And here have I the daintiness of ear, Is pointing ftill, in cleansing them from tears. 2 SCENE Enter Groom. Groom. Hail, royal Prince! K. Rich. Thanks, noble Peer. XI. The cheapest of us is ten groats too dear. What art? how com'ft thou hither? Where no man ever comes, 3 but that fad Drudge, That brings me food, to make misfortune live? Groom. I was a poor groom of thy ftable, King, When thou wert King; who travelling tow'rds York, 2 — in this ALL-HATING world.] We fhould read FALLHATING, i. e. Love to Richard is a very rare jewel, in a world that fhuns and avoids those who are fallen, or in misfortunes. 3 but that fad Dog.] Read Drudge, With 4 With much ado, at length have gotten leave K. Rich. Rode he on Barbary? tell me, gentle friend, How went he under him? Groom. So proudly, as he had difdain'd the ground. K. Rich. So proud, that Bolingbroke was on his back! That jade had eat bread from my royal hand. This hand hath made him proud with clapping him. Enter Keeper, with a difh. Keep. Fellow, give place; here is no longer stay. [To the Groom. K. Rich. If thou love me, 'tis time thou wert away. Groom. What my tongue dares not, that my heart fhall fay. [Exit. Keep. My lord, will't please you to fall to? K. Rich. Tafte of it first, as thou wert wont to do. Keep. My lord, I dare not; for Sir Pierce of Exton, Who late came from the King, commands the contrary. 4-fometime Mafter's face.] fometime for formerly. Mr. Pope. K. Rich. K. Rich. The Dev'l take Henry of Lancaster, and thee! Patience is ftale, and I am weary of it. Keep. Help, help, help! [Beats the Keeper. Enter Exton, and Servants. K. Rich. How now? what means death in this rude affault? Wretch, thine own hand yields thy death's inftrument; [Dies. SCENE XIII. Changes to the Court at Windfor. [Exeunt. Flourish: Enter Bolingbroke, York, with other Lord's and attendants. Boling. K Ind Uncle York, the latest news we hear, Is, that the Rebels have confum'd with fire Our town of Cicester in Gloucestershire; But whether they be ta'en or flain, we hear not. Enter Enter Northumberland. Welcome, my lord: what is the news? North. First to thy facred State wish I all happiness ; The next news is, I have to London fent The heads of Sal'sbury, Spencer, Blunt, and Kent : At large discoursed in this paper here. [Prefenting a Paper. Boling. We thank thee, gentle Percy, for thy pains, And to thy worth will add right-worthy gains. Enter Fitz-water. Fitz-w. My lord, I have from Oxford fent to London The heads of Broccas, and Sir Bennet Seely; Two of the dangerous conforted traytors, That fought at Oxford thy dire overthrow. Boling. Thy pains, Fitz-water, fhall not be forgot, Right noble is thy merit, well I wot. Enter Percy, and the Bishop of Carlisle. Percy. The grand Confpirator, Abbot of Westminster, With clog of confcience, and four melancholy, Hath yielded up his body to the Grave: But here is Carlife, living to abide Thy kingly doom, and fentence of his pride. Chufe out fome fecret place, fome reverend room Enter Exton, with a coffin. Exton. Great King, within this Coffin I prefent Boling. Boling. Exton, I thank thee not; for thou haft wrought A deed of flander with thy fatal hand, Upon my head, and all this famous Land. [deed. Exton. From your own mouth, my Lord, did I this Boling. They love not poison, that do poifon need; Nor do I thee; though I did with him dead, I hate the murth'rer, love him murthered. The Guilt of Confcience take thou for thy labour, But neither my good word, nor princely favour. With Cain go wander through the fhade of night, And never fhew thy head by day, or light. Lords, I proteft, my foul is full of woe, That blood fhould fprinkle me, to make me grow. Come, mourn with me for what I do lament, And put on fullen Black, incontinent: I'll make a voyage to the Holy-land, To wash this blood off from my guilty hand. March fadly after, grace my Mourning here, In weeping over this untimely Bier. [Exeunt omnes. The |