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The Accadians.

The Indians in alliance with the French,

paying the freight, as in the 26th article. They fhall also have the furs which are in the pofts above, and which belong to them, and may be on the way to Montreal and for this purpose they shall have leave to fend this year, or the next, canoes, fitted out, to fetch fuch of the faid furs as fhall have remained in thofe parts. Granted, as in the 26th article.

Article XXXVIII. All the people who have left Accadia, and who shall be found in Canada, including the frontiers of Canada on the fide of Accadia, fhall have the fame treatment as the Canadians, and fhall enjoy the fame privileges.

The King is to difpofe of his ancient fubjects in the mean time they shall enjoy the fame privilege as the Canadians.

Article XXXIX. None of the Canadians, Accadians, or French, who are now in Canada, and on the frontiers of the colony on the fide of Accadia, Detroit, Michilimakinac, and other places and pofts of the countries above, the married and unmarried foldiers remaining in Canada, fhall be carried or transported into the English colonies, or to Old England, and they shall not be troubled for having carried arms.

Granted, except with regard to the Canadians.

Article XL. The favages, or Indian allies of his moft Chriftian Majefty, shall be maintained in the lands they inhabit, if they chufe to remain there: they fhall not be molefted on any pretence whatsoever for having carried arms, and served his most Christian Majefty. They fhall have, as well as the French, liberty of religion, and fhall keep their miffionaries. The actual vicarsgeneral, and the bishop, when the epifcopal see shall be filled, hall have leave to fend them new miffionaries when they shall judge it neceffary.

Granted, except the laft article, which has been already refused.

Article XLI. The French, Canadians, and Accadians, of what state or condition foever, who fhall remain in the colony, fhall not be forced to take arms against his most Christian Majesty or his allies,

allies, directly or indirectly, on any occafion whatfoever. The British government fhall only require of them an exact neutrality.

They become fubjects of the King.

Article XLII. The French and Canadians fhall continue to be Continuance of governed according to the custom of Paris, and the laws and the French laws. ufages established for this country; and they fhall not be subject

to any other impofts than those which were established under the
French dominion.

Anfwered by the preceding articles, and particularly by the


Article XLIII. The papers of the government fhall remain Papers of the without exception in the power of the Marquis de Vaudreuil, and fhall go to France with him. These papers fhall not be examined on any pretence whatsoever.

Granted, with the referve already made.

office, and other

Article XLIV. The papers of the intendancy, of the office of Papers of the comptroller of the marine, of the ancient and new treasurers of intendant's the King's magazines, of the office of the revenues and forges of public papers. St. Maurice, fhall remain in the power of M. Bigot, the intendant, and they shall be embarked for France in the fame veffel with him. These papers fhall not be examined.

The fame as to this article.

the fupreme


Article XLV. The registers and other papers of the fupreme The registers of council of Quebec; of the provoft, and admiralty of the faid city; council of those of the royal jurifdictions of Trois Rivieres and of Montreal; bee, and of the those of the feigneurial jurifdictions of the colony; the minutes juftice in the of the acts of the notaries of the towns and of the countries; and, in general, the acts and other papers that may ferve to prove the eftates and fortunes of the citizens, fhall remain in the colony, in the rolls of the jurifdictions on which thefe papers depend..




Liberty of trading in the

Article XLVI. The inhabitants and merchants fhall enjoy all fame manner as the privileges of trade, under the fame favours and conditions granted British fubjects, to the fubjects of his Britannic Majefty, as well in the countries above as in the interior of the colony.

the King's

Negroes and
Panis flaves.

Liberty to all

perfons to ap


Article XLVII. The negroes and Panis of both fexes fhall remain, in their quality of flaves, in the poffeffion of the French and Canadians to whom they belong: they fhall be at liberty to keep them in their fervice in the colony, or to fell them; and they may alfo continue to bring them up in the Roman religion.

Granted, except those who shall have been made prisoners.

Article XLVIII. The Marquis de Vaudreuil, the general and point attornies ftaff officers of the land forces, "the governours and staff officers of to take care of the different places of the colony, the military and civil officers, their affairs.; and all other perfons who fhall leave the colony, or who are

already absent, shall have leave to name and appoint attornies to act for them, and in their name, in the administration of their effects, moveable and immoveable, until the peace. And if, by

the treaty between the two crowns, Canada does not return under the French dominion, thefe officers or other perfons, or attornies

and to fell their for them, shall have leave to fell their manors, houses, and other and fend the' eftates, their moveables and effects, &c. to carry away or fend to produce to Old France the produce, either in bills of exchange, fpecie, furs, or other returns, as is mentioned in the 37th article.


Thofe, whofe

goods have been

trary to the ca


Article XLIX. The inhabitants and other perfons who shall damaged con- have fuffered any damage in their goods, moveable or immoveable, pitulation of the Which remained at Quebec, under the faith of the capitulation of city of Quebec, that city, may make their representation to the British governdone them for ment, who shall render them due justice against the person to whom

fhall have juftice

fuch injuries.

it shall belong.


Article L. and laft. The prefent capitulation fhall be inviolably executed in all its articles, and bona fide on both fides, notwithstanding any infraction, and any other pretence with regard to the preceding capitulations, and without making use of reprisals.


L 2


Ceffion of Nova
Scotia, or Acca-


Ceffion of Cana

da and Cape

islands and

coafts in the

of St. Lawrence.




Between the KINGS of GREAT BRITAIN and FRANCE, on the 10th Day of FEBRUARY, in the Year 1763,


The Ceffion of Canada to the Crown of Great Britain.

HIS moft Chriftian Majefty renounces all pretenfions which be has heretofore formed, or might form, to Nova Scotia, or Accadia, in all it's parts, and guarantees the whole of it, and all it's dependencies, to the King of Great Britain.

Moreover, his moft Chriftian Majefty cedes and guarantees to Breton, and the his faid Britannic Majefty, in full right, Canada, with all it's dependencies, as well as the island of Cape Breton, and all the other gulf and river islands and coafts in the Gulf and River of Saint Lawrence, and, in general, every thing that depends on the faid countries, lands, islands, and coafts, with the fovereignty, property, poffeffion, and all rights acquired by treaty or otherwife, which the most Christian King and the crown of France have had, till now, over the faid countries, islands, lands, places, coafts, and their inhabitants, fo that the most Christian King cedes and makes over the whole to the faid King, and to the crown of Great Britain, and that in the most ample manner and form, without reftriction, and without any liberty to depart from the faid guaranty, under any pretence, or to disturb Great Britain in the poffeffions above-mentioned.

Liberty of the
Catholic re-

His Britannic Majefty, on his fide, agrees to grant the liberty of ligion to the the Catholic religion to the inhabitants of Canada: he will confequently give the most effectual orders, that his new Roman Catholic fubjects may profess the worship of their religion, according



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