Imágenes de páginas


A charge to keep I have
A fountain of life and
Ah whither should I go
Alas! and did my Sav.
All praise to Him who
Am I a soldier of the
And am I born to die
And are we yet alive
And let this feeble body
And must this body die
Arise, my soul, arise
Awake, my soul, and

Before Jehovah's awful
Behold the Saviour of
Blest be the dear uniti
Blow ye the trumpet

102 Father, I stretch my ha 34
82 Father of mercies, in 198
26 From all that dwell be 142
58 From Greenland's icy 234

88 Giver and guardian of 212
250 Glory to thee, my God 220
144 God is in this and eve 20
164 God moves in a myste 112
162 God of all consolation 154
60 Go preach my gospel, 134
218 Great God! to thee my 228

74 Happy the souls to Jes 44
46 Hark! from the tombs 166
152 Hark, how the watchm 278
12 Hark, the herald ange 280
He comes he comes! 184
He dies! the Friend of 160
190 Ho! every one that 236
150 How beauteous are the 134
196 How do thy mercies 274
94 How glorious is our 226
80 How happy are they 38
64 How happy every child 178
120 How sad our state by 22
104 How tedious and taste

Captain of our salvatio 214
Celestial dove, descen
Come, and let us sweet
Come, Holy Ghost, our
Come, Holy Spirit, he
Come, let us join our
Come, let us who in
Come, O my God, the
Come on, my partners
Come, Othou Travelle
Come, sinners to the
Come, thou Fount of
Come, ye sinners, poor
Come ye that love the

6I'll praise my Maker




8 Jesus, Lover of my sou 270
42 Jesus, the word of me 130
Jesus, I fain would find 98
100 Jesus, Lord, we look to 260
Except the Lord cond 262 Jesus, my all, to heav 110

Eternal Power, whose

Jesus shall reign wher 140 Praise God from whom 284

Jesus, the Conqueror
Jesus the name high
Jesus, thou everlasting

Let all who truly bear
Let earth and heaven
Let every mortal ear
Let Him to whom we
Lord, all I am is know
Lord, in the morning
Lord over all, if thou
Lord, we come before
Lord, whom winds and
Lovers of pleasure mo

Maker, Saviour of ma
My God, how endless
My God, my life, my
My God, the spring of
My Saviour, my Almi
My Saviour's pierced
Now from the altar of

Of Him who did salva
O for a closer walk wit
O for a heart to praise
O for a thousand tong
O God! our help in
O! for a glance of he
O, love divine, how
O may thy powerful
On all the earth thy Sp
On Jordan's stormy
O that I could repent
O that my load of sin
O why did I my Savio


54 See, how great a flame 136
78 See how the morning 204
See, Jesus, thy discip 282
188 Sinners, obey the gos 238
50 Soldiers of Christ, ari 84
16 Spirit of faith, come
124 Stung by the scorpion 246
98 Sweet is the work, my 200








128 That doleful night be
The Lord of earth and 184
114 The Lord of sabbath 170
The praises of my tong 230
The praying spirit bre 90
The voice of my Belo
There is a land of pur 172
This is a precious boo 224
70 Thou judge of quick
74 Thou man of griefs, re 272
192 Thou Son of God, wh 254
To bless thy chosen
214 Try us, O God, and





[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Je ho vah a nah suh
Je sus ish pe ming
Je sus kah ge ga
Je sus ke be nah ze
Je sus, ke me zhe nuh
Je sus, Ma mah zhe
Je sus, nah gah ne ne
Je sus uh pa gish nah
Je sus tuh o ge mah
Je sus wa weeb suh



103 Ke doom be nuh mah 211
Keen ka che Mun e 229
193 Kee nuh wah zuh ya
49 Kee nuh wah puh yah
205 Kee nuh wind tuh ya
47 Keesh pin wee doo kuh 263
Ke mah moo yuh wuh 221
Ke moo je ge me quain 223
Ke zha Mun e doo





Kuh ke nuh kah shkah 237
75 Kuh ke nuh mah moo 209
111 Kuh ke nuh uh keeng 143





271 Ma gwah mon 'tain
283 Mah mig ka gee qua
277 Mah moo yuh wuh
55 Mah moo yuh wuh
99 Maje e zhe wa be ze 239
141 Ma nwain duh maig uh 249
131 Mee gwaich suh wa 201

Mee nuh ewh ah zhe 89
245 Mee nuh wah ning o 145
153 Me no Mun e doo kuh 155
225 Mon oo min ik nwon 17
59 Mon oo min ze omah 133
57 Mon oo noong oom o 215
Mon oo owh ta ba ne 125
Mon oo suh kuh ke

Ka che uh ya ko ze
Ka gait ke che o ne
Ka gait ke che o ne
Ka gait nuh ning ee
Kah bee dood pe mah
Kah ge che ko duh gan 273
Kah ge ga ke che Mun 101
Kah noo je mo e wa
Kah shkah bah gwa

243 Mon oo
241 Mon oo

suh kuh ke



tuh puh nah 165


[blocks in formation]

Oon dah shon suh Ta 65
Oon dos pa bah mah 25

Ne bo Wah je ke waih 169
Ne wuh we zhain dum 231
Nin doo ge mom kuh 203 Pe e zhon, O ge chog 259
Nin doo ge mom wee 201 Pe mah jah yook wah 105
Ning e che Nee je ke 75 Puh bah me nwah je
Ning e che ne sah
we tah shkah

Ning ee
Ning e zha Mun e
Ning e zha Mun e
Ning e zha Mun e
Ning uh mah moo yuh
Noo je mo e wa Oge
Noo sa ke zhee be ne
Noo sa pah tuh yee
Nuh! a kuh wah be
'Nuh ewh chee ba
Nuh go shuh a zhe
Nuh qua uh muh wah

Oh ah neesh nah

Zah ge e
Mun e

Mun e
ma shkuh

Oh ke che
Oh ke zha
Oh ke zha
Oh mon oo
Oh pa gish nah ka
Oh pa gish nah nuh
Oh pa gish wah sa
Oh uh pa gish ke che
Oh uh pa gish mah
Oh uh pa gish nah
O mong e zhe e nuh
O ne shkon nin je
Oon dah shah yook suh


275 Qua sah se goog 'che
71 See beeng e zhe je
97 She mah guh ne she







wa yun 181
kah o
ke wuh
mon oo 115
mon oo 143

77 Ta bah ko ne
215 Ta ba ning a,
35 Ta ba ning a
199 Ta ba ning a
279 Ta ba ning a
167 Ta ba ning a
39 Ta ba ning a yun kuh 129
81 Ta be kuk ewh che 191
Tuh gwe shin Ta bah 185
37 Tuh ne boo muh gud


149 Uh nuh me ah win e
159 Uh pee




qua yuh quain 87
85 Uh yah muh gud suh 173
19 Um ba o ne shkon nin 219
31 Um ba pe zhuh wa ne 267



5 Wa gwe se mik wa yoo 255
119 Wuh ne shqua ze we
117 Wee doo ko dah de dah 151
177 Wee ne bo yon e nuh 251


9 Zuh yah ge ug ne noon 73

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