Imágenes de páginas

the same according to our vocation | jurantes, nos in ecclesiæ hujus docand power, all the dayes of our trina et disciplina constanter perlyves; under the pains conteined severaturos, et pro cujusque vocatione in the law, and danger baith of ac viribus ad extremum spiritum debodie and saul in the day of Godis fearfull Judgment.

fensuros; sub pœna omnium in lege maledictionum, æternique cum animæ tum corporis exitii periculo in tremendo illo Dei judicio.

And seing that monie ar stirred Quumque sciamus non paucos, a up be Sathan, and that Roman Satana et antichristo Romano suAntichrist, to promise, sweare, sub- bornatos, promissionibus, subscripscryve, and for a tyme use the holie tionibus et juramentis se obstrinsacraments in the Kirk deceitfullie, gere, et in usu sacramentorum cum againis their awne conscience, mind- ecclesia orthodoxa ad tempus subing heirby, first under the external dole contra conscientiam communicloke of Religion, to corrupt and care; versute constituentes, obtento subvert secretlie Godis trew Re- interim religionis velo, in ecclesia ligion within the Kirk; and after- verum Dei cultum adulterare et ward, when tyme may serve, to be- clanculum ac per cuniculos labecome open enemies and persecuters factare; tandem per occasionem of the same, under vain houpe of apertis inimicitiis oppugnare, vana the Papis dispensation, devysed spe proposita veniæ dandæ a ponagainis the Word of God, to his tifice Romano, cujus rei potestatem greater confusion, and their double contra veritatem divinam sibi arrocondemnation in the day of the gat, ipsi perniciosam, ejusque asLord Jesus: We theirfoir, willing seclis multo magis exitiosam: Nos to take away all suspicion of hypoc- igitur ut simulationis erga Deum risie, and of sic double dealing with ejusque ecclesiam et insinceri aniGod and his Kirk, protest, and call mi suspicionem omnem amoliamur, the SEARCHER OF ALL HEARTIS for CORDIUM OMNIUM INwitness, that our mindis and heartis SPECTOREM testamur, huic do fullilie agree with this our Con- nostræ confessioni, promissioni, jufession, promeis, aith, and subscrip- ramento et subscriptioni animos tion sa that we ar not movit with nostros usquequaque respondere : ony warldlic respect, but ar per- nulloque rerum terrestrium moswadit onlie in our conscience, mento, sed indubia et certa notitia,

through the knawledge and love ex amore veritatis divinæ per Spiof Godis trew Religion prented in ritum Sanctum in cordibus nostris

our heartis be the Holie Spreit, as we sal answer to him in the day when the secreits of heartis sal be disclosed.

inscriptæ, ad eam nos inductos esse; ita DEUM propitium habeamus eo die quo cordium omnium arcana palam fient.

Cum vero nobis constet, per

And because we perceave that the quyetness and stabilitie of our eximiam Dei gratiam huic regno Religion and Kirk doth depend præfectum esse regem nostrum seupon the safety and good behaviour renissimum, ad ecclesiam in eo of the Kingis Majestie, as upon ane conservandam et justitiam nobis comfortable instrument, of Godis administrandam; cujus incolumimercie granted to this countrey, for tate et bono exemplo, secundum the meinteining of his Kirk and Deum, religionis et ecclesiæ tranministration of justice amongs us; quillitas et securitas nitatur: We protest and promeis solemnet- sancte, ex animo, eodem adacti salie with our heartis, under the same cramento, eademque pœna propoaith, hand-wreit, and paines, that sita pollicemur, et consignatis chiwe sall defend his personne and rographis promittimus, sacratissimi authoritie with our geare, bodies, regis nostri incolumitatem et autoand lyves, in the defence of Christis ritatem in beato Christi evangelio Evangell, libertie of our countrey, defendendo, in libertate patriæ asministration of justice, and punish- serenda, in justitia administranda, ment of iniquitie, againis all ene- in improbis puniendis, adversus mies, within this realme or without, hostes quoscunque internos sive exas we desire OUR GOD to be a strong ternos, quovis etiam bonorum et vitæ and mercifull defendar to us in the discrimine, nos constanter propugday of our death, and coming of naturos. Ita DEUM NOSTRUM OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST; OPTIMUM MAXIMUM potenTo whom, with the Father and the tem et propitium conservatorem haHolie Spreit, be all honour and beamus in mortis articulo, et adglorie eternallie. Amen.

ventu DOMINI NOSTRI JESU CHRISTI, cui cum Patre et Spiritu Sancto, sit omnis honos et gloria in æternum. Amen.




