Imágenes de páginas

Lamb, Charles, Landor's and Coleridge's Lyndhurst, Lord, notice of, and letters,
eulogiums on, ii., 123; reference of ii., 246, 511.
Landor to an affecting story of his sis-
ter, ib. ; lines of Landor on, ii., 281.


Landon, Miss Letitia E., notice of, ii., M., R. C., letter from Greece to Lady B.,
39; marriage of, 7th June, 1838, with

ii., 384.

Mr. Maclean, 44; death of, 13th Octo- Mackinnon, Colonel, transmitting a lock
ber, 1838, 45; editor visits Cape Coast of Lord Nelson's hair to Lady B., ii.,
Castle in Feb., 1841, ib.; his account 383.
of Mr. Maclean, 46; observations on Mackintosh, his conversational powers,
inquest, &c., 48; charged by Lady B. i., 133; on toleration of opinions, 159.
to get her husband's consent to set up Maclise, D., notice of, ii., 537.
a monument at Cape Coast Castle, 56; Macready, W. C., letters to Lady B., ii.,
called on by Mr. Maclean to inquire 381; notice of, 547.
into the death of L. E. L., 57; result Madden, R. R., lines of Dr. Beattie ad-
of inquiry, 63; seized with fever while dressed to, ii., 344, 353; correspondence
occupying the room in which L. E. L. with Lady B., 357; correspondence
had died, 64; neglect experienced du- with D'Orsay on the part of C. J. Math-
ring illness, 66; death of her husband, ews, 447; letters from D'Orsay to, 451.
28th May, 1847, ib.; a lament for L. Manners, Lord, the Orange regime in
E. L. by W. S. Landor, 68; destitute Ireland, ii., 151.
state of her mother after her death,
69; Lady B.'s account of her death to
Lady W., ib.; letters of Miss Landon
to Lady B., 73; Bulwer's reference to,
ii., 183; further observations on her Margravine of Anspach, Gell's reference
death, 568.
to, i., 344, 354, 357; notice of, 410.
Marryatt, F., notice of, and letters to
Lady B., ii., 310.

Landor, Walter Savage, first acquaint-
ance with Lady B., i., 101; notice of
his career, ii., 99; letters from Lady
B. to him, 102; letters from, to Lady
B., 117 verses to him from Lady B.,
116; comments on the paltry grant of
George IV. to Coleridge, 118; visit to
a Roman Catholic Chapel, 133; D'Or-
say's letters to him, 429; imaginary
conversation between Lord Mountjoy
and Lord Edward Fitzgerald, commu-
nicated to Lady B. in Feb., 1839, 474;
lines addressed to Lady B., 497.
Landseer, Sir Edwin, notice of, ii., 538.
Lansdowne, Marquess, letter to Lady
B., ii., 246; notice of, 503.
Lawrence, Sir T., notice of, ii., 263; let-
ters of, 265; lines on waltzing, ib.
Lindsay, Lady Charlotte, Gell's refer-
ence to, i., 358, 366.

Loewe, Dr., a celebrated linguist, accom-
panied Sir M. Montefiore to the East,
11., 93.

Lola Montes, a letter of hers, ii., 399.
Lucas, Mr. and Mrs., Gell's reference to
very nice people from Ireland," i.,

[ocr errors]


Lucca, Duc de, his pilgrimage to Rome,
i., 348.

Luttrell, Henry, early acquaintance of
the Blessingtons with, i., 63; Gell's
reference to, 352; notice of, and let-
ters, i., 289.

Manning, Mr., the celebrated Chinese
scholar, Gell's reference to, i., 356.
Manvers, Lady, Gell's reference to her,
i., 347.

Marsault, Madame la Comtesse St.,
Mary Anne, youngest daughter of Ed-
mund Power, i., 13; her marriage and
separation, 36; lives with her father
in Ireland, 37; return to England in
1839, ib.; accompanies the Blessing-
tons on a Continental tour, 64; her
personal appearance in 1822, ib.
Mathews, Charles James, joins the
Blessingtons at Naples, i., 64; his
early career, sojourn with the Bless-
ingtons in Italy, ib. ; amiable charac-
ter, comic talents, ib.; an inmate of the
Palazzo Belvidere, ii., 442; accompa
nies Lady B. to Pæstum, i., 93; notice
of, ii., 441; quarrel with D'Orsay-pro-
ceedings and correspondence in that
affair, 447; subsequent amicable cor-
respondence with the count, 451; let-
ters of, to Lady B., 406.

