! He had, indeed, a claim to the af- was a peculiar grace in his utterance fection and respect of all who were with- which enhanced the value of all he said, in the knowledge of his extraordinary tal- and engraved the remembrance of it inents and more uncommon virtues. delibly on the minds of his hearers. For With a mind that was superior to many years of his life, Mr. Erskine had fear and incapable of corruption, regula- been the victim of ill health, but the nated by undeviating principles of integrity tive sweetness of his temper remained and uniformity, elevated in adversity as unclouded, and during the painfully proin prosperity, neither subdued by pleasure tracted sufferings of his last illness, the into effeminacy, nor sunk into dejection language of complaint was never heard



Biographical Sketches Rt. Hon. Henry Erskine.

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ourselves to a very few examples of Mr. Erskine's lighter vein.


Oh! mourn not for Anacreon dead-
Oh! weep not for Anacreon fled-
The lyre still breathes he touched before,
For we have one Anacreon Moore,


On that high bench where Kenyon holds his seat,
England may boast that Truth and Justice meet;
But in a Northern Court, where Pride commands the
Oppression holds the scales,andJudgment's lost in Ayr ?



to escape his lips, nor the shadow of discontent seen to cloud his countenance! "Nothing in his life became him like the leaving it," he looked patiently forward to the termination of his painful existence, and received with mild complacency the intelligence of his danger, while the ease and happiness of those, whose felicity through life had been his primary consideration, was never absent from his thoughts. It is said that Swift, after having written that celebrated satire on mankind, Gulliver's Travel», "exclaimed. while meditating on the rare virtues of his friend Arbuthnot, "Oh! were there "The following anecdote is strikingly characteristic of Mr. Erskine's wellten Arbuthnots in the world, I would known humourous disposition:-During burn my book."-It is difficult to contemplate such a character as Mr. Erskine's a theatrical representation at Edinburgh, without a similar sentiment, without a presuming young coxcomb chose to feeling that were there many Erskines render himself conspicuous by standing one should learn to think better of man- up in the middle of the pit all through the kind. The general voice placed him, progress of the first act of the Play; his while living, high among the illustrious neighbours were at first too polite to insist characters of the present age; may the on his conforming to the usual regulations, humble memorial the author is giving to venience those behind him suffered, to and merely represented to him the inconthe public, preserve his name unblemished by mis-representation till some more equal the audience at last began to testify their which he paid no manner of attention; pen shall hand it down to posterity as a bright example of what great usefulness displeasure, and the cry of “turn him extraordinary talents may prove to soci- out," became universal, and a riot would ty when under the direction of sound judgment, incorruptible integrity, and enlarged philanthropy.*

Like most men, whose wit procures them a high reputation in society for those accomplishments which render social converse so delightful, for a long period almost all the bon-mots and jeuxd'esprit, circulated in the northern metropolis were ascribed to Mr. Erskine. We might collect a volume of his happy thoughts and expressions, without trenching on those of doubtful origin, but our text is too serious to admit of much suitable relief from pleasantry, and we limit

• On the death of his first lady, in 1804, he married

most probably have ensued, from the indignation of one party, and the tenaciousness of the other, had it not been for Mr. E., who laying a wager with a gentleman near him, that he would accomplish the

ter by a single sentence, stood up and addressing himself to the persons who were forcing compliance on the obstinate "leave him alone, youth, exclaimed, Gentlemen, it is only a Tailor resting the exclamation; the efficacy of which himself;"-a roar of laughter followed was immediately testified, by the disappointed object of it, whose only motive was a desire to impress those around him with a high idea of his fashion and gentility.

But we have given enough to trifling on this occasion; and conclude by applying, from the greatest of the Roman Poets, as his friend and brother has from the greatest Roman Orator, one quotation

Mrs. Turnbull, the widow of Turnbull, Esq., and
the daughter of a Mr. Munro, of Edinburgh. This
amiable and respected lady survives him : by her he
has left no issue, but two sons and daughters of his for-
mer union. The eldest son, who succeeds to his estate,
(and is now the presumptive heir of the ancient Earl- to our subject-

dom of Buchan,) married, in 1811, the eldest daughter
of the late Sir Charles Shipley.

