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ed to them in temper, such as fear, love, and obey God. All but these, will be excluded from the kingdom of holiness and purity, and be consigned to the regions of anguish and despair. C. C. M.


(Continued from vol. xiv. p. 441.);

My Dear Friend, DID you know what shame and condemnation I felt on receiving your letter, you would not wonder at my backwardness in attempting any reply. I had hopes every day that I should better know how to estimate its contents, to comprehend the subjects of it, and to tell you, that my mind was as much elevated in contemplating their infinite magnitude as your own. But I am discouraged; I seem to sink lower, and to see every thing in a smaller extent, except my own unmeasurable distance from all substantial good. O that I could say this, and be deeply humbled and abased by it, so as to shrink into nothing, and never dare to breathe or think any thing like self-sufficiency. Twice have I attempted writing, and yesterday dated my letter; but was unequal to the task; my mind appeared so contracted and grovelling, and so much hypocrisy and deceit were in my heart, that I might have written something I did not feel; and now I am equally unable as ever; but another letter this morning constrains me to attempt something.

I could wish you knew how condemned I feel. I have desired to be overpowered by an apprehension of the Lord's goodness; but am so far from it, that I would say no more till I am humbled. Let not a word escape me, till it may be the genuine expression of gratitude, in some measure proportionate to his favors. The sentiments of my soul are neither those of humility nor dependence. I am deeply conscious of guilt, and every new call to duty, and every favor, appear to aggravate my ingratitude. The demands for my sympathy, activity, and diligence, scem innumerable; and I mourn the miserably feeble manner in which I meet them, and blush at the recollection of my performances. O that I was willing to be helpless, that I might learn where my strength is. Will my heart always refuse to submit to my God and my Savior?

Distinguished stations of usefulness are rare; and may it not be feared a proud spirit which covets them; one which has a stronger desire for the enjoyments of their splendor, than to be the instrument of imparting their blessings. Methinks I would be made willing to undergo any state of trial, if I might be thus purified, and prepared for the duties assigned me in providence. I am at times, or imagine myself to be, greatly desirous of living only for God, and being made a blessing to his people; but my life contradicts all these impressions. Must I ever feel so deeply condemned, and seem to complain, that I am accountable. Being now under fresh obligations to increase in knowledge and experience, to communicate, and do good, shall I make no return? Is all this offered to one so selfish and insensible, as to be incapable of estimating the favors of heaven, or of attaining from the bestowment any expansion of soul?

Yours, &c.

[blocks in formation]

General Plan of an institution forming at Malacca, under the superintend ence of the Rev. W. Milne..

I. The Name. The institution is to be designated, The Anglo-Chinese College. This appellation is thought more appropriate than Academy, School, or any other name, which occurred when the plan was originally formed.

II. The Object. The object of the College is the reciprocal cultivation of Chinese and European Literature. On the one hand, the Chinese language and literature will be made accessible to Europeans; and on the other hand, the English language with European literature and science will be made accessible to the Ultra-Ganges nations, who read Chinese. These nations are China, Cochin China, the Chinese Colonies in the eastern Archipelago, Loochoo, Corea, and Japan. It is hoped, that this course of proceeding will ultimately have a favorable influence on the peaceable diffusion of Christian principles, and the general civilization of the eastern hemisphere.

III. What the College will afford to Students. 1. The College will be furnished with an extensive Chinese library, and a collection of all such European books as bear upon its object; viz. Books of general literature and science, with such as treat of the language, history, manners, &c. of the nations above specified.

2. European Professors of the Chinese language, capable also of communicating European learning, and native Chinese Tutors. The European Professors will be Protestants.

3. Accommodations in the College for a limited number of students, at rates hereafter to be mentioned. Those students who maintain themselves, may, if they please, lodge in the town as is the case in Europe.

4. A fund will be formed for the maintenance of poor native students.

5. To European students the Chinese language will be taught, for such purposes as the students choose to apply it, to religion, to literature, or to commerce. 6. To native students the English language will be taught, geography, history, arithmetic, and such other branches of learning as time may afford; together with moral philosophy, Christian theology, and their own classics.

7. There is at the station an English and Chinese press, which literary stu-dents may avail themselves of, and it is intended to form a Botanic garden on the grounds of the College, to collect under one view, the tropical plants of the eastern Archipelago.

IV. Who will be admissible. Persons of any nation of Europe, or of the continent of America, belonging to any Christian communion, bringing with them respectable recommendation as to their moral habits and the objects they have in view, will be admitted. Persons from European universities, having travelling fellowships; Christian missionaries; and persons belonging to commercial companies, or attached to national Consuls, will be admitted.

Native youths of any of the above named countries, who either support themselves, or who may be maintained by Christian societies, or by private gentlemen, who wish to serve native youths by giving them an English education. These native youths shall not be required to profess the Christian religion, nor will they be compelled to attend Christian worship; they will, however, be invited to do so; and the good order of the institution will require their attendance on all lectures given publicly.

V. Continuance in the College. The period of continuance in the College must depend on circumstances to be arranged hereafter.



