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ed with unusual interest; and from that time the work increased more rapidly. It progressed, however, with most solemn stillness. Nothing was perceived, either of "the wind," or the "earthquake," or "the fire." Only the "still small voice," was heard. Yet, nothing could be more evident, than that the Lord was there. Many, very deeply impressed, and trembling in fearful apprehension of that awful doom, to which they saw themselves to be justly liable, were anxiously inquiring what they should do to be saved; while others, brought "out of darkness into marvellous light," were rejoicing in the salvation which the Lord had wrought for them.

In September, the work became more general, and continued greatly to increase for several weeks. Scarcely a day passed without bringing tidings of new instances of awakening, and of hopeful conversion. In that month, four persons who could not be present at the following communion season, on the first Sabbath in October, were admitted to the church; and on that day, 44 were added. This most solemn scene was evidently blessed to the awakening of others, who, hitherto, had been little affected with what the Lord had done before their eyes. The work had now extended, in a greater or less degree, into almost every part of the town. Religious meetings were multiplied, and old and young flocked together, to hear something concerning the way of salvation. From about the middle of October until the February following, I know not that a single evening passed, without some religious meeting in one part of the town or another; and not uncommonly there were two, or three, or four; and on Sabbath evenings six, or seven, or eight, each well attended by people in the neighborhood. Even little boys, from 15 years old, down to 10, or under, held their meetings for prayer, and other religious exercises. In all companies almost, the things of the kingdom of God commanded attention. In the store of the merchant, and in the shop of the mechanic, conversation readily turned upon religious subjects.-Men, women, and children, and persons of every various character, Cominon to mankind in an unrenewed state, were anxious to "flee from the wrath to come," and sought an hiding place from the impending storm. To formalists, and moralists, who were "alive without the law once, the commandment came, sin revived, and they died;" and, renouncing all dependence on their own righteousness, they fled to the blood of Jesus, for pardon and salvation.-The profane and impious blasphemer, trembling and astonished, in view of his own accumulated guilt, and of his Maker's forbearance, and long-suffering, and grace, was brought to cast down the weapons of his rebellion, and to exchange his oaths and curses, for the language of prayer and praise. The intemperate person, forsaking his cup, and wondering that there should be any way of salvation for one who had so debased himself by sin, fled "for refuge to the hope set before him," and learned to "draw water from the wells of salvation." The worldling, convinced that "riches profit not in the day of wrath," and that, "if any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him," was induced to let go his hold of the world, and to choose "that good part, which shall not be taken away."-The young, amazed at the eagerness with which they had pursued the vanities of the world, and wondering how they could ever think they found enjoyment in them, forsook the house of mirth, to take up the cross, and follow" Christ, and bore their testimony to the truth of what they once thought a chimera, that "the ways of wisdom are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace." Even little children, sensible that they were sinners, and needed an interest in the love of that blessed Savior, who said, "Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not," leaving their childish sports, took delight in reading their Bibles, in listening to religious instruction, and in the retired duties of the closet, and shouted "hosannas to the Son of David." Yes. and some aged sinners, too, having grown old in the rejection of the offers of the Gospel, mourning over a misspent life, and "clothed with humility," hopefully bowed, at last, at the feet of Jesus, and, with adoring gratitude, accepted that salvation, which they had so long, so obstinately, and so ungratefully refused,

The week preceding the first Sabbath in Dec. was, with us, a memorable week, and that Sabbath a memorable day. Three days of that week were devoted, by the church, and a numerous listening assembly, to hear the relations of candidates for admission; and on the Sabbath, 69 persons together, publicly confessed their Savior, and entered into solemn covenant with God, and with his people; 35 of whom were young men, and boys, from 24 down to 11 years of age. On

such an occasion, who could forbear to exclaim, with grateful admiration, "This is the Lord's doing; it is marvellous in our eyes.' ." Though the work still continued, new subjects of it now became less numerous. Yet, from that time, to the first Sabbath in August following, 74 were added; so that the whole number received, within one year, from Aug. 3, 1817, to Aug. 2, 1818, inclusive, was 205. Some have been received at every season of communion since; and the whole number is now 225.

