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Mr. Stickney had seen as fine an exhibition as could be wished for, of all the leading varieties of strawberries in eight-inch pots, and he thought we might greatly add to the interest of our June meetings by this method of cultivation.

Mr. Lawrence had tried all the leading varieties of strawberries, and regarded the Charles Downing and Boyden's No. 30, as much the best; far superior in flavor, and with him not inferior in productiveness.

Mr. Cheek fully endorsed this opinion as to value of the varieties. From one-tenth of an acre he marketed forty-eight bushels of berries, the lowest price received was fifteen cents a quart for the Wilson; the highest, twenty-five cents for the Charles Downing. He found no difficulty in finding customers who were willing to pay higher prices for berries of better quality than the Wilson. When customers want the best flavored berries, he recommended Charles Downing, Wilder and Peaks' Emperor; if they wanted a cheap berry he sold them the Wilson.

Mr. B. F. Adams was very much pleased with the Charles Downing and Boyden's No. 30, but for profit, give him the Wilson; the yield was much larger and the berries much better for shipping. On eighty-four rods of ground he had raised the past season one hundred and forty-eight bushels of Wilson. Thought it was well to have other varieties to prolong the season, but for the main crop he would choose the Wilson every time. Strawberry season with him, this year, lasted forty-five days.

Mr. Kellogg said he could not sit still and see an old friend abused. Give him the Wilson first, last, and all the time; there was no berry like it for profit.

Mr. Smith had sold the past season, from quarter of an acre, 3,572 quarts, or 1114 bushels of berries, at an average price of thirteen cents a quart; amount received $464.36 at the rate $1,857.44 per acre. He raised the Wilson for profit; he had raised many other varieties and tried many experiments; had had fair crops of some of the other kinds, but never made a dollar except on the Wilson. Thinks that irrigation added largely to the yield of his berries this season. Has put up a wind-mill, and keeps the beds well supplied with water during the fruiting season.

Mr. Hatch had failed in his attempts to crowd the plants; high culture may give large crops on some ground, but with him it was

not successful. The poor sandy soil around Boscobel yielded berries of extra quality, and without extra cultivation.

Mr. Lawrence said it took no more care or attention, or no better soil to raise good crops of Charles Downing, Boyden's No. 30, and Nicanor with him, than of any of the other varieties.

Mr. Cheek was at first prejudiced in favor of the Wilson. He had tested the leading varieties; taking two hundred plants of each, he raised them side by side for three years. He got more berries from the Charles Downing than from the Wilson, and the season was three days longer, but the Kentucky exceeded them both. Usually there were only four decent pickings of the Wilson, the rest were small, imperfect berries, while the others held up in size to end of


EVERGREENS.-The consideration of the list of evergreens being taken up, Mr. Lawrence remarked that the Austrian Pine was easy to transplant and of good appearance, and hence worthy of general cultivation, as much so as the Norway Spruce.

Mr. Stickney thought it well adapted for protection and ornamental purposes, but for timber, preferred Norway Spruce.

Mr. Howie inquired if any one had had experience with the Norway Pine. With him it was a handsome tree and very desirable for ornament. He regarded it as worthy a place in the list.

Mr. Stickney, while admitting that it was a very handsome tree, said there was one serious objection to it; he had found by experience that it was hard to handle; did not transplant easily, and he learned that others had found the same trouble with it.

Mr. Thompson, in addition to this, had found it very difficult to procure seeds of this variety, which made it too costly to cultivate for general purposes.

Mr. Plumb had great difficulty in making them live; nearly all the trees sold died; out of one thousand young trees he bought, only one hundred lived.

Mr. Howie had not experienced the same difficulty; it had done well, living and growing with him, as readily as other varieties. Had pulled them up in May, in the woods, when small, and set them out with but little loss.

The motion to add it to the list for ornamental purposes was carried.

In reply to an inquiry by Mr. Lawrence, as to his experience with

the Dwarf, Mountain Pine, Mr. Thompson stated that he found it very easy to cultivate, hardy and strictly a dwarf; a bush rather than a tree, and beautiful for small yards. There are two varieties, Pinus pumilio, and Pinus Montana. The last named is much the most desirable.

Mr. Lawrence said it was a very handsome bush, and he would highly recommend it, and moved that the Pinus Montana be added to the list for ornamental cultivation. Carried.