VI. Resources. The resources of the College will be fees, paid by Europeans or native students who maintain themselves, or are maintained by their patrons or friends, and voluntary contributions.

VII. Management. The management of the College and its funds to be placed in the hands of a Patron and Trustees.

Any small subscription from two dollars and upwards, to the general purposes of the Anglo-Chinese College, or to any particular part of the plan, will be thankfully received in behalf of the object by the Rev. W. Milne, Malacca; or by the Rev. Dr. Morrison, China,

In order to furnish full information to the public, respecting the progress made towards establishing the Anglo Chinese College, it is here mentioned, that there is already appropriated to it a piece of ground for the site of the College, originally granted by the Honorable Company's Penang Government, to be sanctioned by the Dutch authorities. One thousand pounds for the building, by the originator of the plan, and an annual subscription of one hundred pounds for five years. One hundred pounds towards the College Library, by Samuel Ball, Esq. A donation of 60% and an annual subscrip ion of 127. 10s. for four years, by J. Molony, Esq. A douation of 100%. by a friend to the cultivation of the Chinese language. T. C. Smith, Esq. 10.; subscription by Charles Magnial, Esq. 501; I. F. N. Daniel, Esq. 104.; Thomas Dent, Esq. 30.; I. Reeves, Esq. 201; C. Marjoribank, 254; W. S. Davidson, 1057; (one hundred guineas.) ́I. F. Robarts, 73. 108.; (seventy guineas.)


Our readers have been made acquainted with the character of Catharine Brown, a member of the school at Brainerd; and have sympathized with her in the affliction which she experienced, in being torn from a place so strongly endeared to her. An account of this separation, which took place Nov. 20, was inserted in our number for Jan. p. 45. The following letter was written by her, from her father's house, to Mr. and Mrs. Chamberlain, her instructors at Brainerd. We have the original in our possession; and have altered the grammar in two sentences only, but the sense in none. Let the reader bear in mind, that this young woman, when she joined the school, could only read in syllables of three letters; that she then knew nothing of God or duty, of Christ or salvation; and that she enjoyed the benefit of instruction for only fourteen or sixteen months. The letter was written from the overflowings of her own heart, when she was far removed from Christian society, and from intercourse with any person of a cultivated mind. We are happy to add, that she rejoined the school in February. We have not learned what produced this change in her father's plans, or how long she may be expected to stay.

Fort Deposit, Dec. 12, 1818.

My dearly beloved Brother and Sister Chamberlain,

I JUST sit down to address you with my pen. But is this all? Am I so soon called to bid you adieu, and see your faces no more in this world? O my beloved friends, you know not the love I bear to that blessed spot, where I have spent so many happy hours with you; but it is past, never to return.

Dear friends, I weep; my heart is full; tears flow from my eyes while I write; and why is it so? Do murmur? God forbid. Ought I not to praise the Lord for what I have received, and trust Him for every thing? O yes, his ways are best, and he has graciously promised that "all things shall work together for good to those that love him." But do I love him? have I that love to him, which will enable me to keep all his commandments? Do I love him with all my heart? O that the Lord would search me, and lead me in the way of eternal life.

Since I left you, I have led a very lonesome life, and not heard the Gospel preached but once; that is, when Father Hoyt was here, and Milo. They came here on Tuesday evening. I was sitting in my room, and heard a knocking at the door. I bid them come in; and who but brother Milo appeared. I inquired if any body was with him, He said his father was at the door. That rejoiced me very much, and I enjoyed very much while they were here. Blessed be God for sending them here to instruct us.

I am here amongst a wicked set of people, and never hear prayers, nor any godly conversation. O my dear friends, pray for me: I hope you do. There is not a day passes but I think of you, and the kindness I received during the time

I staid with you. It is not my wish to go to the Arkansaw; but God only knows what is best for me. I shall not attempt to tell you what I have felt since I left you, and the tears I have shed when I called to mind the happy moments we passed in singing the praises of God, However, I bear it as well as I possibly can, trusting in our dear Savior, who will never leave nor forsake them, that put their trust in him.

It may be possible, that I may see you once more; it would be a great happiness to me if I don't go to the Arkansaw; perhaps I may; but if I should go, it is not likely we shall meet in this world again:-but you will excuse me, for my heart feels what I cannot express with my pen. When I think and see the poor thoughtless Cherokees going on in sin, I cannot help blessing God, that he has led me in the right path to serve him.

Father will start to the Arkansaw about some time after Christmas; but, I am not certain that I shall go.

I thank you for your kind letters. Do write to me every opportunity.

I shall conclude with my love to all my brothers and sisters at Brainerd. Sister Flora, do kiss all the children for me. I shall expect letters from all the lit tle girls. O may we meet at last in the kingdom of our blessed Savior, never more to part. Farewell, my dear brother and sister, farewell.

From your affectionate sister in Christ,

Mrs. Flora Chamberlain,


The following letter was written by a native Cherokee woman, the first known convert to Christianity in that tribe, and a member of the church at Spring-place, under the care of the Rev. John Gambold. It was addressed to a gentleman at the seat of government, whose benevolent regard for the Indians was known to the writer, and whose official duty makes bim perpetually acquainted with the state of their affairs.