Mathews, Mrs., letters of Lady B. to, ii.,


Matthias, James (Pursuit of Literature),
Gell's reference to him in Naples,
Nov., 1833, at the age of 81, rather
younger than ever, i., 369; idem-in
Naples, June 2, 1834, then "in his 93d
year," 379; Bulwer's reference to, 11.,

Matuschewitz, Count, notice of, i., 430;
letters to Lady B., 431.

Meagher, Jeremiah, vice-consul at Lis-
bon, account of the Powers, i., 18;
account of Bernard Wright, 19; fur-
ther account of Miss M. Power, 32.
Melleray, Abbot of Mount, letter to Lady
B., ii., 392.

Millingen, the antiquarian, makes Lady
B.'s acquaintance at Naples, i., 92;
initiates her into the mysteries of nu-
mismatics, ib.; notice of, 425; letters
from to Lady B., 426.

Mills, Frank, Gell's reference to, i., 337.
Milnes, Richard, Mr., letter to Lady B.,
ii., 396.

Mirabeau, his description of a celebrated
beauty, i., 52.

Montague, Lady Mary Wortley, her epis-
tolary talents, i., 320.

Montefiore, Sir Moses, Gell's reference

to, i., 350; instance of devotion and
filial affection, 417; world-wide benev-
olence and charitableness of heart and
mind, ii., 93, 94.
Montmorenci, Duc de Laval, notice of,
i., 403.

Moore, Thomas, early acquaintance of
the Blessingtons, i., 57; reference to
Lord B.'s theatricals, 56; visits Lady
B. with Washington Irving, 61; renews
his acquaintance with her at Paris, 66;
lines of his to Lady B., 254; notice of,
ii., 267; his first lines, 269; letters of,
to Lady B., 270; Galt's remarks on
"The Loves of the Angels," 327; let-
ter to the editor on slavery, 167.
Morpeth, Lord, acquaintance with Lady
B. at Naples, i., 93; his prize poem
on Pæstum, ib. ; notice of, ii., 524.
Mountjoy family, burial-place at Cap-
pagh, near Rash, i., 58; desire of Lord
B. to be interred there, ib.
Mountjoy, Dowager Lady, residing at
Rash after her husband's death, i., 55;|
residing in Dublin in 1807, 58; death
in 1839, 102.

Mountjoy, Lady, notice of family, mar-
riage, and death, i., 46-51.
Mountjoy, Lord, vide Blessington.
Murray, James, Captain of 47th Regi-
ment, suitor to Miss M. Power, i., 26.
Murray, Lord Charles, account of his
sojourn in Naples in 1822, career and
death in Greece, i., 412.

[blocks in formation]

bay, 85; Lady B.'s notice of the bay,
87; evening passed by editor on board
"The Bolivar" in the bay, 89.
Napoleon, Prince Louis, the present
Emperor of the French, attention paid
and services rendered to him when in
exile by Lady B. and Count D'Orsay,
how repaid on a throne, i., 181, 182,
278, 281, 303-306; notice of his origin
and career, 529-537; Duke of Welling-
ton's opinion of the prince, 304; on his
elevation to the presidency of the Re-
public, ib.; Lamennais's observation
to editor respecting the prince, 306;
Landor's lines, the Quest of Honor,
applicable to him, ib.; visited in Bath
in August, 1846, by Landor, ii., 140;
Landor's great interest in and anxiety
for the welfare of the prince, January,
1849, 141; Landor writes to the presi-
dent, ib.; remarkable letter of Duke
of Wellington in reference to, i., 304.
Nizzensitter, C., letter to Lady B., ii.,

Normanby, Lord, theatricals at Florence,
i., 99, 359; reference to, 101; letter to
Lady B., ii., 248; notice of, 519.


