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female: and that, according to both the OLD and the NEW TESTAMENTS, holy women, as well as "holy men of God," were wont to speak, as they were moved by the HOLY GHOST, (which amounts to none other, more or less, than the preaching of the Gospel.) I believed, moreover, that in these last days, especially, the word and kingdom of grace should be widely diffused throughout the earth; and that upon both "servants and handmaids," the spirit of the LORD should be very profusely poured forth, and they should prophecy.With regard, particularly, to the term 'prophecy,' the question had once been agitated with me, whether its meaning was totally definite, and to be confined, merely, to the foretelling of future events; or whether it related to any mode of public instruction, either by testimony or by action, in the things pertaining to the kingdom of God. on application of myself to the Word of GOD, I found it expressly recorded, "The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy:"* And likewise, "He that prophecyeth, speaketh to edification, and exhortation, and comfort." I learned moreover, from the writings of the Old Testament, that both the sons and the daughters of Heman, "prophecied," and praised GoD, with cymbals, psalteries, harps, &c. I hence became satisfied for myself, that according to the Scriptures, the word "prophecy" implied not only the foretelling of future events, but often related to public testimony,---and also to public action in instrumental music, &c. &c. whether produced by the ener


*Rev. xix. & 10. † 1 Cor. xiv. & 3. Chro. xxv. & 5.

gies of either sex, male or female.---And I here, likewise, take the liberty to offer a few reflections of more recent origin. Under the Mosaic Dispensation, females, in number, four, were particularly denominated "prophetesses," viz. Miriam, Huldah, Deborah and Naodiah ;---the latter of whom was false. Of the New Testament, and under the present dispensation, there were, in number, six, expressly designated by the same appellation, viz: Anna, the four daughters of Philip, and Jezebel,--the latter of whom was vile. We hence perceive, of these women, one, to the number four, was proved false: but of the opposite gender, (it is worthy to be remembered,) in the days of the Prophet Elijah, were found four hundred and fifty that were false, to the titfle number "one," that was true. And what of all this? I ask, if we are to make a similar estimate of the two distinct genders, for the present day? The Scriptures forewarn us; it cannot be denied, that in the last days "perilous times shall come:" and that "many false prophets and false teachers shall arise," &c. But is it once suggested, pray, that from those of the finer mould, (women,) there shall be any such occasion of alarm? Why then the hue and cry of "false teachers!" Fy! Fy! if a single female, constrained by love to precious souls, should forsake her own advantage, to win them to the LORD? Oh, it is because the world abounds with priestcraft and superstition! Pope! Bishop! Priest! hirelings, who of filthy lucre can never have enough! "These shall receive the greater damnation."


Nearly two years had consequently elapsed, and

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the perpetual conflicts of my mind, occasioned a visible decline in my health, and I was as one drawing near to my long and silent home. Days and nights in succession, I spent in weeping; and wondered that any countenance near me could ever wear a smile. But the words were set home with comfort to my mind, "Refrain thy voice from weeping, and thine eyes from tears, for thy work shall be rewarded, "It did not appear, at this time, that there was any thing that I could do among my own people; but it seemed to be a broad, in a wide world; and that I must get out, from my own country and kindred, as Abram did, to a land I knew not of. I had now relinquished all hope of ever seeing again a happy day upon the earth, but in travelling creation to invite sinners to repentance. Nor even then, had I any expectation of sharing that measure of joy and peace in CHRIST JESUS, of which I had once so richly partook and, said I, it is just with God, that I should not, (even after a life wasted in suffering, and in toil,) on the account of my disobedience and base ingratitude to HIM. While I saw my flesh decaying, and eternal things, as it were, impending, with how much more comparative ease, said I, could I now resign my life, having that joyful hope in CHRIST, which once was mine, than to go up and down the earth, to be made a gazing-stock to an ill, misjudging world; and the butt of envy to all the combined powers of earth and hell, during my stay below: Oh, to die an hundred deaths, could that be possible, I should esteem but light, compared with this stupendous work, which now lies before me! It will

be but a little while, however, at the most, that frail nature can surmount the difficulties and dangers of such a course, and then to brighter realms I'll speed my flight,---so that the honor of a martyr's death it will be my lot at last to share. If I stay where I am, I am positive it is to die; if I go, as I am conscious duty demands, I can't but die; therefore to honor, ease and interest, yea, and every earthly enjoyment, I will bid a long adieu.

April 20, 1821. Nature shed the parting tear, while I cast mine eye around, on fields and groves, where in innocent childhood I had sported; and said I,"With the fond paternal roof, I now renounce you, once for all!-and this day, I put my hand to the Gospel Plough, never more to turn again. Should it be my lot to lay my dust, in some unfrequented-wild; the conciousness that I forsook all for CHRIST, will be my consolation then in the dying hour. My parents, with tender care, watched over my younger years; and their earliest hopes expanded, of my being a comfort to them, in life's declining stage; but if the LORD hath otherwise ordained, HIS will should be my rule, let the event prove what it may. His word abideth sure, "If any man love father or mother more than me, he is not worthy of me. How am I able, more fully to repay the tender solicitude of fond parents for me, and evince my gratitude, to the kind Author of my life, than by adhering strictly, to all His commands! The engaging affections, of loved sisters and brothers, with their ripening years, strongly invite my stay: but the joyful hope of interjoining soon, as a household around GoD's throne in Heaven, will go with

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me to the end. The dear companions of my youth,. with whom, life's slippery paths I have troddenand my christian friends, with whom I have gone to the house of the LORD, and taken sweet counsel -still twine as strings about my heart: but nature's tenderest ties, must be dissolved, and every dear, earthly enjoyment, must be forthwith resigned. O LORD GOD, I appeal to thee, the searcher of all hearts, that for thy name's sake, and the Jospel, I make an unreserved sacrifice, this day, of all that nature once was inclined to hold dear! Accordingly, with my purposes, respecting the future, still a secret within my own bosom, (excepting what my conduct had expressed,) I journeyed forty miles, in company with my father, to the town of Wakefield. I had made a previous engagement, to teach a school, at that place,---as a sort of screen: however, being defeated in my expectations of the school, I journeyed forward, as far as Parsonsfield, where, having some relation residing, I took a short school, and completed the


In the interim, I visited likewise Ossipee, Ef fingham, Eaton, Cornish, Limerick, Lemington; and attended meetings of F. Baptists,---with whom I began again, (though in a child-like manner,) to take up my cross, by prayer and exhortation. This I had no sooner done, than bless the LORD, all my slavish-bands were broken off; and my tongue was traightway filled with songs of joy and praise to my great REDEEMER ! I now imagined, even as in the day of my espousal, that the mighty host of my enemies was put to flight; and that I should have no farther cause of grief or tears,

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