Together with the Revision of the Same, as set forth by the


A.D. 1801.

[1. The Latin text of the Elizabethan Articles, adopted in 1562, is a reprint of the editio princeps of Reginald Wolfe, royal printer, London, 1563, issued by express authority of the Queen, and reproduced by Charles Hardwick, in his History of the Articles of Religion, new edition, Cambridge, 1859, pp. 277 sqq. (Hardwick gives also, in four parallel columns, the English edition of 1571, and the Forty-two Articles of 1553, Latin and English, with the textual variations of the Parker MS. of 1571, and other printed editions.)

2. The English text is reprinted, with the old spelling, from the authorized London edition of John Cawood, 1571, as found in Hardwick, 1. c.

The question of the comparative authority of the Latin and English texts is answered by Burnet, Waterland, and Hardwick, to the effect that both are equally authentic, but that in doubtful cases the Latin must determine the sense. The Articles were passed, recorded, and ratified in the year 1562 (1563), in Latin only; but these Latin Articles were revised and translated by the Convocation of 1571, and both the Latin and English texts, adjusted as nearly as possible, were published in the same year by the royal anthority. Subscription was hereafter required to the English Articles, called the Articles of 1562, by the famous Act of the XIII. of Elizabeth. See Hardwick, 1. c. p. 159.

3. The American Revision of the Articles, as adopted by the General Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States, held in Trenton, New Jersey, Sept. 12, 1801, is taken from the standard American edition of The Book of Common Prayer (published by the Harpers, New York, 1844, and by the New York Bible and Common Prayer-Book Society, 1873, pp. 512 sqq.). It has been compared with the Journal of the Convention, edited by Dr. W. STEVENS PERRY, in Journals of the General Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States, 1785-1835 (Claremont, N. H., 1874), Vol. I. pp. 279 sqq.

4. To facilitate the comparison, the words in which the English and American editions differ are printed in italics. The chief differences are the omission of the Athanasian Creed, in Art. VIII.; the omission of Art. XXI., on the Authority of General Councils; and the entire reconstruction of Art. XXXVII., on the Power of the Civil Magistrate.]

The English editions of the Articles are usually preceded by the following Royal Declaration, which is the work of Archbishop Laud (1628):

'Being by God's Ordinance, according to Our just Title, Defender of the Faith, and Supreme Governour of the Church, within these Our Dominions, We hold it most agreeable to this Our Kingly Office, and Our own religious Zeal, to conserve and maintain the Church committed to Our Charge, in the Unity of true Religion, and in the Bond of Peace; and not to suffer unnecessary Disputations, Altercations, or Questions to be raised, which may nourish Faction both in the Church and Commonwealth. We have therefore, upon mature Deliberation, and with the Advice of so many of Our Bishops as might conveniently be called together, thought fit to make this Declaration following: "That the Articles of the Church of England (which have been allowed and authorized heretofore, and which Our Clergy generally have subscribed unto) do contain the true Doctrine of the Church of England agreeable to God's Word, which We do therefore ratify and confirm, requiring all Our loving Subjects to continue in the uniform Proffession thereof, and prohibiting the least difference from the said Articles; which to that End We command to be new printed, and this Our Declaration to be published therewith.

"That We are Supreme Governour of the Church of England: And that if any Difference arise about the external Policy, concerning the Injunctions, Canons, and other Constitutions whatsoever thereto belonging, the Clergy in their Convocation is to order and settle them, having first obtained leave under Our Broad Seal so to do: and We approving their said Ordinances and Constitutions, providing that none be made contrary to the Laws and Customs of the Land.

"That out of Our Princely Care that the Churchmen may do the Work which is proper unto them, the Bishops and Clergy, from time to time in Convocation, upon their humble Desire, shall have Licence under Our Broad Seal to deliberate of, and to do all such Things, as, being made plain by

them, and assented unto by Us, shall concern the settled Continuance of the Doctrine and Discipline of the Church of England now established; from which We will not endure any varying or departing in the least Degree.

'That for the present, though some differences have been ill raised, yet We take comfort in this, that all Clergymen within Our Realm have always most willingly subscribed to the Articles established; which is an argument to Us, that they all agree in the true, usual, literal meaning of the said Articles; and that even in those curious points, in which the present differences lie, men of all sorts take the Articles of the Church of England to be for them; which is an argument again, that none of them intend any desertion of the Articles established.