It would protract this communication too much, to descend, minutely, to particular cases. But it may be proper to observe, in general, that, according to the relations given by the subjects of this work, the means by which they have been awakened from a state of carelessness and stupidity, have been very various; as have also the particular exercises of their minds, while under serious impressions, antecedently to their experiencing what they hoped was a saving change. All, however, seem to have been led to such a discovery of their wickedness, both of heart and life, as to produce a thorough conviction, that they deserved to be excluded forever from the favor of God; that, in themselves, they were utterly undone; and that their only hope was in the mercy and grace of that God, against whom they had so grievously sinned, through the atonement of his beloved Son, "the Lamb of God, who taketh away the sin of the world." In stating those exercises of their minds, which have induced them to hope that they had "passed from death unto life," they have expressed their belief in the ability and readiness of the Lord Jesus Christ "to save unto the uttermost, all who come unto God by him;" cordial affection for this precious Savior; love to God, as a Being of infinite perfection, delight in his holy law, and joy in his absolute and universal government; abhorrence of sin, as being contrary to the nature of this holy God, with a desire to be delivered from this evil and bitter thing; great pleasure in reading the Holy Scriptures, in attending to religious instruction, and in the duty of prayer; peculiar affection for the followers of Christ; and earnest desires to be enabled to walk in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord," with a sense of their entire dependence on the power and grace of God, to keep them from falling, and to lead them in the way of righteousness and peace.

[Here a particular account is given of the various classes of persons, who were subjects of the work. There were 101 males, and 124 females. The oldest person admitted was 65 years old; the youngest a little girl in her ninth year. More than half the whole number had never been baptized.]

The following facts appear to be too remarkable, and too interesting, to be excluded from this narrative. We have, residing here, a venerable saint, a widow, four score and nine years of age, who has been a professed disciple of Christ, and apparently walking closely with God, more than 75 years. No one, probably, has been more engaged and importunate at the throne of grace, for a revival of religion, and for the salvation of her beloved descendants, and of all this people, than this "mother in Israel;" and there is reason to believe, that her prayers have been remarkably answered, in blessings of grace bestowed on her immediate connexions. Among those who have made a public profession in this precious season, she numbers one son, one son's widow, two sons' wives, 16 grand-children, eight husbands and wives of grand-children, and ten great-grand-children; 38 in all; comprising a majority of all her descendants, residing in this town, who were not already professors, and who have attained to the age of ten years. Her other children, and some grand-children, were professors before. In view of this display of divine grace, her language is, "Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace; for mine eyes have seen thy salvation!" And she now appears just on the wing for the world of glory. Ye mothers, think what blessings you may draw upon your children, and your children's children!

It is remarkable, that not a single hopeful subject of this work of grace, who might before be considered as belonging to the Congregational Society in this town, has manifested any disposition to unite with any other denomination; while a number, whose connexions belong to other denominations, have come and united with us. A number too, who theinselves could not be satisfied with any other mode of baptism than immersion, have yet chosen to become members of this church, as they could not assent to the sentiments of the Baptists, on the subject of communion. This church has ever opened its doors to all who exhibit evidence that they "love the Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity:" and we think we now

perceive reason to rejoice, that we have been led to adopt this only scriptural term of Christian fellowship. May the time soon come, when it shall be adopted by all the churches of Christ. Then will all who truly love the Lord Jesus, know better than they have known for a long season, "how good, and how pleasant it is, for brethren to dwell together in unity."

The Lord has chosen such a time for this display of his grace, that all possibility of ascribing it to any alarm, produced by adverse dispensations of his Providence, is utterly precluded. In former years, this people had been involved in no little affliction; but without any such effect-Particularly, distressing sickness had repeatedly prevailed, and deaths had been multiplied. But, whenever the Lord had laid his chastening rod upon us, there was too much reason to adopt the language of the prophet, "For all this his anger is not turned away, but his hand is stretched out still. For the people turneth not unto him that smiteth them, neither do they seek the Lord." Yet he spared us "according to the greatness of his mercy;" and this work of grace has been effected in a time of unusual health, and temporal prosperity. Indeed, such were all the circumstances under which this glorious work commenced and progressed, that it could no more be reason ably ascribed to any thing short of the power and grace of God, than could the deliverance of Israel from the bondage of Egypt. Accordingly, it has been almost universally confessed here, that it must be "the finger of God." The voice of open opposition has scarcely been heard.