Odin's stone pillar, Sir W. Scott's ac-
count of, i., 375.

O'Flagherty, Father, the parish priest of
Cappagh, patronized by Lady B., i.,
60; Lord B.'s liberality to him, 59;
his amusing correspondence, 60.
Ossian's poems, reference to, by Sir W.
Scott in Italy, i., 375.

Ossuna, Duc d', notice of, i., 442; letters
to Lady B., ib.


Pagani, Padre, President of the Roman
Catholic Colleges of Rugby and Rat-
cliffe, his learning extolled by W. S.
Landor, ii., 133.

Parr, Dr. Samuel, Gell's reference to his
death, i., 347; the doctor's "holy kiss,"
353; notice of, ii., 257; letters of, 259;
Miss Calcraft's references to, 260;
Rev. Mr. Horseman's lines on, 261;
extract from a sermon of, 262.
Peel, Sir Robert, disposal of his papers
for publication, i., 4; letter to, of Lady
B., ii., 250; statements of, on the sub-
ject of Lady B.'s letter, 251; letter
from, to Lady B., 318.
Perry, James, the editor of the Morning

Chronicle, refuses to insert a slander
in his paper relative to Captain Far-
mer's death, i., 35; beginning of his

acquaintance with Lord B., 36; notice
of, ii., 505, 534.

Phipps, General, letters to Lady B., ii.,

Piazzi, the celebrated astronomer, notice]
of, i., 92, 405; letter to Lady B., ii., 392.
Pilgrim, the, his lines and letters to Lady
B., ii., 399.

Polidori, notice of, i., 468.

Ponsonby, Lord, minister at Naples in
1832, i., 364.

Popery, triumphs of, singular instance
of one, ii., 399.

Powell, John Allan, law agent of the
Milan commission, friend of Lord B.,
i., 44.

[blocks in formation]

Power, Michael, amiable disposition,
early death, i., 22; his duel with Cap-
tain Kettlewell, 537.

Power, Miss Margaret, niece of Lady B.,
memoir of her aunt, i., 10; her affec-
tionate regard for her aunt's memory,
ib.; obligations of the editor to her,
ib.; her poetry praised by Landor, ii.,

Power, Miss Mary Anne, the youngest
daughter of Edmund Power, i., 13;
marriage with Count St. Marsault,
36; separation, ib.; attention to her
father, 37; sojourns with Mrs. Dogh-
erty near Cashel, ib.; mentioned in
Lord B.'s will, 106; reference to her
age-said to be fifteen years younger
than Lady B., 189; Gell's references
to her, under various designations,
334, 342, 344, 349, 352, 355, 357, 364,

Power, Anne, eldest of the children of E.
Power, death, i., 25.
Power, Edmund, father of Lady B., early
history, i., 11; recklessness, improvi-
dence, 17; magisterial terrorism, ib.;
patronized by Lord Donoughmore, 19;
Lady B.'s account of terrorism in his
family, ib.; notice of, 20; his pursuits,
tastes, and appearance, ib.; exercise
of magisterial duties-rebel hunting,
21; shooting a peasant boy, ib.; in-
dicted for murder, 22; name expunged Pratt, Miss, author of "Inheritance,"
from magistracy, ib.; inquest on boy Gell's reference to, i., 362.
shot, 515; indictment and sworn in-
formations, 517.

Power, Edmund, unfortunate in his mer-
cantile speculations, i., 19; ditto in his
newspaper speculations, ib.; ditto in
his magisterial, 20; his paper prose-
cuted for a libel on Colonel Bagwell,
ib.; report of first trial, Bagwell v.
Power, 520; report of second trial,
M'Carthy v. Watson, 537; Miss Ellen
Power examined on last trial, 540
death of his first wife, 36; second
marriage, ib.; supported in his latter
years by his daughters, ib.; amount
of pecuniary aid from Lady B., ib.;
end of his unfortunate career, 37.
Power, Edmund, Jun., death of, i., 25.
Power, Miss Ellen. See Mrs. Purves.
Power, Miss Ellen, younger sister of
Miss M. Power, Landor's reference
to, ii., 136.