"That, therefore, in these both curious and unhappy differences, which have for so many hundred years, in different times and places, exercised the Church of Christ, We will, that all further curious search be laid aside, and these disputes shut up in God's promises, as they be generally set forth to us in the holy Scriptures, and the general meaning of the Articles of the Church of England according to them. And that no man hereafter shall either print or preach to draw the Article aside any way, but shall submit to it in the plain and full meaning thereof: and shall not put his own sense or comment to be the meaning of the Article, but shall take it in the literal and grammatical sense. "That if any publick Reader in either of Our Universities, or any Head or Master of a College, or any other person respectively in either of them, shall affix any new sense to any Article, or shall publickly read, determine, or hold any publick Disputation, or suffer any such to be held either way, in either the Universities or Colleges respectively; or if any Divine in the Universities shall preach or print any thing either way, other than is already established in Convocation with our Royal Assent, he, or they the Offenders, shall be liable to our displeasure, and the Church's censure in Our Commission Ecclesiastical, as well as any other: And we will see there shall be due Execution upon them.'

[blocks in formation]

De Fide in Sacrosanctam Of fayth in the holy Trin- Of Faith in the Holy Trin

[blocks in formation]

There is but one lyuyng


There is but one living

Vnos est viuus et uerus Deus æternus, incorporeus, and true God, euerlastyng, and true God, everlasting, impartibilis, impassibilis, without body, partes, or without body, parts, or immensa potentiæ, sapien- passions, of infinite power, passions; of infinite powtia ac bonitatis: creator et wysdome, and goodnesse, er, wisdom, and goodness; conseruator omnium tum the maker and preseruer the Maker, and Preserver uisibilium tum inuisibilium. of al things both visible of all things both visible Et in Vnitate huius diuina and inuisible. And in and invisible. And in unity naturæ tres sunt Persona, vnitie of this Godhead of this Godhead there be VOL III.-II

ED. LAT. 1563. eiusdem essentiæ, potentiæ, ac æternitatis, Pater, Filius, et Spiritus sanctus.


Verbum Dei uerum homi


AMERICAN REVIS. 1801. there be three persons, of three Persons, of one subone substaunce, power, and stance, power, and etereternitie, the father, the nity: the Father, the Son, sonne, and the holy ghost. and the Holy Ghost.


Of the worde or sonne of God
which was made very man.


Of the Word or Son of God, which was made very Man.

The Son, which is the

nem esse factum. Filius, qui est uerbum The Sonne, which is the Patris ab æterno à Patre worde of the Father, be- Word of the Father, begenitus uerus et æternus gotten from euerlastyng of gotten from everlasting of Deus, ac Patri consubstan- the Father, the very and the Father, the very and tialis, in utero Beata uir- eternall GOD, of one sub- eternal God, and of one ginis ex illius substantia na- staunce with the Father, substance with the Father, turam humanam assumpsit: toke man's nature in the took Man's nature in the ita ut duæ naturæ, diuina wombe of the blessed Vir- womb of the blessed Viret humana integrè atque gin, of her substaunce: so gin, of her substance: so perfectè in unitate persona, that two whole and perfect that two whole and perfect fuerint inseparabiliter con- natures, that is to say, the Natures, that is to say, the iunctæ ex quibus est vnus Godhead and manhood, Godhead and Manhood, CHRISTVS, verus Deus et were ioyned together in were joined together in one verus Homo: qui uerè passus one person, neuer to be Person, never to be divided, est, crucifixus, mortuus, et diuided, whereof is one whereof is one Christ, very sepultus, ut Patrem nobis Christe, very GOD and God, and very Man; who reconciliaret, essetque [hostia] very man, who truely suf- truly suffered, was crucinon tantùm pro culpa origi- fered, was crucified, dead, fed, dead, and buried, to nis, uerum etiam pro omni- and buried, to reconcile reconcile his Father to us, bus actualibus hominum pec- his father to vs, and to and to be a sacrifice, not

[blocks in formation]

De Descensu Christi ad In- Of the goyng downe of Christe Of the going down of Christ

[blocks in formation]

The omission of 'all' dates from the year 1630, and the revised text of the Westminster Assembly of Divines, 1647. It appears in the edition of 1628, and is restored in modern English editions. See Hardwick, p. 279.

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