Semper honos, nomenque tuum, laudesque manebunt.

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From "Time's Telescope."

MA ARCH, though cold and windy, is
generally conducive to health.
The superabundant moisture of the earth
is dried up, and the process of vegeta-
tion is gradually brought on. The
latest springs are always the most favour-
able, because, as the young buds do not
appear so soon, they are not liable to be
cut off by chilling blasts. Often may we
say with the poet, in this and the follow-
ing month,

Thou lingerest, Spring! still wintry is the scene,
The fields their dead and saplet russess wear;
Scarce does the glossy pile-wort yet appear
Starring the sunny bank, or early green

The elder yet its circling tufts put forth.
The sparrow tenants still the eaves-built nest,
Where we should see our martins' snowy breast

Oft darting out. The blasts from the bleak north
And from the keener east still frequent blow.
Sweet Spring, thou lingerest! and it should be so;
Late let the fields and gardens blossom out!
Like man when most with smiles thy face is drest,
"Tis to deceive, and he who knows ye best,
When most ye promise, ever most must doubt.

He warbling on, awaits the sunny beam


That mild gleams down, and spreads o'er all the grove.

This bold and pleasing songster, from his high station, seems to command the concert of the grove, while, in the beautiful language of the poet,

The jay, the rook, the daw,

And each harsh pipe (discordant heard alone),
Aid the full concert, while the stock-dove breathes
A melancholy murmur through the whole.

The linnet and goldfinch join the general concert in this month. Goldfinches construct very neat and compact compartments, with moss, dried grass, and roots, which they line with wool, hair, the down of thistles, and other soft substances. The females lay five white eggs, marked with deep purple spots at the larger end they feed, their young with caterpillars and insects; but the old birds subsist on various kinds of seeds, especially those of the thistle, of which they are extremely fond.

Sometimes, suspended at the limber end
of planetree spray, among the broad-leaved shoots,
The tiny hammock swings to every gale ;
Sometimes in hedge luxuriant, where the brier,
The bramble, and the plum-tree, branch.
Warp through the thorn, surmounted by the flowers
of climbing vetch, and honeysuckie wild,
But mark the pretty bird himself! how light
And quick his every motion, every note!
How beautiful his plumes! his red-ringed head ;
His breast of brown: and see him stretch his wing,-
A fairy fan of golden spokes it seems.

Sometimes in closest thickets 'tis concealed;

All undefaced by art's deforming hand.

The melody of birds now gradually swells upon the ear. The throstle (turdus musicus), second only to the nightingale in soug, charms us with the sweetness and variety of its lays. Its head, back, and lesser coverts of the wings, are of a deep-olive-brown; and the inner surface of the latter is yellow. The cheeks and throat are mottled with brown and white; the belly and breast are of a pale yellow colour, with large black spots. Throstles build their nests in some low bush or thicket: externally, Rooks and crows, it has been proved, they are composed of earth, moss, and are by no means so detrimental to the straw, but the inside is curiously plaster- farmer as is generally imagined, though ed with clay. Here the female deposits many of them still cominit great havoc afive or six pale-bluish green eggs, mark- mong these birds, and use every means ed with dusky spots. From the top of in their power to frighten them away. high trees, for the greater part of the The ordinances of nature, however inyear, it pours its song, comprehensible they may appear to hu man observation, are founded on principles which are intended for our universal good; and the subversion of them is only calculated to draw down misery upon ourselves.

Varied as his plumes; and as his plumes

Blend beauteous, each with each, so run his notes
Smoothly, with many a happy rise and fall.
How prettily upon his parded breast,
The vividly contrasted tints unite

To please the admiring eye! so, loud and soft,
And high and low, all in his notes combine,
In alternation sweet, to charm the ear.
Fun earlier than the blackbird he begins
His vernal strain. Regardless of the frown
Which winter casts upon the vernal day.
Though snowy flakes melt in the primrose cup,

The farmer shoots rooks, &c. and hangs them up in terrorem, though these birds cover his fresh-ploughed land, not in search of grain, but of various grubs and worms which are injurious to his future


Usefulness of Birds, &c.-Migration of Birds.