Power, Capt., brother of the preceding,
his death in India, a fine young man
of twenty-two, ii., 146.
Power, Miss Marguerite.


See Mrs.

Proctor, Barry W., letters to Lady B.
and notice of, ii., 275.

Purves, Mrs., Miss Ellen Power, men-
tion of her marriage, i., 13; her remark-
able beauty, 26; admiration she excited
at the "coteries" of Tipperary, ib.; ear-
ly acquaintance with Colonel Stewart,
32; marriage with John Home Purves,
Esq., 13; at a dinner given by Lord B.
in 1815, 49; on a visit at Mountjoy
Forest, 59; death of Mr. Purves, 479;
second marriage with Lord Canter-
bury, ib.; death in her 54th year, 16th
November, 1845, 480; born the latter
part of 1791, 189.


Quin, Dr. Frederick F., reference to by
Gell, i., 337; notice of him, 399; let-
ters of D'Orsay to 456; scene at
Seamore Place with Julien, i., 163;
ditto at Gore House with ditto, ii.,


Quinlan, Mr., a distant relation of Lady
B., ., 37; assisted E. Power with
money to fee counsel when tried for
murder, ib.


Power, Marguerite, early life, i., 10; her
personal attractions, 25; attentions of
Captain Farmer, 26; offer of marriage
to her, ib.; repugnance to Captain R., H., letter to Lady B., ii., 394.
Farmer, ib.; marriage with Captain R., L., letter to Lady B., ii., 390.

R., J. C. W., singular epistle to D'Orsay, Sheehy, Father Nicholas, relative of
ii., 402.

Rachel, Mademoiselle, letter to Lady B.,
ii., 392.

Ramsay, James, of Naples, sketch of
Sir W. Gell, i., 328; Gell's reference
to him, 379.

Reilly, Charles, Surgeon R.N., espouses
the cause of Abbe Campbell, i., 348;
notice of his career, 396.
Reynolds, F. Mansell, notice of and let-
ters, ii., 338.

Ricciardi, the, Gell's references to them
and the Filangieré of Naples, i., 360,

Richardson, Dr., letter to, from Mrs. E.
M. S., ii., 90.

Richardson, Dr., attended Lady Mount-
joy to the Continent in 1814; subse-
quently traveling physician to Lord
Blessington in the East, i. 47; letter
on death of Lord B., 123.

Roberts, Miss Emma, notice of, ii., 91;
letters to Lady B., ib.
Rogers, early acquaintance of the Bless-
ingtons, i., 63.

Romer, Mrs. Isabella, notice of, ii., 94;
letters to Lady B., 95.

Rose, Mr., Gell's reference to "the man
of Greek inscriptions," ii., 347.
Rosslyn, Lord, letters to Lord B., ii. 487;|
notice of, 519.

Rothwell (the painter) at Naples in 1834,
i., 373, 374.

Russell, Lord John, early acquaintance
with the Blessingtons, í., 63; eulogized
by Lady B., 100; letter to Lady B., 11.,
242; notice of, 525.


S., A., letter to Lady B., ii., 401.
Saurin, Attorney General of Ireland,

Marquess Wellesley's account of his
Orange regime of fifteen years, ii.,|

Scarfe, Captain, Gell's reference to, in re
Abbé Campbell, i., 348.

Scarlett, Sir James. See Abinger, ii.,

Schwartzenberg, the Prince, notice of his
career, i., 435; letters to Lady B., 437.
Scott, Sir Walter, at Naples in 1832, i.,
361, 362; idem, 365, 366; Gell's remi-
niscences, 368, 370, 372, 375, 377.
Sevigné, Madame de, her epistolary tal-
ent, i., 320.

Sheehy, Edmund, Esq., maternal grand-
father of Lady B., i., 13; persecution
and death, 14; detailed account of
ditto, Appendix.

Lady B.'s mother, i., 13; persecution
and death, ib.; detailed account of
ditto, Appendix.

