Imágenes de páginas

and left to perish amidst the rubbish with which they were furrounded.

GENIUS, however, in a country like Great Britain, cannot long be depreffed. That of GOLDSMITH at length triumphed over the difficulties of his fituation. By flow degrees he forced himself into notice. His talents were allowed; enquiry was made after his early performances; and fome of them he was induced to revife, correct, and publish in a Volume * himself. To thofe ESSAYS ample justice has been rendered; and fuch is public caprice, those who were blind to the excellencies of an hfcare author, while ftruggling for notice, and even for exist

This Volume of ESSAYS was published by Dr. GOLDSMITH in 1765, and is the fame referred to in the prefent Publication as Vol. I.


ence, were foon compelled to applaud the flashes of wit; the happy strokes of humour; the accurate obfervation on life and manners, and the fuccefsful delinea. tion of character, which afterwards shone forth with acknowledged fplendour, in the admirable Comedies of "The Goodnatured Man," and "She Stoops to Conquer."

Bur though the ESSAYS, published by Dr. GOLDSMITH himself, were received by the world as the genuine efforts of genius, they were ftill but a felection.. Many pieces of undoubted excellence were known to be omitted, and fome which were fufpected to be of his compofition could not be certainly ascertained. These circumstances occafioned enquiry, and enquiry was the means of bringing to light

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light what otherwife would not have been known. The late Mr. THOMAS WRIGHT, Printer, a man of literary observation and experience, had, during his connection with thofe periodical publications, in which the early works of Dr. GOLDSMITH were originally contained, carefully marked the feveral compofitions of the different writers, as they were deliyered to him to print. Being therefore, it was fuppofed, the only person able to separate the genuine performances of Dr. GOLDSMITH from thofe of other writers, in these miscellaneous collections, it became the wifh of feveral admirers of the Author of The Traveller and Deferted Village, that his authentic writings should no longer be blended with either doubtful or fpurious pieces. Mr. WRIGHT was therefore recommended and prevailed


upon to print the present Selection, which he had just compleated at the time of his death.

To expatiate on the merit of the prefent Collection, or the Author of it, would be a waste of time. His reputation is established beyond the reach of criticism, and it is prefumed will fuffer no diminution from the prefent volumes, which the difcerning Reader will perceive bear evident marks of authenticity, and prove themselves to be the undoubted works of that Author, who, as Dr. Johnson describes him, "had fuch variety of powers and fuch felicity of performance, that he always feemed to do beft that which he was doing; a man who had the art of being minute without tediousness, and general with

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without confufion; whofe language was copious without exuberance, exact without constraint, and easy without weaknefs."


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