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and even the commands of God. On one occasion, being impatient because the prophet delayed coming to offer sacrifice, Saul usurped the priestly functions, and set fire to the holocaust. Again, when God had warned him by the mouth of Samuel that he was to destroy the booty taken from the Amalecites, he reserved for himself the most precious spoils, and spared the wicked king Agag.

It was in vain that Samuel reproved the unhappy Saul; if he repented, it was only for a little time, without any real amendment. Then God commanded Samuel to choose one of the sons of Isai of Bethlehem, and to anoint him privately as king of Israel. The prophet, on seeing David, the youngest son of Isai, recognized him as the king chosen by God. He arose, and anointed him with oil, and from that moment, the spirit of God departed from Saul and rested on David. The latter was then in the first bloom of youth, meek and gentle in his disposition, and gifted with uncommon skill in music.

Saul was now given up to his passions, and was at times possessed by an evil spirit, so that all around him were in fear. Some of his officers proposed that a skillful musician might be sought to play before the king, and calm his frenzy. By a particular providence of God, David was chosen to this office. He remained.

What fault did Saul commit? Relate the history of Saul's disobedience. How did Samuel reprove this fault? Was the repentance of Saul deep or sincere? How did Samuel choose a king for the Israelites?

some time at court, and formed an intimate friendship with Jonathan, the son of Saul, a brave and generous youth.



AR was renewed with the Philistines, ana


Isai having sent his oldest sons to the field, David returned to tend the flocks. On one occasion, being sent with provisions to the camp, he saw a Philistine of gigantic stature standing between the two armies, defying the Israelites, and speaking blasphemies against God. This man was about ten feet in height, and was clothed in brazen armor, bearing weapons proportioned to his bulk. Each morning Goliath renewed his boastings, challenging the bravest of the Israelites to meet him in single combat. It was in vain that Saul promised honors, wealth, and the hand of his daughter, to any one who should slay the Philistine-all were terrified by his aspect.

On bebolding this disgrace the heart of David burned within him, and he offered boldly to undertake the combat. His brothers scoffed at his presumption, and the king told him that it was mere folly for a boy to go out against so terrible and well-tried a warrior as Goliath. David answered with modest

In what manner did David minister to Saul in his frenzy?

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firmness. He told the king that in defence of his father's flocks he had slain a lion and a bear; and he doubted not but that God would strengthen his arm, and give him the victory over Goliath also.

David refused the armor which Saul would have given him, and went forth armed only with a sling, and a few stones which he had picked up from the bed of the torrent.

Goliath received the young champion with shouts of derision, but David, invoking the name of the Lord, placed a stone in his sling, and sent it with a whirl, full against the giant's forehead. Goliath fell flat upon his face, and David, running up to him, as he lay prostrate, cut off his head with the great sword in which he had trusted. The Philistines, seeing their champion slain, fled in dismay; while the Israelites pursued them and gained an easy victory.



AUL praised the valor of David in public, but

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his heart was filled with jealousy, and when he heard the women singing: "Saul has killed his thousands, but David his tens of thousands," his anger knew no bounds. From that time forth David was

Relate the history of David's combat with Goliath. What excited the jealousy of Saul?

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