Sheridan, Miss Louisa, notice and letters
of, to Lady B., ii., 87.
Sigourney, Mrs. Lydia H., notice of, ii.,
81; letters to Lady B., 83; styled "the
American Hemans:" similarity of her
genius and her fate, 81.

Smith, James, notice of, ii., 296; letters
and poems, 302.

Smith, Lieut., R. N., commander of
"The Bolivar," i., 89; D'Orsay's tal-
ent in drawing out people tried on him,
91; referred to by Lord Blessington,
ii., 483.

Sorrento, Archbishop of, Gell's refer-
ence to, i., 334; death of his favorite
Annette, 360; his letter on cats, 368;
notice of, 428; letters of, to Lady B.,

Spencer, Hon. W. R., notice of, ii., 288;
letter of, to Lady B., 289.
Stael, Madame de, conversational tal-
ents of, i., 134.

Starke, Anna Maria, Gell's reference to:
gives parties and misereres in Rome,
i., 347.

Stewart, Colonel, of Killymoon, Gell's
reference to, in Italy in 1829, i., 359;
Gell's inquiry after the amiable colonel
of Killymoon, 381.

Stewart, Thomas, nephew of Sir W.
Drummond, lines to Lady B., i., 260;
subsequently becomes a Benedictine
monk, 474; his assassination, ib.; fur-
ther particulars of, ii., 498.
Stewart, William, Esq., of Killymoon,
colonel of Tyrone militia, i., 32; sta-
tioned at Clonmel in 1804, ib.; inti-
macy with the Powers, ib.; notice of,
ib.; intimacy with Lord Blessington,
59; entertained at Mountjoy Forest in
1816, ib.; ditto in 1823, 60.
Strangford, Lord, notice of, and letter to
Lady B., ii., 248.

Strangways, J., an intimate acquaintance
of Lady B. in Italy, i., 101.
Sue, Monsieur Eugene, notice of, i., 446;
letters to Lady B., 450; observations
of an eminent litterateur on his writ-
ings, ii., 510.

Swift, Godwin, reference to him in a let-
ter of Lady B., ii., 103; Landor's ref-
crence to him as "a representative of
the earliest patriot in Ireland," 119.


Tajore, Dwarkanauth, the celebrated

[blocks in formation]

Power's paper, i., 537; action against
him by M'Carthy, 538.
Wellesley, Marquess, notice of, ii., 149;
his reference to an old Orangeman
named Saurin, 151; letters to Lady
B., 155.

Wellington, late Duke of, notice of, ii.,
158; letters of, to Lady B., 162.
Wellington, present Duke of, notice of,
ii., 167; letter to Lady B., 168.
Westmacott, Richard, the eminent sculp-
tor, acquainted, i., 92; notice of, and
letter to Lady B., 465.
Westmoreland, Lady, Gell's reference
to, i., 353.

Westmoreland, Lord, letter to Lady B.,
ii., 248; notice of, 521.
White, Charles, marries Lady Emilie
Rosalie (Mary) Gardiner, i., 47; letter
to Lady B., ii., 389.
Whyte, Miss, at Rome in 1828, i., 357;
visited by Sir W. Scott near Pæstum,
361; scenery at Portici in 1834, 373.
Wilkie, Sir D., letter to Lady B., ii., 387.
Wilkinson, the Egyptian traveler, Gell's
reference to his discoveries, i., 358.
Willis, N. P., notice of, ii., 329; letters
of, to Lady B., 332; reference to Sir
W. Gell, i., 326.

Wade, General, an old Irish officer-Wright,
commandant of the Castello dell Novo,
Naples, i., 85; some account of his
origin, 401.

Watson, Dr., a celebrated linguist, i.,
335, 369.

Watson, Solomon, a Quaker banker of
Clonmel, libel on Colonel Bagwell in

Bernard, Alderman Hacket's
account of, i., 18; tortured by Sir T.
Judkin Fitzgerald, ib.; detailed report
of proceedings v. Fitzgerald, 509; in
the employment of Power, 19.
Wycherley, the comedian, when verging
on eighty-his last counsel to his young
wife, ii., 17.


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