XXI. A vision of the kingdom of Christ among men, Rev. xxi. 1---4. Lo what a glorious sight appears To our believing eyes! The earth and seas are pass'd away And the old rolling skies! 2. From the third heav'n, where God resides, That holy happy place, Adorn'd with shining grace. 3. Attending angels shout for joy And the bright armies sing, "Of your descending King. 4. "The God of glory down to men "Removes his bless'd abode; "Men the dear objects of his grace, "And he the loving God. 5. "His own soft hand shall wipe the tears "From ev'ry weeping eye, "And pains, and groans, and griefs, and fears, And death itself, shall die." 6. How long, dear Saviour! O how long Shall this bright hour delay ? Fly swifter round ye wheels of time, And bring the welcome day... XXII, and X XIII. referred to the 125th Psalm. 10 20 XXIV. The rich sinner dying, Psal. xlix. 6---9. Eccles. viii. 14, 15. In vain the wealthy mortals toil, 2. Their golden cordials cannot ease 4. Thence they are huddled to the grave The rest referred to the 49th Psalm. XXV. A vision of the Lamb, Rev. v. 6---9. ALL mortal vanities be gone, Nor tempt my eyes nor tire my ears, A vision of the Lamb appears. (2. Glory his fleecy robe adorns, 5. Lo! he receives a sealed book [5. The joy, the shout, the harmony, 7. His words of prophecy reveal 8. Thou hast redeem'd our souls from hell With thine invaluable blood, 10 20 30 9. Worthy for ever is the Lord That dy'd for treasons not his own, By ev'ry tongue to be ador'd,...... And dwell upon his Father's throne! T XXVI. Hope of beaven by the resurrection of Christ, 1 Pet. i: 3---5. BLESS'D be the everlasting God, The Father of our Lord, Be his abounding mercy prais'd, His majesty ador'd. 2. When from the dead he rais'd his Son And call'd him to the sky. He gave our souls a lively hope 3. What thơ our inbred sins require Our flesh to see the dust? Yet as the Lord our Saviour rose 4. There's an înheritance divine Reserv'd against that day, 'Tis uncorrupted, undefil'd, And cannot waste away. 5. Saints by the power of God are kept Till the salvation come; We walk by faith as strangers hers 10 20 XXVII. Assurance of beaven, or saints prepared to die, a Tim. iv. 6, 7, 8, 18. [DEATH EATH may dissolve my body now And bear my spirit home, Why do my minutes move so slow, 2. With heav'nly weapons I have fought The battles of the Lord, Finish'd my course, and kept the faith, 3. God has laid up in heav'n for me 4. Nor hath the King of grace decreed 5. Jesus the Lord shall guard me safe 6. God is my everlasting aid, 10 20 |