As to the letter itself, it needs no recommendation from us. The heart that is not touched by its simple and powerful eloquence would be unaffected by any thing which we could say. In copying the letter not a word was altered, omitted, inserted, or transposed.

"Honored Sir,

Mountjoy, Jan. 15, 1818. "You often write to my dear brother Gambold, and I hear that you are a true friend to the poor despised Indians. God bless and reward you for it; and grant you long life and happiness.

"Now, as my uncle, Ch. Hicks, is gone to Washington, to plead our cause before our dear father the President, and make our distresses known, I take the liberty to write this to you. I wish you to be on my uncle's side, if I dare ask this favor: for we, poor Indians, feel very much humbled.

I really know if our friends there with you knew our situation, they would sincerely pity us. Oh for the sake of God's love and mercy pity us! If we do not get help from that quarter, we are undone.

"Our neighboring white people seem to aim at our destruction. They have not the fear of God before their eyes; they seem not to believe in a Savior; they set wicked examples before the poor ignorant Indians; they insult our poor peaple, who bear it patiently. I cannot cease from weeping to our merciful Savior to shew mercy to us, and help from the hand of our oppressors. We are perLa suaded if our honored father the President could see our great distress into which we are brought, he would weep over us, he would pity us, he would help us. Yet we live far off from him and he cannot see us. Yet we constantly look from a distance to him for help, as poor helpless children look up to their Father, crying to have pity on them.

"Since I have experienced grace and mercy from my dear Savior, and have become truly happy in him and with his children, it is my constant prayer, that my whole dear nation might enjoy the same blessings that I enjoy.

"This grieves me more than I can tell, that at a time when there is a good prospect that many more will join the few, who have embraced Christianity, we shall be driven away from the land of our fathers, which is as dear to us as our own lives; from our improved farms, from our beloved teachers, into a land strange to us; yea, into savage life again. Dear Sir, I declare I would prefer death to such a life again.

"I am in hopes, and many more with me, that our beloved father the President will certainly help his poor children, when he hears from my uncle our distressed situation. Yes, God the father of all mankind will incline his heart to consider

our case and help us. Oh Sir, I implore you, for the sake of the dear crucified Savior, who shed his blood for the poor red, as well as white people, continue to be our friend. Pray for us; plead for us; and the blessings of those, who are ready to perish, will come upon you, and the great Judge of all flesh will, at the great day of retribution, remember your kindness to our poor people. "I take the liberty to subscribe myself your humble friend,"


Accompanying the donation of $100 from the Foreign Mission Society of Wiscasset, was a letter to a friend in this town, by whose permission we make the following extracts. It were desirable, that in a country so abundant in its resources as ours, the inhabitants of each district might discover the most successful methods of applying its natural advantages, and de voting some portion of its abundance to the great work of doing good.

"Dear Sir,

Wiscasset, Feb. 17, 1819. "We enclose through you our missionary tribute of 1818, to the Treasurer of the American Board, and a brief statement from our last Report accompanying it.

"I am quite sanguine, as you know, concerning these missionary sheep, and have been from the beginning. We are not in a favorable region for any considerable engagedness in such labors; but, notwithstanding the too general apathy in the cause of missions, and many misfortunes to our little flock, we have kept the Society alive, and are beginning to go on with it steadily. That much might be done, may now be proved from what we have done. Twenty farmers in the neighborhood of Wiscasset are now keeping, without charge to the Society, a missionary sheep; and they all appear to take pleasure in doing it. I doubt not we shall do better another year, as our plan and its operations are but just beginning to be known, even among our own people; and I suppose 30 more sheep might be kept as easily as these 20 are. Our mere subscription in money is so small, that were it not for this method of keeping sheep, connected with it, we should have no Society at all in this place, and of course no anniversary, no contribution. Even the money contributed and subscribed is, therefore, to be attributed to this. The case would be similar in other towns. A Society in any farming town, having 20 sheep kept gratuitously, would, by its anniversary contribution, and small money collections from individuals, raise half or quite as much more as its sheep produced, none of which would be collected without such or some similar measure.

"We have two sheep in Edgecomb, one in Woolwich; and we expect the latter town will soon have a society of its own for this purpose, which may do as well, or better, than we have done; as an agricultural town they are better able.”

Extract from the Report of the Trustees of the Foreign Mission Society of Wiscasset, for 1818.

"Balance in the treasury at the close of 1817,

Annual subscriptions during the year,

From missionary boxes kept at prayer meetings,

Donations and contributions after sermon at the annual meeting,

From sale of lambs raised and subscribed,

From sale of wool,

From sale of stock replaced by lambs,

Contingent expenses,

$41 92




$79 91

17 78

22 53

Paid for two sheep,

Forwarded to the Treasurer of the American Board,

Balance to be carried to a new account,

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

For the origin, plan, and earliest operations of this singular and very laudable association, see the Panoplist for March, 1816, vol. xii, p. 138.

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