An increased disposition to contribute, not only for the support of the Gospel ministry in this town; but to aid those benevolent institutions, whose object it is to extend the blessings of the Gospel through our guilty world, may be noticed as one fruit of this revival. More than two hundred dollars were collected among this people, of members of Bible and Missionary Societies, and by contriLutions to such Societies, in the course of the last year; ten dollars of which was given by an individual female, to constitute the Pastor a member for life of the Vermont Missionary Society; and thirty dollars by a number of females, to constitute him a member for life of the American Bible Society; which he avails himself of this opportunity publicly and most thankfully to acknowledge. A subscription has also been recently opened, for the purpose of assisting some hopefully pious young man, or men, in obtaining an education for the ministry, and the prospect is, that nearly two hundred dollars will be subscribed, to be paid annually. This is indeed little, compared with what may be expected from congregations of no more than equal ability, when Christians shall all duly realize their obligations to cause the Gospel to be preached "to every creature." It is less, no doubt, than some others have already done. Yet, would all Christian congregations do as much as this, in proportion to their ability, the means of spreading the blessings of the Gospel "into all the world," would certainly be very greatly increased. It must not be understood, however, that all that is done to promote this glorious object, among this people, is done by professors of religion. No; the Lord is pleased to open the hearts of many others, so that, in this sort of liberality, they are scarcely a whit behind professors. May He also, yet bless them with the joys of that salvation, which they are instrumental in sending to others, "who are ready to perish."

It must be observed, moreover, that a very favorable change has been effected in the habits and morals of the people at large. The tavern is not now, as formerly, a place of common resort. The gaming table is forsaken. Profane language is, comparatively, but little heard. Before the revival, the young people were much attached to balls, and other similar amusements; but now it is more than two years since any thing like a ball has been seen in Peacham.

In view of all these things, the friends of the Redeemer and his precious cause, #have abundant reason to say, "When the Lord turned the captivity of Zion, we were like them that dream. Then was our mouth filled with laughter, and our tongue with singing. The Lord hath done great things for us, whereof we are glad." "O that men would praise the Lord for his goodness, and for his wonderful works, to the children of men! And let them sacrifice the sacrifices of thanksgiving, and declare his works with rejoicing."

It will be strange indeed, if among the goodly number who have named the name of Christ, in this revival, there should not be any whose "root shall be as rottenness," and "whose blossoms shall go up as dust." But we have reason to bless the Lord, that, hitherto, no known instance of apostasy has occurred among



the professors; and that, at present, a good degree of harmony and brotherly love prevail in this pretty numerous church, consisting now of more than 300 members. We have, however, reason to lament that it is not now with us, "as in months past." It is now seldom that we hear of any new instance of awakening, or of hopeful conversion. Some, who did indulge a hope, now make it too manifest that they were among those who received the seed into stony places.' It must be confessed, too, that Christians are far less engaged, and that "hosannas languish on our tongues." We have much cause to mourn over our ingratitude, and that we have done so much to grieve the Holy Spirit of God, whereby" we hope so many have been "sealed unto the day of redemption." Many too, still "neglect this great salvation," and are walking on in the way of death. We have, therefore, much reason to humble ourselves before God, and to beseech him that he would arise again, and have mercy upon us. We should fervently pray, and O that all our Christian brethren would unite with us in praying, that the Lord would turn again our captivity, as the streams in the south." "Turn us again, O Lord God of hosts; cause thy face to shine, and we shall be saved.” Peacham, March, 1819. LEONARD WORCESTER.


FROM a letter of the Rev. Edward Rossiter, dated Adams, Jefferson County, N. Y. and published in the Recorder, we extract the following. After mentioning the situation of the country previous to the late war, and the demoralizing effects of that war, Mr. R. continues,

"The church which experienced that time of refreshing from the presence of the Lord, of which I now write, was organized Nov. 15, 1809; and at that time consisted of 13 members. At one time it was reduced to 9, but at the commencement of 1817, it consisted of 23 members." After mentioning the low state of religious affections among the people at large, and the destitute condition of the church without a pastor, he observes, “A general and alarming unconcern on the subject of religion prevailed among Christians, and among the impenitent, until Aug. 1816, when at a meeting of the church a new spirit seemed to rest upon them, and they began to feel that something must be done. They accordingly obtained the Rev. David Spear to preach to them one third part of the time; and before this engagement had expired he was employed to preach one half of the time for a year. Early in the spring of 1817, under the labors of this excellent and faithful servant of Jesus, the spirit of God commenced its blessed operations. At first, two or three individuals in a distant part of the society were excited to attend to the concerns of their souls. Information concerning these two or three spread very rapidly into all parts of the society, and the influences of the Spirit appeared to extend almost as fast as the information. From this time, the work became more and more powerful. Religion became the subject of conversation, and of meditation. What shall I do to be saved,' was the anxious inquiry in almost every family, and the same solemn question was repeated in nearly all places. Individual Christians who were present, and engaged in this most interesting scene, confirmed the truth of the remark, that very frequent attendance upon religious meetings, in a time of special revival, does not in the least impede the business of the farmer and mechanic."

