Imágenes de páginas


W. H. S.


The Beautiful City of Rest.


1. There's a city o'er the river that a-waits my longing eyes, There's a cit- y bright with 2. In this bright and shining cit- y, on that fair ce-les-tial shore, Neither sin nor death can 3. In that city o'er the river there are glo- ries all un- told, O such scenes of wondrous

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sunshine where the ser- aph songs a rise, 'Tis as beauteous as a pal ace and its
en ter thro' the close- ly guard-ed door, In this pure, e ternal cit
beau-ty will my Lord to me unfold! O'er the crys- tal shin-ing riv

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I shall

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by the

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streets are pav'd with gold, Yes, its walls are pearl and jas-per, and its glo- ries all un-told. soon with lov'd ones be, I shall live and reign with Jesus throughout all eternity. heav'n-ly breeze caressed, We will talk and sing of Jesus, in that home of joy and rest!

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Who Will Work To-day?

A. W.


1. Golden hours are swiftly passing; who will work for Christ to-day, All your time and talents 2. See the harvest white for reaping! while the world is full of greed, Dare to live by faith, and 3. Will you lay up- on His al - tar all your time and earthly store, There with loyal heart sur4. God has said that those who serve Him should be fed from His own hand, That no want should o-ver

bringing, at
trust Him to
render all
take them in


His feet your off-'ring lay? Will-ing hearts and hands are wanted for the
supply your daily need! Long for you He
to Him for ev - er-more? You can nev- er
waste and des- ert land, Why then hold to

has been calling, but you've be a worker, un - til earth-ly treasures? all will

whitened harvest fields; Haste, O haste! will you not answer? "All to Him I glad-ly yield!” lin-gered at your trade, And the souls of men have perish'd, while no effort you have made. all to Him you bring, Standing on His word and promise, trusting Him for ev'ry - thing. perish in & day, Gladly place them in His cof-fers, to the har-vest haste a - way.


O the time of glad re-joic-ing, when the reap-ers gath-er in, Bringing all the sheaves they've

gathered from the bar - ren fields of sin! In the har-vest home of prom-ise, when the

Who Will Work To-day?-Concluded.

reapers gather in, We will shout His praise for-ev-er, with the souls we help'd to win.

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1. Tell the sweet sto-ry of


a - gain, How He hath suffer'd to save us from sin; 2. Tell the sweet sto-ry of a - gain, Dear ones are per-ish-ing whom we should win 3. Tell how He triumph'd o'er death and the grave; Tell of His pow-er from all sin to save; 4. Tell of the city He went to pre-pare; Tell how His rich-es in glo- ry we'll share;

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A. W.

Golden Rays of Sunshine.



1. The cru

2. The Lord

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billows dashed and foam'd; The troub- led sea, The

el tempest raged with - out, the
re- buked the angry waves and calmed the
3. Oh, may this stream of heav'n-ly light reach all who

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are dis-tressed And

cried to God in I'm sing- ing, shout-ing Then when the bil- lows

threat'ning waves around me surg'd when on the sea I roamed; I
sun shone thro' the rift- ed clouds and shed its rays on me;
'ry wayward, wand'ring child in Him find peace and rest,


my dis- tress, He lent a list'ning ear And 'midst the tempest's fiercest roar He
the way-the light on me doth shine, And Jesus, Son of Righteousness, for
dash and foam and temp-ests rage with-out, With- in the breast there is a calm un -

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Gold- en rays of sunshine are fall - ing now on me, Shadows now are pass-ing, the

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Golden Rays of Sunshine.—Concluded.



is shining bright, Happy days are com- -ing, filled with joy and light.

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