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[VOL. 2 crop. The hedge-hog, another proscrib- Those birds which have passed the ed animal, falsely accused of sucking winter in England now take their deparcows, and even getting into their udders, ture for more northerly regions. The in like manner feeds altogether upon field-fares (turdus pilaris) travel to Rusbeetles, cockchafers, and other insects, sia, Sweden, and Norway, and even as which are extremely injurious to the agri- far as Siberia. They do not arrive in culturalist, either in their larva or perfect France till December, when they asstate. Worms and grubs are also the semble in large flocks of two or three food of the mole; and although, in his thousand. The red-wing (turdus iliamining process, he undoubtedly overturns cus), which frequent the same places, many growing plants, yet, he is probably, eats the same food, and is very similar in upon the whole, more useful than injuri- manners to the field fare, also takes ous to man. In short, there is scarcely leave of this country for the season. an instance of a proscribed animal that Soon afterwards the woodcock (scolopax deserves the treatment he meets with. rusticola) wings its aërial voyage to the Superficial observation is by no means countries bordering on the Baltic. Yea, sufficient to justify cruel proscription. the stork in the heaven knoweth her apMany years since, it is recorded, that pointed times; and the turtle, and the the farmers in Buckinghamshire, most of crane, and the swallow, observe the time whom had pigeon-houses on their farms, of their coming.'-Jeremiah. calculating upon the quantity of corn consumed by these birds, entered into a mutual agreement to suppress these hordes of plunderers; but instead of experiencing an increase of crop in consequence, they unfortunately found their corn overrun with melilot to such a degree, as soon to induce them to wish for their pigeons back again. By examining the crops of pigeons, it will be found that these birds uniformly prefer leguminous seed to the cerealia. Wheat and barley will not be touched while they can procure peas, beans, or even the small seeds of the tinetare and melilot, which are weeds among the corn.

TO THE CROW. Say weary bird, whose level flight Thus, at the dusky hour of night, Tends thro' the midway air,

Why yet beyond the verge of day Is lengthened out thy dark delay, Adding another to the hours of care?

The wren within her mossy nest
Has hashed her little brood to rest;
The wood-wild pigeon, rocked on high,

Has cooed his last soft note of love,
And fondly nestles by his dove,

To guard their downy young from an inclement sky.
Each twittering bill and busy wing,
That flits through morning's humid spring,

Is still-list'ning perhaps so late

To Philomel's enchanting lay,

Who now, ashamed to sing by day,

Trills the sweet sorrows of her fate.

Haste, bird, and nurse thy callow brood,
They call on Heaven and thee for food,
Bleak-on some cliff's neglected tree;
Haste, weary bird, thy lagging flight-
It is the chilling hour of night;
Fit hour of rest for thee!

Milton styles the feathered race, thus divinely taught, intelligent of seasons;' and the venerable prophet above adduces this instinctive and invariable observation of their appointed time, as a circumstance of reproach to the chosen people of God, who, although taught by reason and religion, knew not,' he adds, "the judgment of the Lord.'-Jer. viii. 7.

The migration of birds, which is common to the quail, the stork, the crane, the field fare, the woodcock, the nightingale, the cuckoo, the martin, the swallow, and various others, is, indeed, a very curious article in natural history, and furnishes a very striking instance of a powerful instinct impressed by the Creator. Dr. Derham observes two circumstances remarkable in this migration: the first, that these untaught,unthinking crea tures, should know the proper times for their passage, when to come, and when to go; as also, that some should come when others go. No doubt, the temperature of the air as to beat and cold, and their natural propensity to breed their young, are the great incentives to these creatures to change their habitations. But why should they at all change their habitations? And why is not some certain place to be found, in all the terra. queous globe, that, all the year round, can afford them convenient food and habitation?

The second remarkable circumstance is, that they should know which way to steer their course, and whither to go.

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