In continuation it is said, "the work was so evidently of God, as in some in stances to be effected almost without human instrumentality; that where means were employed, these were the plain and faithful preaching of what are called the doctrines of grace; that some of all ages from 9 to 80 have been brought to repentance; that the number of those who have united with the church abovementioned is 90, and to the Baptist church 30; all of whom, amounting to 120, are considered the subjects of this work.

Mr. Rossiter began to labor among this people in May, 1818; was installed as their pastor on the 11th of Nov. last, about which time seven persons were made the hopeful subjects of renewing grace. In another society in the same town, 50 or 60 have been converted, as is hoped, during the winter past. The cause of religion in that section of the country, is mentioned, both by Mr. Rossiter, and others, as constantly advancing.


Extracts from the Journal of the Missionaries at Eimeo.

July 28, 1817.-Held our usual meeting this evening. A great number of the natives were present, Various questions were proposed and answered, particularly on the duty of performing works of necessity on the Sabbath day, Twỏ late occurrences gave rise to these inquiries; one of them was the illness of Pomare Vahine. It was inquired whether, in the case of extreme illness, it would be lawful to send for relations or friends from a distance, or to dispatch a canoe for that purpose to another island. The other circumstance was as follows:-A man of Taiarabu had a canoe lying on the beach. The tide flowing higher than usual one Sabbath day, the canoe went adrift. A native who observed it, ran and told the owner of the canoe, who replied that it was the Sabbath day, and that he therefore thought it would be sinful for him to secure the canoe. The consequence was, that the canoe was lost. Brother Davies took this opportunity of explaining to the natives present. the difference between works of ordinary labor and those of necessity and mercy; and told them, with respect to the man in Taiarabu, that although his motive was good, he was mistaken as to the point of duty, and that he ought to have secured his canoe.

Aug. 4.-The place of worship being too small for the usual congregation, has lately been enlarged. It is now 64 feet by 22, yet it was filled to-day, and several stood on the outside. There must have been at least 600 persons present, whose attention was very encouraging, Brother Davies had some interesting conversation with Tino, who was formerly a famous prophet, and an enemy to the missionaries and their religion. Tino spoke his mind freely; confessed what a wicked man he had formerly been; and acknowledged the goodness of God in sparing him and giving him to know his word.

12. This morning a Paumotuan, a native of the island of Anna, called Teaufati, came to Brother Davies to ask his advice. He said that he had heard by means of men on board Captain Walker's vessel, that Moorea, mentioned in our Journal of April 22, and those who went with him had been diligently employed in teaching their idolatrous countrymen what they knew of the word of the true God, and with such success that the whole of the island of Anna had renounced heathenism, except one district, of which Moorea was a native. Teaufati expressed a strong desire to go and teach his countrymen. This man has attended brother Davies a long while as a scholar, can read and spell, knows his catechism, and has conducted himself with propriety ever since he has made a profession of Christianity.

Sept. 8-After dismissing the school this afternoon, brother Davies attended the funeral of a man from Paa, in Otaheite, who had been brought over here to receive medical advice. A considerable number of people attended, whom brother Davies addressed at the grave, and concluded as usual with prayer, The natives universally expect religious services on occasion of the interment of those among them who have professed Christianity. When funerals occur at a distance from the missionary stations, one of the natives usually prays at the grave. These occasions present excellent opportunities for impressing upon their minds many solemn truths; and it seems to be well understood among them every where, that these services are intended for the living and not for the dead, Extract of a Letter from Mr. Ellis to Mr. J. B. Moor, Eimeo, Dec. 4, 1817. THINGS are going on well here. We have printed 7,000 copies of different kinds of school-books; have finished the first sheet of Luke (24 pages) of which we intend to take off 3.000 copies. Several hundreds of the natives have learned to read since the spelling books have been printed. Some thousands are now waiting for the publication of Luke's Gospel. Canoes are frequently arriving from various parts, with persons whose business is to inquire when the books will be ready; and an increasing desire to become acquainted with the word of God, powerfully pervades the minds of the people.

I work seven or eight hours most days, at printing: it is warm work here: hut thanks be to God, who has condescended to engage me in so useful an employment, as that of assisting to prepare the word of God for a people so anxious to receive it,

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