2 “Stand bare and naked, trembling at themselves." Welcome, my lord, how far off lies your Power? 2 Whilst we were wand'ring &c.] This line added from the firft Edition. Mr. Pope Did Did triumph in my face, and they are fled. Aum. Comfort, my Liege; remember, who you are. Enter Scroop. IV. Scroop. More health and happiness betide my Liege, Than can my care-tun'd tongue deliver him! K. Rich. Mine ear is open, and my heart prepar'd: The worst is worldly lofs thou canft unfold. Say, is my Kingdom loft? why, 'twas my care: And what lofs is it, to be rid of care? Strives Bolingbroke to be as great as we? Greater he fhall not be; if he ferve God, We'll ferve him too, and be his fellow fo. Revolt our Subjects? that we cannot mend; They break their faith to God, as well as us. Cry, Woe, Deftruction, Ruin, Lofs, Decay; The worst is death, and death will have his day. Scroop. Glad am I, that your Highnefs is fo arm'd To bear the tidings of calamity. Like an unfeafonable ftormy day, Which makes the filver rivers drown their fhores, With hard bright fteel, and hearts more hard than fteel. K. Rich. Too well, too well, thou tell'ft a Tale fo ill. lord. [tion! K. Rich. O villains, vipers, damn'd without redempDogs, easily won to fawn on any man! Snakes in my heart-blood warm'd, that fting my heart! Three Judaffes, each one thrice worse than Judas! Would they make peace? terrible hell make war Upon their fpotted fouls for this offence! Scroop. Sweet love, I fee, changing his property, Turns to the fow'reft and moft deadly hate: Again uncurse their fouls; their peace is made [curfe, With heads, and not with hands: thofe, whom you Have felt the worst of death's destroying hand, And lie full low, 4 grav'd in the hallow'd ground. Aum. Is Busby, Green, and th' Earl of Wiltshire dead? 3 Of double fatal Ewe,-] called fo, because the leaves of the Ewe are poison, and the wood is employed for inftruments of death; therefore double fatal fhould be with an hyphen. 4 -grav'd in the HOLLOW ground] We fhould read ballow'd, i. e. confecrated. Scroop. Yea, all of them at Bristol loft their heads. Aum. Where is the Duke my Father, with his Power? K. Rich. No matter where; of comfort no man speak : 'Let's talk of Graves, of Worms, and Epitaphs, • Make duft our paper, and with rainy eyes • Write forrow on the bofom of the earth! Our lands, our lives, and all are Bolingbroke's, "And nothing can we call our own, but death ; And that small model of the barren earth, 'Which ferves as paste and cover to our bones. "For heav'n's fake, let us fit upon the ground, And tell fad ftories of the death of Kings: 'How some have been depos'd, some flain in war : "Some haunted by the Ghofts they difpoffefs'd: Some poison'd by their wives, fome fleeping kill'd: All murther'd.-For within the hollow Crown, That rounds the mortal temples of a King, 6 Keeps Death his Court; and there the Antick fits, Scoffing his State, and grinning at his Pomp; Allowing him a breath, a little scene 'To monarchize, be fear'd, and kill with looks; Infusing him with felf and vain conceit, 'As if this flesh, which walls about our life, 6 • Were brass impregnable: and, humour'd thus, "Bores through his caftle-walls, and farewel King! I live on bread like you, feel want like you. 5 And that fmall model of the barren earth] He ufes model here, as he frequently does elfewhere, for part, portion. Tafte • Taste grief, need friends, like you: fubjected thus, How can you fay to me, I am a King? Carl. My lord, wife men ne'er wail their prefent woes, But presently prevent the ways to wail: To fear the foe, fince fear oppreffeth ftrength, An eafie task it is to win our own. Say, Scroop, where lies our uncle with his Power? Speak fweetly, man, although thy looks be fower. Scroop. Men judge by the complexion of the sky The ftate and inclination of the day; So may you, by my dull and heavy eye, My tongue hath but a heavier tale to fay. I play the torturer, by small and small To lengthen out the worst, that must be spoken. K. Rich. Thou haft faid enough. Befhrew thee, Coufin, which didft lead me forth Of that sweet way I was in to Defpair. [To Aumerle. What fay you now? what comfort have we now? 6 And fo your follies &c.] Edition. This line is added from the first Mr. Pope. |