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possessed thyself of his vineyard; but in the place wherein the dogs have licked the blood of Naboth, they shall lick thy blood also; and Jezabel shall be devoured by dogs in the field of Jezrahel."

These prophecies were exactly fulfilled. Achab was killed in battle, and as his chariot was drawn to be washed, the dogs licked the clotted gore, in the very spot which had been dyed in the blood of the innocent Naboth. Some time after Jezabel was thrown from an upper window, and her body was left to be devoured by dogs.



`HE mission of Elias was now ended, and the


time had come when he was to be translated from the earth. Eliseus, who knew what was about to happen, would not leave his master for a moment. Suddenly, as they were discoursing together on the banks of the Jordan, a fiery chariot and fiery horses parted them, and Elias was taken up in a whirlwind.

Before Elias had ascended out of sight, he let his mantle fall upon Eliseus, who received at the same time his double gift of prophecy and miracles. God wrought many wonders by his hand. In Jericho

Eliseus cured the unwholesomeness of the waters and

What did Elias declare to Achab? Relate the ascent of Elias.

the barrenness of the soil. Soon after, the calf-wor shippers of Bethel were struck by a terrible judgment. As Eliseus passed near the town, a crowd of boys followed him, reviling and calling injurious names. The prophet called upon God, and immediately two bears issuing from a neighboring wood, tore in pieces two and forty of the impious children.

Eliseus saved the combined armies of Juda and Israel by causing a miraculous stream to spring up in the desert where they were perishing from drought. It was not only on great occasions that the prophet displayed his wonderful power. A poor widow being

unable to pay the debts left by her husband, a hardhearted creditor was about to seize her sons, and make them his servants. Eliseus seeing her distress, blessed a small vessel of oil which was all the provision she had left. The woman poured from this sufficient to fill all the vessels in the house, and all that she could borrow from her neighbors, the oil still continuing to flow. She was thus enabled to satisfy her creditor, and to provide for her own family.

A wealthy woman of Sunam received a still greater favor. Eliseus being obliged to pass often that way, she entertained him hospitably, keeping a modest chamber always furnished for his use. This good woman grieved that she had no son, and Eliseus promised that this blessing should be granted to her.

What occurred near Bethel? What miracles did Eliseus por form? What is related of the poor widow and the woman of Sunam?



The prediction was fulfilled, but a few years later the death of her child plunged her into the deepest affliction. She sent for Eliseus, who entered the chamber of death, and stretched himself on the body of the child, when immediately life returned. The prophet called the mother, who was made happy a second time in the possession of her son.

Among the most famous of the miracles wrought by Eliseus was the cure of Naaman the Syrian. This man, who was a valiant general high in favor with the king, was struck by a hideous leprosy which resisted every remedy. Hearing of the miracles wrought in Israel by Eliseus, he journeyed thither, and presented himself at the prophet's gate mounted on a splendid chariot, and accompanied by a great retinue.

Eliseus, unmoved by so much pomp, would not even go out to accost the stranger, but sent word by a messenger that he should wash seven times in the waters of the Jordan, if he wished to be cleansed of his leprosy. Naaman was angry, and turned away, saying that he thought the prophet might at least have touched him with his hand, and invoked the name of the Lord upon him; that if he needed but to wash, there were rivers flowing by Damascus, fairer than all the waters of Israel.

Full of these thoughts he was about to depart, but his servants persuaded him to fulfil the easy condition named by the prophet. Naaman bathed seven times in the sacred river, and his leprosy disappeared.

Who was Naaman? How did Eliseus receive him?

The gratitude of Naaman was equal to his previous displeasure; he returned quickly to the prophet's house, and offered him costly presents of gold, silver, and raiment. Eliseus would not accept anything, but his servant Giezi coveted the treasures which his master would not even look upon. He followed the chariot of Naaman, and, by a pretended message from Eliseus, obtained gifts of money and rich garments. He then appeared before the prophet as if nothing had occurred. The man of God, who knew all that had passed, warned him that as he had partaken of the gifts of the Syrian, he should share also his disease. This prediction was immediately fulfilled, and Giezi went out from his presence a leper as white

as snow.

After many other great actions which are recorded in holy scripture, Eliseus died in the reign of Joas, king of Israel. God glorified the memory of his servant by a great miracle. Certain persons were carrying the body of a dead man out for burial, when they were terrified by the appearance of a band of Moabites. They threw the body hastily into the tomb of Eliseus; but no sooner had it touched the bones of the prophet, than the dead man came to life, and stood upon his feet.

What is related of Giezi ? What occurred at the tomb of Elisous?





After the wicked Achab, twelve kings reigned in Israel.

The judgments of God against the house of Achab were accomplished by Jehu, whom the prophet anointed to be king over Israel. He exterminated the entire race, and also destroyed the temple of Baal, and put the priests to the sword. He persevered nevertheless in worshipping the golden calves, and his example was followed by his son Joachaz.

Joas, son of Joachaz, made war upon Amasias, king of Juda: he took Jerusalem, and destroyed its fortifications, after which he plundered the Temple, and returned to Samaria, taking Amasias with him as a captive. Jeroboam II., Zacharias, Sellum, Manahem, Phaceia, Phacee, and Osee successively occupied the throne. They followed, for the most part, the evil conduct of their predecessors, and if they seemed at times to return to the worship of the true God, their repentance was never of long duration.

God did not destroy the schismatic Israelites without many solemn warnings. After the death of Eliseus, the prophets Amos and Osee exhorted the

What is related of Jehu? of Joas? What is said of the succeed. ing kings? Did God warn the Israelites?

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