Mr. Phillips was convinced that we had failed to set out trees as we ought. Was not aware how much might be done, how soon they grew up, until he visited Mr. Whitney's place recently. There, on going a short distance from the house, he came into a grove of large trees, a foot and a half and two feet through, so large that they resembled the native woods except in variety. Here were large trees of all kinds of evergreens and Lombardy Poplar grown up within twenty years. One row of the latter kind, a little over one hundred rods long, set nineteen years ago, had just been cut down and yielded one hundred cords of wood. Another of the same length, set between rows of evergreens, measured up, when cut, eighty cords. He thought we would do well to profit by this example.

Mr. Thompson said that evergreens, where used for ornamental purposes, were generally set too thick, and had either to be trimmed up, which injured their appearance, or to be thinned out, while the shape of those left had been spoiled by crowded growth. The better way, and one which is gaining in favor, is to set them in clumps, where the grounds are large and a good effect is sought. The following resolution, introduced by Mr. Kellogg, was passed:

Resolved, That in the death of D. M. Morrow, our Society has lost an efficient coworker in the horticultural department, and that we tender to the bereaved our hearty sympathy, and that this resolution be placed on our records, and a copy be sent to the friends of the deceased.

FRUIT-DISTRICTS.-On motion the following were appointed as the committee of observation for the ensuing year:

FIRST DISTRICT.-H. M. Thompson, of St. Francis.

SECOND DISTRICT.-J. C. Plumb, of Milton, with power to divide the district and to appoint assistant.

THIRD DISTRICT.-E. H. Benton, of Le Roy.
FOURTH DISTRICT.-A. L. Hatch, of İthaca.

FIFTH DISTRICT.-E. W. Daniels, of Auroraville.

SIXTH DISTRICT.-M. L. Clark, of New Lisbon.
SEVENTH DISTRICT.-D. Huntley, of Appleton.
EIGHTH DISTRICT.-A. W. Felch, of Amherst.
NINTH DISTRICT.-A. J. Phillips, of West Salem.

TENTH DISTRICT.-G. W. Perry, Superior.

ELEVENTH DISTRICT.-Saml. Rounseville, of Sheboygan Falls.
TWELFTH DISTRICT.-J. M. Smith, of Green Bay.

The thanks of the society were voted to the railroad companies for their kindness in granting the members reduced fare.

An extension of time was granted to the committee on revision of the premium list to perfect their labor.

NOMENCLATURE.-Mr. Plumb, chairman of the committee on nomenclature, in making a verbal report, stated that he had found further confirmation of the identity of the Walbridge with the Edgar County Red-Streak. That the account of Mr. Curtis was correct, except that the trees sent to Wisconsin, were set in Rock county, instead of near Watertown. Mr. Curtis had brought cions and fruit to Chicago and on comparing them with the Walbridge, the two were found to be identical. The question arises, having grown it and given it its present name, shall we give it up and go back to the one said to have been given in Indiana? This ought to be settled now, and made a matter of record.

In reply, Mr. Tuttle thought we had better be sure that this account was correct before we made any change. He had received cions of the Red-Streak and set them a year ago, and would be able soon, probably next year, to judge as to their identity. The characteristics of a variety are not always marked in the first years' growth. He did not care by what name it was called, that would not affect its quality, but he wanted to be sure before taking any action. The charge made against this society of giving new names to old varieties had been declared to be without foundation by those well able to judge; in proof of which he mentioned the Utter and Plumb's Cider.

As we had been the first to give publicity to the name, describe the fruit, and place it upon the record, Mr. Peffer thought we were entitled to the name we had given it.

Mr. Plumb was quite sure the two were identical, but thought we were entitled to the name and had better keep it. He had traced

the Utter and Wine-Sap to the same source, the Curtis Nursery of 1820.

Society adjourned till 9 o'clock of the fourth.


Society met and considered the subject of Centennial Exhibition, in executive session.

The chairman of the committee on illustration of the transactions, stated what had been suggested by the committee, and the subject was taken up, and it was decided that in view of the great benefits which would result to the interests of horticulture in this State, if the public generally were better informed in respect to their insect friends and foes, the society would give a series of articles in its annual reports, describing and illustrating with cuts, the insects beneficial and injurious to horticulture.

They also decided that the pages of our reports should be open to copy for illustrations from our members of any objects that may seem to the executive committee in accordance with the purpose for which the fund was given.

The society adjourned sine die.

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